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Don't 'fit In' On The Forum


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I feel you there. The first forum I joined for advice on training cats and dogs together told me to get rid of my (at the time) six cats. -.- They made me feel like garbage and honestly, for a bit made me lose hope.


But then I found this place, and while sketchy at first, I decided to post anyway. Boy was I wrong about the reaction I'd get. :D

I have heard this about other husky forums but I haven't had first hand experience as I didn't stay there long enough. One insult within the first hour of being there was not good. They were, very politely, told what they could do with their forum and I joined this one instead. Yes, occassionally, I do feel out of place but, I don't feel as though I'm being judged. I always get good advise and if people don't know they don't give you a load of crap just to "big" themselves up. Love coming on here, the best move I have made in a long while. Long may it continue.



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Strange that you should ask this question, it is something I have been struggling with for a couple of months now :(

I seem to be participating less and less as time goes by, maybe in my case it is an age thing, I honestly don't know ......... I always worry I might say something to offend someone again, so every single post I do make is agonised over, and more often than not, deleted before posting. But I must stress, it is me ....... not the forum, this is a really great place for everything husky  :)  



Rosemary, lets make this very clear...


Don't you dare to leave the forum!!  :o


There's always a few people that you open threads for quicker than others. You're one of those for me. I might not reply to all of them, but I read all your posts. I always love reading your replies. Don't distance yourself, Husky-Owners is a friendly community and you're one of the reasons why.  :grouphug:

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Oh dear I want to go and hug everyone, Smokey you are such a great person and I think fighting your inner demons about yourself and how you see yourself in society is something you should consider don't look at it as your not good enough for this place or anything like that, if anything we should meet YOUR standards x Rosemary! You are a hugely respected member of this place and loved by so many people, please don't worry about how your posts may be construed because Duncan doesn't lol x Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

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I think from time to time some people do feel a bit out of things. For me I simply can't keep up with the younger folks who can post at an alarming rate, by the time I have read some posts and try to answer there are already loads more replies cos I am a bit slow on the old laptop. Howeve I am well hooked and can't keep away.

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I love the forum. Huskies are a great breed to own, but also challenging compared to other breeds. I love having somewhere that I can bounce my problems off other people, learn from others and their problems, and also to realise on many fronts that I have very few problems compared to many.
I also hope that I can help a few others on the way in the same way that I feel I have been helped.
I love the forum title "A breed above the rest", but is that a reference to huskies, or is it the owners that are a breed above the rest? Both are certainly a little different!
To summarise, a great forum, great people, and I've never felt anything but welcome.


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Anyone feel like they don't fit in on the forum???

I sometimes do.

I mean I like the responses I get, the quality is always there, and people really do look out for me but...oh I don't know. I feel as awkward on this forum as I do in a social setting. Maybe I'm just paranoid.

I feel I try and ocationally give advice and am nice and participate and what not but I don't know...

Does anyone else feel like that?

Smokey I understand how you feel. I've felt like that many times (just ask the staff on here) especially if I'm generally feeling down as it is. I also find social situations hard during times I'm feeling low and will often confine myself indoors. I don't think you're paranoid at all, you're simply human and we all know that every human reacts differently to different situations :)

It is hard to explain how your brain is exactly feeling when you don't understand it yourself or can't understand why your feeling that way. I think sometimes you just gotta try and ignore those awkward feelings and go in head first with something completely random! I've done it before, I randomly come up with the fact I dropped my brain and that went on for a good couple of weeks and helped cheer me up :D I think sometimes we all just want a bit of attention in one way or another, we want someone to tag us in something, we want people say something like a personal Thankyou to us, we want people to give us some for of personal appreciation to us, etc

When I first joined the forum I could reply to everything as it wasn't that busy and I was on here most of the day everyday replying to topics, having a chit chat, etc and then the forum grew and grew and grew to what it is today and now due to personal commitments and the general size of the forum I can't get stuck in as much as I'd like to and I can't be as involved as I used to and I've lost touch with most people here and barely know anyone aswell and that can make me feel excluded from everything at times. I think sometimes you gotta go back to basics like going to the introductions and welcoming new members, getting involved with areas like the main chat, posting photos and videos of you furbaby/ies. These kind of areas seem to be where most people get involved and get to know one another the most.

Maybe make yourself a small target such as your going to try and create x amount of topics today or your going to post some photos x amount of times a week or your going to reply to x amount of random posts or something like that.

If you do wanna chat anytime when your feeling down, feel free to send me a pm if you want to get something off your chest or just want someone to talk to. I'm happy to help :)

Here's a photo to hopefully cheer you up :D


Cheer up, all the best

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Strange that you should ask this question, it is something I have been struggling with for a couple of months now :(

I seem to be participating less and less as time goes by, maybe in my case it is an age thing, I honestly don't know ......... I always worry I might say something to offend someone again, so every single post I do make is agonised over, and more often than not, deleted before posting. But I must stress, it is me ....... not the forum, this is a really great place for everything husky :)

Miss Rosemary you are a well respected person and you always give great advise to those in need but now you are a person who is in need so take on board all that has been said to you :)

You are a lovely person who I love reading about on here, your furbabies are wonderful and i wish we could see more photos of them (hint hint ;) ) and hear more of what your up to more often. Don't feel like you have to keep up or take part in everything, just be who you are and if you feel times are hard tell us, we want to be here for you, we don't like people feeling out of place.

Everyone is different and you can't please everyone, there will always be that one who disagrees with what you say. I would never post anything if I thought it might offend someone! Think that for every person that disagrees, the is anther person who agrees. If someone starts to argue a point with you and you don't feel comfortable with what they have said or how that have put it then ignore it and go to something else that will cheer you up :D have a good scream if it helps, it helps me know and then :)

In the words of the legendary Bob Marley

"Don't worry...About a thing...'Cus every little thing...Iz gonna be alright"

Hope this pic helps cheer you up


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I was under the impression that we all fit in here due to our mutual love of all things fur-kid related? As those that have met me will tell you I suffer from an abundance of mouth and have never once questioned whether I should be here or not. I post, sometimes a lot, and probably sound like a babbling loon most of the time but I just don't care. There are so many people here with so much experience of these breeds it would be a shame to waste any of it. I try and read as many posts as I can and feel all 'odd' when I don't log on for a day or two due to work and life getting in the way :D 

Look at it this way. You are now part of a group where you will always fit in and will always be heard in one way or another. We're all one big family and I am proud to be part of it.

Some people even change your avatars without you knowing, don't they Staff??? :lolman:

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Strange that you should ask this question, it is something I have been struggling with for a couple of months now :(

I seem to be participating less and less as time goes by, maybe in my case it is an age thing, I honestly don't know ......... I always worry I might say something to offend someone again, so every single post I do make is agonised over, and more often than not, deleted before posting. But I must stress, it is me ....... not the forum, this is a really great place for everything husky  :)  

 Hmm..... an age thing eh. I thought this as well and surely you can't be as old as me. I have always found that when you post something it is always worth reading as it gives an honest point of view, is polite and well thought out.. Perhaps a few should come on here from that other forum and read your posts. It might give them an idea of how to deal with people. I can relate to the worrying about offending someone. I am often like that myself but, hopefully, if I did someone would very tactfully point it out but I'm sure it wouldn't happen.............................. or has it ;)



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I'm new here but I belong to other non animal related forums and what Ive learned is just to be persistent. :-) I'm sure not everyone will like me, some will find me obnoxious, but the same is true in real life too. So I just keep posting, because having people with similar interests/issues to bounce things off is invaluable! Especially such cute naughty lil things like these pups.

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I think it's normal & natural to feel like this from time to time, not excluded but perhaps missing out. I can see that when we have our UK husky camps, the rest of the world have to rely on a few (hundred) pictures when everyone has landed home, but as you weren't physically there, it's not the same; you miss out on the little jokes that arise from certain situations at camp or meets; there may be ongoing conversations between old timers on the forum that you feel you are missing the point - if it's any of these, please just ask for it to be explained. I know I feel like that about the US ones, I'd love to sit round their campfire seeing what they all chat about! lol


None of the staff would want any member to feel a little left out if there was something easy that we could do to "fix" it. That is why we are here. If anyone has any suggestions or just wants to voice an opinion but not in public, PM a member of staff; we can discuss it anonymously & see what can be done.


If it is more down to yourself feeling shy or thinking "my voice isn't worthy of being heard" then you couldn't be more wrong. Don't forget, what you are thinking, many others are too, it just takes one person to come out with it! The only daft questions are the ones you don't ask - we're all here to learn about this wonderful (and sometimes frustrating!) breed & we can all do that by talking & sharing, so please - jump right in with ANYTHING! lol Start a thread about something new your husky did that day, any strange comments you get while walking your dog, a new toy you have found and write a report on it, post up a silly pic of your pup sleeping, running, chasing it's tail - anything & you will be surprised at the responses you get


But I do thank you for being honest & seeing that you are not alone - I just hope that feeling goes away & you realise you are a valued member of this wonderful place :D and that goes for each & every one of you that may also feel this

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I don't reply a lot on the forum but I do read alot on here. I don't feel as though I am not wanted though. I am lucky enough to make up for it at camp and mix more with people then. Part is my own fault because I have not learnt to use the forum properly so if I dont know how to post I give up! and it takes me 10 years to learn to use a tv remote! so when the forum changes I get even more flustered!! Need some lessons on here LOL , BUT and I say a BIG BUT! I don.t feel any less part of the big husky family on here. :)  :)

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 Hmm..... an age thing eh. I thought this as well and surely you can't be as old as me. I have always found that when you post something it is always worth reading as it gives an honest point of view, is polite and well thought out.. Perhaps a few should come on here from that other forum and read your posts. It might give them an idea of how to deal with people. I can relate to the worrying about offending someone. I am often like that myself but, hopefully, if I did someone would very tactfully point it out but I'm sure it wouldn't happen.............................. or has it ;)




Hey, would y'all quit with the age thing already??  Rosemary's already admitted that she's just a few days younger then Methuselah ( and I'm just a few days older! )  And I agree, there are very few things she writes that I don't enjoy ... (( does that get me taken care of for suggesting that you might be old, Rosemary? ))

But, I do have a question for you ... what's "tact"???

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It's worse in other forums...if you're not in the click, this one is actually pretty friendly and social from what I've found [i think it's a 'in your face' husky thing ;)]. I'm on this other forum and I'll say something, and no one responds. *crickets* Then "Bob" comes along and says the EXACT same thing and it's "Why didn't I think of that Bob, thanks!" Really it's not about me, but it still urks ya just the same. lol

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It's worse in other forums...if you're not in the click, this one is actually pretty friendly and social from what I've found [i think it's a 'in your face' husky thing ;)]. I'm on this other forum and I'll say something, and no one responds. *crickets* Then "Bob" comes along and says the EXACT same thing and it's "Why didn't I think of that Bob, thanks!" Really it's not about me, but it still urks ya just the same. lol

Exact thing happened to me! I would give the exact same advice on another forum and no one would acknowledge it until someone in the 'click' posted it. so annoying pssst.

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Hey, would y'all quit with the age thing already??  Rosemary's already admitted that she's just a few days younger then Methuselah ( and I'm just a few days older! )  And I agree, there are very few things she writes that I don't enjoy ... (( does that get me taken care of for suggesting that you might be old, Rosemary? ))

But, I do have a question for you ... what's "tact"???

It's that thing that you try to avoid saying directly and attempt to say in a roundabout way without actually offending someone but hoping you're getting your point across lol


That thing you think but don't say, then say exactly the opposite of what you were thinking...

Take your pick Al lol :P

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Hey, would y'all quit with the age thing already??  Rosemary's already admitted that she's just a few days younger then Methuselah ( and I'm just a few days older! )  And I agree, there are very few things she writes that I don't enjoy ... (( does that get me taken care of for suggesting that you might be old, Rosemary? ))But, I do have a question for you ... what's "tact"???

Tact = this is one of those words that changes meaning depending on how I feel on any particular day :-)

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Anyone feel like they don't fit in on the forum???


I sometimes do.


I mean I like the responses I get, the quality is always there, and people really do look out for me but...oh I don't know. I feel as awkward on this forum as I do in a social setting. Maybe I'm just paranoid.


I feel I try and ocationally give advice and am nice and participate and what not but I don't know...


Does anyone else feel like that?

ALL THE TIME! Everyone is nice here, but yes I have to say I feel like an outsider too. I think its the feeling you get when you join a group of people who have been friends forever. They all know each other and you are an outsider until you really make some friends. Still, a great place to hang out though. 

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well... I guess if you prefer lurking than posting, that "outsider" feeling would come up. Like NicTurtle says, you're an outsider until you really make some friends. Well, in this forum, making friends is real easy :) which is why I can never go inactive without missing this place after a little while! ;)

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Maybe it's me, but I always find this sort of discussion quite disturbing/uncomfortable. I really don't get why people need to be liked/accepted/valued by a bunch of strangers on the internet. Real life is the place to find friends, not on an electronic screen. For me, fora, Facebook groups etc are simply places to share information and have discussions. That is why I post very rarely - if I feel I have nothing to say on a subject, I ignore it. Similarly, if people don't agree with my posts they can ignore them or argue - neither will cause me any distress or concern.

But then again I am indescribably ancient and an anti-social old bugger whose idea of hell on earth would be a "Husky Camp"  :D  :D  :D  :D

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