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Is He Being Aggressive


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When my fiance and I come home, even if we were just gone 1 hour-6hours Balto will come out of his box with his ears down and plastered to his head. We find this really odd because the only time he does this is when we come home. He also jumps on us and gives us kisses and his tail is going 100 miles an hour. I have tried to do my own research but I have heard a lot of mixed reviews from he is going to bite beware to he is afraid to his is submitting. So I decided I would come here and ask other people who probably know more about huskies then I do. He will also plaster his ears to himself when we call him. We have never hit him or anything like that so we are not for sure why he would be afraid. Does any one else's huskies put their ears down on their head when greeting them? What does this mean?

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it sounds like my zeus he will also give a low growl but if you read about how a wolf will greet each other he  will do all the things you have pointed out. you need to get to know your dogs you need to know there moods but you must not be afraid of the dog or he my play on it, you must let him and show him that you are top dog in the pack and not him.  you eat first you go over the door first you have the toy last when you stop playing you have the last word  you need to let him know that you are number 1 in and out side the house.remember that a husky is a pack dog and you are his boss. 

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Oh dear!! You have a serious case of "your Husky loves you". Seek immediate help from a box of tissues because those kisses are going to be wet! This is absolutely nothing to worry about, and I suggest you NEVER revisit, let alone take advice from any sites that have told you otherwise. ENJOY :)

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Having her ears flat on her back one its own doesn't says much. It's always a combination of signs that will tell you how he feels. So if he's putting his ears flat AND is also wagging his tail that means he's just extremely exited to see someone :) If it were a wolf putting its ears back it would show submissive behaviour, but I'm not 100% convinced if that also applies for dogs.

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where did dogs come from ?  but as you have pointed out it is a combination of things that tell you what your dog is up to.The husky is a  happy dog 99.9% of the time but they do like to push it but not in a bad way they work and play hard but at the same time they love to be shown just as much love as they give..

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Having her ears flat on her back one its own doesn't says much. It's always a combination of signs that will tell you how he feels. So if he's putting his ears flat AND is also wagging his tail that means he's just extremely exited to see someone :) If it were a wolf putting its ears back it would show submissive behaviour, but I'm not 100% convinced if that also applies for dogs.


Like with dogs, you have to look at the complete body to interpret wolf body language. There are and could be subtle differences (ie: muzzle is wrinked in fear aggression, but it is smooth when the dog is being submissive) in their body language, so reading the whole body is key.

When I first got Suka, I kept on looking at his tail to figure out how he was feeling, but then I learned there's more to a dog's/wolf's body language than their tail!


I'm pretty sure wolf and dog body language is almost exactly the same??

Edited by SolitaryHowl
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Like with dogs, you have to look at the complete body to interpret wolf body language. There are and could be subtle differences (ie: muzzle is wrinked in fear aggression, but it is smooth when the dog is being submissive) in their body language, so reading the whole body is key.

When I first got Suka, I kept on looking at his tail to figure out how he was feeling, but then I learned there's more to a dog's/wolf's body language than their tail!


I'm pretty sure wolf and dog body language is almost exactly the same??


Wolves are much easier to read imo. Dogs, however, can show a whole range of mixed (or non-existent) signals that don't match up with the actions they do. This is very breed specific. Some dogs have a curly or short taila, some dogs have floppy ears, some dogs have fur covering their eyes, or simply no clear markings on their face like wolves have (makes their expression much clearer to see), etc. It are all little things that prevent them from properly communicating with other dogs, which is why dogs get into a fight much more easily: Because of miscommunication.

For example: Beagles were bred to have their tails always up so their owners can see them in the long grass. However, having their tail straight up will be interpreted as challenging behaviour by other dogs. As you know, ear posture is also an important factor for reading a dog's behaviour. However, there are many breeds that have floppy ears that have no way of controlling it. Breeding for the looks has basically handicapped dogs.


In terms of signal showing, I found that huskies are the most consistent compared to wolves though.

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Skye seems to be like this almost permanently lol she is always so so happy she does it when i come home, when you call her, when she sees other dogs, other people lol sometimes she looks like she has no ears!!! Definitely a happy thing :D


I have however seen her do it when a bit moody or angry but you can see the difference in body language by her face and tail etc.

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i have seen alaska do it, but also i have seen that when she goes potty outside and i praise her i got to pat and rub her head with loads of good girls and well dones but she will move her head sometimes so i cant do it :-( guess i just do it too much sometimes lol, whooo its snowing outside quite heavily. time for a walk :-)

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Skye seems to be like this almost permanently lol she is always so so happy she does it when i come home, when you call her, when she sees other dogs, other people lol sometimes she looks like she has no ears!!! Definitely a happy thing :D


I have however seen her do it when a bit moody or angry but you can see the difference in body language by her face and tail etc.

Yep exactly like that!!!! With his tail not being able to go fast enough that he wiggles his whole back end as well!!!!!!

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I've seen dogs do that before,

It's a very normal way for them to greet you :)

I am glad I have this site!!! Or else I would be a worry wart that is he trying to be mean, since that is what certain websites said. I think I worry about my animals WAY too much!!! I do not have my own kids yes but when I do I can only imagine how hard that will be. I cried the first time I left my cat over night alone and I cried the first time I left Balto for only 2 hours!!!! I was afraid they may miss me TOO much

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Both  of mine have times when their ears are a layed flat back - and there's nothing "aggressive" about it.

Avalanche will drop his ears if I reach to scratch his head - which he loves; Sasha will drop hers when I reach toward her head because she doesn't like anyone reaching toward the top of her head - but loves to have her chin scratched (well, almost any place except the top of her head ...).

Both of them, when we're in the jeep, will drop their ears, but I assume that has more to do with "air noise" than anything else; I've seen both of them do it in other places where the noise level is, I guess, uncomfortable.

I've seen it other times from both of them and it doesn't seem to be related to anything in particular ... so I'm not a lot of help here, sorry.

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