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Are You Thinking Of Turning?


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With everything that's going on in the news at the moment about horse meat being in loads of different things, is it putting you off buying certain products and or eating certain kinds of meat?


I don't eat red meat anyway - not adverse to it i just prefer white meat and fish. but it has made me think more about what's in food - i suppose meat is meat at the end of the day but curious about what other opinions people have on this?

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I'm like you, Sarah, I really only eat white meat (don't even like fish) so lamb, beef etc is not on my menu, but I can see why people would be put off eating it & things made from it (burgers / sausages etc) - though different cultures eat different animals anyway ... hmmm, would be interesting to see the replies

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Whenever I can, I try to buy antibiotic free meat, eggs, etc. Also try to buy from local butchers and farms.


But the news with the horse meat and etc won't turn me into a vegetarian - I love meat too much. Besides, I'm anemic, so I need the iron.

But I'd never eat horse meat, dog meat, etc...I just see that as wrong.


Actually, the only meat I won't eat is pork...but that's just cause I don't like the texture. Except for prime rib, I'll eat that. Maybe its all the BBQ sauce...

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Dont see any difference between a horse and a cow really except that we have chosen to like one as a companion animal and one as food


Im like Sarah anyway, I only eat chicken and fish (dont like the taste of red meat).


If you're going to eat one animal you cant then be disgusted at eating another. The animal eaten shouldnt be an issue, the welfare of the animal should be.

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Dont see any difference between a horse and a cow really except that we have chosen to like one as a companion animal and one as food


Im like Sarah anyway, I only eat chicken and fish (dont like the taste of red meat).


If you're going to eat one animal you cant then be disgusted at eating another. The animal eaten shouldnt be an issue, the welfare of the animal should be.


You're right - there is no difference seeing as they are all sources of meat. But, like you said, we see some as companion animals so we feel we shouldn't eat them. It's an emotional thing, mostly, as well as cultural.

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I agree...Don't think I could eat horse meat.  I know a lot of people that will eat deer meat, rabbit, squirrel.  No thanks, I stick to cow, pig, chicken, turkey.  I could never not eat meat though, my favorite is a big medium rare sirloin smotherd in grilled onions!

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I don't see much difference between Horse and Cow.

I've never had much emotional attachment to horses.

Other than being better looking than cows.

Meat is meat.

I'm an omnivore.

If it's prepared and put in front of me, it gets eaten

If someone then says that juicy steak you had wasn't beef but equine meat.

I wouldn't have enjoyed it any less.

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Venison and caribou are actually really good. I like caribou more than I like beef, turkey, or lamb actually.

I don't think I have ever seen a caribou in real life..well maybe at the zoo lol


Many people I know love deer meat, I have never had it to be honest but I am probably the most picky eater you will find.  I can't bring myself to eat it LOL

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I don't get how you could eat cow meat and then not horse meat because of emotional reasons. I'm not sure about anybody else, but they're all equal to me. I've visited a pig farm for school some time ago and decided I don't want to contribute to all of this mess, regardless of animal, and decided to avoid meat as much as I can.


Later we watched a very graphic documentary at school about the entire awful process the majority of the food animals have to go through and somehow is still LEGAL to do. I'm glad I took my decision because I would feel guilty all the time otherwise.


If you want to see it yourself, and I would recommend it to anyone who eats meat: Look up 'Farm to Fridge' on YouTube. Warning: it's very gory and upsetting. It's closer then your home than you think. All of these practices are still done every day in order to refill the meat supply in the shops.

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As a child I lived next door to an abattoir (slaughterhouse was the less PC name for it) and my mates and I spent hours hanging around it. We'd ask the guys there for cow horns which we'd take home, boil the gunk out of, cut the ends from and sell to our more squeamish friends as "Robin Hood" horns.

Watching the process didn't put me off meat at all - far from it!

I ate horsemeat in France as a child and quite liked it. Nearer to home I can still remember the butcher in our local market selling "Horsemeat for human consumption" ( at the time - only a decade after the 2nd World War - it was a cheap replacement for beef or lamb).

I am a shameless omnivore and love my red meat - especially lamb. I'm not keen on chicken - too bland, or pork (unless it is magically transformed into the heaven that is smoked bacon).

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In some European countries, e.g. Italy, Poland, there is a possibilty to buy horse meat, however, it is properly labelled, and-as far as I know- not awfully popular. Honesty is an issue here, I want to eat what I think I am eating! (BTW I dont think I would ever try it)

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Well, okay, I can see what a lot of you are saying, but I guess being from a part of the country where cattle are food animals and horses are working animals - y'ain't gonna eat ma horse!!!!!

A horse can get into areas that a four-wheeler could not go; they're quieter and don't scare the cattle as a motor-bike does; they're a whole lot more intelligent than some of the guys riding them - y'ain't gonna eat ma horse!!!!!

I suppose a lot of it depends on how you picture a horse.  To those of us here in the western US they definitely are NOT meat animals.

Over my life time I've eaten a few different meats, but knowingly I've never eaten either horse or dog - they both, to me, fall into the category of a work animal not a food animal. 

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I dunno if I would ever try it, because I'm partial to horses. I guess it'd be like eating a pet...?


I grew up with a father liking different things, so through my years I've tried many different meats: squirrel, rabbit, beaver, snapping turtle, alligator, shark, octopus, venison (I always have about 50+ lbs of this in my freezer), bison (one of my favs), seafood (shrimp, lobster), many different kinds of fish.


I love red meat, don't get me wrong, but I don't think I could fully appreciate eating a horse. I mean, I would if I was stranded somewhere and my horse had to be put down or something. (BTW, I don't have horses...I just spend a lot of time with them). I, too, don't like pork because of my mom always feeding us pork chops or pork loin roasts as kids... I eat a lot of chicken because we raise our own and butcher them every year. We try to only eat red meat once a week, unless it is venison, then we eat that a couple times a week.


I am also one of those people who buy meats that don't have antibiotics, etc. I buy from our neighbor who raises cattle, sheep, pigs, etc. I get cheese from my mother-in-law who raises goats and makes goat cheese. My husband was raised vegetarian, and my in-laws still are. They eat eggs and dairy but stay away from "meat". My husband gets to try all kinds of new things usually when my Dad makes them. I think he had pickled cows tongue last week... weird. I didn't like it.

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I will be honest when i first heard about it all my first reaction was shocked but I wouldnt say it made me want to turn. I couldnt live without meat, I know that is probably the worst thing to read for many people but I really couldnt live without it. We also tend to eat more white meat than red meats and when we do have red meat it tends to be non processed meat such as a roast joint, with the bone.

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I'm in no way put off red meat, unfortunately many things which happen in the world can seem very wrong but it's easy for people to be blind to them then face the fact that animals get killed in inhumane ways and that ex-race horses get sold for this reason.

It is interesting to know though that there is an abattoir not far from a well known race course in my country, pretty sad :(


Again, I'm not put off meat as it is a such a good source of protein and every dietitian i've talked to considers red meat to be a very important food for those who are not vegetarian/vegan.


EDIT: By red meat I mean Beef and Lamb I would NEVER eat horse, They are pets in my mind and black beauty was one of my favorite childhood movies.

I also use to follow the horses out in the bush when I spent time on a station years ago. They are  :wub:  beautiful animals.

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i bet most of you like your red meat part raw yuk


Yep, sizzle, flip and sizzle - probably qualifies as part raw to you.  Chicken / pork / wild I want cooked all the way through so it normally ends up as a stew of some kind.  Cattle / sheep - singed on the outside, warm and juicy on the inside.

Bet you like yours burnt, yes???

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