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Name = Odin
Age = 4y 11m
Sex = boy
Eyes = blue
Colour = black/ beige (gold)
Hight = 28inc - floor to top of shoulder
Length = 32inc - shoulder to base of tail
Snout = 10inc - middle of ears to tip of nose
Weight = 7st or 98lb or 44.5kg - at last weigh in

Bought/rescue = 8 weeks

Personality = stuborn = spoilt = ignorent = loving = grumpy

Food = mince, chicken, tuna, salmon, turky, stake, kibble, rice, mash = all meat has to be cooked and cut in to 1inc squares, mince has to have oxo in.

Treats = apart from the usual dog treats he loves carrots lot's of them, chicken, home made treats.

Crated = only on camp

Enjoys = being out side in all weathers, footballs, play fighting with dad, tug of war, cuddles

Sleeps = where he drops any where but the bedroom

Howl/bark = mostly barks

Social = people unprodictable but mostly fine, dogs great off lead play, great walking, standing still he wants to eat them


Name = Thor
Age = 5y 1m
Sex = boy
Eyes = brown
Colour = beige (gold) / white
Hight = 28inc - floor to shoulder
Length = 33inc - shoulder to base of tail
Snout = 11inc - centre of ears to tip of nose
Weight = 7st 2lb or 100lb or 45kg at last weigh in

Bought/rescue = rescue had 24 hours or pts

Personality = stuborn, spoilt, soft, gentle, laid back, shy, cuddly, wont give you a kiss

Food = mince, chicken, turkey, tuna, salmon, stake, kibble, rice, mash = raw diet not a lover of the kibble

Treats = apart from the usual dog treats, home made treats, eats carrots but not a lover

Crated = only on camp

Enjoys = lazing around, comfort, his own space, hates the cold weather, cuddles

Sleeps = where he wants but not the bedroom

Howl/bark = howls all the time

Social = loves people, fine with other dogs, hate's crowds,


Name = Loki
Age = 6y 1m
Sex = girl
Eyes = blue
Colour = black/white
Hight = 22inc - floor to shoulder
Length = 26inc - shoulder to tip of tail
Snout = 9inc - centre of ears to top of nose
Weight = 5st or 70lb or 31kg - at last weigh in

Bought/rescue = rescue

Personality = stuborn, spoilt, ignorant, grumpy, goby, argumentative, bully, hyperactive, cheeky, deva, dramatic, selfish, funny, she's just like a spoilt teenager. loving, loves cuddles and giving kisses

Food = mince, chicken, turkey, tuna, salmon, stake, kibble, rice, mash any thing you put in front of her.

Enjoys = cuddles, kisses, attention, bitching, a good argument, all toy's, being out side, comfort, curling up on your knee, winding the boy's up

Treats = apart from the normal dog treats, home made treats, carrots lot's, any thing you give her.

Crate = only on camp

Sleeps = where she wants but the bedroom

Howl/bark = both

Social = people she loves cuddles and kisses, does not like back end touched but alot better than she was, will shout and argue with you, dog's she's fine

So that's my 3 babies







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Name:  Nikko

Age:       1 year 3 months

Sex:       Male

Eyes:     Blue

Color:    Black/Grey/White and a little
rust color

Wght:    55lbs or 24kg

Bought/rescue:                9 weeks (2/4/12)

Born:     11/28/11

Personality:       Goofy, Silly, Hyper,

Food:    Taste of the Wild High Prarie

Treats:  Boiled chicken, carrots,
beef/chicken liver, whatever dad’s eating

Crated: Mon-Fri from 8am until noon; again
from 1pm until 4pm

Enjoys:  Chewing on little brother,
zooming around the house, hiding under the covers, laying on the couch, being
outside, walks, most of all CAR RIDES and
going to PetSmart!

Sleeps:  Either next to me in bed or on
the floor

Howl/bark:  usually quiet except when he
goes to PetSmart he “talks†or he will howl at his little brother when he wants
his toy

Social:  Very!  Everyone is his best friend.  Loves other big dogs, not sure about cats, he
might want to have them for lunch.



Name:  Yukon

Age:       8 months

Sex:       Male

Eyes:     Blue

Color:    White

Wght:    40lbs or 18kg

Bought/rescue:                7 ½ weeks (8/11/12)

Born:     6/20/12

Personality:       Relaxed, Chill, lazy

Food:    Taste of the Wild High Prairie

Treats:  Boiled chicken, carrots,
beef/chicken liver, whatever dad’s eating

Crated: Mon-Fri from 8am until noon; again
from 1pm until 4pm

Enjoys:  Chewing on his toys, eating,

Sleeps:  At the foot of my bed

Howl/bark:  Only howls, but more of a
very deep, low pitched growl type sound. 

Social:  Very social, loves attention and
giving kisses!


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Name = Rafeal
Age = 4 months
Sex = Male
Eyes = Blue and Brown/Blue Parti
Color = Wolf Grey/Dark Grey
Hight = Unknown
Length = Unknown
Snout = Of normal length lol I haven't measured.
Weight = Healthy, though would be overweight under his own choice's 

Bought/rescue = Bought, 8 weeks

Personality = Thinks he is king ping and acts like I'm such a nuisance to have around.

Food = Anything edible or not so edible (fluff), though he loves carrots, they were the first thing he sourced out of the bin.

Enjoys = FOOD,  getting wet, sitting in the freezer on a hot day, turning objects into sculptures with his teeth

Treats = Carrots, Cauliflower, Milk w/water

Crate = No

Sleeps = In corners and on his back against cupboard

Howl/bark = Mainly barks, occasional howl when desperate.

Social : VERY, loving to everyone, known to sit at the bottom of the social ladder and is often bullied by other pack members who sense his insecurity.

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Name: Diesel Denali (Diesel)

Age: 5 years and 1 month

Sex: Dude

Eyes: Brown & Yellowish

Colour: Black and White

Hight: Tall? lol

Length: Unknown

Snout: Unknown

Weight: 55-60 lbs, depending on the time of year.

Bought/rescue: Bought, 15 weeks

Personality: Affectionate, stubborn, great listener most of the time, happy go lucky

Food: Taste of the Wild High Prairie kibble and canned

Treats: Dog biscuits that Gramma B bought him for Christmas, homemade treats, cooked chicken, raw bones from the butcher.

Crated: At night...and I find him in there all by himself during the day. He hoards his toys in there.

Enjoys: Long walks on the beach, candlelight dinners, action movies, heavy metal music, muscle cars... ah wait. He likes walks, going swimming in the summer, rolling in the snow, cuddling with the Kitty, getting loved on by Mom and Dad, going for Buh Bye Rides, etc.

Sleeps: In his crate or on the floor where everyone has to step over him.

Howl/bark: Barks when someone he doesn't know is at the door, howls when he's talking to us.

Social: Really great around other people and dogs.

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(Great idea for a thread! :) )







Name = Suka  (sue - kah)

Age = almost 8 years

Sex = Male/neutered

Eyes = light brown

Colour = Gray/Black/Brown/Tan (Wolf-Grey)

Hight = 26.5 inc - floor to top of shoulder

Length = I forget, going to have to measure him again when I can...

Snout = Again, going to have to measure him when I can...

Weight = 76 pounds or 34.47 kg

Bought/rescue = rescued; 4 years old

Personality = stubborn, laidback, low energy, very confident or dominant.

Food = TOTW (Taste of the Wild: Pacific Stream)

Treats = Numerous cheap treats throughout the day + 1-2 raw fish a week.

Crated = Never

Enjoys = staying inside when its cold out, sleeping, eating, and walks...but only when he gets his way during the walks!!

Sleeps = During the day: either in the front hallway in front of the stairs (on cool marble!) or on his mat beside the couch in the living room (where we are most of the time.)

At night: In my room, or in my Mom's room, in front of the door.

Howl/bark = Never makes noise, except to 'woo' when he wants something.

Social = loves all people. Dominant with other dogs, so this can cause problems at the dog park. Doesn't play with other dogs, doesn't play with people...so he's kinda boring!!

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Name = Grey
Age = 4y 4m
Sex = boy
Eyes = blue
Colour = Grey/white
Weight = 26kg

Bought/rescue = 2 years old

Personality = asshole lol, stubborn, grumbly, daft, dopey

Food = gets what he's given or goes without, currently home cooking for them

Treats = anything on offer! carrots & rawhides too

Crated = no

Enjoys = wrestling with Keyu, sleeping on the bed, working, walks

Sleeps = usually on sofa but occasionally invited upstairs

Howl/bark = screams

Social = loves people, iffy with some dogs, great with 99% of huskies!




Name = Keyu

Age = 2year 4months
Sex = bitch
Eyes = blue
Colour = red/white
Weight = 18-20kg

Bought/rescue = 6 months old

Personality = fruitloop, nutter, headcase, loonytune

Food = gets what she's given or goes without, currently home cooking for them

Treats = anything on offer! carrots & rawhides too

Crated = occasionally if going through a naughty phase

Enjoys = wrestling with Grey, throwing balls for herself, winding up Kira, working, walks

Sleeps = usually on sofa but sometimes crated if has been destructive, wont settle upstairs

Howl/bark = woos

Social = loves people & dogs, never any trouble with her :)





Name = Kira

Age = 4years
Sex = bitch
Eyes = blue
Colour = white
Weight = 25kg

Bought/rescue = 3 months old

Personality = so laid back she's horizontal!

Food = gets what she's given or goes without, currently home cooking for them

Treats = anything on offer! carrots & rawhides too

Crated = occasionally if going through a naughty phase

Enjoys = sleeping, eating, dog park, working, belly rubs, SLEEPING

Sleeps = usually on sofa but occasionally invited upstairs

Howl/bark = whinges

Social = loves people & dogs, like Keyu and never any trouble

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Name: Cally


Age: A year and a month and a half


Sex: Female (spayed)


Eyes: Blue


Colour: Copper


Height: Have never measured

Length: Have never measured

Snout: Have never measured


Weight: 47 lbs (at last vet appointment)



Bought/rescue: Bought at 6 weeks old (picked her out at 1 week old)


Born: 12/25/11

Picked Up: 02/10/12


Personality: Laid back, low-energy, listens well, smart and loud :)


Food: BBW (Blue Buffalo Wilderness: Salmon flavour)


Treats: Cheese pupcorn, Nutro apple and peanut butter cruncy treats, Charlee Bear treats, Milkbones, rollover treats and Blue Buffalo treats. (Different ones for different things)


Crated: Rarely


Enjoys: Running around at the dog park, going for walks, sleeping and eating.


Sleeps: Mostly on the couch or on her dog bed in front of the fireplace. Occasionally in front of the door.


Howl/Bark: Mostly barks, does do a little bit of wooing, rarely ever full out howls.


Social: Does not like old people or tall bulkier men. Loves all other dogs and enjoys playing with dogs of all sizes.

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Name = Balto

Age = 4 months

Sex = boy

Eyes = brown

Colour = black/ white/brown

Hight = unknown

Length = unknown

Snout = unknown

Weight = 30 pounds at last weight in

Bought/rescue = rescued at 3 months

Personality: stubborn, happy go lucky, energized, boundary pusher

Food = Taste of the Wild Pacific Stream

Treats = No soy or wheat strips from petsmart

Crated = during the day for a few hours while we are gone

Enjoys = being out side in all weathers except rain footballs, playing, chewing, exploring, running, eating, puppy class

Sleeps = in his crate

Howl/bark = mostly barks

Social = Loves people and all the attention he can get, other dogs he tries to play or barks but is usually never aggressive

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Name = Chula
Age = 11 weeks today! (She's a Thanksgiving Day baby!)
Sex = female
Eyes = blue
Colour = black/grey/white
Weight = 12.2 lbs - at last weigh in 

Bought/rescue = just shy of 9 weeks

Personality = stuborn, playful, energetic, HUNGRY!

Food = Was on Iams, now slowly transitioning to Blue Buffalo Wilderness Puppy

Treats = chicken training treats, can't remember the brand, dirt (sigh) my flip flops (double sigh).

Crated = during day while at work, and nighttime for now.

Enjoys = sitting in the grass, chasing squirrels, digging holes, eating dirt (sigh), figuring out all the new things she can do as she's growing (she snuck upstairs this morning on her own! found her chomping on a pair of my underwear when I got out of the shower)

Sleeps = crate next to the bed until potty/don't eat underwear trained

Howl/bark = barks when excited, hasn't learned to howl

Social = she's still new, so she is afraid of most things except she likes children. she will actively seek them out. terrified of grown ups and other dogs still.

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Name: Togo

Age: 4yrs10mths

Sex: Male

Eyes: Bi-eyed (right blue, left brown)

Colour: Black silver &white

Weight: 28kg/61lbs

Bought/rescue: 7.5wks

Personality: Twonk, pain in the bum, has to have the last word, charming, loving, everso slightly dense.

Food: Autarky chicken an rice/ salmon an rice and anything else he can snaffle

Treats: Mainly chicken an cheese, shop bought stuff upsets the others stomachs

Crated: Crates himself whenever he fancies quiet time, door's always open

Enjoys: Plastic bottles, wine corks, ice cubes. Cold floors, big cushions, running about on the deck, giving cheek, riding in the car and checking we're going in the right direction, playing yoyo with the back door and scootering

Sleeps: On a cushion and blanket on the kitchen floor at night, in the day wherever he drops or if he can beat Loki into the crate.

Howl/bark: Howls more than barks, and talks like Chewbacca the wookie. You can hold a conversation with him.

Social: Loves people but his chewbacca noise tends to put them off, they mistake it for aggression. Other dogs he gets along with well once he calms down and stops being a twonk


Name: Loki

Age: 4yrs 2mths

Sex: Male

Eyes: Deep Brown

Colour: Wolf Grey

Weight: 31kg/68lbs

Bought/rescue: 7 wks

Personality: Big 'ol bear, a rock, sweet, gentle, quiet (nickname silent bob) stealthy, clever playful can sometimes be a bit of a grump. Likes being at my feet.

Food: Autarky chicken an rice/ salmon an rice and anything else he can snaffle

Treats: Mainly chicken an cheese, shop bought stuff upsets his stomach

Crated: Crates himself whenever he fancies quiet time, doors always open

Enjoys: Teddy's (stolen & then protected) potatoes (from the sack, collected and nursed like little eggs, then eaten) Cold floors, big cushions, running about on the deck with Peppa, lying out on the deck alone, sitting out on the deck alone in the dark, daylight, sunshine, rain or snow. Loves tea especially from the OH's cup. Loves scootering and walking.

Sleeps: On a cushion and blanket on the kitchen floor at night, in the day wherever he drops or if he can beat Togo into the crate.

Howl/bark: Howls

Social: Loves everyone and everything


Name: Safi. Sister to Loki

Age: 4yrs10mths

Sex: Female

Eyes: Pale blue (sapphire as a puppy)

Colour: Pale Red (strawberry blonde) & white

Weight: 20kg/44lbs

Bought/rescue: 8wks

Personality: Spoilt, superior, obstinate, self important, loves sitting next to me cuddles kisses, is a chatter, lets you know when she's not happy and when she's happy

Food: Limited turkey mince cooked, boiled rice, carrots potatoes, yogurt cottage cheese.

Treats: Cheese, shop bought stuff upsets her stomach

Crated: Crated at night in the kitchen, have to evict one of the boys to get her in

Enjoys: Being the centre of attention, stealing plastic bottles an wine corks from Togo and Loki. Running on the scooter, walking, riding in the car. Being the only one able to join me on the couch.

Sleeps: At night in the crate on her blankets an purple fluffy cushion

Howl/bark: Howls more than barks, and talks back, moans, nags and whines. You can't shut her up.

Social: Loves people and other dogs (except Peppa) especially likes small terriers. Very playful.


Name: Peppa

Age: 2yrs 7mths

Sex: Female

Eyes: Bright blue

Colour: Deep red/brown & white

Weight: 21kg/46lbs

Bought/rescue: 10wks

Personality: Needy, loving, clever, quick, kissy, cuddly. A trooper. Thinks she's a lap dog

Food: Autarky chicken an rice/ salmon an rice and anything else she can snaffle

Treats: Mainly chicken an cheese, she's never had shop bought treats due to the others sensitivity

Crated: Crates herself whenever she wants quiet time

Enjoys: Plastic bottles, wine corks, ice cubes. Mainly just because Togo likes them and she wants what he's got. Teddy's and potatoes, again because Loki has them an she wants them. Playing on the deck with Loki. Winding Loki an Togo up, running like a mad thing on the scooter, walking and looking where we're going when in the car.

Sleeps: In her crate at night on her blankets an purple fluffy cushion

Howl/bark: She's a yipper, yips the others awake and joins in the early morning wake up howl but that's the only time she will howl

Social: Loves love loves loves loves...... people!!! Has to warned to behave with other dogs, can be a bit snappish (crocodile snaps) more as a defence than an aggressive stance. (Lost the tip of her right ear after being jumped by another dog)

P.S. Peppa's pic is pre ear accident.

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I'm only going to do a couple for now...I'll be here all day otherwise!  LOL  Starting with my first 2 :)



Name = Dakota
Age = 8 years old
Sex =  Neutered Male
Eyes = Blue
Colour = Black/White
Weight = 47lbs

Bought/rescue =  Purchased, irreputable breeder

Personality =  Happy, friendly, worker

Food =  Taste of the Wild

Treats = Yummy Chummies, home made boiled chicken, raw chicken wings/drums

Crated = he is crate trained, but not currently crated

Enjoys = running on the team, being outside with his friends, cuddling with papa

Sleeps = on top of his dog house, never in it

Howl/bark = combination of both

Social = He is our social butterfly, he loves all people and other dogs he meets, he also gets along with our cats :)





Name = Juneau
Age = 6 years old
Sex =  Spayed Female
Eyes = Blue
Colour = Red/White
Weight = 44lbs

Bought/rescue =  Purchased, irreputable breeder

Personality =  Happy, friendly, dominant female

Food =  Taste of the Wild

Treats = Yummy Chummies, home made boiled chicken, raw chicken wings/drums

Crated = she is crate trained, but not currently crated

Enjoys = running on the team, being outside with friends, playing with Denali

Sleeps = curled up either on top of the dog house or in it

Howl/bark = howling girl

Social = she takes a bit to warm up to strangers, does ok with strange pets though she can be dominant with other dogs.

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Name = Niko
Age = 1 Year
Sex = Male
Eyes = Brown
Color = Black/Red and White

Bought = 8 weeks old

Personality = Hyper, Goofy, Excitable, Willing, Obedient, Clever, Cheeky, Smart

Food = Diamond Naturals Large Breed Puppy Chow

Treats = Chopped Beef/Chicken Liver. Little bits here, little bits there. Marrowbones.

Crated = Only when we leave the house without him or when we're sleeping. (Most of the time. Slowly graduating to being uncrated at night.)

Enjoys = Time outside, Fetch, Running laps, Car rides, Playing with other dogs, Deer antlers, Doing commands, People.

Sleeps = In his crate, in the bed, or near the head of the bed at night. Near us, on a blanket, cushion, or jacket in the living room during the day.

Howl/bark = Barks on command and when frustrated, more often though, he whines. No howling.

Social = Extremely. He loves all people, all dogs, all cats. Rodents and birds on the other hand.... XD





Name = Dimitri
Age = 3 Months
Sex = Male
Eyes = Brown
Color = Beige and White with tuffs of black growing in.

Bought = 8 weeks old

Personality = Calm, Loving, Smart, Obedient, Playful

Food = Diamond Naturals Large Breed Puppy Chow

Treats = Chopped Beef/Chicken Liver. Little bits here, little bits there. Marrowbones.

Crated = Only when we leave the house without him or when we're sleeping.

Enjoys = Time outside, Running laps, Deer antlers, Being near people, Getting love.

Sleeps = In his crate.

Howl/bark = Howls, Barks, and Whines.

Social = Has yet to meet another dog. (Needs more shots) However, he's all over everyone in the house.






Name = Sasha
Age = 3 Months
Sex = Female
Eyes = Bright Blue
Color = Black and White

Bought = 8 weeks old

Personality = Hyper, Stubborn, Demanding, Loving, Queen Bitch.

Food = Diamond Naturals Large Breed Puppy Chow

Treats = Chopped Beef/Chicken Liver. Little bits here, little bits there. Marrowbones.

Crated = Only when we leave the house without her or when we're sleeping.

Enjoys = Being stubborn, Time outside, Cow hoofs, Playing with her brothers, FOOD, Getting love.

Sleeps = In her crate.

Howl/bark = Barks, Whines, and Howls.

Social = Never met another dog. (Needs more shots) but so far has been curious about everyone in the house.

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Name = Hurley

Age = 4y 2m

Sex = girl

Eyes = blue

Colour = black/white/some beige on face and shoulders

Hight = 20inc - floor to shoulder

Length = 24inc - shoulder to tip of tail

Weight = 41lbs at last weigh

Bought/rescue = given to me by a friend

Personality = hyper and goofy. Loves to play. She loves all animals and people, even gets along great with my cat. She is a beggar and constantly wants your food. If you do not pay attention to her, she will literally yell at you.

Food = IAMS Mini Chunks with supplements of bones from steaks to chew on. She also gets plenty of rawhides and other snacks.

Enjoys = long walks and running sessions, and cuddling on the couch. and tummy rubs.

Treats = This dog loves some Beggin Strips

Crate = Rarely. Right now she is crated when I have to be gone for more than 4 hours, and the meds she is on increases urination. Once off the meds, she will resume free roam

Sleeps =Living room floor or the bed in her crate

Howl/bark = Low growl/howl. Sounds like Chewbacca

Social = Very very very very social with anyone and anything

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Name = Luka

Age = 11 months

Sex = male/neutered

Eyes = parti-colored in both (brown/blue)

Colour = wolf grey

Hight = need to re-measure

Length = need to re-measure

Weight = 43 lbs at last weigh in

Bought/rescue = bought

Personality = Very independent but LOVES people and exp. his mommy. HYPER. Backtalks everything you say and is stubborn.

Food = Fromms Gold Large Breed Puppy

Enjoys = playing at the dog park. Runs with mom. cuddling. chewing on things he shouldn't. Teasing Knox.

Treats = EVO Treats, Freeze Dried Tripe treats

Crate = During M-F a few hours when I'm at work. Never on weekend or evenings.

Sleeps =Right beside me in my bed. likes to be touching me.

Howl/bark = Both. Usually Howls/chatters/growls but will bark when he plays

Social = Likes everyone but likes to do his own thing too. Not Dominant. and he is not a fan of cats or squirrels.

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Name: Gizmo

Age: 5yrs

Sex: Un-neutured male

Eyes: Blue

Colour: Silvery grey and white






Bought/Rescue: 7 weeks from breeder


Personality: Playful, Bossey, Grumpy, "Musical", Intelligent, Loveable, Cuddly, Cheeky


Food: Loves Chicken Wings, Tuna and Ribs, Lamb breast, also has kibble with canned meat but he can be picky with it sometimes, veg, can be picky with fish when they still have their heads (Doesnt like his food looking back at him!)


Enjoys: Walkies, Being in the centre of attention, "Singing", Talking, Fusses, Kisses, Cuddles, Chase, Digging, Swimming/Paddling, the forest, toys/objects he shouldnt have, Grandad, Humping


Treats:Squeaky toys, hot dog sausages, cheese, ham, carrot, apple, pear, bounce balls, sqwarking duck


Crate: used to be as a puppy when we were out but now only when he comes on holiday with us.


Sleeps: In the kitchen/under the stairs


Howl/Bark:Mainly howls/woos but does also bark


Social: Very hit and miss with people and dogs, can get himself over anxious and stressed in situations, he is in training to help him cope better, definately not a childrens dog, never bitten as tends to just growl constantly but try not to let him get to the bite stage!





Name: Marley

Age: 4yrs 7months

Sex: Un-neutured male

Eyes: Brown

Colour: Grey and White (Often looks more black and white)






Bought/Rescue: 8 weeks from breeder


Personality: Cute, Adorable, Lovable, Playful, Silly, Smart, Mischievous at times


Food: Likes kibble and tinned meat, tuna, treats, ribs, lamb, pilchards, sardines, can be picky with chicken wings, veg


Enjoys: Cuddles, Sleep, Warmth, Snow, Playing, people, kisses, posing for the camera, walkies, training, more cuddles and sleep, fusses, the vets (strangely enough)


Treats:Any food treat you can give!!! Occasionally will work for a ball or squeaky


Crate: used to be as a puppy when we were out but now only when he comes on holiday with us.


Sleeps: Anywhere and everywhere!


Howl/Bark:bit of both


Social: LOVES people and some dogs! Often will jump at people to give them a kiss but training to stop this, can be aggressive towards other dogs especially if the are aggressive back or he isnt feeling 100% but also in training for this aswell





Name: Bandit

Age: 4yrs 7months

Sex: Un-neutured male

Eyes: Brown

Colour: Grey and White






Bought/Rescue: 8 weeks from breeder


Personality: Funny, Cheeky, Mischievous, Outgoing, Playful, like an extra large puppy, Cute, has his cuddly moments, far too intelligent for his own good


Food: Chicken wings, ribs, tuna, pilchards, sardines, lamb, can be picky with kibble and canned meat, veggies


Enjoys: Playing, Bouncing, Running, Pulling the rig, Walkies, Dancing (in his own way), getting into things he shouldnt, exploring around with his nose, giving you the puppy dog eyes, trying to catch birds in the garden and loves playing with hedgehogs if he gets a chance, like the odd cuddle and fuss on occassions.


Treats:Squeaky toys, balls, squarky duck on a string and stick, hot dog sausages, cheese, ham


Crate: used to be as a puppy when we were out but now only when he comes on holiday with us.


Sleeps: Wherever he falls, in the kitchen at night time and when we are out


Howl/Bark:Bark, never heard him howl or woo! Fairly quiet until he plays with other dogs


Social: He aint too picky who he gets on with, very bouncy with people, swear I think he has the mentality of a puppy, he can be cautious with some dogs and will fight his corner if he needs to! he is also in training


theres my 3 boys


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Name = Yuki


Age = 10 months

Sex = female

Eyes = bi-eyed, one blue, one dark brown.

Color = dilute black and white

Height = 19 inches

Length = 22 inches

Weight = 34.4lbs or 15.6kg
Bought/rescue = 6 weeks
Personality = stubborn = smart = independent = selective hearing = cuddle buddy
Food = TOTW Pacific Stream
Treats = her food
Crated = at work, at night
Enjoys = walks with her brothers and/or mom, going to the dog park
Sleeps = in her crat
Howl/bark = mostly howls

Social = shy of people, great with dogs.



Name = Link


Age = 16 months

Sex = male

Eyes = one blue eye, one mostly blue parti-eye

Color = red

Height = 22 inches

Length = 20 inches

Weight = 46.6lbs or 21.2kg
Bought/rescue = 15 months

Personality = easily distracted = troublemaker = innocent = spoiled = cuddle monster
Food = TOTW Pacific Stream / High Prairie
Treats = his food
Crated = at work
Enjoys = chasing anything that crosses his path, going to the dog park to play with husky friends
Sleeps = in my bed
Howl/bark = mostly barks

Social = loves people, great with most dogs except those aggressive towards him.

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Name = Diesel

Age = 1 year 8 months
Sex = Male
Eyes = Blue
Colour = Black, Grey, White
Weight = 24.5kg

Bought/rescue = Brought 10 weeks old

Personality = Nutter! Health Hazard! But a total mummys boy

Food = Raw meet and bones

Treats = Anything! lol

Crated = Sometimes if he's feeling naughty

Enjoys = Beating Gizmo up, running on the scooter & bike, causing trouble

Sleeps = On my bed when im here, if im not he'll happily sleep downstairs on his own

Howl/bark = Whines!

Social = Is very shy to start with (with people and dogs) but once he gets used to people you'll be added to his toy collection and once he gets used to dogs he'll never leave them alone!

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Name = Kodiak

Age = 9.5 months
Sex = Male
Eyes = Brown
Colour = Black & White (for the time being!)
Weight = 52.5kg!

Bought/rescue = Bought and taken home at 8 weeks

Personality = Goofy, friendly, loving, stubborn, and curious.

Food = Kibble for now

Treats = Carrots, Antos Cera treats (the toothbrush shaped ones are favourite)

Crated = Nope

Enjoys = Walkies, belly rubs, meeting new friends

Sleeps = Has the run of downstairs (except the living room) and the first floor landing

Howl/bark = Woo's at everyone he meets, barks when he wants to go out.

Social = Very

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Name: Storm

Breed:Husky x GSD

Age: 2 1/2

Sex: male

Eyes: Amber

Colour: Black, White, Ginger




Weight: 30kgs roughly


Bought/Rescue: bought 8 weeks old from breeder

Personality: Big doofus, friendly, loving, cuddly, clumsy


Food:Wainwrights kibble with wainwrights tray wet food mixed in. Also enjoys Tuna, mackerel, sardines.


Enjoys: walks, sitting outside by his gate, playing with angel

Treats:Fairly fussy, likes sausages a lot.

Crate: yes, loves his crate.


Sleeps: in his crate, on the sofa upside down, in the chair (hes currently there now), and outside by his gate.


Howl/Bark:both but barks more, will only howl if theres a car alarm or fire alarm going off.


Social: VERY very social, ,loves everyone and everydog hes ever met.





Name: Angel


Age: 3 1/2

Sex: female

Eyes: ice blue

Colour: white and brown




Weight: 24kg ish


Bought/Rescue: rescue from huskies in need at 18 months old

Personality: very loving and sweet. But can be nervous and skittish around unfamiliar surroundings


Food:wainwrights kibble


Enjoys: being with mummy, fusses and belly rubs and cuddles

Treats:eats anything!

Crate: yes and will go to her crate at mealtimes without being told to. (she steals food)


Sleeps:on the floor, in her crate and occasionally on the settee or chair.

Howl/Bark:both but mostly makes a wimpering sound

Social: yes BUT on her terms. Doesnt like people or dogs touching her bum, doesnt like men being too forward in approaching her and doesnt like sudden movements or loud noises.



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