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How Do You Wear Out Your Husky?


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I swear, this puppy has some secret stash of Red Bull that she isn't telling me about. She's still little so she's not supposed to walk for too long, but if I don't walk her she goes crazy inside jumping around and being generally disorderly.


We walk for 30 minutes in the morning (all on grass, no hard surfaces), then she runs around the yard like a chicken with its heat cut off for a good 15-20 minutes. Then we go inside and play with toys (which included lots of zooming around and pouncing and physical activity) for 20 minutes. Then lunchtime she gets 15 minutes of running around/walking outside. Then nighttime she gets another 15 minutes of walking, then playing with toys inside with dad, then another short walk before bedtime to pee and tire her out. Her total outside walking/running around time is close to 2 hours a day and she's only 10 weeks old! 


Good news is I've lost 3 pounds since we got her, but I'm a little worried about her energy level as a teen?! 


So what do you do to wear out (or exercise, if you prefer!) your doggie?

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All of my dogs are very rambuncsious like you are describing of your pup. I get up at 5 every morning when my fiance leaves for work and play with the pups till about 6 then they get fed and we all take a nap intill I have to get up at 7 to go to school. They then go outside for 30 minutes and run and play and get their parents awoken while i freshen up to leave. Then the adults go in their cages in the house and the pups run freely about their bedroom (also located in the house) When I come home at 3 I take them on a walk for 20 minutes then feed them. About 5 my fiance gets home and they are let outside to run and play till 6 while we eat supper. We then walk them for 15 minutes. Then they run around the house and bounce around like they dont get enough. They then eat again at 8 and are let outside for an hour after eating while we take our showers and clean the house. They are let back in about 9 and they are very wore out. I dont know if its from all the exercise we do with them or because of the time it is. I just know huskies are very energetic dogs and i dont think there is a way to stop it or slow it down. : ) Good luck though. And it seems to me like you are doing very great.

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I'm happy to do the exercise with her, and loving the health benefits for me, but it is definitely a lot of work!


How do you get cleaning/housework done? She is constantly underfoot and I feel bad locking her in her crate when I'm home since she's stuck in there while I'm at work. I need to teach her to mop!

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When I first got Diesel, he was 15 weeks old and I was living at my parents house at the time, and they had a dog the same size...so they wore each other out.


When I moved out with Diesel, he was about 8 months old and we would go for walks before I went to work and after I got home... he'd also entertain himself while I was cooking or cleaning with his rope toys, his chewies, or whatever... he even ate one of my pillar candles once....


When we got Max a few years ago, they wore each other out by playing constantly. Now that Max is gone, Diesel is older (he's 5) and isn't as hyper. He gets excited when it's dinner time or when new people come over, or when it is time to go for a walk... but mostly, he just cuddles all day with his toys or watches tv...or hangs out with the cat. He's pretty mellow.


Maybe you could get a couple baby gates to lock off certain parts of the house while you are cleaning? I clean by room, not the whole house at once. Lock her off from the kitchen while you cook or clean, or lock her out of the living room while you are cleaning...

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When Nikko was
that age it was very difficult to get anything done.  He wanted constant attention and would be
bouncing off the walls!    I could barely get dinner prepared!  It seriously got 10 times easier since I got
the second one!


As far as exercise, Nikko
gets 3 miles of walks a day (about an hour). 
One at 6:30am, one around 6pm, and 2 longer ½ hour walk before bed.  They are crated between 8am and noon, and
from 1pm until around 4pm. 
Besides those hours their time is spent playing, running around the
place, etc.

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Puppy Class..... Not only does it teach your dog basic commands and also helps you to be patient, but they also get puppy play time!!!! When we get home from puppy class Balto does NOT even want to really play or go for a walk because by then he just wants to eat, use the bathroom and then it is bedtime.


Other then that we just walk and walk and walk and play and play and play with him but that never seems to do the trick he still is wound up, like he is stashing red bull as well, but puppy classes or having play dates knocks him out EVERY time

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You know what wears out a husky good?  A second husky ;-)

That is very sound advice.  We have 3 pups on the go and 3 adults. We have found that the easiest way to wear them out is to put them out in their run all day.Once they are out there they just run and run and run. When they need a rest they have straw beds to lay on and then they run again. By the time they come in at night they are knackered..................Result. :yahoo:



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I think we've been very lucky with Kodiak. Although he is a Malamute and not necessarily as hyper as a Husky he has had his moments! He's on his own all day whilst we're both at work and has Kongs and lots of toys to keep him amused but we always come home to find him flat on his back upside down in the hallway asleep :rofl: He is walked for 30 mins before we go to work, then an hour when we get home, then usually another 2 half hours before bedtime. He usually puts himself to bed at around 9.30-10pm although before that he has been like the Duracell bunny, bouncing around the house wanting to play :D We've also heard that 2 are better than 1 but we have a lot going on this year and have to wait until we can add to the fur-kid clan.

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