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Your Opinion On Crating


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Before I ask for answers, I must start with how I got the question. I was talking to a friend about how Cloud and Yuki have been doing well in their crates lately but I wish they could sleep with me sometimes, when some random person said "Why don't you get rid of the crates". I replied that I owned a husky, and that Yuki's unpredictable nature and easily bored attitude leads her to destroy stuff even in a 9 hour period that I'm sleeping. She told me "you can train them to behave" and that she had a wolf/husky cross she didnt crate its entire life, which I replied I think I'll take the opinions of all the husky owners on the forum I go to rather than your single opinion. She told me that shes known dog sled trainers that never crated their whole life. Great for them, I'm sure their sled dogs never destroyed their baseboard or carpet then. Sigh. So, what do you think? Is it my fault that I can't trust Yuki out of her crate, is there some type of training I should be doing to prevent her from destroying stuff, or am I doing the right thing by just crating her to ensure my home is safe, and that she is safe? Sorry but for some reason this really bugged me xD

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No it's not your fault or down to training some dogs just need crating I've never crated the boys as they haven't needed it but I did have to crate skyla when she went thru a chewing stage, granted she grew out ov it but I wouldn't hesitate to keep her crated when we had to go out etc if she needed it , it's for their own safety , what if they chew something that seriously hurt them when you were out or asleep ? ,, skyla chewed on our fishtank wire n could have electrocuted herself

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I've never crate trained so I don't have a lot to say other then from my experience if a dog realizes he can stay inside or out of a crate he is more likely to settle down. Our collie has realized if she doesn't sprint around the house and be a nuisance then she is allowed in. Maybe try finding a way for her to see that her behavior will allow this.

Hope you find something that works for you  :)

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Each husky is different, each owner is different. My first husky hated confined spaces. Had I crated him, he literally would have gone crazy. Even putting him in a kennel outside was a trial for him. Once I discovered his aversion to confined spaces and allowed him the run of my home, he turned into a very well-behaved husky. 


By the time I got Ryn, I decided to give crate training another go. While she's now able to have free run of the house during the day, she still prefers being crated.


Ryn sleeps in our room, she has a bed which she sometimes lays on, other times she doesn't. The door to the room is open all night and both dogs and the cat have free roam of the house. It is very seldom that she moves from her bed during the night.


You might try letting Cloud and Yuki sleep in your room with the door closed to begin with to see how they cope with it. You may discover that they are very content to be in the room and perhaps even on the bed, if you allow it.


Crating is a personal preference, in my opinion. Because of what I learned with Bo, I realize that crating isn't for every husky, nor for every human. Trust your instincts, but listen to your heart as well.

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i crate mine while i'm at work. they sleep in the bed at night though. like becky suggested though even still i keep my door closed and my bathroom door closed. haha they will get up in the night and destroy something if not. If it's bed time and the doors are closed they don't even get out of bed.

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All my guys are crate trained 4 of them have roam of the house when I'm out as they never chew but gus and the 2 pups are crated as I don't trust them out when I'm not here there all left out when its bed time as they stay in the bedrooms apart from my mallies both of them stay in there crates but that where they prefer to sleep lol. I think its always handy to crate train incase you ever have to crate them or put them in kennels or ie go to a show most dogs there are crated

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No it's not your fault or down to training some dogs just need crating I've never crated the boys as they haven't needed it but I did have to crate skyla when she went thru a chewing stage, granted she grew out ov it but I wouldn't hesitate to keep her crated when we had to go out etc if she needed it , it's for their own safety , what if they chew something that seriously hurt them when you were out or asleep ? ,, skyla chewed on our fishtank wire n could have electrocuted herself

Yeah Yuki got ahold of a couple cords when she was a pup, she has always been destructive even with her puzzle games and kongs x.x


mine are well trained with their crates.

tell her to mine her own beeswax

I kinda did tell her off, lol.


Each husky is different, each owner is different. My first husky hated confined spaces. Had I crated him, he literally would have gone crazy. Even putting him in a kennel outside was a trial for him. Once I discovered his aversion to confined spaces and allowed him the run of my home, he turned into a very well-behaved husky. 


By the time I got Ryn, I decided to give crate training another go. While she's now able to have free run of the house during the day, she still prefers being crated.


Ryn sleeps in our room, she has a bed which she sometimes lays on, other times she doesn't. The door to the room is open all night and both dogs and the cat have free roam of the house. It is very seldom that she moves from her bed during the night.


You might try letting Cloud and Yuki sleep in your room with the door closed to begin with to see how they cope with it. You may discover that they are very content to be in the room and perhaps even on the bed, if you allow it.


Crating is a personal preference, in my opinion. Because of what I learned with Bo, I realize that crating isn't for every husky, nor for every human. Trust your instincts, but listen to your heart as well.

Last week I did let them out.. Cloud slept in bed with me, Yuki was on the floor. Yuki started chewing on the baseboard in the bathroom that we JUST replaced. Then I closed the bathroom door, and then she slept on the bed with me and chewed on the new comforter my mom just bought while I was sleeping. I was told it was my fault for not training her properly, but I don't know how I can train her when I'm sleeping and she never does it when I'm awake,


i crate mine while i'm at work. they sleep in the bed at night though. like becky suggested though even still i keep my door closed and my bathroom door closed. haha they will get up in the night and destroy something if not. If it's bed time and the doors are closed they don't even get out of bed.

They are crated when I am at work as well xP


The question you have to ask yourself is are they happy in their crates?? If they are, what's the problem?!

As far as I can tell, they both love their crates. Yuki is sleeping in hers right now with the door open. Neither complain when I tell them 'bed time' or 'in your crates' and they never whine, except Yuki will whine in the morning because she has to go outside.

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Polee hates a crate so isn't crated and to be fair doesn't need to be as she's well behaved and never destroys things.  As Deifenbaker is a pup he is crate trained and seems to like have is own little den.  When he's old enough he'll be bikejoring with me at mushing events were he'll need to be crated  hence why he's being trained now.  If used properly I don't see a problem with using a crate

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Crating works for you, simples!:) if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

As for sled dog trainers? I would have thought a majority have large amounts of dogs which are housed outside in purpose built kennels an runs. But also sled dogs are so well exercised they're more relaxed and enjoy chill time compared to the amount of exercise the bog standard pet husky gets.

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Polee hates a crate so isn't crated and to be fair doesn't need to be as she's well behaved and never destroys things.  As Deifenbaker is a pup he is crate trained and seems to like have is own little den.  When he's old enough he'll be bikejoring with me at mushing events were he'll need to be crated  hence why he's being trained now.  If used properly I don't see a problem with using a crate

That's what I figured, she does fine in it so I didn't see the problem :S


Crating works for you, simples! :) if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

As for sled dog trainers? I would have thought a majority have large amounts of dogs which are housed outside in purpose built kennels an runs. But also sled dogs are so well exercised they're more relaxed and enjoy chill time compared to the amount of exercise the bog standard pet husky gets.

I have a creeping suspicion she was lying about knowing sled dog trainers just to try and seem right over me. Don't know why people have to get so uppidity and force their opinions on you sometimes lol I guess she really hates crate training or something. Yuki gets a lot of exercise playing at the dog park hehe

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Maya was in a crate for 2 1/2 years, now she's never in a crate. She hates them but won't complain other then giving you sad eyes while being crated. But Sophie and Kay are crated when i leave and at bed time. Sophie would go to the restroom everywhere and so would Kay if they were out, Kay would also destroy things. Maya has never been a chewer and just lays on the couch and sleeps when i leave.


I say crate if you don't trust them like how i don't trust Kay and Sophie. Maya wouldn't have been good out of her crate until she was at least 2 years old, she's now 4 years old so she's a little more mature and calmer then pups like Kay and Sophie.

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Yeah Yuki got ahold of a couple cords when she was a pup, she has always been destructive even with her puzzle games and kongs x.x


I kinda did tell her off, lol.


Last week I did let them out.. Cloud slept in bed with me, Yuki was on the floor. Yuki started chewing on the baseboard in the bathroom that we JUST replaced. Then I closed the bathroom door, and then she slept on the bed with me and chewed on the new comforter my mom just bought while I was sleeping. I was told it was my fault for not training her properly, but I don't know how I can train her when I'm sleeping and she never does it when I'm awake,


They are crated when I am at work as well xP


As far as I can tell, they both love their crates. Yuki is sleeping in hers right now with the door open. Neither complain when I tell them 'bed time' or 'in your crates' and they never whine, except Yuki will whine in the morning because she has to go outside.

What about trying a gate at the bedroom door? 

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What about trying a gate at the bedroom door? 

She was completely locked in the room, no access to the bathroom nor the living room, so she chewed on my blanket instead :/ My mom wasn't very happy. She always finds something to chew even if I have everything put away except for an antler and a bully stick. She also made a hole in my pillowcase.

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Maya was in a crate for 2 1/2 years, now she's never in a crate. She hates them but won't complain other then giving you sad eyes while being crated. But Sophie and Kay are crated when i leave and at bed time. Sophie would go to the restroom everywhere and so would Kay if they were out, Kay would also destroy things. Maya has never been a chewer and just lays on the couch and sleeps when i leave.


I say crate if you don't trust them like how i don't trust Kay and Sophie. Maya wouldn't have been good out of her crate until she was at least 2 years old, she's now 4 years old so she's a little more mature and calmer then pups like Kay and Sophie.

Have Maya give Yuki lessons. Cloud is perfect but Yuki's too stubborn to be like him :P

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I crate train all of my dogs, I feel its a valuable tool and something that they should know as a positive thing.  We train many people on the importance of crating in the event of natural disasters it's one of the easiest things to get a scared animal out in.  My show dogs have to know that the crate is a good space since they do spend a lot of time in them on the road and at shows.  So if it works for you, that is great don't try to change it because one person's opinion.  I have had Siberians that no matter what were massively destructive and had to be crated when not observed.


As for the sled trainers, how do you think they transport 45+ dogs, a dog truck is nothing more than a series of stacked constructed crates lol.  But most sled dogs live on chain tie outs near their houses, not in the mushers house.  There are many that do rotating house schedules like we do for our multi-dog home.



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I crate train all of my dogs, I feel its a valuable tool and something that they should know as a positive thing.  We train many people on the importance of crating in the event of natural disasters it's one of the easiest things to get a scared animal out in.  My show dogs have to know that the crate is a good space since they do spend a lot of time in them on the road and at shows.  So if it works for you, that is great don't try to change it because one person's opinion.  I have had Siberians that no matter what were massively destructive and had to be crated when not observed.


As for the sled trainers, how do you think they transport 45+ dogs, a dog truck is nothing more than a series of stacked constructed crates lol.  But most sled dogs live on chain tie outs near their houses, not in the mushers house.  There are many that do rotating house schedules like we do for our multi-dog home.

That makes me feel a tad better xD She does great in the crate, never seems depressed, and actually seems to spend her free time in it so I was wondering why I was being told I was being a horrid dog owner rofl.

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We crate Diesel at night and when we have to leave him home. He also is instructed to go in there while we eat, but the door is left open on it. He just lays down and waits for us to finish our food.


Most of the day he is not crated...but that's where he is with the door left open on it. He hoards his toys in there and he often times takes his naps in there. I don't ever put him in there to punish him.


We have tried to let him sleep where he wants at night by leaving the door to his crate open...but he will come to us and lift our hands with his face and then walk into his crate and stare at us as if to say "tuck me in, Mom".

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She was completely locked in the room, no access to the bathroom nor the living room, so she chewed on my blanket instead :/ My mom wasn't very happy. She always finds something to chew even if I have everything put away except for an antler and a bully stick. She also made a hole in my pillowcase.


luka ate my whole pillowcase once. i didn't know that was actually possible. haha


luckily he behaves now. he just likes to cuddle and hog the bed.

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all my boys are crate trained and are in their crates when we're at work or in bed etc.  I sleep on the couch sometimes as husband has a tendency to snore so on those occasions they sleep in the front room with me and do fine :)


At the end of the day crating is personal preference and choice as long as dog and owner are happy that's all that matters hun x

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Side note, I don't crate and never have.  Have I had a few dogs that would probably have done better crated, certainly; but I find that for me with the two dogs I normally keep around crating is unnecessary. 

Okay, that said I also don't crate when we're on the road which I recognize as a potential danger.  Sasha just curls up in a corner until something changes and then she'll look up; Avalanche normally has his head on the console and from there can see out and watches what's around.  If I traveled more or further, I'd probably take the time to crate train them just for safety.

At home, well, avalanche has eaten a few things he shouldn't (than the gods he's apparently got a cast iron stomach!) but that has pretty much ended.  Sasha, other than an occasional nibble has never bothered anything and neither of them 'counter surf' They tried when they first came in the house and a telling off stopped that pretty quickly - Avalanche will still sometimes stand up to see what's on the counter but I haven't seen him scarf anything.  The last time I had taken out a summer sausage, then left it to get some cheese from the fridge - he stood up, looked at it, looked at me and got down - it wasn't like he was looking at me to see if he could get away with it, more like "do I get some later?".

I don't need them - but I have to agree with the comments that if it works for you, then do it and don't worry what someone else has to say.  Your dog, your problem, your solution.

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