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Someone Was Scared Of My Puppy Today


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I took Chula for her morning stroll, today choosing the front yard/path so she could sit and watch the squirrels run around (favorite pastime). A grown woman came walking up the sidewalk and freaked out because my puppy was scary looking, according to her. She refused to walk by and told me to take the dog away. I know some people just have a general fear of dogs so I tried my best to be understanding and held Chula while the woman passed, but really? She's a tiny little ball of silent furry cuteness! Are people scared of your doggies? 



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I've experienced one that was true fear of my girl. We took the opportunity to introduce the husky and human slowly, educate the human on the breed and educate the husky on the proper manners to use when greeting someone who is showing fear.


Ryn now knows that for this particular person, the best way to greet (and therefore to be greeted in return) is to sit and extend a paw. She learned this as a pup and now at 2 1/2 years old, this is the only way she greets this particular woman (who, I must add, stops in my office on occassion to see Ryn - isn't it amazing what time and patience can do for both human and husky.


When Ryn sees Jean, the furry butt hits the floor and the paw comes up. Once they've greeted one another that way, Ryn will kiss her hand and snuggle closer for a pat.


The most important thing you can do in situations where someone is scared (though I think in your case the woman was more dramatic than fearful) is to have your husky assume a sit position - some would call it a sit/stay position, but I have never trained mine the stay command. And remain calm as the individual passes by. If a fearful person is ignored by you (acknowledge the individual but basically ignore the emotions going on) it will teach your husky the proper way to handle the situation.


I feel a need to explain why I don't use a stay command. Simply, when I give a command to sit or lay, that is what I mean. You sit or stay until you are released. I've found it less confusing. I also use the command 'wait'. Wait means to remain in place until you are released - It's used when I don't have a preference as to whether Ryn should sit or lay, I'm simply asking her to 'wait' for the next command.

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Chula was just sitting thinking about squirrels and dirt and dog stuff when the woman came close, and she was on a lead, so she wasn't going to get away. I do think the woman was legitimately frightened though, because she did say thank you and have a nice day when I pulled the dog close and held her collar. I am afraid of some dogs too (mostly rowdy little yippy dogs that the owners think they don't have to leash because they are small), so I understand the fear. But now I'm worried people will be afraid of her when she's big! Mostly people want to pet her and comment on her eyes, but there was a little boy at a school bus stop the other day who asked if she was a wolf. 


We haven't been successful with "stay" yet either, because every time I say "stay" after "sit" she thinks I'm talking to her and gets excited. I am working on "wait" with her for food purposes and she seems to be getting it, maybe I'll just stick with "wait" in general.

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Just want to say how CUTE she is!!! 


That woman was a little nuts, how could you be afraid of something that cute???  Ive had a few people scared of Nikko, but that is because he comes on strong, VERY excited, loud talking, jumping, etc.  It takes him awhile to calm down

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Yuki has frightened a couple people. Once when we were walking down a street I saw a lady walking towards us further up aways, and as soon as she saw Yuki she ran across to the other side of the street, disregarding traffic! Wut?


Then once at a drive through I was getting coffee, everyone at the shop knows Yuki but I make her wait on the passenger seat in case theres someone we dont know, and then if its someone we know they'll get a treat for her and Yuki will come over to the window, stick her paws and head out the window. We pulled up and one of the ladys we know recognized her and got the treat and Yuki sticks her whole front body out the window and begs for a treat. Then she goes to get our coffee so Yuki's just chilling out the window, and then another girl came with the coffee that I didn't recognize. She saw Yuki and literally started shaking so I pulled Yuki back and put her over on the passenger seat and she gave me my coffee so timidly as if Yuki was gonna pounce on her any second and then as soon as I had my cup she flinched back inside the window and shut the window as fast as she could. Poor Yuki was just saying hi LOL

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I would be wanting to pick up that ball of cuteness :)

Not run away  :duh:


When we got Rafeal at 8 weeks, everyone at the airport had fallen in love with him.

They always ask "how's the puppy, he's so cute". :)


If you lived where I do people would be in awe of her,

She's so freaking cuttee!!! <3

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People cross the street all the time or ask if they're friendly and can walk by or if they should go around. People are more scared of Kay and Maya then Sophie. I can understand people being scared of Kay because she's this gorgeous dog that looks a lot like a wolf, especially her eyes. Sophie doesn't look much like a husky and is a little more approachable, people love her...most of the time.

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Chula was just sitting thinking about squirrels and dirt and dog stuff when the woman came close, and she was on a lead, so she wasn't going to get away. I do think the woman was legitimately frightened though, because she did say thank you and have a nice day when I pulled the dog close and held her collar. I am afraid of some dogs too (mostly rowdy little yippy dogs that the owners think they don't have to leash because they are small), so I understand the fear. But now I'm worried people will be afraid of her when she's big! Mostly people want to pet her and comment on her eyes, but there was a little boy at a school bus stop the other day who asked if she was a wolf. 


We haven't been successful with "stay" yet either, because every time I say "stay" after "sit" she thinks I'm talking to her and gets excited. I am working on "wait" with her for food purposes and she seems to be getting it, maybe I'll just stick with "wait" in general.


It's good that you are reading those who are around your husky and more importantly valuing and acknowledging their fears and concerns.


Because of that understanding, I really wouldn't worry too much about people being fearful of Chula as she matures. Just know that by providing her with excellent manners and assisting her in reading humans that she will be a well-rounded and accepted husky in her community. Take every opportunity you can to expose her to various conditions relating to humans in her world. She'll soon learn what is acceptable. Most of all, don't be afraid to let her know when her actions aren't acceptable. (I'm fortunate that a simple 'aaack' is all I need to voice to Ryn when her actions are inappropriate.)


My girl has been out in the public since she was small. She meets the very old, the very young, even visits care centers and preschools (another opportunity to educate the public on this very special breed). She goes to parades, where she sits and watches everything from llamas and tractors go by to children in clown suits and Veterans with weapons and screeching fire trucks as they pass by. Exposure to every situation is the best thing you can do for your husky.

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I am actually a bit terrified of her nipping or biting someone, thinking she is playing, and someone getting mad and trying to have her euthanized or something because she nipped at a kid who stuck her hand in her face. We are working on the nipping, but so far she still thinks nipping is a super fun part of play.

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Try not allowing her to greet anyone until she is in a calm state. As a pup, Ryn was rather boisterous as well and nipping is always a 'game' to them at a young age. Have you tried using a loud screech to deter her nipping (this will let her know she's hurting you). Sometimes it's just that they are excited.........



Find someone to assist you, preferably someone Chula really wants to greet. Begin with getting her calm several feet away from the individual. After she's calm, take a few steps toward your goal. Chances are Chula will begin to show excitement again. Wait again until she is calm, each time moving forward. It shouldn't take long until she gets the hint. Any nipping and its back to the furthest point to begin again. (Do be sure that you don't stretch the exercise to the point that it is merely frustrating for her and ALWAYS end on a positive note).


I'm sure that others have great ideas to deter nipping and I look forward to seeing the methods that worked for them.

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I am actually a bit terrified of her nipping or biting someone, thinking she is playing, and someone getting mad and trying to have her euthanized or something because she nipped at a kid who stuck her hand in her face. We are working on the nipping, but so far she still thinks nipping is a super fun part of play.

Balto is still working on greetings, he LOVES everyone and kids especially. We went to puppy class last week and a young kid was there and Balto jumped on him to be petted (didn't knock him down or anything) and he nips (which we are working on) but he has scared a little kid and then the little kid scared Balto by screaming and crying. We told the parents we were sorry and that we were working really hard with him to do better with greeting people he just LOVES to be petted and we are trying hard with the nipping. The parents were extremely understanding and said they had a puppy once that was terrible with it. I think that if you just keep working with her and talk to people who she may jump on that you really are working on it they may be more understanding. We also keep Balto extremely close to us when we see people or other dogs so that helps as well.

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We were told several methods to help stop the nipping in puppy class so here are some things they told me


1) when she nips say ah ah and no bite or no mouth if she stops praise if not then say it again but get up and walk away


2) when she bites yell really loud like she just murdered you and stop play


3) say ah ah no bite or no mouth and if she persists alligator her mouth shut


4) "                                                                            " squirt her inbetween the eyes with a water bottle


5) "                                                                             " push her cheeks in so she bites herself


6) Wear gloves or something when playing with her that has no yuck on it so when she bites it cannot penetrate your skin and it tastes bad


7) time out

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I yelp when she bites. She usually pulls back and looks at me and then barks. I give her a few chances with the nipping then she goes into timeout if she can't be nice. Last night though I was on the ground, on all fours, looking for something under the couch and she grabbed my pony tail and WOULD NOT let go and started pulling HARD. My hair is long so she actually was too far away for me to even do anything to get a hold of her legs and try to surprise her. I had to scream for my OH to come and try to get her to release, she's a little scared of him still so all he had to do was get close and she let go and hid underneath me. Little stinker.

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A lion?! Hahahahaha. That's funny. I would have said "yes" too. I wonder how tanked that person must have been. 

well they were a bunch of lads and slightly drunk i think.

i wanted them to stay clear from me :D

so I said yes 

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I've never run into anyone who was actually afraid of our girls but, I've had people tell me that Zoya looks "evil".  Probably because of her black mask and the ice blue eyes always seem  to unnerve people.  :)  On the other hand, I've had people ask if Eisa was part wolf...her coat is a grizzled dark gray, but her face looks pure husky, not wolfish at all.  When I tell them that she is pure husky, then they're all right with her and will immediately reach to pet her.  As if not being part wolf makes her friendly.... :facepalm:

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A few people have been scared of my Sibe over the years but not as many that are scared by my young Malinois. I think generally people are scared or more cautious of bigger dogs, although Sibes are so popular now most people just tend to comment on how beautiful Micha is or ask to pat him :)

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I get this alot. The wolf comment drives me nuts now... My partner was running Meeko yesterday and their was a bloke infront on the pavement so he slowed to walk past him and he turned round to Tom and with a lot of ffffing said "you shouldn't be aloud dangerous dogs like that, get him away from me blah blah" luckily it was Tom and not me as he is very laid back. Grrrrrr.

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