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Shadow And Dominance


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Right i know alot of you guys dont "believe" in dominance etc which is absolutely fine everyone has their own views etc :)


To understand this ill explain how Shadow and Skye are, Shadow is very laid back and chilled out but will not let any dog dominate him. Skye is extremely submissive. However since Skye came into the house she has got away with so so much with Shadow he hasn't really told her off alot maybe once or twice and the other day when she tried to take a toy off of him. She has taken toys straight out of his mouth, bones etc the lot only thing she doesn't steal off shadow is his food out of his bowl. I tend to try not to allow them to steal things off each other i take them back and give them back to the rightful dog but if they walk away from it that is fine. They play together happily etc although Skye can get on Shadows nerves and he retreats either to behind me or his crate when he has had enough. Basically Skye has been able to push Shadow about etc as he has let her. Shadow is 3 this year and Skye is a year next month.


Anyway obviously i am the boss of the house! But.... Shadow lately seems to be trying to what i call "dominate" Skye and he is also becoming a bit like he was when he was a teenager with me... pushing his luck, back chatting and even growling at me at times (though he hasn't gone for me just growled). 


For example this morning i fed them both and Skye didn't finish or even want hers (she has become a fussy eater suddenly :S) so Shadow finished hers which is fine as she had walked away from it. So i then give them both a treat... Shadow finished his first and Skye is a bit slower nowadays with treats, I could see Shadow wanted her treat he went to her and she went into her crate as she feels safe in there... however Shadow decided to follow to which i gave him a "NO" and he looked and stepped back but he then went to do it again and i said "NO" again but he looked at me then chose to ignore this and tried to take it off her she was then growling by this point then Shadow was just stood with his hackles up etc so i intervened incase he was about to take this a bit further i shouted his name so he knew i was there and took him outside (this is when he growled at me), Skye then finished her treat but right next to me and then i went to let Shadow back in (gave him a 5 minute time out) and she seemed a bit wary of him and hid behind me whilst i filled their water bowl... Shadow then jumped at us both (playfully though now) resulting in me dropping the bowl and it smashing and water everywhere :(


He is holding himself alot more tall and confident lately tail curled quite far compared to normal, putting his head over her shoulders but normally doesn't mount. He is still very friendly with any other dogs just if he does not like them he will ignore completely. When Claire was round with her two he was trying to mount both of them but they tell him off. 


Anyway just want peoples thoughts on this??

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to be honest hun this just sounds like my house, i do time out every time and it works, Odin tends to eat his food later at night and not with the other 2 as their on raw and he's not, but he is there whilst they eat with no issues.

Toys we don't realy buy any more as Loki want's them all lol Odin will let her know when he's p***ed with her Thor just hit's her on the head.

Now Shad sounds more like my Odin he's turned into a right grumpy old man and he's not 4 yet, he will play on his terms only, he will ply at Loki but not Thor lol and yep he growls at us at times, but it's more a grumpy growl to show he's not amussed.

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The 'head over the shoulders and back' sounds very much like what Suka does, my dominant boy, to other dogs just when he's about to mount. Other dogs do it as well. It's an expression of dominance, and if the other dog doesn't object, they mount to further express their dominance. Sometimes the dogs tell them off if they are the more dominant type, but others just 'take it'.


An example of this is seen in the following video here. This Mal is constantly trying to dominate over Suka, putting its head over Suka and trying to mount. At one point, Suka tells him off by snarling and whipping around because HE wants to be the top dog!


(Please watch in High Quality)




As you saw, there was no actual fighting even though both were competing for top dog. Although Suka never once tried to mount the Mal (maybe its because the Mal is too big and it would hurt his hips to stand up that high?), he never let the Mal hump him even though it would follow him everywhere. Suka would just try to avoid it (I'm so proud of him!)


And he actually played with other dogs this time - usually he just trots around and pees on things - completely ignoring other dogs.


You gotta remember there are different levels of dominance - some dogs are more dominant than others, just like how some dogs are more submissive than others.

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Jasper is the same he is a grumpy boy and will growl at the others if they annoy him he is so lazy now adays. Ice has always been a moody git from been young everything is on his terms and grumbs if we touch him he will just snarl at the others if they come near him .

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Yep Elise that is what he does head over the shoulder type thing to Skye, Skye seems to think he is playing all the time but i have noticed lately she is becoming more wary ... i need to keep an eye on her because she is starting to not eat things if he is in the same room, today i gave her another treat this afternoon in her crate she wouldn't touch it till i let shadow out of his cage and outside... she then checked he had gone and then ate it :S I will see what she is like at dinner time as like i said she did not eat this morning.


There is no fighting as of yet and i know Skye would just submit to the floor if he went for her. They are still able to share the toys that are already in this room and both have a pigs trotter each with no issues in here also. 

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This morning I experienced something similar with angel.

Storm has a habit of leaving his treats in his crate! SO he didnt eat last nights treat and left it in there. Angel when I let her out of her crate went straight in his and took the biscuit, I tried to take it off her and she was in her crate hiding her mouth so I tried to grab her mouth and she was growling at me! I got hold of her in the end and firmly told her NO BAD GIRL. But I really need to be more vigilant checking storms crate.

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i don't believe it's a dominance thing all the time, if it is then to me it's funny as only my Loki does it. she's half the size of the boys and is always trying to hump them.

In no way is she the dominant one in this house lol so it is play as well

storm loves to hump angel but hes the submissive one so I get what you are saying.

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i don't believe it's a dominance thing all the time, if it is then to me it's funny as only my Loki does it. she's half the size of the boys and is always trying to hump them.

In no way is she the dominant one in this house lol so it is play as well

lmao skye humps shadow though havn't seen it as much recently!


I believe i am the boss and that is that but i do think there is some ranking going on... but it is a mixture there is no apparent "boss"

Also in reply to you Lou anything Skye leaves in her crate is fair game same for Skye 

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very interesting thread! Luka doesn't hump hardly anyone at the dog park but he will hump Knox occasionally. Knox tries to hump Luka all the time and Luka does the same thing as Suka by whipping his head around and growling. Luka is the alpha over Knox right now but it's very likely it could change because Knox is not backing down.... lol

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Sometimes, at the dog park, I've noticed they like to 'hump' each other in play...or atleast try to get up on the other. Kinda like how teenage boys would jostle each other around...you know, pushing each other around in fun. Though, just like teenage boy play, this kind of behaviour can get out of hand (ie: if a dog takes it too far and doesn't back off when told to) so you have to keep an eye on it.

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I dont mind it atall. I will not let shadow do it though to other dogs we do not know or ones that we are friends with but do no appreciate etc i generally just dont let him do it. Skye ive left to do it to shadow i feel if he wants to tell her off he will! 

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