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Love At First........


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How did you know your dog was the one for you? How did you pick out your dog if adopted/bought.


For Balto it was love at first lick. We picked him out from the humane society, he was the first dog of many puppies we were going to look at but as soon as we got in his cage he immediately wagged his tail and gave me a kiss that is how I knew I wanted him. We interacted with him for a total of 10 minutes and just knew he was going home with us... I think he kind of picked us because we wanted a smaller dog such as a terrier or something like that, but we wound up with him.

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storm, we went to go look. We had the choice of 3 boys.

He came up to us, climber onto my lap and fell asleep in my arms.

That was that.


Angel I saw her photo on the husky rescue webpage and I fell in love.

Her beautiful blue eyes were so sad :( and I wanted to make her all better and love her and never let her go.

Thankfully on her visit to see if she and Storm got on, they got on so well it was a done deal.

Aurora, well we dont have her yet. I actually havent even seen her in the flesh so to speak.  But she was born boxing day and I fell in love with her photo and as soon as I knew she was a red and a gir and kc reg that was it.

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I knew Chula was mine before I even met her. The man sent us a picture of three pups, there were two super beautiful red/whites with blue eyes who were kind of looking off into space being cute and fuzzy, and then there was this little girl (she was much smaller than her siblings) staring calmly at the camera with her big blue eyes. I just knew! OH originally wanted one of the reds, but when we got to meet them, he fell in love with Chula too. We thought she was going to be sweet and calm, that's how she was the first few days. Now she's a crazy, rambunctious, energized little flying ball of fluff.



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I saw Cloud in a tiny little cage all alone. Those tear stains made him look so sad. I knew in my heart he was coming home with me that day.

Yuki was fate. Someone at my dog park mentioned this litter from some breeder in some city an hour north. I never remember anything, but somehow I remembered the breeders name, and after meeting Yuki and holding her at 2 weeks old, I knew she was the one. She came home with me a few weeks later and has been my little puppy terror <3

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I didn't have much in mind when I decided on Rafeal,

I originally was going to get a light silver-grey female from the litter, though by the time we placed a deposit Rafeal was the last one left.

He was only two weeks old when I decided on him so I didn't have any knowledge really of what he would turn out like.

Each week with the photo's I came to love him more and am glad I ended up with him, he is perfect in my eyes.


Unfortunately I don't have a great story to tell lol.


I looked at rescues but for the most part the ads would clearly state No Cats.

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I knew Chula was mine before I even met her. The man sent us a picture of three pups, there were two super beautiful red/whites with blue eyes who were kind of looking off into space being cute and fuzzy, and then there was this little girl (she was much smaller than her siblings) staring calmly at the camera with her big blue eyes. I just knew! OH originally wanted one of the reds, but when we got to meet them, he fell in love with Chula too. We thought she was going to be sweet and calm, that's how she was the first few days. Now she's a crazy, rambunctious, energized little flying ball of fluff.



YIKES!!!! She is too adorable!!!!

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To tell Niko's story, I have to briefly tell you Kosmo's story. Kosmo was the first puppy and first dog that I had ever owned. Period. We only had him a month but I fell in love. He was a black lab and through him I learned a lot about dogs and puppies. Sadly, I lost my job, and thus, we lost our house. We sold most our belongings and all our furniture trying to raise the $1700 it was going to take to fly us all from North Carolina to California. Unfortunately we fell $300 short and Kosmo got the short end of the stick being the most pricey and the newest addition. I was heartbroken but we found him a wonderful home before leaving. (And actually everyone, we got to see Kosmo since coming back to North Carolina. :D He's gotten so big, and is well behaved. He even got to play with Niko. I've got a video... but, is on phone. v.v)


Anyway, before we even got to California I found myself searching for another dog. I'd always wanted a Husky and I found the ad for Niko's litter and contacted them right away. We explained the situation and they agreed to hold him for a week. We actually also ended up with first pick of the litter. :D We asked them to show us the males and picked him out via pictures text. It broke down as follows. (Click to see it much bigger)


A week later they dropped him off the day after we arrived in California and he just happened to be perfect for us. :D
As for Dimitri and Sasha..... We already had plans to get Niko a brother. Once we got to North Carolina we knew this was possible and began our search. We were debating between an Australian Shepherd, German Shepherd, Blue Healer, Cattle Dog, or another Husky. We searched and searched for the right dog and then one day came across an ad to rehome them both because the owners couldn't handle them. Originally we only planned to get Dimitri, but once we saw her and once she started playing with Niko after she got out of the car, we couldn't help ourselves but to ask for them both. The people were actually really glad about it. The previous owners didn't really want them separated anyway but were willing to. They're both wonderful and we couldn't have asked for it to happen any other way.
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I never met Diamond before I pick him up ._. How do I know he's the right one for me? Well, I have always wanted a dog all my life. Okay, well, since I'm three. But I used to live in this small house that is not big enough for a pet so I gotta wait until I move to a larger house. But everybody knew about how I wanted a dog so after I moved to my current house, calls about dogs needing home started to come. There's this four years old bitch offered to me before Dime but my mom said she's not taking in a female. Diamond's the first boy dog offered to me after the four-years-old, so I decided to take him in. Hasty decision, I know, but somehow I got my perfect match!  :wub: definitely not gonna do that again though now that I am more knowledgeable... adopting a dog is a serious case, next time I go through the process of adopting another one I'd definitely go check him/her out first

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With Knarly [yorkie/pom], he was 4 weeks old and I was visiting him and his litter...they were barely walking, more like waddling around. He waddled up to me, I put my hand down for him to sniff and that very moment he made contact with my hand, his tail started to wag 100 mph. None of the other pups did that, it was what drew him out for me. 14 years later and he's still my little baby.


I saw Rolyx on petfinder, pictured as a 4 month old pup. I wasn't even looking for a dog...I was helping a friend look for one for herself. I stumbled on to his, I just couldn't stop looking at the ad...read it over and over, kept staring at his picture. Part of me hoped he was all ready adopted, but when he wasn't...I had to go see him. It wasn't set in stone, even when we drove up the drive way and saw this beautiful red wolf watching us from the hill. Out of all the dogs, he was the only one that just sat back there and watched...all the rest were all over us, begging for our attention. Walked around awhile and felt this presence by my leg...look down and there he is. THAT was the exact moment I knew. Who knew he was a master of deception and turned out to be a brat...but I don't think I could imagine life without him.


Baby Ro...well, 4 months. Then Knarly, obviously. 





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Didn't have a choice with Polee as she was the only 1 avaiable from a litter of 9 because she was the plain jane being the only pup without blue eyes, however in my view she was the best of the litter.


When I went to see Deifers litter I was initially drawn to one of his sisters before I noticed him then when I picked him up I think that was it and he was mine from that moment.

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Copied and pasted from the 2012 yearbook:


Ever since I was a little kid, I always wanted a dog. My Dad was always terrified of dogs - big or small - and for years he refused to even talk about dogs. My dream finally came true in May 2009, when my Mom suggested we go visit the humane society.

At the time, I was against adopting because what I really wanted was a puppy - but after seeing those dogs in their cages my opinion did a complete 180 degree turn.
We went into the viewing area, and a white German Shepherd caught my gaze. His name was Charlie, and while I really wanted him as my dog, my Mom said No because she didn’t  like GSDs.

The next day we went back, and in Charlie’s cage was this beautiful husky.
At first, I was scared of him because he was barking and growling and wooing while pacing back and forth. I was curious, though, so I read his information tag.


My heart sank as I read he was 6 years old - I was looking for a young dog - so I passed by his cage.

After going through the dog section a few more times, my eyes landed on that husky’s cage again. My Mom said that it was time to go, and I left feeling undecided.

I did a lot of research on the husky breed - originally wanting a dog with ‘pointy-ears’, I learned that the Siberian Husky was vastly
different than most other dogs I’ve looked at. I ran the information by my family and my Dad agreed to go see him.

We arrived at the shelter again, the next day, and went in the little viewing area. The husky was brought out into the room. I glanced over at
Dad and he was staring at the dog like it was a wolf! It certainly looked like one to the untrained eye - his rich sable coat and his
markings screamed out ‘wolf’.

But, instead of growling and barking like most other dogs would have done to my Dad, the husky calmly sniffed him and laid down beside me for a belly rub!
That very same day, we signed the adoption papers and assured the lady there that we did research on the Siberian breed.

As it turns out, adopting that husky was the best thing that ever happened to my family. He strengthened our bonds, taught us how to work together (to keep him under control!), taught me to assert myself in the world, taught me responsibility, and helped my Dad’s fear of dogs dissipate.


It wasn’t all sunshine and roses, however. Despite my extensive research on the breed, nothing could have prepared us for the mountains of fur come coat-blowing time. The first few months were particularly roughwith the fur - we’d get fur all over the place, even if places where the dog wasn’t allowed - and in our food! We all eventually got used to it...after all - your life isn’t complete without dog hair!!

It can be hard adopting an older dog - knowing that you’d have to deal with health conditions earlier and you don’t have as much time with them - but it makes all the difference to THEM. You could, without knowing it, make your dog’s remaining years the BEST in his life! And that’s what matters!

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Shadow i chose when he was tiny, only about 2 - 3 weeks old... i'll be honest it was because i liked his colourings at that age i could not tell his personality atall! I did however meet both mum and dad and both were lovely dogs and very laid back which Shadow is now :) His personality came out every time i went to see him and he was one of the most chilled out of the group (he was in a litter of about 6 other pups!)



Skye i chose because i wanted a female and there were only three left her and two others which was her then two white ones and her markings really stood out :) They were all extremely nervous and scared of us, you wouldn't think it now with Skye lol


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