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Rude People At Work :(


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I have come to the conclusion that miserable people must feed off the misery of others in order to survive in their pitiful reality they call 'life', as they cannot simply let things be happy as they are.

Okay it really wasn't that bad, but this lady really pissed me off! At work today I had a huge line. ALL DAY. I barely had time to breathe! Today was a sale day, first one I've worked at. To make things worse, the cashier who was supposed to close with me called off, so I had to rely on a couple full-timers to come help me when things got really heavy. The sale was 20% off all regular priced items that can fit into a bag. Well I got this one lady in the middle of my line who had three items. All $1 each. Total was $3.41. She asked me why it wasn't 20% off. I hit the key and showed her that the monitor said *sale prices cannot be discounted* and then explained to her that since the prices were already so low, and on sale, they are not part of the 20% off. She said the sign was mis-leading, and I apologized to her and showed her the sign, specifically where it said regular priced items. I also told her there was another sign by the sale items that should've said Sale items not 20% off. She argued with me for about 5 minutes but I wasn't budging. So finally she relented and paid. Then, after I had completed the entire purchase, and I was getting to my wits end with her complaining and grumbling (she kept saying really rude things throughout) she asks me if I had gotten her rewards card on there. I said No? You didn't say you had one, I'm sorry. She then told me it was my fault for not asking, which it partially was but if she had really wanted it on there she could've given it to me before she paid and then she threatened me that I had better fix it and put her rewards card on there. I told her it may take a minute and that I had to refund and rebill the whole thing, which she agreed! OH MY EFFIN GEE shes holding up my line for 3 flipping points on her card! Thats worth like 3 cents, literally. But whatever, I understand she wanted it on there so I rebill the whole thing and refund it. But I started feeling better because refunds take so long so it was also wasting her time which gave me some satisfaction, but then as she was finishing filling out the last line she had to throw one last comment at me "See, if you had just asked me for my card in the first place, we wouldn't have had to do all this". I lost it, I literally had a mental break down and started visibly shaking because of this insufferable woman. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes and all I could think was of not letting her have the satisfaction of knowing she was getting to me. I told her have a nice day and walked off behind the battery rack where she couldn't see me and I heard her whispering to my manager about how I should check my attitude. My manager was kind of watching the whole time, he was dealing with my line that the lady was holding up so he couldnt really do anything though, but he was cool about it and let me have a minute in the office to cool down. I'm just so angry at myself for not being able to control my emotions but she really got to me and even thinking about it is making me sick. Sorry for my long rant, just had to get it out </3

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there there, get it off your chest and save ten years of high blood pressure,  treatment is needed   


if still upset choose one




bubble bath

scream  silent ones please dont upset pets

soothing music



if one treatment dose not work  try everything altogether :rofl:

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Oh boy that gave me a chuckle! I chose cuddling my puppies as soon as I got home, so thankful it was only an hour before we closed so time went by pretty quick after the incident. I've also got my mango arizona tea, yumm. Probably shouldnt underage drink... but then again maybe thats my problem!! lolol

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Ah! I've had my share of rude people in retail also. 
Almost the exact situation (sale items not being an extra percent off and the signs being misleading)....

and you can't do anything! You just have to stand there and continue to do your job while these people are treating you like crap. 


I would LOVE to tell them have a great day though after wasting their time because I felt like they'd remember that all the way back to their car.

Retail can be a pain.


I'm so thankful we have pets to come home to. ^-^

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I didn't like people like that when I worked in customer service. I was an assistant manager at a Subway for about 7 years... we always had regular customers at lunch time, and the out of towners would sometimes get rude...the regulars would put them in their places... made me feel better. :)


Hopefully you don't have to deal with people like that. What makes them madder is when you smile and act like you have rainbows coming out of your bum. That irks them beyond belief :)

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