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One husky household?


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Does anyone own only one husky in their household? I know many people own more than one husky/dog companion and I know it is recommended to since they are pack animals. So I was wondering if any one only owns one dog - that is a husky.

How long would you leave him/her at home, and what age do they become independent? Ever since I got Odie I feel as though I can never go out doing teenager-y stuff anymore (shopping, movies, etc) because I'm too worried about her being alone and lonely (and destructive). I have no room for another dog - at least, not for another few years because I don't want my cats to throw more hissy fits. I'm getting a crate soon to start crate training her so I can feel reassured when I leave her (my mum is a housewife so she's not completely alone).

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I had my girl on her own with my cat for 2years she hated being alone I couldn't do anything for about 5-6months after I got her from the pound think she thought I was going to leave her. But she started to calm down after that still howled a bit when I went out only to jump on me when I walked in the door lol now that she is in a proper house she has free run I don't lock her up she sits in the window until I go out of sight then she does what ever she does (sleeps on my bed from what I can tell) lol I wouldn't know about the age part as when I got her she was about 1-2 I think depending on whether I go by her papers or the pound lol as for destructive the only thing she does is rip up the tissues if she can get to them haha not sure if that's much help :)

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How long would you leave him/her at home, and what age do they become independent? Ever since I got Odie I feel as though I can never go out doing teenager-y stuff anymore (shopping, movies, etc) because I'm too worried about her being alone and lonely (and destructive).

That will never change lol...In my case owning more than 1 has been harder, as in leaving them to go out, vactions, ect.... It's a full time job owning a Husky or dog in general...

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We're a 1 Malamute household :) We go to work every day and he is left alone for the whole time (un-crated too). We started this very early with him after spending the first 2 weeks at home with him and gradually going out for longer periods of time in the second week. The most damage he has done is chew the doorframe to the kitchen when he was teething. Our neighbour works shifts and tells us he has never heard a peep out of him when we're gone and most days when we get home he is laid on his back in the hallway fast asleep :) I agree with ICE & SHADOW, owning any number of dogs is a full time job in itself and you have to be realistic with what you feel you can cope with. I'm sure if we are all honest we'd love to have huge packs of these fluffy bunnies but sometimes it's just not possible :(

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We're the same. Although technically they're better left with another dog than alone, you just end up worrying the same as if you left one not four. Plus if they get bored they all amuse themselves so it's four times the trouble they get into lol

I rarely go anywhere longer than 2 hours and when at all possible take them with me

Edited by Povodny
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We only have one husky, we don't ever leave Naya alone for more than about 4 hours to be fair.

She has the conservatory + crate to herself, when she's sees us all get ready to go out she'll just usually take herself off to her crate and lay down. Sometimes she needs a bit of convincing (bribing with a treat)

She can't have the run of the house because she'll wreck it in 4 minutes let alone 4 hours.

A long walk/run before leaving a husky might help. Naya is usually asleep when we come home :)

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Niko was our only Husky until about two weeks ago. XD Niko is crate trained and can be left home for hours at a time. He is never left out of the crate while we're gone. He also has separation anxiety and will attempt escapes the entire time we're gone. Had to reinforce the crate with zip ties. I'm sure he makes noise too, but he's always quiet as soon as we pull into the driveway. Smart bugger.

We tend to take him with us if we can when we go places though. Figure there's no sense in leaving him home where he's only stressing himself when he rides so perfectly in a car and is well behaved in public.

Anyway, I might have missed the initial point of the question. :P But that's my input.

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Niko was our only Husky until about two weeks ago. XD Niko is crate trained and can be left home for hours at a time. He is never left out of the crate while we're gone. He also has separation anxiety and will attempt escapes the entire time we're gone. Had to reinforce the crate with zip ties. I'm sure he makes noise too, but he's always quiet as soon as we pull into the driveway. Smart bugger.

We tend to take him with us if we can when we go places though. Figure there's no sense in leaving him home where he's only stressing himself when he rides so perfectly in a car and is well behaved in public.

Anyway, I might have missed the initial point of the question. :P But that's my input.

We tend to take Kodiak with us most places nowadays when we go out too :) As well as it being great socialisation for him it makes him sleepy :D And he loves all of the attention, although people aren't used to being 'wooed' at and sometimes give him a wide berth! He just loves to chat to people :D

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We tend to take Kodiak with us most places nowadays when we go out too :) As well as it being great socialisation for him it makes him sleepy :D And he loves all of the attention, although people aren't used to being 'wooed' at and sometimes give him a wide berth! He just loves to chat to people :D

XD Yeah. Gotta love a worn out dog. <3 Unless you're trying to play, in which case, NEVER ENDING ENERGY! Hahahaha. Niko fluffs out when he's excited, it scares the hell out of people, but he couldn't hurt a fly. Well.... he killed a rat, and a scorpion, but you know what I mean. :P

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XD Yeah. Gotta love a worn out dog. <3 Unless you're trying to play, in which case, NEVER ENDING ENERGY! Hahahaha. Niko fluffs out when he's excited, it scares the hell out of people, but he couldn't hurt a fly. Well.... he killed a rat, and a scorpion, but you know what I mean. :P

In the grand scheme of things I'm sure we can forgive a rat and a scorpion :rofl:

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oh wow thank you so much for your input. I was just curious because I'm free until March and then I start my university course (a class varies between 1 - 3 hours). Not to mention travel time also to get there T.T

At the moment I was advised not to take her out yet because she's only 7 weeks and hasn't conpleted her round of vaccinations so I've been geting her to run circles in the backyard to tire her outto get her to sleep

Edited by Alodia
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oh wow thank you so much for your input. I was just curious because I'm free until March and then I start my university course (a class varies between 1 - 3 hours). Not to mention travel time also to get there T.T

At the moment I was advised not to take her out yet because she's only 7 weeks and hasn't conpleted her round of vaccinations so I've been geting her to run circles in the backyard to tire her outto get her to sleep

Yeah that wait before they have all of their jabs is a killer :S See how you fare when she's fully vaccinated and has met some other dogs. You'll have to post some pics of her running around the garden :D

im glad you posted this thread, we only have cloud, am tempted to get another. he loves other dogs, xxx

Kodiak loves other dogs too but we sadly don't have room for another at the mo with Kodiak being so huge! Couldn't imagine 2 of him running around the house :jawdrop:

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Phoenix has been an only dog for most of the time I have had him. He is not destructive, he is crate trained but I don't use it. He is more than happy to curl up and sleep all day until it is time for going for a run or doing zoomies.

I got lucky, I often wonder if he is a real Husky from all the stories I read on here. He is just a very laid back dog. However since we got back (after a year and a few months away) we have been hesitant to leave him alone when we all go out of the house. I don't want him to think that I am not going to be coming back again. He is always near me when I can help it. But when he is left alone, he doesn't seem to freak out too much, I have had no reports of howling like he used to when I first got him four years ago.

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Cally is an only dog at home lol. She was started on crate training when she was a pup but it wasn't reinforced because I didn't live at my boyfriends with her so she was just left out to wander on her own when we first got her. She is a year old now and she still has free roam of the whole house and she has never gotten into anything and she is perfectly content to just lay on her bed or the couch or floor until we get home. As much as I would love to get another dog for her, at the moment it is just not within our budget. Eventually we will lol. I live with her now in my boyfriends parents home and one of us is 98% of the time home with her, whether that be us or his parents but when we are not we try to only leave her maximum 3-4 hours and then we will stop or have someone stop in to give her a potty break- these are the very rare times when we are out more than 3 hours and the whole family goes (Christmas parties, dinner etc.)

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We tend to take Kodiak with us most places nowadays when we go out too :) As well as it being great socialisation for him it makes him sleepy :D And he loves all of the attention, although people aren't used to being 'wooed' at and sometimes give him a wide berth! He just loves to chat to people :D

I also want to take Odie with me everywhere I go as well (of course if it is permitted and if I prevail in my campaign to train the girl). I'm enrolling into puppy preschool in February at my local veterinary (if not for obedience then at least for socialisation with other pups) so I'll see how I go.

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Suka is the only dog here. He's got SA (separation anxiety), though, so maybe he's not the best example of a stable stay-at-home dog.

Because my Dad's against crate training (its his house & he pays the vet bills...), we're forced to take him where-ever we go. For errands, little things, etc. When we can't take him with us (too hot outside or its just not possible because he'd be in the car for literally the whole day) I take him to a dog daycare place. We have several on-call that we use, and they've come in handy when there is nowhere else to put him.

He (Suka) seems really happy with this arrangement - he doesn't freak out in the car because he knows we'll always come back. This is the arrangement that works for us, too. Although, to admit, its stressful during the summer when you don't know how long to leave him in the car when its hot out (my 10 minute rule vs my Dad's 30 minute rule)...we always try to find a tree to park under so he'll have shade. And, worst case, if we can't find any place to dogsit him, we just stay home if its really hot (or one of us stays home to dogsit him ourselves.)

Edited by SolitaryHowl
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Storm had seperation anxiety with his previous owners - one of the reasons they got rid. However, with Holly as company, we have left him up to 9 hours with no problem once or twice, and he just sleeps while we're out on one of the leather chairs!!!

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Owning huskies is like having kids, you'll always worry. I can leave my pack, safely, for about 4 hours tops on their own, although the pups and the rescue are all crated. The other 2, Nina and Sasha can be left out all day if I needed them to be as their favourite pastime is sleeping. They are so laid back it beggars belief and they never ever try to destroy anything. Having said this, all the time I'm away from them is worry time until I get back and know they are safe.


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We've only one husky. We've somewhat dealth with the separation anxiety, and he's no longer talking to himself when alone I think. Going out to cinema etc, nah :D. I refuse to go to parties or on holiday, or I postpone my home visits.

I would love to get another one (already picked one in rescue) but bf doesn't want to and I'm sort of being whimsical. I know Ghost would love a buddy but it's a little costlier and as I am studying and working part-time I can see that I have less time for Ghost, and what would it be like with 2 of them. .___.

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Polee will be 7 next month and for the majority of her life has been an only dog who only had issues with SA when she was crated so I stopped using the crate and she;s fine. Although I work from home I've thought for sometime now that she should have a canine companion and her little brother will be ready to come home in 2 weeks

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Kodi is 4 and he has been an only dog all 4 years, we can leave him alone in the house no problem (apart from him throwing his food out of the bowl)

It would be nice to get a second but I don't think things would be any different really, as someone said before... It's twice the trouble lol

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Does anyone own only one husky in their household? I know many people own more than one husky/dog companion and I know it is recommended to since they are pack animals. So I was wondering if any one only owns one dog - that is a husky.

How long would you leave him/her at home, and what age do they become independent? Ever since I got Odie I feel as though I can never go out doing teenager-y stuff anymore (shopping, movies, etc) because I'm too worried about her being alone and lonely (and destructive). I have no room for another dog - at least, not for another few years because I don't want my cats to throw more hissy fits. I'm getting a crate soon to start crate training her so I can feel reassured when I leave her (my mum is a housewife so she's not completely alone).

My first was an only husky for 15 plus years. After he passed, I purchased my precious Omryn, who is also an only husky. The first thing I did was crate training. Now 2 1/2 years old, she stays at home three days a week, four hours at a time in her crate. My OH is able to go home each noon and let her out. I'm home three days a week and on those days, she goes everywhere with me. I'm a newspaper editor and one day a week she goes to the office with me.

While she was provided with complete run of the house after a year or so, she still prefers her crate while I'm away.

Being an only husky hasn't made her anxious, destructive, or anything but content. She is quite happy to spend time in her crate and when she isn't, she has the company of our cat during the day while we are away. She understands that the cat is mine and must be left in tact!

She's a rather spoiled girl and knows that my world revolves around her, she's trained me to do everything she needs!

I would like to get a second, and I believe it would be good for her (once she figures out that she is still the center of my world.)

For some of us, having one husky is our only option. I would bet that Ryn would agree that being an only husky isn't a bad thing - in fact, I'm willing to guess that she would bet her favorite toys and treats on it!

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Luka was fine at home by himself. He was my only dog until about 2 months ago. It did completely change my lifestyle when i got him though. I no longer go out all night long and leave him crated, i'd feel too guilty. He's a commitment that's for sure.

He's done great with Knox and they LOVE eachother. I think it keeps them entertained when i'm gone. Even though they're both crated they can look at eachother. Luka is still fine if i have to leave him at home and take Knox somewhere. Know on the other hand, not so much.

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