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The Start Of A New Friendship: Keira's Timeline <3


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We got Keira a day early, well, my husband did actually and surprised me with her. I was shocked, but it was a great surprise and I have loved every second of having her home with us. Everything is going well and she is such a sweetheart, and has been cuddling with us all weekend. She definitely lives up to her nickname of "thief" but, I've done well with keeping all of our valuables off the floor. The only things she has really "stolen" have been the cats mouse toy with a little bell inside of it. Our son absolutely adores her and she loves him too, every time they're around each other he's always smiling and giggling and Keira's tail is always wagging excitedly. We've only had three accidents so far which isn't bad at all. It's been an adjustment since bringing her home, but I wouldn't change it for the world, she's so funny, and definitely a little fiesty at times when she wants to play with our cats or us, lol. I can't wait to see what the future holds for Keira and our family! Even though it's only been two days since we brought her home I already cannot imagine our lives without her, she's amazing and I still feel like I'm living in a dream world or something. She's perfect. <3


Now, to the best part... PICTURES!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
















Sorry the pictures are so dark and crappy... Our living room has the worst lighting ever, and plus these were all taken on my phone so yeah, sorry again lol. I'll have to get my husband to get my camera out from behind our movie/game shelf since one of our cats decided to knock it behind there and I can't reach it or move the shelf by myself since it's way too heavy for me to lift on my own. Also please excuse my husbands shirt in the picture of him and Keira, that's one of his work shirts so it's a bit beaten up. Anyway, I have a few more pictures to upload from my phone, but I'll have to do that later on since it's past 1 am here, and I need some sleep, and because it'll take forever to transfer them from my phone to my computer. I hope you guys enjoyed the pictures and I'll continue to update this thread with more pictures as Keira grows! :D

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Thanks! She is pretty tiny, four of her littermates are way bigger than Keira and her sister Karma are. Karma is the runt, and is actually considerably smaller than Keira.


I'm glad you liked the pictures! I will definitely post a ton more pictures later and when I can get my hands on my digital camera and a TON of batteries lol!

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She is just gorgeous love her mask :) they do have a way of getting into your heart really quickly :) x

Everyone LOVES her mask when they see her and even though my husbands grandmother HATES animals, she admitted that Keira is very beautiful and even petted her once or twice lol. But yes, they do have a way of stealing your heart pretty quickly. <3


Awwww bet you were so happy to have her a day early! Let the fun begin :D


It was definitely a surprise! I couldn't stop smiling for hours and I'm so happy and thankful that we found her. She's going to be one rotten girl in this family LOL! :D :D

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Oh wow. I love her already. XD Can't wait to watch her grow up! I'm so happy for you. :3


Also, that orange kitty is a mini Jade. XD

Thank you!! :D She's the best pup I've ever been around. She's quiet (for now LOL), and seems to pick up on things quickly. I'm sure she'll get more stubborn and test me eventually but for now I'm just enjoying the new puppy phase and cuddling with her as much as I can until she gets older and starts running around like a nutcase! :P


Aww, cute! We actually have two orange cats, the one in the picture is one of our younger ones, he's almost 7 months old and is one of the sweetest cats in the world. He's laying in front of my computer as I'm typing this, haha. He's the only one out of our four that actually plays with Keira, and his name is Simba.



Yeepppp!! :D :D :D :D


How are you?

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Thank you!! :D She's the best pup I've ever been around. She's quiet (for now LOL), and seems to pick up on things quickly. I'm sure she'll get more stubborn and test me eventually but for now I'm just enjoying the new puppy phase and cuddling with her as much as I can until she gets older and starts running around like a nutcase! :P


Aww, cute! We actually have two orange cats, the one in the picture is one of our younger ones, he's almost 7 months old and is one of the sweetest cats in the world. He's laying in front of my computer as I'm typing this, haha. He's the only one out of our four that actually plays with Keira, and his name is Simba.

Hahaha, yeah. XD It'll last for a little bit. Be prepared. :P


That's awesome. :D We have two orange as well, as you probably already know. Jade and Alucard are brothers, just Alucard has a bit of white and is super fluffy. They'll all probably warm up to her in time. Most of ours did. Simon's the only one who hasn't warmed up (He's old, cut him slack) and Ashes doesn't play with them, but will tolerate them around her sometimes. (And go figure, she's kinda old too. :P )

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Hahaha, yeah. XD It'll last for a little bit. Be prepared. :P


That's awesome. :D We have two orange as well, as you probably already know. Jade and Alucard are brothers, just Alucard has a bit of white and is super fluffy. They'll all probably warm up to her in time. Most of ours did. Simon's the only one who hasn't warmed up (He's old, cut him slack) and Ashes doesn't play with them, but will tolerate them around her sometimes. (And go figure, she's kinda old too. :P )

Aww, yeah, the older ones I would expect to not warm up easily or at all. They're stubborn and set in their ways by then. :P All of our cats are fairly young, our two oldest will be 2 this year and the other two will be a year old this year. So yeah, I'm hoping all of them warm up and can at least tolerate being in the same room without any growling/hissing/howling/barking going on lol.  


Yeah, and when I typed earlier that she's quiet, that just went out the window lol. She was "yelling" at Garfield because she wanted to play and he wasn't having any part of it, lol.


Aww, she's adorable!


Thank you!! I have more pictures that I'm uploading from my camera now so they will be better in quality. :)

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Aww, yeah, the older ones I would expect to not warm up easily or at all. They're stubborn and set in their ways by then. :P All of our cats are fairly young, our two oldest will be 2 this year and the other two will be a year old this year. So yeah, I'm hoping all of them warm up and can at least tolerate being in the same room without any growling/hissing/howling/barking going on lol.  


Yeah, and when I typed earlier that she's quiet, that just went out the window lol. She was "yelling" at Garfield because she wanted to play and he wasn't having any part of it, lol.

Yeah. XD Simon will be 18 this year, Ashes will be 11. Then Ruffles is 7, Jade and Alucard just turned 3 year old, Emm's almost 2, then Rupee, Cyrus, and Veloso will all have their first birthdays this year. One in April, the other two in August. All of them warmed up just fine, so I'm sure yours will. :D If nothing else, I'm sure they'll tolerate the same room. Simon and Ashes do that much at least.


LOL. Yup. Niko did that. XD Actually, I think you'll appreciate these.





Those were at my mom's house in California. That voice would be my sisters. XD

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Depended on the situation really. He was pretty good about playing exactly the way you saw. There were a couple of times he tried to get rough and we would make a noise to distract and make him take a step back from play and sit calmly before he could continue. If he continued, it was time for a time out. But we tried to encourage him to play with them and praised him when he was gentle. We also made sure to praise him if a cat ran by and he didn't chase. We never let him finish on a bad note. So if he went to time out or had to sit and the cat left, we'd usually bring the cat back and continue until he acted right.


And Ruffles, yes. :D I love the way she played with him. Ruffles is weird, she doesn't really play that much, so to see her play is a pretty rare thing. I've only ever been able to get her to play with furry mice.

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Hm, I'll have to try that. I'm just so scared she's going to end up accidentally hurting Simba since he's the only one that actually will play until she gets too rough. The other three just growl/hiss and then put her in her place with a swat or two and then high tail it over the baby gate into the kitchen where Keira can't get them. :P


Aw that's awesome that she actually played with him then. Sometimes I wish ours weren't so playful, because they drive me insane at night when I'm trying to get some sleep. Our bedroom door isn't a real door, it's hard to explain but it slides open and shut and it doesn't latch so the cats can nudge their way into our bedroom since the door is easy to slide open. Anyway so they nudge their way into our room and run under the bed, jump in the windows, wrestle, jump on the bed and roll around, attack our toes, and Simba LOVES to go under the comforter to sleep sometimes which drives me crazy since he won't move when I need to change positions lol.


But I'll definitely start trying what you mentioned to see if that helps teach Keira to be gentle when playing with the cats. :)

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Here are the pictures from Sunday, these were also taken with my phone but since we were outside the lighting was way better and they turned out great. :) We were at my husbands grandmothers house and she has a pretty big backyard that's completely fenced in, needless to say Keira enjoyed running around like a nutcase and playing in the leaves and attacking sticks in the yard lol. :D











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  • 2 weeks later...

Here are some new pictures! :D We got a new couch last weekend, it's really nice and I absolutely LOVE it, and so do the cats and Keira. :D








Keira and Simba are really starting to become friends now. Both of them are always playing and sitting near each other. :D



Here's a picture of Keira chewing her nylabone. I didn't think she liked it that much when we got it for her, but she has taken to it. When she's in a really hyper mood, she'll attack it and then pick it up and carry it around in her mouth while running through the house like a nutcase! :P



These next two pictures were just some random ones I took outside today. :)




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So glad they're getting along! Both are so gorgeous. <3

Thank you!! And me too! Simba will walk up and rub Keira, they are too sweet together lol. We got all three of our males neutered last week so hopefully the other two will calm down some and won't get so irritated with her. I'm working on her being gentle with them now so hopefully she'll have an "Aha!" moment and something will click and she will realize that chasing the cats/playing too rough with them will get her in trouble, lol.


PUPPY!!!!!!!!!! Sooo cute!!!!

Thanks! She's a mess, but I wouldn't change it for anything, she has been a great addition to the family. :)

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Awwww she is very cute


Thank you!! Sorry I didn't see your post until now, I've been busy. :) She knows she's way too cute for her own good lol, and is a spoiled little thing already. Her and my son are going to be competing for who has the most toys pretty soon, LOL!! My husband is the worst about spoiling her too, he's the one that brought home a new toy for her last night when he was suppose to just be buying some more soda for the house haha. However, she loves her squeaky duck so I can't complain, it gives her something to do. :)

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  • 1 month later...

So, it's been awhile since I last posted, but things have been crazy around here for the last month. Keira has finally setlled into our family and routine. She currently only knows a very small amount of commands (apparently my husband and I like to choose opposite command words, lol). But she does know sit, down (lay down), wait (for a toy, or food) and will stay waiting until I say "okay". So while it's not a very impressive list, it's a start and she's doing well. In the last week she has figured out that she can now jump up on the couch in our living room, which means that no one is safe on our couch anymore (us or the cats, lol).


She absolutely LOVES her squeaky duck (or any squeaky toy, but especially that duck). We are slowly building up a stash of dog toys that all end up under our couch or hidden in our sons room, which I'm not sure who puts them in there -- the dog or my son, LOL! :P


Anyway, that's about it for now, just a quick little mini update. I will post pictures soon of Keira at 15 weeks, hopefully it'll be this week or it might be this weekend. My Spring quarter of college classes started yesterday, so I no longer have a ton of free time. I wish we had a two week break instead of just the one week we had. But oh well... Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well and I will update again very soon! :D

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