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A Low Energy Husky?!


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We got Keeta, who's 4yrs old, a week or so ago. I know she's still settling into a new home, and she seems to be doing that pretty well as far as adopting us as her new pack, but she also seems quite low energy and I'm wondering if in fact we're doing something wrong. Not that I mind whether she is low or high energy of course, I just want to make sure we're doing right by her.

She gets walked every day for varying lengths of time but never pesters for a walk or to go for longer.

She spends a lot of time curled up dozing on her rug, although she does get up and wander over to us for attention (which she gets). Then generally she will wander off and lie down again. At the moment she only has 1 toy - a rubber chewy bone thingy which was a gift from a friend - which she pays little attention to but I do have a kong and some kong biscuits and a couple of other things on order for her. She doesn't chew or exhibit any destructive behaviour.

I'm not sure how much access she had to toys at her previous home so I'm wondering if she doesn't really understand the concept of playing with them? Also her previous owners were an old couple who weren't able to walk her a lot (hence they rehomed her) so I wonder if she's just gotten used to being quiet. I don't mind if she's a quiet girl or a bouncy flouncy husky stereotype as we had prepared for the latter - either is absolutely fine.

Sorry for such a long post, I just wondered if anyone could offer an experienced opinion on whether there's more I should be doing to help her settle in and keep her amused and happy? Also, she is unspayed and the vet thought she might be just coming in or out of season so maybe that's making her a bit quiet? Sorry if I sound completely inexperienced!

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Huskies under the right conditions are high energy dogs.

That means that they can expend huge amounts of energy over great distances.

However. . . . 

It doesn't mean that they are high energy all the time.

They enjoy lolling around doing bugger all just as much.




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This sounds very similar to my rescue girl Raya !! She is about 4 yrs old too and in the house is quite inactive. She has a number of toys which she now likes to play with but only for 5-10 mins at a time. When I first got her she had no idea what to do with a toy, knew no commands and was totally 'wild'... !! 


Raya is walked every day for varying lengths and seems quite content. The only difference I have noticed is that she now 'asks' me to go outside - we live in a ground floor flat and she 'ror rorrrs' which means she wants to go out for a widdle...she tends to laze around most of the time and likes to rest and snooze. (Unless there is food around then she sits in front of you staring...and drooling!)

She loves cuddles and attention and likes to lie on the sofa next to us or under my legs on the floor. She brings her toys over to me if she wants to play and is generally quite content. 


Raya is a different dog outside of the flat, but certainly indoors they sound very similar. Maybe Keeta is still adjusting to where she is in the pack, what is OK and no OK and 'assessing' !!?? Try not to worry too much about her, though it's nice that you are taking such an interest in her welfare. Just like Keeta, Raya doesn't chew things or is destructive - except recently for one of my lipsticks ! (crazy hound). Have you tried playing with her - i.e, throwing/rolling a ball and then rewarding her if she goes to fetch it. I know this sounds like 'basic Fido' stuff and some huskies are likely to get bored very quickly with this,but worth a start. There is a chance that she just isn't used to playing and has grown into the habit of being more sedentary. 


I am not an expert on huskies at all by any means ! I have had both a boy and a girl and they have very different personalities / likes etc. (I just have Raya now - my ex has the boy Saaba) One of the great things about the breed is the fact they are all so different in colour, shape, size and personality. Raya loves nothing more than to lie on the bed and have a cuddle, but other huskies love to bound around everywhere !!! I'm sure Keeta is fine - give her another week or two and if you think she may not be happy etc then speak to your vet. Maybe she would like to meet some other dogs for play time? 


Good luck with Keeta. She sounds sweet and what a lovely name !!! :D 

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It could be she's just adjusting, as my Ro was much like her at first too...keyword, "at first." Ro is a mix, and when I went to meet him, I swore I would not bring him home if he behaved more like a husky...I do not have the right personality for a husky, I felt I was being responsible by going in knowing this, but sometimes our precautions just aren't enough. Ro behaved very calm and relaxed for the whole half day we were there...I saw him both outside and inside, where he seemed so chill. All the other dogs were all over us, hyper and jumping, barking. I was even lured more to Ro for this reason...he'd just causally come up and lean into you, "hey there, let's hang." 


Get him home and for first month or two, he is still a perfect gent. Out on leash, walks, everything...mellow and calm. That changed, literally it was overnight. Just one day la la and then HELLO in huge bright, flashing neon colors. Saying that, inside the house...he is still quite mellow and spends most his day just laying around. Plays with toys here and there, etc.. He is a bit obnoxious when people visit, but it's more like 'ants in pants' sort of thing, he doesn't jump on them or anything...just bit overexcited. Outside he is crazy, it's like someone snuck him drugs just before I take him out. He is overstimulated, hyper and annoying. I have tried many training methods and in the end, I just gave up...I accepted Ro won't be my 'take everywhere' dog. We adjusted life where it works for both of us...he gets to go for his runs and I get to have some sanity during our time in the house. 


So give it some time, let her feel completely at home and see if things change then. It could be she is just a more mellow dog, no one says they have to follow the rules. ;)

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That sounds exactly like my boy, Suka. He was a rescue too, and I got him at 4 years old as well.

He's very quiet, low-energy, non-destructive, doesn't like to play with toys (well, except for furry squeaky toys, but he'll stop playing with it once the squeaker dies), and he spends the majority of the day sleeping on his mat...only coming to you to socialize when he wants something.


I think its just part of his personality, and I kinda love him for it. Lazy huskies are so rare!


When we first got him, he was absolutely fine with only one 1-1.5 hour walk a day, and if I accidentally missed a day (too busy or etc), he wouldn't bother me or be an annoyance, like he doesn't care. Now, he's fine with 50 minute walks, but I think that's because his arthritis bothers him if we go for any longer than that (it was diagnosed at 5 years old).


So, it could be your girl is a mellow husky too, or maybe she is still adjusting. It took mine 3ish weeks before he was comfortable with us.

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If "Husky" has to mean "high energy" then I don't know what I have. 

Sasha, rescue - at two-ish - is beginning to learn how to play.  She will ( finally!!!!!! ) let me know she wants out and will very occasionally come to get some attention.  The rest of the time she's just a rug - at the moment a very shaggy rug.

Avalanche, rescue - at 2 1/2 - knows how to play and will ( aggravates Sasha! ) but when I say enough, he's quite content to make like the counterpoint rug.

Outside, if I let them, they'll gladly pull me down the road, run as far as their leads will let them - but inside, nope, "Just laid back, Boss!"

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Thanks guys, that does put my mind at rest a bit. I guess she is still settling in and maybe she does just like to chill out on her rug in the house, or she is just a mellow girl generally. She is, as I type, fast asleep and dreaming lol. Either way she is ours and we love her to bits :)

Maybe she will show some interest in the new toys I ordered for her, especially the kong with the biscuits, but if not then there's no harm done. At least she will have the option if she gets bored. I'm planning on trying some clicker training with her too as she seems pretty smart and although she's not really motivated by her own food she definitely likes her treats!

Mr P thinks I'm over thinking it too much and not to worry and he is probably right. I think we read so much about what a high energy breed huskies are I wasn't expecting her to like just chilling!

Oh, and you guys have beautiful snoozy dogs :)

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Thanks guys, that does put my mind at rest a bit. I guess she is still settling in and maybe she does just like to chill out on her rug in the house, or she is just a mellow girl generally. She is, as I type, fast asleep and dreaming lol. Either way she is ours and we love her to bits :)

Maybe she will show some interest in the new toys I ordered for her, especially the kong with the biscuits, but if not then there's no harm done. At least she will have the option if she gets bored. I'm planning on trying some clicker training with her too as she seems pretty smart and although she's not really motivated by her own food she definitely likes her treats!

Mr P thinks I'm over thinking it too much and not to worry and he is probably right. I think we read so much about what a high energy breed huskies are I wasn't expecting her to like just chilling!

Oh, and you guys have beautiful snoozy dogs :)


I was surprised too when I brought my boy home - I was expecting a terror running through the house and I got the complete opposite - a dog that would rather sleep all day then go for a walk!


Oh, and my boy is very food driven (not so much with his food, but with treats.), so maybe your girl is too?

Also try getting a furry toy with a squeaker, my husky won't play with any other toys except for those. And it has to be furry, otherwise he sticks his nose up at it!


He didn't play at all when I got him at first, so I encouraged him to play by wiggling his beaver around on the ground (he still has it - replaceable squeakers!) while squeaking it. That seemed to catch his attention and he pounced on it!

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Just a few pics of Raya in her usual pose. She can usually be found resting on the sofa or on the bed..... 
Two of these pics are from husky camps - Raya went into the caravan, sniffed around, went straight into the bedroom, jumped on the bed and decided that that was a good time for a nap!!!   :rolleyes:
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I personally put it down to the nature of the dog. I have 2 dogs from the same litter, the first huskies we had, and they couldn't be any more different. Sasha the black and white is the pack leader and is on the go all day every day. Her sister, Nina, the Red and White just wants to lay in her bed all day. If I let all the others out into the run Nina holds back and then looks at me as if to say "Do I have to dad?". She never wants for anything except an occassional cuddle. We felt the same as you, are we doing right by her?, is there anything wrong with her?, but no. She has her regular vet checks and is right as rain, It's just her nature and the way she is. To be honest I wouldn't want to change her as she is the exception to the rule in our pack.




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I think some people here are mistaking the terminology. As I understand it, a 'Low energy' dog means the dog's level of energy is ALWAYS low at any given time (not only if they are inside), not only sometimes. They don't bug you for walks, they aren't destructive if they don't have a walk...they are perfectly content just sleeping the day away.


Siberians are generally classed as a high energy breed because they are 'high energy', they have a high amount of energy they need to burn a day. That means they require a lot of exercise, and if they don't get it, they will wreck stuff and/or race around your house to burn off said energy. A low energy dog doesn't have any excess energy like that to burn - they NEVER do.


That's not to say there aren't exceptions to the rule - Suka's a low energy dog even though he's a husky - but he's ALWAYS low energy, he isn't hyper and asking to go out for walks one minute and then lazing around the next. He's always lazing around, never asks for walks, never destroys things/etc when he doesn't get walks, etc.


Atleast, that's how I've always understood the 'high energy', 'medium energy', and 'low energy' breed traits.

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Panda inside, he's always sleeping or just laying around. He chews or plays with a toy here and there but no more than 10 mins at a time.

Once outside, never ending amount of energy. Probably just nothing that interests him inside the house. Panda can go a day or 2 with no walks just fine, but the 3rd day you will notice him walking around pacing, and not laying down like he usually does.

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Sasha most days will sleep most of the day until my partner comes home from work and she goes crazy and talks his ear off until he gives her a cuddle and throws her toy haha when she is outside she goes crazy running around with Dozer and playing until she's had enough and taps the door to come back in :)

This is where sasha is currently sleeping not a very good photo


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