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Sooo Judgemental Ugh

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I have this feeling of deja-vu again. I'm sure I have read the same sort of thing not so long ago. My answer now is still as it was then. To me this is one of the best forums that I have ever been on. I find that the people on here will put themselves out to help wherever it is possible to do so and do it without slating you. Every now and then you will get a critisism thrown in, accept it and move on. We all make mistakes and usually the critisism concerns that mistake. It is how we learn. If you think that this site is not a good one try one of the others. I did and didn't even get past the introductions section before someone made a comment that annoyed the hell out of me. They were told, very politely, what they could do with their forum and why, I have no intention of ever going back. The staff on here seem to have a grip on what is right and what is wrong and do an excellent job of monitoring it.



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It's tough to find a happy medium...


In the last week alone I've meet two different sets of husky owners who were, in my opinion, not particularly 'good' owners. Pups were clearly not from an ethical and decent breeder, and they were pretty uninformed about what husky ownership was going to be like (they were youngish dogs). I guess I'm saying that if I were a breeder they wouldn't get one of my dogs (and I'm not particularly militant in my views either). Maybe this is just a UK problem, but a lot of really unsuitable owners are getting hold a husky puppies at the moment and, surprise surprise, these dogs end up in rehoming centres when they hit 1yr - 1.5yr old. I think it's the job of all good husky owners to push the line that getting a husky brings with it responsibility - not just to the dog, but to the breed itself. 


That said, I do agree that people need constructive criticism rather than insulting. I was a member on another forum (I'm sure it's the one others are referring to...) and I left after the whole forum turned on a new poster who was seeking advice about the off-lead issue. In my opinion she was in the wrong, but at least she was seeking advice on how to change. Others didn't see it that way and bullied the hell out of her and anyone trying to calm the situation down. They even went so far as to attack me and my experiences of a completely different topic. They're just bullies who happen to have huskies and get a lot of enjoyment out of picking on those with less experience.


So what did they achieve? Well... That poster left. I class myself as a new and keen member of the UK husky community but now I go out of my way to tell people to avoid that forum and the individuals who use it. I'm sure I'm not the only one. So however good their message is, due to their aggressiveness it fails on deaf ears. It's strange how, despite completely agree with their sentiments, I find them so repugnant that I can't even abide by them enough to recommend them to new owners. 


With Husky-Owners.... I think it's a good even balance. Sure, I don't agree with everyones views on here (non-KC pups, off lead dogs, etc) but that's life. I just try to politely put my view across. Overall though it's a nice friendly place with very good natured people. 






It's a fine balance - it's better to gently persuade than the extremes of being too hard or too soft. H-O, however, hits a pretty reasonable balance.

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I understand why it bothers people when they are "in the know" about the correct way to do things, the right way to adopt/purchase a dog, etc - but not everyone does. People aren't usually buying from a BYB or less than reputable breeder out of malice or because they are bad or stupid people. They just don't know better on this particular issue. But by the time they get to this forum, they already have the dog - so berating them about their choices, or even scolding them in a less than berating fashion, isn't going to change that. I started a post a couple weeks ago asking about BYBs and I was so pleased that people were helpful and provided their opinions without getting nasty. I really did not know all of the issues with BYBs and why there are so many bad ones. That thread helped me understand, and now I can make an educated choice should we choose to get another dog. If people had come at me with a boatload of bravado, I would have just assumed they were snobs and not worth listening to and their message would have been lost.


That said, I absolutely agree that this forum is generally very kind, helpful and understanding and many of the suggestions have made a huge difference in the way we do things with our puppy. There is a definitely an occasional undertone of "us" vs "them" (them being people who don't do everything the right way) that can be a bit intimidating for people who might need to ask for help. Luckily, I have thick skin and keep asking questions anyway!


I did some basic reading about huskies before getting Chula, but I didn't know everything there is to know. What I knew, for certain, was that I was committed to rearing and caring for her, training her, and doing what it takes to make her a long-term part of our "family". She doesn't have papers, she didn't come from a reputable breeder, but she's mine now and even when I occasionally want to toss her out the window, I know that I never would, and that the feeling will pass and the love I have for her will override any frustrations I have. 


And enough now of my speeches!  :P

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If everyone remembers, we were all novices at some point - we all began somewhere with this breed.




There are very constructive ways to make a point and there are those which are not so constructive. I cannot begin to tell you how many times I've wanted to post something and after typing, reading, retyping and rereading, rewording and rereading yet again, that I just finally had to hit "delete"  and back myself out of a topic.


There's a FB page right now where discussion is focusing around the BENEFITS of feeding Purina and Old Roy........and YES, that's one I just had to back out of.............LOL But again, every one of us started somewhere, right?

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