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Total Breakdown


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Well I just totally lost it. I'm so tired of getting nipped at, of not being able to pee in peace, of having her jump on me and trying to eat my face. I'm just exhausted.

And my OH blames her behavior on me because I am too nice to her. He has no idea cause he leaves at 6 am and gets home at 7 so I get all the just woke up crazies and the I just got out of my crate crazies. I walk her. I play with her. I train her. He takes her out to poop before she goes to bed. Sigh. I'm just worn out. I know it will pass and I know ill get through it. He wanted a dog not me and I'm the one doing all the work. At least he admits it.

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I remember them days it is hard really hard and you will be exhausted!! Are you crate training atall?? As that could give you some peace and some alone time whilst you go to the loo/shadow etc!! And knowing that the pup cant come to any harm whilst you are will help you relax :)


And you said it yourself you know it will get easier and trust me it really does :)

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Lol Emily, this is just the beginning. Practice for when the sprogs turn up. Nothing changes, men want things, they get them and lose interest, leaving the carers( women) to pick up the pieces then moan when things aren't to their satisfaction lol

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Also she is crated at night but I find myself waking up every hour to see if it's time to take her out. So obviously some of it is my anxiety!! she's also crated during the day with a lunch break. I'm leaning heavily towards a doggie day care to see if they can tire her out!! I think she's bored and that's why she acts up.

Plus I might be PMSing.

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To clarify she's crated from about 10 pm to 5:30 and from 9-4:30 with a break around 1. Thats a lot of crating for a little puppy so we need to find a way for her to get more exercise. I spend every minute she's out of the crate playing with her, walking her or letting her run around outside. But its not enough.

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It will get better I promise! I was about to go crazy, I was depressed because I was so tired and thought I made a big mistake. It did get better! You shouldn't have to wake up every hour though, he should be able to hold it through the night. Just take the water away 2 hrs before bedtime. If you can afford daycare i would recommend it because he will definitely be pooped when he comes home! And you will have your sanity back LOL. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Puppies are as hard work, and maybe even harder than human babies.  Please don't let it upset you so much that you take it out on her.  As far as bite inhibition.  Grab her bottom jaw with your hand and tell her firmly no.  You could even use a spray bottle with some lemon juice.  She won't like it and will stop.  It does seem like she is crated a lot, so maybe if you are home she can just be out and follow you around.  A happy husky is a tired husky...and if it makes you feel any better, mine are 3, 5, and 7 and they don't let me pee in peace either unless the door is totally closed.

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I dont let her out every hour I just wake up because I'm wondering if its time yet. Oh and dont worry I won't ever take it out on her. She is never crated when we are home except at night, and she likes it at night - goes in all by herself and never cries except when its morning and she's hungry. She is so close to being house trained I'm hoping that soon we will be able to let her have a gated (empty) room instead of the crate at least when we are only gone a few hours. But I think daycare is probably our best option. She's getting her last shots tomorrow and then we will see what we can arrange.

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Just had a fight with OH. He says she acts the way she does because she knows I love her. His response was to say he wants to send her to live with his mom. Not that he will help more. I might have said some bad words to him after that. If anyone goes, its him!

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So sorry to hear that :( your puppy needs to know you love her I don't see what that has to do with her behavior. How about puppy classes? Weren't u going to start those? IMHO I don't think he's being very reasonable. If he was the one that wanted the puppy first and he expects you to do all the work? It should be 50/50. And then blame you for his behavior?? Has he ever had a husky before? They are not like other breeds. I would stand your ground Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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They raise dogs much differently in Mexico. I guess you learn a lot about a person when you're responsible for a new life. I'm not too happy with his responses and now I'm worried he might get rid of her. Honestly, if that's his only solution to this, he can leave and I'll keep the dog. He's not a child, he's 33. We made a decision, he needs to put on his big boy britches and act like a man.

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Awh man just read this and I'm wishing you luck. I might be different from other people, but the dogs are always #1 on my list, relationships come in 2nd. The main reason I haven't started dating is because I don't want to bring someone new into my life and mess up their training xP And I'm not all that interested in guys at the moment anyway.

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Well she's still here so that's good! He thinks she is spoiled because I play with her and instead of yelling I try to calmly tell her no, or put her off the couch when she's rowdy, or walk away and ignore her when she's nippy. He thinks that means she's "getting away" with things. He also thinks I shouldnt pay her as much attention as I do, which seems contradictory. If I don't pay attention she will eat things.

I think our problem is being united in how we handle "discipline". She's confused, bored, and doesn't have the strong leader she needs. It's something we have to fix. I try to respect that he has opinions, but I dont think yelling or threatening to hit is effective. He doesn't hit her but he threatens. I am NOT ok with that. I am really trying to be the best puppy mom I can. Im just frustrated. I will figure it out. With or without him.

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Well she's still here so that's good! He thinks she is spoiled because I play with her and instead of yelling I try to calmly tell her no, or put her off the couch when she's rowdy, or walk away and ignore her when she's nippy. He thinks that means she's "getting away" with things. He also thinks I shouldnt pay her as much attention as I do, which seems contradictory. If I don't pay attention she will eat things.

I think our problem is being united in how we handle "discipline". She's confused, bored, and doesn't have the strong leader she needs. It's something we have to fix. I try to respect that he has opinions, but I dont think yelling or threatening to hit is effective. He doesn't hit her but he threatens. I am NOT ok with that. I am really trying to be the best puppy mom I can. Im just frustrated. I will figure it out. With or without him.

oh dear well this is good practice for having kids. mind you the way hes being i wouldnt till he grows up ;) x
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After the initial training, huskies are much easier and far more grateful for everything, including your existence than children. Together they can be tricky because kids don't always understand animal behaviors and will tease or torment not meaning harm, but not in good spirit.  I wouldn't get rid of the crate just because she is potty trained.  We had to put Jessy in a crate after never having her in one because alone together the three of them made each other very naughty. It works much better. With number 4 (foster) on the way, she will also be crated during the day.  The boys are fairly trustworthy unless the neighborhood boxer walks by and they see him or someone rings the bell or knocks on the door when we are gone. good luck...and like someone else said, be wary having children with this man...how they treat their dogs is similar to how they will raise their children.

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Yeah well we can't have children, so no worries there. Ive seen him around children though and he is nothing like he wants to be with Chula. His mom is the one who got him all worked up about not showing love. Aren't in laws wonderful? :-)

What I see is that my method works, it just takes a lot of patience and a lot of repetition. Putting her in time out calms her down, but it requires getting up and putting her there. I appreciate that his job is physically demanding and he's tired, but we talked about the commitment beforehand. He said he knew it would be work - I just dont think he knew how much she would nip. It hurts.

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Sorry to stick my head in but which did you find easier, kids or huskies :)



Why do you think im getting another husky than having another kid :lmao:

they all make mess. they all make noise. they all sleep at some point ;)

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Yeah well we can't have children, so no worries there. Ive seen him around children though and he is nothing like he wants to be with Chula. His mom is the one who got him all worked up about not showing love. Aren't in laws wonderful? :-)

What I see is that my method works, it just takes a lot of patience and a lot of repetition. Putting her in time out calms her down, but it requires getting up and putting her there. I appreciate that his job is physically demanding and he's tired, but we talked about the commitment beforehand. He said he knew it would be work - I just dont think he knew how much she would nip. It hurts.

oh im so sorry :( me and my big mouth

puppies teeth are like needles.


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