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What Stage Did You Find Most Challenging?


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Meeko is not my first dog but he is my first husky and first I have had from a puppy. I found the really young part (8 weeks to a few months) was really lovely, took him everywhere and he always wanted to be with me.. Then from 6 months Onwards he started to become more independent and develop selective hearing but still going well (training etc). He is a year old on march 23rd, and to be honest he has been at his most challenging in these recent weeks. He was a star in his training class but now he whines the whole way through and will usually have it in for at least one other dog. He has been a little growly with a few humans to:s you literally can't leave him for 2 seconds or he will destroy!! Really don't know how we would of managed without a crate.

I'm completely in love with Meeko and will be with me forever but I have had days (like today) when I feel I'm tearing my hair out. I was blaming it on the teenage stage but he is nearly a year?

He is booked in to be neutered on tuesday aswell:(

Long rant just having one of those days I think...

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one of mine is 4 so the first 4 years or the worst :rofl:   only joking  first year was mad but very chilled now he can sit all day like a draft excluder behind door and he still has his little friends :D we got another and that made him even better you realy dont know he is in house realy quiet till he sits down  as delicate as a house brick

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With Rusty there was no difficult stage.  We got him at a year and a half (rehome).  He is 4 now and perfect even when he chews on my expensive new bedroom furniture it is nothing compared to Rori.  We have had her from day one, she came home at 6 weeks.  When she was very young she was great house broke by 12 weeks.  Then a couple months before turning a year she certainly developed her own personality.  She is highly stubborn.  Love her mischevious personality but nothing like Rusty and he is her father.  Vader we have not had long enough to really tell.  I do know that he is only 2 and we have just began.

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Nikko is 15 months old and I found the most difficult was from the time I got him at 2 months old until he was 6 months old.  He was horrible to potty train, had awful SA, and chewed everything!  I had many sleepless nights and was about to go crazy.  On top of that he had almost constant diarrhea.  He has been the best from age 9 months on.  He improved so much when I got Yukon, he was like a different dog!   

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  • 2 weeks later...

aghhh  kaos is now nearly 9 months and has entered "hooligan" stage he's delightful and a bugger at the same time - worst is the jumping up at people  problem is his puppy mentality doesnt fit his size!!  (es over 50lbs now) i cant even lift him to check his weight -

Tori x

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I'm finding now the most challenging. He's about 1 year and 3 months and wants to find his place in the dog hierarchy outside with every male, sometimes even pinning the small ones, as was done to him when he was small by older dogs. And he wants to get to about every dog he sees while we're on a dog scooter outside. But I'm enjoying our rides more and more, I used to hate them because I was scared (I never ride fast, now sometimes I let him)

I'm attending classes with him and even though our trainer can work him nicely I don't, whether it is because I don't know how or Ghost doesn't want me ordering him I don't know but it's challenging.

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We got darwin at 1 year old he spent the next year trying (often succesfully!!!) to escape.

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The stage I am in now. Balto is 5 months and he is always pushing his boundaries, he is one of the worst in his puppy class, we can't get him to leave the cat alone, he whines and screams if he sees her and cannot get to the cat or if we won't let him play with another puppy, he chews everything and gets into everything

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Yuuki was pure hellish when she was about 4 months old up to about 10 months (she's just turned one). She was my first husky and suffered from severe SA, as the "ignore them and they'll get used to it" technique just didn't work as she learnt how to scream like the exorcist for 5 hours every night in her crate. Moving her to just outside my bedroom door helped, as she could finally see what was going on... Then that turned into SA again when she would cry at night pretending she needed to go to the toilet. She eventually grew out of that and then went into season and was a nightmare until she was finally spayed. Otherwise, I've had no problems with her chewing anything at all, she's very calm in the house and wonderfully behaved with me and my other half... Unless off the lead of course (she stays on a long-line training lead now she's gotten older)! She has had her ups and downs when we moved house from the city to the middle of nowhere a few months ago. She would escape the farmhouse a number of times and we once found her in a cowshed (lucky she wasn't kicked in the head or shot by a farmer). We have had to train her with wild-foul and she has responded beautifully to commands and assertive training. Yuuki has definitely sussed who she can get away with things most, and she certainly has her way with others!

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Ermmm when they were puppys and the sleepless nights and probably right now with Skye where she is so so active and always on the go etc it can be quite stressful when she will not relax! She is also a year on march 23rd :)

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I personally believe that every stage in a dogs life has it's own distinct challenges. I mean think about taking care of a senior... So in conclusion, owning a dog is a never ending spiral of challenges... At least it has been for us not that it isn't worth it. I'd be lost without all the responsibility c:

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