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My Gym Diary


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During my gym induction my fitness consultant advised me to keep a workout diary so from my notes I make on my mobile at the gym here it goes :)

My main goals are

1) to improve my cardio fitness

2) tone my body mainly focussing on my core

3) improve my self confidence

4) get myself to a point where I can come off my medication

My aim is to go to the gym every other day (3-4 times a week) even if its just for a quick 30min session

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Day one - Wednesday 6th Feb 2013

I had my initial induction this morning and was given a workout routine to help me achieve my goals and all went really well and I was happy that I was given a routine that should be easy to follow but still giving me a challenge with a mixture of cardio and muscle workouts and my fitness consultant has suggested I try out some of their classes which I intend to do starting Friday with a 20 minute intense core training class :)

After my induction, I walked back home to walk my dogs during the quieter hours (between school and home time) and after this I walked back to the gym to make a start on my new workout routine. I started with a mixture of stretches to start warming up and I finished my warm up with a 10 minute session on the cross trainer starting at resistance level 5 and after a minute I progressed to level 6 and each minute I progressed up a level until I reached level 8 which was the maximum level I was advised to go to during my warm up, I also kept to a power walk pace.

After warming up it was time for the tough part, the main workout! I started by doing a 2000m row at resistance level 8. It took me 10mins 13secs which in time I hope to challenge myself by cutting that time down as I become fitter. I could already start to feel it in my shoulders and in the tops of my arms.

I had a 30 second break between the rowing machine and the next workout.

I then went onto the upright cycle machine and went for a 5000m cycle at resistance level 7. It felt like it was never going to end but it did after 19mins 6secs! My legs were starting to really burn and I hope I can get the time down

I had another 30second break between the next workout

I then went to the stepper machine. The stepper machine they have measures our distance in floors and the faster you step the more floors you go. I used resistance level 4 and did 10 minutes on it and I took some getting used to but I managed to clear 31.6 floors which I didn't think was too bad :) but again it wold be nice to manage more floors

Another 30 second interval break

I went downstairs to the muscle/weights area to start my toning exercises

I started with the leg press with 20kg and did 15reps and had a 30sec break and did anther 15reps and another 30sec break and then another 15reps. I could really feel it in my thigh and calf muscles but I quite enjoyed it

Then another 30sec break

I then moved to the lat pull down to work my arm, shoulder and top back muscles. Their pull down bar is handy as it has markers in different positions so know where to place your hands to work the different muscles in your arms. I used 15kgs weights and did 15reps working the lats, a 30sec break, 15reps working the triceps, a 30sec break and then 15reps working the biceps, a 30sec break and then repeated the three different positions again twice. I was tough but I managed it :)

Next 30 sec break

I then moved onto what they all the captains chair. Omg it's evil lol! You have a back pad to help support your back and then an arm support pad to support each arm and and handle to hold on to (which you need to, trust me) and then you let your legs just hang and your upper body are supporting your body weight. I then had to tuck my legs into my chest as much as I could and then bring them down and the stretch them out straight in front of me. My fitness consultant said to try and do as many as I could but aim to do 10 (5tucks and 5 stretches) reps and try to increase it each week. The first set I managed 10 fairly well, had a 30 second break then the second time I got to about 6 and then started to tire out and the tucks and stretches became weaker and then after another 30 second break the third time I did 6 but they were rather half hearted due to tiredness. Next time I think I will try and do 6 strong reps each time as I think I may have pushed myself too much this time.

Next 30sec break

I then went to the chest press at 15kg. I'm not sure if it was because I had just been on the captains chair but I struggled with the chest press. I managed 3 sets of 15 reps ( with a 30sec break between each set of 15) but my arms were really shaking! Next time I'm going to swap it around and try doing the chest press first then go to the lat pull down and then the leg press and finish with the captains chair and see how that goes

Another 30 sec break

I moved back upstairs to start cooling down with a few excesses on the floor.

I started with a V sit crunch where I sat in a v shape with my legs elevated off the floor and my upper body also elevated off the floor so I was pivoted on my bum. I then had a hold of a 4kg ball and twisted to the side with the ball and reaching towards my back but not letting it hit the floor and then bringing my self and the ball back to my original position and then repeat the same move but on the other side. I done 20 reps (10 on each side) which my arms struggled with but I completed it :)

I did a few more but I really can't remember what they were called but I did them and it was tough! I did struggle keeping my back straight as it kept wanting to arch which gave me back pain. Next time I may ask one of the assistances to help me keep my back straight.

After these exercises I done some cool down stretches before heading back to the changing rooms

I said last night that if I didn't feel it today then something was wrong. Well I definitely felt it this morning! Wasn't nice that I've had a headache all day but I think that is down to not rehydrating enough so I've not done a lot today which is disappointing but I hope by tomorrow night I will be back to normal ready to face my first fitness class!

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You should be really proud of yourself - you made me tired just by reading what you did!


Just be careful not to hurt yourself - make sure to warm up every muscle group before you work it...made the mistake of almost tearing my arm muscle when I lifted weights without warming it up...literally couldn't straighten my arms for a week!

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You should be really proud of yourself - you made me tired just by reading what you did!

Just be careful not to hurt yourself - make sure to warm up every muscle group before you work it...made the mistake of almost tearing my arm muscle when I lifted weights without warming it up...literally couldn't straighten my arms for a week!

Ouch! I've pulled a muscle in my leg before, back when I was about 15/16yrs and I was much fitter than I was! My god it was awful!

I don't like to admit it but yes I'm proud of what I've achieved :) Jamie is joining me tomorrow evening to have a go on a few things while I'm in the class :) hope he enjoys it as much as I have if not more. Really want him to succeed!

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Wow! For a first time attending, I think you did amazing! You are obviously quite fit to start with so it's onwards & upwards, Amy - well done, you should be really proud of yourself :yahoo::clap:

Thanks, I think it helps that I used be quite fit as a teenager before college. It's surprising how much easier the workouts are having the 30 second break between sets/workouts

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Day two - Friday 8th February 2013

Didn't get as much time today in the gym as it was quite late and we hadn't had tea yet and t was also Jamie's first time using the gym so I didn't want him to feel overwhelmed by it all!

My main aim for today was to have a go in the v-core class

We didn't walk to the gym yesterday as we went from work but Jamie has said he wouldn't mind getting a bicycle so we can cycle in and back.

So we started with a warm up which Jamie didn't really want to do. He said he's never warmed up before and been fine, but I got him to do it, sort of. I think he was feeling a but conscious mainly but hopefully he will get into it :)

To finish off our warm up I gave Jamie the choice of the treadmill or the cross trainer and he chose the treadmill.

So I showed him how to get it started and to begin with we put it on for 10 mins and paced ourselves at a power walk on a slight incline of 5%.

After this I asked if Jamie wanted to try anything else and he said he'd like to do some more on the treadmill so I had just over 10mins before the v-core was going to start so I put us on for 10 mins again but this time we done what's known as interval training which is where you do a time doing one pace and another time at another pace, etc so for us we done 2 mins at a power walk pace and then a minute at a running pace and then went back to 2 mins power walk and then 1 minute running and continued like that for 10 mins.

After that whilst I had a few spare mins I took Jamie over to the rower and set him up to do 2000m at resistance level 7 and I done a few minutes quickly whilst I was waiting for the instructor to say the v-core was starting.

Went over to do the v-core and left Jamie to his own devices. Now when I say the v-core was tough........ Trust me I really mean it was tough!!!!!!!!! I need to practise keeping my back straight as for a few of the exercises I could feel my back arching out which just makes your back hurt. My body kept giving out on me through some of the exercises it was that tough. My sense of balance is non existent aswell which didn't help as some of the exercises you need to pivot and balance yourself so I have a few things to work on but I definitely want to do the v-core again, mainly to try and do better that I did. They only get you to hold the position or continue the exercise for like 1 minute or 30secs and it doesn't sound long at all but them 30secs and 1 mins seem to feel like they go on forever! A real tough workout for 20 minutes but feeling it this morning so it's done something good :)

After my v-core session I went back to Jamie who had gone back onto the treadmill doing some interval training again. I went and joined him for his last 5 mins and done 1 min power walk and 2 min run and another 1 min power walk and 1min run and a min cool down

I did a few cooling down stretches and then we went and got changed and headed home. I think Jamie is fitter than he initially thought and he did say once we started on the treadmill after warming up he did start to feel comfortable and didn't feel like everyone was staring at him which I'm glad. He has his induction tonight at 6 and I'm going to meet him there and have another quick workout and try to do a few more muscle exercises. See how I can do on the captains chair!

That's all for now, off to do some housework :)

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well done you, You are indeed right that the body has a way of remembering previous fitness levels. i will add a note that you should be upping your protein, before, during and after work out is good. Protein (whey powder) shakes are good  Because as you start to do weights, the body needs the equivalent to half a kilo of chicken or a kilo of cottage cheese in protein to repair and build the muscles. I am in no way an expert but speak to your trainer. good luck with it kiddo xx

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Day 3 - Saturday 9th February 2013

I went today for a quick workout whilst Jamie had his induction. I started with my usual warm up and finished it off with a 10 min power walk on the cross trainer at level 5 to get the muscles working

I then went downstairs to the weights area and done 3 sets of 15 reps on the chest press at 15kg and found it hard but didn't struggle so much this time which I was really chuffed with :) I had a 30 second break between each set

Thinking that Jamie was probably nearly finished with his induction I went back to the gym floor and got onto the cycle machine to see if I could beat my time from Wednesday. I was on resistance level 7 and kept my pace at approx 70-80rpm and........ I did it, I beat my time :D on Wednesday it took me 19mins 4sec to 14mins 43sec :D yay so chuffed I managed to cut the time down by about 5mins already!

Jamie was rowing away waiting for his fitness coach to come back with a schedule for him. So when I finished on the cycle machine I thought I'd go back downstairs and have a go on the pull down bar.

I done 3 sets of 15 reps on the lats and 3 sets of 15 reps on the triceps and 3 sets of 15 reps on the biceps having a 30 second interval Break in between each set. By this time Jamie was finished with his induction and was ready to go home but I had to challenge myself once more on the dreaded captains chair! This time rather than pushing myself to do 10 each time and weakening myself to the point that I couldn't make a full extension with my legs, I tried to do 3 sets of 6 continuous strong reps and I just manged it. Sweating like never before but I did it :D

All this must be a good sign and I really hope it continues :)

Our next gym visit shall be Monday where I have a free personal trainer taster session :)

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Day 4: Monday 11th February 2013


Ok so my gym session today started with my personal trainer taster session at 2:15pm. I arrived at the gym a little bit earlier so i could warm up just before my session and then I would be ready to go :)


My training session started by working mainly the upper body first. My upper body are quite weak and it was really hard to keep the exercises strong without needing a break inbetween so Sam (personal trainer) would pause the time so I still did the full amount of time doing the exercise. I used an arm cycle machine (Like a normal bike machine but for your arms instead of your legs) for a minute on about a resistance level 5 which I found comfortable and then after a minute went straight to the mats to do as many push ups as I could for one minute. I did manage to do the full minute without needing to break but my arms were literally shaking where they were working so hard to keep it up! After that minute we went straight back on the arm cycle machine for another minute on level 7 which was much harder but i kept it going. Then I went back to the mats and this time I had a weighted tube (10kgs) which I had to do bicep curls with for one minute and then straight into a like a downwards row for another minute. My arms were feeling like jelly and I just about managed to do a minute on bicep curls and about 45 seconds on the downwards row. Sam gave me alighter weight tube of 8kg for the last 15 seconds on the downwards row as my arms just couldnt lift the 10kg any more! I then had to do 2 minutes on the arm cycle before we moved to the next part.


From here we then started to workout the lower body. We started on the cycle machine, I had to cycle as fast as I could for one minute at resistance level 7. My legs are probably the strongest part of my body right now due to walking the dogs, etc and I found it a nice break for my arms :) from the cycle machine back to the mats and I had to hold the 10kg tube on one shoulder and squat down and come back up and left the tube over my head to the shoulder and repeat for one minute as many as I could. My arms were so tierd I couldnt manage a whole minute with 10kg so I finished the last 10 seconds using the 8kg tube which i nearly threw in the air it felt so much lighter whooops!

After that minute I had to hold the weight tube to my chest and squat down and come back up into a small jump and repeat for one minute doing as many as possible. I used the 10kg weight again, it was tough! I managed 45 seconds and then my legs started to really burn, for the last 15 seconds I done as many normal squats as i could still with the 10kg weight. Then we went back to the bike to do another minute at level 7 as fast as possible, my legs could really feel the burn, and I kept slipping off the seat :rolleyes:  swear the seat was tilted! We went back over to the mats and Sam got hold of that 10kg weight tube again  :o and arms just went dead lol! This time I had to lunge foward taking the widest stride forward I could, keeping my legs at about a 90 degree angle with the 10kg weight and then hold the lunge whilst twisting to the side with the weight and reaching towards my back as much as possible without having to bend my back and then centre myself again before lifting back up from the lunge and repeat the same with the opposite leg, etc and do as many as I could for one minute. I did keep getting confused with which way to twist (my orientation aint that great lol) but I managed to complete this only taking about a 5 second breather before the very last one  :rolleyes:. Then we back to the cycle machine to complete 2 minutes at the hardest resistance level (level 10) as fast as possible  :help: It felt it would never end and the sweat was dripping but I made it  :bananadance:  just!


Back over to the mats and it was time to work the core area. We went over to this terrifying looking piece of equipment called the TRX (T Rex Ive named it!) to do various exercises. My arms and legs just wanted to sleep by this time  :huskyfall:  but I did my best stretching out when possible to releave the tension so I could carry on. First I had to have my legs in the T Rex and had them suspended about a foot off the ground, and turn over so my front was facing the ground. I then had to go into a plank/puch up starting position and hold it there for a minute. Sounded so simple was it? Hell no! I was really hard and I had to stop for a quick rest about half way through. I really had to focus on not letting my back arch in any way and had to keep it as straight as possible! Then, not using T rex, I had to lie on the mat facing upwards and my legs in an upside down V shape and my arms straight out above my head, from this position I had to form a V shape with my legs and upper body and bring my arms over to touch my legs and then back down but not letting my feet or ams touch the ground(so they remained pivoting above the floor) and repeat for 20 reps. My core is clearly not very strong as I could barley lift my upper body off the ground but I did the best I could and hopefully I will do better next time. Then back over to T Rex and I had to loop my feet into the straps again and turn over so I faced the ground again and this time from the plank position I had to tuck my legs into my chest as much as I could and as fast as I could for 10 reps. It was easier to do using the straps as it does help balance your legs so the are just pivoting which makes it a bit easier to focus on using my core. I couldn't do 10 reps non stop and had to keep stopping to catch my breath. I managed to do 3 reps, breather, 2 reps, breather, 3 reps, breather, 2 reps and stop. I was rather embarrassed that I couldnt at least do 5 reps, breather and then another 5 reps but that will be my target next time :) I then had to do sit ups with the 10kg weight between my feet and I had to use my core to sit myself up and then twist the weight to the side and like the last twist exercise I had twist as far around as I could without bending my back and then return and back down to the floor and repeat for 20 reps. I put all the effort I had into it and I still could only just lift my shoulders off the floor! So Sam told me to do 20 reps of normal sit ups as best as I could but to try and keep myself elevated off the floor to my core was constantly engaged. I looked more like head lifts than sit ups but my core was feeling well worked. I then had to go back to the T Rex and this time I had my hands in the straps and from a kneeling position, I had to glide myself forwards and then use my core to glide myself back to my original position and repeat for 10 reps. I managed 10 and for the last one Sam had me go as far out as I could and lift myself up, OMG that was so tough!


That was my training session almost done, to finish it off I did 5 minutes on the cross trainer just on resistance level 1.


..... for now that is all, I have more to add but I have to get on with some work  :whistling:



:whistling: ...... thats that done now finish monday off....


ok so after my tough training session I decided to go back home so I could be fresh again for v-core later on that evening. I should add that I did walk there and walk back, mainly due to it snowing  :D which lasted all of about an hour   :( much to my boys disappointment! I got back home and had a bite to eat and rehydrated with some water before then taking my boys out for their walks, my arms were so tierd I could barely hold onto the lead   :dog3: so I kept the walk shorter than we normally go as I didnt know how much my arms could take, why does it always feel like they are pulling harder when your tierd! I got back from walkies and flopped onto the couch like a bag of spuds lol


I chilled for a little whilst waiting for Jamie to get back home. Jamie had someone coming to view one of  his eBay items so we had to wait for that before hitting the gym again. The person who came was taking their time viewing the item and unfortuantely we didnt get the gym in time for the v-core  :( so instead I carried on with my warm up finishing it off with 10 minutes on the treadmill at a 5% gradient. I started at a speed of 5.5 for 2 minutes then increased it to 6 for 6 minutes then ran at 10 for 1 minute and eased back down to 6 for the final minute. I then went downstairs to the weights area on onto the chest press. I tried to do 3 sets of 15 reps but my arms were still very tierd so I did 1 set of 15 at 15kg which was really difficult and then managed 1 set of 6 reps at 15kg and then my right arm just literally wouldnt function so I decreased the wight to 10kg and done 1 set of 10 reps and 1 set of 6 reps so not as good as I would hope but have to accommodate for these things. My legs were feeling like they needed more so I went to the leg press to do 3 sets of 15 reps at 20kg. I did the first set no problem so I upped to the next weight of 30kg which was challenging but comfortable and did 2 sets of 15 reps. Jamie had finished by then and had come to find me as he was exhausted so I finished there.


I think when me and Jamie are going together I think I will either go there earlier, if possible, and meet him there or I will go there everyday and do my workout in halves each day or something as at the moment my routine is longer than Jamies so I need longer there to get my workout done otherwise I aint going to challenge myself.

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Day 5 - Wednesday 13th February 2013

Today I did my warm up exercises in the changing room as it was rather busy on the mat area and then I could go straight into final part of my warm up. Today I chose to finish my warm up on the treadmill as the cross trainers were very busy at the time. I did 10 mins on a 5% incline at 6km/h

I was asked if I wanted to join in with some circuit training which I was up for so after warming up I went over to the mats for 10 minutes whilst they were setting up and I managed to fit in 10 v-sits and I managed to hold a plank position for 2 minutes straight :D very pleased with myself.

I then went and got stuck in with the circuit training which was very focused on the upper body and I found it really tough to do. The first round we spent approx 1 minute on each station and some of them were really tough! A few that was really hard was

1) we had to hold our arms out to the side level with our shoulders holding a dumbbell in each hand and then I had to do a bicep curl one arm at a time holding the opposite one out level with my shoulders. I used a 3kg dumbbell on each side and I found it really difficult to keep one arm level and curl the other one as one arm wanted to drop down whilst the other curled!

2) we had to go into I to a press up position but we had to hold our legs out in a v shape and then do one press up and when I come back up I had to bring my legs back together in a jump and jump back into the v shape and repeat. The jumping wasn't so bad put the press up was very hard and again my arms were shaking!

3) we had to use the T Rex (TRX) and have our feet suspended in the straps and start in a plank position and then use primarily our core to lift ourselves up into an upside down v shape keeping our legs and spine straight. The first few were fine but as the time ticked my body started to find it harder and harder!

The rest of them were hard but I managed them without too many problems. After our first circuit we stopped for a drink break and got stuck in again but this time spending 30seconds on each station. The second time around was very tough even though the time was halved, I was glad when it was finished and we got offered orange slices which were yummy :)

After this Jamie had just come back up to do 20mins on the treadmill so I decided to join him and see how he was getting on :) I started with a 5% incline at a steady pace of 4.5k for 2 minutes, I then increased is to a steady power walk of 5km for 2 mins and built up to 5.5km for 5 minutes (mainly as I forgot to change the speed), then to 6km for 2 minutes and up to a steady jog of 8km for 2 minutes, back to 6km for 2 minutes, up to 8km for 2 minutes, back to 6km for 2 minutes and finished off at 8km for 1 minute

Jamie then went over to the arm bike for his cool down and I went to the cross trainer for a steady cool down. I started at resistance level 10 for a quick challenge on the legs. I did this for 5 minutes then I eased it down a level for the final 5 minutes and then went into the cool down stage on the cross trainer which is about a minute at half the resistance you were on when your time finished. My average speed was 100spm (from what I was told means, strokes per second).

Well, it's valentines tomorrow and as much I'd like a romantic surprise I think we will end up in the gym again lol! Well, we can always go for a romantic stroll on the treadmills haha!!

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Gym day 6 - Sunday 17th February 2013

Ok I've not managed to go to the gym for a few days as I got to go to Devon to see my dad. Few days off were quite nice especially being able to see dad, haven't seen him in such a long time!

We were working Sunday and got to finish early so that evening it was back to the gym. Jamie didn't join me as he was in pain with his arms (think he pulled a muscle a bit) so I went on my own , mainly for a quick workout

I started with a warm up on the cross trainer, I started at resistance level 7 and within 10 minutes I gradually raised the resistance level to level 10. In the 10mins I covered 0.56km

I went onto my main workout on the mats as I hadn't done any mat workouts for a while.

I started with a plank hold. I completed 2 holds of 1 minute each and had a 30 second break

I then done 3 sets of 20 reps of v sit twists (sit in a v shape and twist your upper body around to each side, one twist to one side = 1 rep) using 4kg medicine ball. I had another 30 second between each set and after my final set

I then done another 3 sets of 10 reps of v sit crunches (start laid flat on the floor and lift your legs and upper body up to form a v shape

I took another 30 second break between each set and after my final set

After those 3 workouts on the mats I decided to a little on the weights quickly as I had a call from Jamie saying tea was nearly here.

So I went to the pull down bar and done 3 sets of 15 reps working the lats at 20kg, then I done another 3 sets of 15 reps working the triceps at 20kg and finally another 3 sets of 15 reps working the biceps at 20kg. I had a 30 second break between sets and after my final set.

From the pull down bar I moved over to the chest press and completed 3 sets of 15 reps using 15kg weights, still finding the chest press hard but it's getting there :) I also had 30 seconds break between sets and my last set

To finish off I needed to work my legs so I went onto the leg press and this time increased the weight from 20kg to 30kg and completed 3 sets of 15 reps. I had another 30 second break between sets and after my last set I went back upstairs to finish the day off on the cross trainer.

I done 10 minutes on the cross trainer and started at resistance level 10 and after 2 minutes I levelled down one resistance level and continued that throughout the 10 minutes and when I finished I went through the cool down and then done a few stretches after and that was me finished for the day :)

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Gym day 7

I started today with 10minutes power walk on the treadmill to warm up

I stayed on the treadmill after my warm up a done 20minutes interval training. For the first 10minutes I done 1 minute power walk and then 2 minutes running and then I was feeling exhausted running for 2 minutes a time so for the last 10 minutes I done 1 minute power walk and 1 minute running. In this time Jamie had joined me as I decided to meet him there as I was bored at home

From the treadmill to the rowing machine for a 2k row. I was rowing at resistance level 8 and completed the 2k in 9 minutes 59 seconds which is an improvement from my last time (last time it took me 10 minutes 13 seconds)

I was starting to feel a headache coming on

I went to the cycle machine to complete a 5k cycle. I started at resistance level 7 and kept getting "high heart rate" come up so I went down a resistance level 6 and it still kept telling me off so I went down another level which stopped it telling me off. I did try to increase it after my heart rate went down but then my head started to hurt so I left it at level 5. I was cycling as fast as I could and for the first time in a long time the sweat was literally running down my head, back, legs and everywhere and it was streaming off me! I completed the 5k in 14minutes 1 second which is slightly quicker than last time (last time 14 minutes 43seconds) but I was using a lower resistance level

My head was starting to throb by then so I had to call it a day

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