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Hello from Michigan!


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Hi All!!

I have been the proud owner of Huskies since 2008, with Diesel being my first and Max being my second. (Diesel Denali and Duramax Maximus...funny thing is my Husbands name is Axel ;) )


I have just now found this forum, took me long enough, eh?

So here's our story:

I got Diesel as a puppy, before I met my husband...actually 2 weeks before I met him. Diesel was nameless... Axel (my hubs) was over my parents house where I was currently living and I was doing college homework...my father and Axel were brainstorming names. I wanted it to be a D name. Something that would sound strong and be easy to say when I was correcting or disciplining him. And then the News came on and talked about gas prices and how diesel fuel was on the rise. There was his name. Diesel.

Diesel was a single dog, Axel and I rented a house out in the country together and Diesel was spoiled rotten. He is a very smart dog...slept in his kennel crate without the door being closed, didn't chew on furniture, never went potty in the house, never begged for food. He went everywhere with us. My husband had a show-truck, so we were always going to car & truck shows together.

In March of 2009, I saw an ad on Craigslist for a Free to Good Home Husky. He was pure white with piercing blue eyes. He was Free to a good home because owners at the time had to move out of their apartment or something silly like that and they were going to give him to the pound if he wasn't claimed by new owners...he was 20 weeks old. So...after batting my eyes at Axel a few thousand times, he took me to get him. We brought him home and gave him the name of Duramax Maximus (even though we can't stand Duramax engines...) so now we have Duramax and Diesel. They became best friends. My husband built them a very large (20x40) outside kennel under shade trees on the side of the garage..they had a door they could come inside the garage and go outside whenever they pleased. (That was one of the stipulations of having 2 dogs...they had to stay outside in the garage/kennel). Mind you, they got to go for walks every day, and plenty of attention.

Max was quiet...he never barked at people. He was afraid of men at first...especially if they wore uniforms or ball caps. Then, he became my husbands best friend. Max howled at passing trains (at the back of our property are train tracks)...every single train...."HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL". Diesel never howled at trains...he just talks your ear off. Max never listened. He'd sit, then be off doing something else. He ran into things...he was goofy...but something was never right...and the vet could never figure it out.

Last Friday (the 11th) we lost Max. It's a very long, sad story...

So, Diesel is now back inside the house, being babied. It's like he never left the house. He doesn't get on furniture, he doesn't run through the house, he goes in his kennel when it's bed time, he doesn't go potty inside... he has all his manners. He sits, shakes (with both paws), lays down, plays dead, stays, comes, etc.

He, surprisingly, doesn't even bother the cat we adopted after Max and Diesel became outdoor dogs. He just lays on the floor and watches her strutt around the house. :) He still plays and talks your ear off and follows you around. He LOOOOOVES watching my husband cook. Still doesn't beg for food.

So, I am here for support, for laughs, for funny stories, for learning more than I know, for making new friends ( I am a stay-at-home-wife). I think I am through the grieving process... but I know that Max didn't live long on this earth, he was only 4, but those 4 years were long enough to touch my heart and teach me things I didn't know about myself. He definitely taught me that there is no possible way to walk through the yard without peeing on every single tree... or that white dogs are impossible to keep clean... or that vehicle windows MUST be licked... or that chickens taste better when they are on the other side of the yard... or that all mudholes must be thoroughly inspected...

I look forward to meeting all of you. And sorry my introduction was so long...

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Thanks for the welcomes :)

We took Max in to the vet because we found him having a seizures Friday afternoon. He wasn't responding to us, couldn't hold himself up, and he was blind. The vet thinks it was a brain tumor or something else wrong neurologically. His seizures were 15-45 minutes apart and couldn't be taken out of sedation without having a seizure. He wasn't poisoned, didn't eat something funny, and didn't have any kind of sickness. I think there had been something wrong with him for a long, long time, and it just reached it's boiling point. He's at peace now :)


This is Max


This is Diesel


And them together. This was on our Christmas card a couple years ago ;)

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This sounds like our rescue dog that we have here. She is partially blind, no peripheral vision, keeps bumping into things. She was beaten, shut in a cupboard under the stairs and when she didn't go in they slammed the door on her, breaking her tail. When they could be bothered to take her out for a walk they dragged her if she wouldn't walk and she has had 3 seizures, not sure what is causing them. We have gotten over most of her problems now but who knows what can happen. Our other dogs seem to know that there is something wrong with her and pick on her a lot but she takes it in her stride and acts as if they are playing with her. We have the advantage that we know about her previous life, whereas, from what your saying you knew nothing about Max's. He was certainly a good looking boy.


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This sounds like our rescue dog that we have here. She is partially blind, no peripheral vision, keeps bumping into things. She was beaten, shut in a cupboard under the stairs and when she didn't go in they slammed the door on her, breaking her tail. When they could be bothered to take her out for a walk they dragged her if she wouldn't walk and she has had 3 seizures, not sure what is causing them. We have gotten over most of her problems now but who knows what can happen. Our other dogs seem to know that there is something wrong with her and pick on her a lot but she takes it in her stride and acts as if they are playing with her. We have the advantage that we know about her previous life, whereas, from what your saying you knew nothing about Max's. He was certainly a good looking boy.


We think Max was beaten before we got him. He didn't like guys, deep voices, guys with hats on, and certainly didn't like the fact that my husband wore a uniform. He cowered a lot. I am not one to judge people, but the guy that was the boyfriend of the lady who gave him to me, looked pretty shady.

Max had had 5 seizures at the vets, and 2 that we KNOW of at home (who knows how many he had outside that morning/night). And this was in one day... we thought maybe the ONE that we saw was a fluke and that it would be something we could handle with medication. And Diesel knew there was something wrong, he was at the other end of the kennel...and the neighbor's horses were neighing and pacing while he was having his seizure.

Max was a very pretty boy...his blue eyes were so beautiful.

And it baffles me that people can be so mean and cruel to animals. My husbands mother and father own a farm, and they have 30+ barn cats and people all the time dump their unwanted cats there...a lot of times with broken bones or diseases. Makes me sad :( If I had a bigger house and an unlimited income, I'd take in animals.

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