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Need Major Help Or I Will Have To Rehome


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I have a male siberian husky who is not yet neutered due to me just going back to work. He will be three in September. I go to high school all day and my boyfriend goes to work he leaves at 5 gets home at 5 i leave at 8 get home at 3 and leave again at 5 when im scheduled to work. The dogs have their own room and we only have three cages (we have 4 huskies) well it used to not be an issue because we could let Meeka roam the room ( it was blocked with a gate) and the rest caged and there was never a problem intilll Meeka got hurt now Meeka has to be caged at all times so the only other one we trusted to roam the room was Echo. Well here in the past three weeks Echo has been tearing stuff up in the dog room like ripping up blankets, dumping the water bowl and eating it. It was no big deal we showed him that it was wrong and he caught on quickly and stopped. Now this past week he has found out how to escape and when i come home he has pooped in our bedroom floor (which has brand new light color carpet) and peed EVERYWHERE.. My whole house reaks and i cant get rid of the smell. He is very well behaved and we trust him out except from the peeing and pooping. My boyfriend said if i cant get him to quit peeing and poopling inside then i will have to rehome him or leave him outside permenatly because it is ruining our house. I dont want to do either so is there something i can do to stop him form peeing EVERYWHERE..And the only place he poops is in the one spot in our room should i try to block that room off? Any input would be nice thank you!! (Also i plan to buy a cage when i can afford another as of right now i can not since Meeka got hurt and we have a costly vet bill so buying another cage is not an option right now)

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We cant put a door on it because someone built the room on before we bought the place and they made the doorway to small for an actual door to go...And im not to sure if we have anything like that here i know i have got all but one of my crates so far from friends who did not need them anymore..We both have asked around and noone has any they need to get rid of

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Get a piece of plywood and create a gate to the huskies room. Approximately 2/3 of the height of an actual door should work. Limiting water intake might help and of course, I'll ask if there's someone who could come and let them out during the time you are gone. And Take out things the husky is likely to destroy (ie - blankets/bedding).


I'm actually more concerned that the huskies are alone for that length of time. A bored husky is a destructive husky and bad attention is better than no attention.


And before anyone jumps in, no, I don't know the circumstances, I'm only making suggestions based on this individual post. It just seems like they are alone for quite a long period.

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Im sure she will and we have thought about letting her roam again. Just the vets specific orders were to keep her in a cage intill the pin comes out of her leg and the stitches are out..I dont think there could be any harm in letting her roam only their room while we are gone. Its only a 7 foot 2 inches by 6 foot 8 inches room if you go from wall to wall then wall to the cages...i dont think she could hurt herself i mean her pin has been in for 3 weeks and gets took out March 8th..I feel like leaving a dog in a cage ALL THE TIME but to potty for 6 weeks is to much : (

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Is it possible to secure the door to the dogs room with a lock of some sort to stop him from escaping the room?


Also how have you cleaned the carpet where he's peed as he's more than likely going to remark the same spot each time he gains access to the room. I use a spray bottle with diluted non biological detergent to mask the scent  which works well although there are also over the counter products you can purchase that do a similar job.  

As previously suggested check out sites such as freecycle, or the US equivalent for a crate as this would appear to be your best option.

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Get a piece of plywood and create a gate to the huskies room. Approximately 2/3 of the height of an actual door should work. Limiting water intake might help and of course, I'll ask if there's someone who could come and let them out during the time you are gone. And Take out things the husky is likely to destroy (ie - blankets/bedding).


I'm actually more concerned that the huskies are alone for that length of time. A bored husky is a destructive husky and bad attention is better than no attention.


And before anyone jumps in, no, I don't know the circumstances, I'm only making suggestions based on this individual post. It just seems like they are alone for quite a long period.

I will have to try the gate thing..We have a baby gate up but he keeps knocking it down..I took their water up and blankets etc. last week when he was tearing it up..I left his dyno bone down though. And honestly there is noone i would trust in my house around here and my parents work same as my boyfriend. And i understand your concern. I get up at 5 Monday through Friday when my boyfriend leaves for work and play with them and feed them all so they are out for three hours before i leave for school. I go to school for 7 hours and come straight home Monda through Friday and when i come home i let them out to play clean up and cook supper then play with them (i dont work every night MAYBE three nights a week, its only a part time job) on nghts i dont work i clean house and cook supper them play with them for an hour before my boyrfriend gets home. He comes home and i feed the dogs and we sit down and eat and i do my homework IF I HAVE ANY but normally i never do inless its an essay or studing for a test. We clean up after supper and take the dogs for a walk (yes we go in rain snow sunshine, we dont care the temperature because either way you are going to warm up and have fun!) when we get home from the walk my boyfriend plays with them a bit while i finish house work..then about 8 we all play outside on our screened in porch and 9 is their routine bedtime..which is when my boyfriend and i spend our time together intill 10:30 ish...now the nights i do work i come home clean(which doesnt take long because every chance i get i clean so my house is spotless alot of the time) play with them a bit..i leave at 5 and leave them outside to play together because my boyfriend pulls in right when i leave..he comes home and cooks supper for when i get home..he eats and feeds the dogs..takes them on their walks like normal..and plays with them (he spoils them rotten when im gone) i get home about 9 (so only 4 hours) they greet me i give them lovens and they go to bed on their own without me saying even when i want to play sometimes i come home and my boyfriend has wore them out so bad that they already in bed...neither one of us work on weekend..so we get up every morning and load them into th truck and head to the lake where we take them on a 5 mile walk..we come home they get wiped off eat and take their naps..then they get up and we play with them if they want us to which normally they rather play with each other.. So ya that is it lol trust me if they were locked in a cage all day and never played with or let run outside all day or we just never messed with them i would have done rehomed them all..actually i never would of got any of them because i read up on them three years before getting my first(well actually i never got my first one till cherokee, echo kinda fell into my world when i met justin) and knew the exercise they needed thats why i got them because they are energetic like me and want to go go go!!

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Is it possible to secure the door to the dogs room with a lock of some sort to stop him from escaping the room?


Also how have you cleaned the carpet where he's peed as he's more than likely going to remark the same spot each time he gains access to the room. I use a spray bottle with diluted non biological detergent to mask the scent  which works well although there are also over the counter products you can purchase that do a similar job.  

As previously suggested check out sites such as freecycle, or the US equivalent for a crate as this would appear to be your best option.

I have used dawn dish soap and hot water..Also shampood my carpet two days ago....i will definatly have to try the detergent thanks

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Sorry to hear that. We had similar problem with Ghost, always peeing in the same spot. Every day, For more than a month. His potty training sucked when he was small but we managed and then it went to zero in October when school started and I took on some part time jobs. Echo sounds bored but honestly even tiring Ghost for a long run with a scooter, long play with other dogs outside, less water to drink, none of it helped, he still usually left a pee stain. Ghost was insecure, lonely, had panic fears, felt anxiety,... not a happy dog when alone. We thought cleaning the pee spot, covering it with something would make him not pee there, he just peed as close to it as he could. Baby gate? Learned to jump over. He peed in his spot, jumped over the gate and stayed close to door.
Bf came with the idea of dap diffuser (eventually switched to the dap collar because he tore the diffuser apart) and before the collar came I got Ghost Bach essences remedy and it has helped calm him down. We never leave him free to roam in whole flat but he has the hallway and no mess there for some time now. It's worth the try. Both these things took effect on Ghost after about a week. Try to hide some treats somewhere in your house so Echo at least spends time finding treats than aimlessly tearing your place apart.

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This page from petsmart has numerous products to remove the odor from the urine and feces.  The dog you speak about sounds like it is suffering from separation anxiety and that is one that needs to be crated.  Have you gone on Craig's List to look for a crate? It has just about everything cheap or free.  Agree with @Austinville about closing off the room.  Most dogs won't pee or poop where they sleep, and huskies are known escape artists.  We still struggle with marking from our boys, but have figured it out.  Some dogs can stay home longer than others, some will stay in the crate, some won't.  I worry that you are willing to let the one that has had surgery roam.  There's a reason the vet wants the dog crated, so it can heal.   A pin and stitches can be broken/ripped easily, and just like a person having a bone repaired, you have stay off it for at least 6 weeks.  Not sure how you ended up with 4 huskies, but maybe it's just more than your life can handle right now.  Better to put the dogs in a home that can handle them and teach them what they need to learn than to get so frustrated that you end up taking it out on them...it's easy to happen.  I don't know what you say or do with them when they are naughty, but it can be frustrating to the average adult, and you've got a lot going on.

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I think you've had some really good advice and some unnecessary comments. Who are we to make judgement on how another person came to having any number of dogs. And more so when they come to the forum with a problem they are finding difficult to solve and ask for advice. Isn't that what the forum is about?

I fully appreciate the reality of sudden and expensive vet bills, plus the on going life long maintenance of drug therapy which can equate to a permanent small loan payment lol.

You already know what the problem is, you just need to be able to facilitate the solution you know that's needed. Austinvilles idea seems a good one as a temporary measure. And how long is it since Meeka had her surgery? Is she trying to move around more than she should? Do you think she may if she was uncrated? unless she's doing somersaults while you're not there, she could just as easily chew or pull any stitches laying in a crate unsupervised as she could laying outside of one.

We all have to leave our dogs to earn a living to support them, even when they're ill. The last thing we should be doing is making people feel bad for doing that.

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Sorry to hear that. We had similar problem with Ghost, always peeing in the same spot. Every day, For more than a month. His potty training sucked when he was small but we managed and then it went to zero in October when school started and I took on some part time jobs. Echo sounds bored but honestly even tiring Ghost for a long run with a scooter, long play with other dogs outside, less water to drink, none of it helped, he still usually left a pee stain. Ghost was insecure, lonely, had panic fears, felt anxiety,... not a happy dog when alone. We thought cleaning the pee spot, covering it with something would make him not pee there, he just peed as close to it as he could. Baby gate? Learned to jump over. He peed in his spot, jumped over the gate and stayed close to door.

Bf came with the idea of dap diffuser (eventually switched to the dap collar because he tore the diffuser apart) and before the collar came I got Ghost Bach essences remedy and it has helped calm him down. We never leave him free to roam in whole flat but he has the hallway and no mess there for some time now. It's worth the try. Both these things took effect on Ghost after about a week. Try to hide some treats somewhere in your house so Echo at least spends time finding treats than aimlessly tearing your place apart.

Oh my all this sounds wonderful I am definatly going to have to try it!! Its good to hear from someone who has went through this..I would of never thought about the hiding the treats..Thank you sooo much!!

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This page from petsmart has numerous products to remove the odor from the urine and feces.  The dog you speak about sounds like it is suffering from separation anxiety and that is one that needs to be crated.  Have you gone on Craig's List to look for a crate? It has just about everything cheap or free.  Agree with @Austinville about closing off the room.  Most dogs won't pee or poop where they sleep, and huskies are known escape artists.  We still struggle with marking from our boys, but have figured it out.  Some dogs can stay home longer than others, some will stay in the crate, some won't.  I worry that you are willing to let the one that has had surgery roam.  There's a reason the vet wants the dog crated, so it can heal.   A pin and stitches can be broken/ripped easily, and just like a person having a bone repaired, you have stay off it for at least 6 weeks.  Not sure how you ended up with 4 huskies, but maybe it's just more than your life can handle right now.  Better to put the dogs in a home that can handle them and teach them what they need to learn than to get so frustrated that you end up taking it out on them...it's easy to happen.  I don't know what you say or do with them when they are naughty, but it can be frustrating to the average adult, and you've got a lot going on.

I will have to get on petsmart website and yes i have looked on craigslist there are none close to me..And when they get in trouble i simply tell them no sternly and put them in time out..I have never and will never raise a hand to my dogs my boyfriend wont either..they have never been to much for me to handle..i got the pups because cherokee had them and i wasnt sending them to the shelter they were my responsibility..i got echo and cherokee because they came with my boyfriend...we have never had a problem till now..my vet told me it was terrible twos..and i havent let my Meeka roam while shes been hurt..im going to college in august to be a vet so i know what it can do..it can break or bend and that is more surgery on her..thanks

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I think you've had some really good advice and some unnecessary comments. Who are we to make judgement on how another person came to having any number of dogs. And more so when they come to the forum with a problem they are finding difficult to solve and ask for advice. Isn't that what the forum is about?

I fully appreciate the reality of sudden and expensive vet bills, plus the on going life long maintenance of drug therapy which can equate to a permanent small loan payment lol.

You already know what the problem is, you just need to be able to facilitate the solution you know that's needed. Austinvilles idea seems a good one as a temporary measure. And how long is it since Meeka had her surgery? Is she trying to move around more than she should? Do you think she may if she was uncrated? unless she's doing somersaults while you're not there, she could just as easily chew or pull any stitches laying in a crate unsupervised as she could laying outside of one.

We all have to leave our dogs to earn a living to support them, even when they're ill. The last thing we should be doing is making people feel bad for doing that.

Thank you very much you are very kind...it was 5 weeks yesterday since her pin got put in and she has no stitches they were removed last weekend..she is trying to walk on her leg when we take her potty which  worries me because the pin can bend or break in her leg making things worse..Im not to sure if she was uncrated..she has always been in that cage but to potty we only took her out once to roam around and she sprawled out on coach and slept didnt really try to play or move...just worries me she might try bite where they left a hole for drainage which if she was going to she probably would of in her cage..my boyfriend has been working in his shed since he got home trying to build a sturdy thing to fasten to door so he cant get out..I cross my fingers he fixes it!! I get my first paycheck on March 1st and have to use it to get the two pups and echo fixed..but my next paycheck is definatly going for a cage

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I think you've had some really good advice and some unnecessary comments. Who are we to make judgement on how another person came to having any number of dogs. And more so when they come to the forum with a problem they are finding difficult to solve and ask for advice. Isn't that what the forum is about?

I fully appreciate the reality of sudden and expensive vet bills, plus the on going life long maintenance of drug therapy which can equate to a permanent small loan payment lol.

You already know what the problem is, you just need to be able to facilitate the solution you know that's needed. Austinvilles idea seems a good one as a temporary measure. And how long is it since Meeka had her surgery? Is she trying to move around more than she should? Do you think she may if she was uncrated? unless she's doing somersaults while you're not there, she could just as easily chew or pull any stitches laying in a crate unsupervised as she could laying outside of one.

We all have to leave our dogs to earn a living to support them, even when they're ill. The last thing we should be doing is making people feel bad for doing that.

I'm not going to start anything, but I am not judging anyone,.  I was simply trying to get a good full picture of what is going on.  I have days that 3 dogs and a full time job with two mature adults (and by mature I mean 50+) just talking about age that it is difficult, especially when a dog is injured or ill.  Since you can't hear a tone of voice or don't know who you are judging, you may want to hold back your judgment. 

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I will have to get on petsmart website and yes i have looked on craigslist there are none close to me..And when they get in trouble i simply tell them no sternly and put them in time out..I have never and will never raise a hand to my dogs my boyfriend wont either..they have never been to much for me to handle..i got the pups because cherokee had them and i wasnt sending them to the shelter they were my responsibility..i got echo and cherokee because they came with my boyfriend...we have never had a problem till now..my vet told me it was terrible twos..and i havent let my Meeka roam while shes been hurt..im going to college in august to be a vet so i know what it can do..it can break or bend and that is more surgery on her..thanks

are you going to be a vet or a vet tech?  A veterinarian is like becoming an md, 4 years of college and another (about 3 more years) of medical school and internship.  It's a long way to go.  good luck.

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I'm not going to start anything, but I am not judging anyone,.  I was simply trying to get a good full picture of what is going on.  I have days that 3 dogs and a full time job with two mature adults (and by mature I mean 50+) just talking about age that it is difficult, especially when a dog is injured or ill.  Since you can't hear a tone of voice or don't know who you are judging, you may want to hold back your judgment. 

I didn't quote you Nanci. I read all the posts and responded accordingly. If you feel you have to single me out for what I've written in support then you're free to do so.

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just wondered how it was going, i bet he started doing that because he was probably used to being crated and then all of a sudden freedom. can you borrow a cage and put it elsewhere, or did you get the door fixed, we had that problem with a room and my hubby ended up making a door himself.     Our husky has started peeing out the side of his cage >.<   i cannot begin to tell you how frustrating that is, though sure you understand, I am thinking we will have to get a plastic kennel instead of the open wire one. :( 

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Oh my all this sounds wonderful I am definatly going to have to try it!! Its good to hear from someone who has went through this..I would of never thought about the hiding the treats..Thank you sooo much!!

No problem. Wasnt wonderful when we went through it, lol. :D The cleaning part takes time from you to spend time with dogs. Good luck, so that you get this resolved asap. :)

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are you going to be a vet or a vet tech?  A veterinarian is like becoming an md, 4 years of college and another (about 3 more years) of medical school and internship.  It's a long way to go.  good luck.

I am wanting to become a veterinarian..I am doing my first 2 years online because its just basic general ed classes..then two years at a campus 40 minutes away.then i have to go four years to a Vet Med School..it takes 8 years to get it done if thats what your minds set on or 9 or more if you dont know...Ive talked to plenty vets, sat in on surgerys, done animal shelter volunterring, Vet job shadowing, applied to my first two colleges i go to and got accepted, Been taking all the college level science classes my high school offers since 9th grade. My minds been set on this since the summer of my 9th grade year lol..I still catch myself doing research on it when i have freetime : ) its my goal in life and im going to do it!! : ) Thanks for the luck because ima need it getting into Vet Med School..They say its tough. You have to apply 3 years prior to when you want to go, and had to of worked in a Veterinary Clinic for at least 6 months in order for them to accept you. There is a whole list of things its long. and they only except up to 20 sometimes less students

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