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Balto was completely fine this morning when I left to go to school. He was eating, playing, and did well on his walk. When my fiance got home the first time to let him out he said he noticed some problems. Balto was having trouble pooping, so we just thought Balto didn't have to go. Then he went to take him for a walk  and said Balto walked behind him the whole time really really slowly which is so unlike Balto because Balto loves to be in front and pull and pull. Well he came to pick me up and we went to an event that we signed up to volunteer at for only 2 hours. When he got home he hasn't been the same since this morning to me. We went to feed him and he just looked at it for the longest time. Then he would whine, go smell the food and whine. That is so unlike him because usually he has it down in 10 minutes flat. So we tried feeding him from out hand which worked for a bit and then he would stop and whine and finally he ate. Well then we went to take him for a walk around the block and again he was just walking really slow behind us. Then he had trouble pooping again he would try to go but nothing would come out until finally it did and it was all runny. He is on TOTW and this has not been a problem since before he was on TOTW. We monitor him with soft toys and he only has one of those out and he has yet to destroy it. In his crate he only has a nylabone, a kong with a small amount of peanut butter, and a leggy animal that is made of hard material. So there is nothing soft and there is nothing by his crate that he can get. It is also made of wire and it is intact. What could this be? Is it just a phase or could this be something more serious? Could he have gotten something that maybe we didn't catch? What are signs and symptoms of a blockage? What other health problem could it possibly be. Please any help would be greatly appreciated I hate seeing my baby boy sick and will whatever we need to. We are thinking the vet may have to be called but we don't want to go in there looking like idiots so I decided to ask on here first (besides they are closed until tomorrow afternoon anyways so there is not much I can do). Anything would be helpful. Thanks

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Is he drinking normally? Perhaps he's eaten something on one of his walks. If he has runny poo all that churning will be making his bowel hurt. I'd just monitor him which is what you're doing. It may be something and nothing. It could be he's eating to much as you said he had changed over fine on totw only yesterday. They can also just go off their food from time to time for no apparent reason. Last week Togo who is five in April had me hand feeding him to get him interested in eating his dinner. He can just sit an look at it completely apathetic. Peppa who has always wolfed hers has in the last few days taken the longest time to finish.

Don't panic yet. Just keep doing what you're doing. If its still runny tomorrow try pumpkin I believe that helps firm up poo and there's always the good old chicken an rice to fall back on. If its not improving by Monday you could ring the vet

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A few questions.

When you switched him to TOTW, how long ago and how long was the transition?

How many feeding per day?

How much food do give per feeding?

How old is your dog?

If your dog has been on TOTW for several weeks, it could be food related but not likely. If you switched over to TOTW abruptly or in less than 7 to 10 days, it could be a shock to the tummy.

If you have any concerns, a call to your vet may be in order. Please keep us posted.

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A constant urge to go the toilet but not releasing anything is called tenesmus (spelling may be wrong). It's an irritated and possibly inflamed bowel that could be caused by many things. Huskies can be very sensitive to any variations to diet, so he might just be reacting to the kibble change or eaten something he shouldn't. I'm not a vet though, trust your instincts. If he's not showing any improvement or deteriorating, particularly if he's not drinking then a trip to the vets would be good. I wouldn't be too concerned about him eating lots, if he's feeling unwell his appetite will be gone, fluids though are much more important.

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It may be down to something that he's picked up. My run is scrubbed out and disinfected every day but the little angels always manage to find something from somewhere to add to their diet. Anyone would think I didn't feed them. I have so many dietry problems with mine it's unreal. All you can do is monitor him and if you feel uncomfortable in any way get him to the vets. Better to be safe than sorry. I personally woul;d suspect the diet change. If you have swopped his food it should have been done over the course of a week to 10 days, any quicker could cause problems. Good luck and keep us posted please. ;)



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We watched him all weekend long and he did fine. He drinks like a fish lol and it was just that one time.

He is 4 months and we switched him to TOTW about two weeks ago. It was not abruptly he mixed his food for 7 or 8 days I cannot remember exactly.

Other then that he seems to be doing great

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Yukon was ill this weekend too.  He started having diarreha Saturday and was throwing up all night Saturday and wouldn't want to play or eat.  He was moping around all day, but he started acting better last night and was eating and all.  This morning his poo was more normal again and he is acting better.  I think it was just a stomach thing or he picked up something he shouldn't have on our walks.

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