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Odd One Out


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So it seems on this site like I am an odd person out. It seems I have many questions that go unanswered and that my opinions are of little importance. This is extremely frustrating for me personally. Balto is my first husky as well as my first dog that I have had to train and take care of (or who didn't already come trained), and it doesn't help that huskies are a completely different breed (sometimes I think species), so I have a lot of questions and I need a lot of help and it seems I am not getting it from here. I am not sure if my questions are just stupid questions that I should figure out on my own by doing my own research on the internet. Just seems like at time I am the odd one out on this site. Maybe I just need to distance myself from this site even if that means doing my own research when it comes to issues I am having with Balto? I am not sure exactly what to do.

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I'm sorry you feel that way. :(


Personally, I don't comment on a thread asking for help unless I know how to fix the problem. Maybe other people feel the same way and that's the issue here? I haven't been on the forums lately (been busy), but I'll look through your threads now to see if I can help. :)

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 I mainly comment on photo's, off topic discussion and things which are not questions on health and training, I am completely clueless when it comes to those things.

If I felt like I had something useful to add I would though I will say there are some people on here who are able to answer your questions with good thought put into them.

Sorry you feel like this, it gets to everyone sometimes. I just try my best to remember that it's a normal thing for human's and try my best to have thick skin. 

Don't leave, every member has a place  :)  



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Im sorry you feel like that :-( I dont get on very often, and find it hard to give detailed answers when im on my phone as I use my phone on breaks at work. But if you want to you can re ask questions on this thread and I will check when I get home and try and answer any that I can :-) Like you Skye is my first puppy and first husky she will be a year old soon. I normally only get chance to check the recent posts when I am at work. I hope that soon you are able to enjoy the forum and find the help/support you need as you need it :-)

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We are all at one time or another, a bit out. Most of my posts don't generate much response. It's not because I am being ignored, but the fact that the topic only strikes interest with a few. I suspect that is what you are experiencing. Don't take it personally, because it's not personal. This forum is one of the most diverse forums for Husky-Owners. It is not perfect and it does not suit all members all the time. It does, however, provide a medium to share and help. At any time you feel you are not getting an answer you need, feel free to pm me and ask me to take a look at your post. I'd be more than willing to make the effort to help you or any other member, and more than happy to do so.

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Hey :) Sorry you feel this way it is in no way because you are the "odd one out" atall! I tend to be online most of the day in the week so try to reply to as many threads as i possibly can (if i can help that is!) We are all happy to help you just shout up and if no one replies shout up again :D 

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If you post a thread and noone replies then "bump" it up.

comment on it with "bump" and it will put it back to the top.

Not everyone will comment on everything.

And when you are in another country and a majority of the regular active members are in the uk there is a time difference to remember.

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There are a lot of times - to me, too many - where I find myself the primary ( or only! ) responder to a person or in a thread and then I'll pull back so that others will ( hopefully ) comment. I think that has happened in a thread or two of yours, in fact.

and like the others have said, if I don't know what I talking about I'm not apt to display my ignorance (( okay, I've done that a time or two, but be nice! ))

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I'm sorry you feel that way as well.  I am with the others, that if I am not sure what to do, I usually won't comment.  I was in your shoes as well, just over a year ago I got my first puppy EVER, and a husky on top of it, so I was pretty clueless.  No question is stupid, or not important.  We all have to learn somehow, and I am glad that I found this site as it has helped me out tremendously, and still does to this day.  Things still come up that I don't know what to do, and I am sure it will happen for years to come. 

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There are a lot of times - to me, too many - where I find myself the primary ( or only! ) responder to a person or in a thread and then I'll pull back so that others will ( hopefully ) comment. I think that has happened in a thread or two of yours, in fact.

and like the others have said, if I don't know what I talking about I'm not apt to display my ignorance (( okay, I've done that a time or two, but be nice! ))

From what I've seen on the forum your head must be exploding from the oversupply of good knowledge   :)  :)  :)  :)  :)

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The forum: 4,000+ members, some know each other in person, some neighbors, some in other countries across the ocean, some do not speak english as their first language, all here to talk about huskies, some educated, some newbies, some husky owners for a lifetime, some new at this game, some middle aged adults and then some years, some teens, or just barely out...some don't work, some work full time, some on the forum daily, some weekly, some monthly, some every so often.  YOU:  joined the forum a month ago, are 20 years old...and I have just now seen this and thought it may have been one of your first posts, but i see it is not.  From your profile it appears you own a husky mix that you love very much, and are preparing to start a very new part of your life with marriage. 


You just can't expect everyone to respond to everything.


Don't take my post the wrong way....give it a chance...a month is not a very long time to determine if you are being shunned in a group of 4,000 that are varied as the fish in the sea.  I go sometimes for weeks without stopping by or just lurking, then all of a sudden become active again.  Met my very best friend on here a couple years ago....but didn't know it till we finally met in person.  Patience...I know it's hard, but just like in personal situations, it sometimes takes time for people to warm up, and with the current forum changes, we aren't seeing everything the same as we used to so it's about learning to re-navigate also. 


I've always found that the best way to be noticed is to volunteer to do something that helps or make a donation of cold hard cash, post lots of pictures, arrange a walk in your area or find out where others live and meet them in person.

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I just keep posting. Sometimes I get responses, sometimes I don't or only get one or two. I don't mind. I think it helps to keep things short or to have a couple paragraphs instead of one long one. It's hard to read long paragraphs - especially if someone is reading on a phone screen. 

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I just keep posting. Sometimes I get responses, sometimes I don't or only get one or two. I don't mind. I think it helps to keep things short or to have a couple paragraphs instead of one long one. It's hard to read long paragraphs - especially if someone is reading on a phone screen. 


You don't like most of my posts then, do you???  << tease >>

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I just keep posting. Sometimes I get responses, sometimes I don't or only get one or two. I don't mind. I think it helps to keep things short or to have a couple paragraphs instead of one long one. It's hard to read long paragraphs - especially if someone is reading on a phone screen. 

Keep in mind that often a long answer is provided to give you better insight into what the poster means. Often, a short post can be interpreted incorrectly or can come off as being rude - another reason why I tend to over explain when answering. 


I tend to give my advice and then explain why...........or to share examples of how that particular piece of information helped in my life with huskies.

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Keep in mind that often a long answer is provided to give you better insight into what the poster means. Often, a short post can be interpreted incorrectly or can come off as being rude - another reason why I tend to over explain when answering. 


I tend to give my advice and then explain why...........or to share examples of how that particular piece of information helped in my life with huskies.


Like every other response in "Letters to the editor" the original author writes one page, the editor writes three!!!  :)

But then, no one's ever accused me of being too short - curt maybe but seldom without words!

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Oh I'm not talking about in responses - I mean that I think more people are likely to respond to a post if they can read it and quickly understand the question/issue. Of course there are some things that can't be explained in one short paragraph, but I still contend that adding paragraphs/spaces makes it easier on the eyes.

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Like every other response in "Letters to the editor" the original author writes one page, the editor writes three!!!  :)

But then, no one's ever accused me of being too short - curt maybe but seldom without words!

As an editor, I confess to doing so! LMAO!


And Al, I don't believe I'd describe you as curt - short, sweet and directly to the point - YES! And I love it!

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Oh I'm not talking about in responses - I mean that I think more people are likely to respond to a post if they can read it and quickly understand the question/issue. Of course there are some things that can't be explained in one short paragraph, but I still contend that adding paragraphs/spaces makes it easier on the eyes.

As a writer, I agree, occasionally hitting the 'enter' key to create paragraphs is much, much easier to read! There outta be a rule! LOL

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I am not a writer, but I do a lot of writing for my job. We get scolded if politicians have to read too many lines of text without a paragraph break.  ;)  In fact, they'd almost always prefer 1-2 sentence bullet points. 

What do you do for work?  I have to do some writing but mostly reading since I'm a paralegal

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