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Why do you think im getting another husky than having another kid :lmao:

they all make mess. they all make noise. they all sleep at some point ;)

I guess you wouldn't have to worry about a husky knocking at your door if he couldn't afford the rent or giving you a big water/power bill while he figures out his life   :)

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Lol Emily, this is just the beginning. Practice for when the sprogs turn up. Nothing changes, men want things, they get them and lose interest, leaving the carers( women) to pick up the pieces then moan when things aren't to their satisfaction lol

Tut Tut Tut You shouldn't tar us all with the same brush. I do more than my fair share of looking after, probably more as my wife is the one with a job at the moment. Up at 6am bed at Midnight/1am feeding, walking and playing with them it's non stop and very tiring. I can definately feel for you as I know what you are going through. Your husband definately needs to pull his weight but it is up to him. He does need to realise though that Chula will know who was there for her when she was growing up. Remember that huskies are highly intelligent dogs they know. Good luck and stand your ground.



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Have you tried to tire her out mentally? Play games like 'hide and seek', or teach her some new hard tricks. They need physical stimulation as well as mental stimulation.

I agree with this completely. We got Balto toys that feed him and it hides the food until he figures out how to get to the food. After his meal and bathroom break last night he was tired out!!!! Each time we feed him we make the game harder and harder then by the time he is done he says please I need my beauty sleep and konks out. Also puppy classes wears Balto out. Even if it is for an hour or an hour and a half he is out like a light right after. Or a local fenced in puppy park we have one close to us and Balto is let off lead since it is double fenced in even at the door and he just runs and runs and plays and plays and when we get home he doesn't move for the rest of the day

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Just got back from the vet. She's 16.9 pounds at just under 14 weeks. She was 12.2 pounds three weeks ago! Baby is growing!

I'm going to get her a food dispenser game for sure. She has a puppy Kong but she gets her snacks out of there wicked fast!

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Just got back from the vet. She's 16.9 pounds at just under 14 weeks. She was 12.2 pounds three weeks ago! Baby is growing!

I'm going to get her a food dispenser game for sure. She has a puppy Kong but she gets her snacks out of there wicked fast!

Lol took Togo less than five minutes to realise if he dropped the kong down the stairs the biscuits dropped out as it bounced from stair to stair lol

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Tut Tut Tut You shouldn't tar us all with the same brush. I do more than my fair share of looking after, probably more as my wife is the one with a job at the moment. Up at 6am bed at Midnight/1am feeding, walking and playing with them it's non stop and very tiring. I can definately feel for you as I know what you are going through. Your husband definately needs to pull his weight but it is up to him. He does need to realise though that Chula will know who was there for her when she was growing up. Remember that huskies are highly intelligent dogs they know. Good luck and stand your ground.



Lol no but I can generalise :P

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Lol Emily, this is just the beginning. Practice for when the sprogs turn up. Nothing changes, men want things, they get them and lose interest, leaving the carers( women) to pick up the pieces then moan when things aren't to their satisfaction lol

 Bit of a sweeping statement here. When it comes to the dogs, I do all of the work with them, but that's a pleasure more than a chore. I wanted the dogs, so any additional walks they get are a bonus as far as I see.
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  Bit of a sweeping statement here. When it comes to the dogs, I do all of the work with them, but that's a pleasure more than a chore. I wanted the dogs, so any additional walks they get are a bonus as far as I see.

I refer you to my previous comment about generalisation and the following conversation between myself an Gary :P lol

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It isn't the work that bothers me, its that we had an agreement going in about the workload and he's not holding up his end of the deal. I have a career that I've been neglecting and friends I'd like to see too even if just for a 20 minute cup of coffee. If he stepped up a bit I might be able to relax a bit and enjoy the puppy more. Instead I'm the one to tire her out and he's the one who gets to cuddle the worn out pup.

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I have a puppy so can sympathise with some of your problems. He also likes to bite and ive found holding his mouth closed and saying no is slowly having the desired affect. I work from home and hes crated in my office wth a large play pen attached with a selection of toys to keep him entertained. Now that Polee has got used to him they play in the garden in the morning, lunchtime and early evening which helps to tire him out. I cant wait until he can go out for a walk as that will help burn up some energy

It does sound like your OH needs to help you a lot more than he does. I presume he doesn't work 7 days a week so perhaps you can arrange to have some time to yourself while he looks after the puppy

Good luck and try to remember it does get better

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It isn't the work that bothers me, its that we had an agreement going in about the workload and he's not holding up his end of the deal. I have a career that I've been neglecting and friends I'd like to see too even if just for a 20 minute cup of coffee. If he stepped up a bit I might be able to relax a bit and enjoy the puppy more. Instead I'm the one to tire her out and he's the one who gets to cuddle the worn out pup.

It sounds like you OH needs to meet you halfway on something. However, I do have one question you said he was Mexican is he from Mexico specifically? I know this sounds odd but I go to school and one of my minors is human development and family studies and we talk about a lot of different cultures and especially gender Norms for those countries. Is it possible where he was raised it was normal for the men to do long labor jobs only to come home and have to do minimal activity because that is something he views should be left to the wife? I just know that is a common view for many men of other

Cultures but can be very common even here in America

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He's pretty helpful around the house actually. So I dont think that's the issue. I think the issue is a different mentality about pets.

If we could get the nipping to stop I think we would both feel happier. It's essentially constant. If she's not sleeping, she's nipping. Thanks everyone for your support and talking me off the ledge. It is so appreciated.

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I can totally sympathize with you on this one. My oh absolutely loves all our furry babies but he is lazy with them. He is generally quite compulsive and will go out and get things with out thinking. I could say now I want another dog and he would bring one home today lol.

However when decided on gettin Meeko he promised promised we would go everything together. But that didn't happen. Anyway things came to a head when I had enough as I have taken on his mothers dog and his exes aswell and was doing everything for them. He has recently started running with Meeko and taking him to work when I have busy days.... Think he is getting the message lol. :)

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Oh I can't wait until he can take her running! I don't run, but I'd like to learn to bikejor once she's old enough. My OH also works outside and once she's a bit older he plans to take her with him sometimes. He does residential brick masonry and a lot of his coworkers bring their dogs and either leave them on a tie out in the shade or park their truck under a tree and put the crate in the truck bed. It would be like puppy happy hour for her and I would be so much less anxious!! Puppies and anxiety are a very bad cocktail.  

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