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Very Worrisome Behaviour - Suka


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Suka has always been a very good boy during car rides. But tonight he was different.


A few minutes into the ride back home, he started wooing at us, howling, and pacing in the back. This has never happened before - he always sleeps during car rides.


I thought he might have had to go poo. So Dad pulled over, and lo and behold, Suka went poo. But it was diarrhea.


I stay out there a few more minutes, expecting him to go again. He doesn't.


So we go back in the car.


A few minutes later, he does the same thing. Uh oh. We pull over again, but this time he doesn't go...but he pees a LOT. We get back in the car.


The third time he did it, he didn't do much. Didn't really pee or go poo at all.


Now, Suka has NEVER tricked us into anything, so I don't think he tricked us the last few times.


My Dad said that, as you get older (apparently applies to dogs too?), you feel like you REALLY have to go but when you get to the toilet you don't have to go anymore?


I have a feeling this is a problem with his kidneys, because in another thread I mentioned Suka has breath that smelled like cheetos.


And unexplained diarrhea (I grilled my parents; they haven't fed him anything out of the ordinary that he would usually have.) is a symptom of kidney infection and failure.


This wouldn't be a problem, because I would take him to the vet on Monday for a blood and pee sample. The problem is that I'm heading back to school tomorrow, and while I would certainly drop out of the rest of this semester if he developed an issue, we don't know for sure yet. So I don't know what I should do.


I'm devastated. It's much too early to even think about having to put up with this, to even consider the thought of putting him down. But if he does have kidney failure, I don't know what to do. He's only 8 years old, for god's sake!



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Awww poor baby.  Do you have an emergency hospital close?  If so it may be worth a trip and will hopefully be able to ease your mind too before you leave for school.  I will keep my fingers crossed for you all!


Well, the problem with that is I'm leaving early in the morning...and quite frankly I don't trust my parents to keep as well on an eye on him like I do. The last time I went away with a sick pet, I was in grade 8. When I came back, my budgie died. So you can understand my intense hesitation to leave.


I just came back from taking him for a quick walk, and he had diarrhea again. It was literally brown liquid...

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Chances are pretty good that it isn't a serious problem. Dogs get upset systems, for unknown reasons, much the same as humans. The feeling of needing to pee but then not, if that were the case, would be more likely to be prostate problem than kidney - if his kidneys were a problem, you'd notice him drinking a LOT of water. I'd guess it's fairly likely that he was excited (more than usual?), which tends to be more stressful to all of us as we age, and that caused the diarrhea. He probably felt like he really had to poo more (cramps), and then when he had opportunity, didn't need to. 


At around 8 years old, he isn't all that old. You should be likely to have a number of good years with him, yet, so don't panic...  :) 

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Oh, I forgot to mention he HAS been drinking a lot lately...but hasn't been peeing that much...like the proportion he SHOULD be peeing after drinking this much.

And, usually in the backyard he cocks his leg to pee...but now he's squatting when in the backyard.


He's neutered, so it can't be a prostrate problem? I thought the prostrate was removed with the testicles?

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Nope, just the testicles. Prostate stays, but with the hormones gone, is rarely a problem. You might want to have blood work done when you can to see how his kidneys are doing, but kidney problems are usually managed with dietary changes (low protein diet, usually a prescription food made by Science Diet or a home made diet - I have recipes, and there are books available with recipes for dogs with special dietary needs), so dropping out for a semester wouldn't be something likely necessary - even if his kidneys are a problem...


Don't borrow problems - there are enough problems in any given day to worry about. Worrying about what may be wrong, when you can't do much about it, only steals your joy in what's happening/what you have at the moment. When Suka's time comes, it will come. You can give him the best veterinary care possible, but you can't possibly keep him safe from every potential problem he might develop. ENJOY TODAY!

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Prostate shouldn't be a problem in a neutered male - I wouldn't worry about it. Kidney problems generally show up in the usual bloodwork panels vets do - if he has a urinary tract problem, he would also be likely to drink more and feel a need (whether he has it in him, or not) to try to pee more, so a urine sample isn't a bad idea. The chem panel (general bloodwork) should give a good overall idea of how his health is, but I would also have your parents mention to the vet that he seems to be drinking more than usual, and peeing less than you would expect, given the amount he's drinking... Good luck!

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Was there any elevation changes while you were driving? I've had this probelem while driving through the rockies. I think (and I think, I'm not sure) Zeeva's ears were popping (sort of like ours do when the elevation changes in an air plane) and she freaked out. I'd let her out and she wouldn't poo or pee or anything. Maybe that's your car woe?


Also, I agree that pups get upset stomachs sometimes. Especially after long car rides...I didn't read the enire thread but are you planning on taking Suka to the vet? Good luck c:

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Suka is usually very good in the car - we drive up north for atleast 6 hours a few times a year to go camping - no complaints or troubles from him (even though we obviously let him out for pee breaks, etc).


I asked my parents to take him to the vet tomorrow just in case - but he was fine this morning before I left. His poo was solid again.

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