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What To Do When Your Huskies No Longer Fit Your Lifestyle?


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I have two huskies ages 2.5 and 3.5 that I have raised from 8 weeks old and they are well trained, healthy, happy dogs, but I'm not enjoying them anymore (more details below) and they aren't getting the attention or exercise that they deserve.  I made the commitment to raise and care for these dogs so I will not surrender them to a rescue or shelter, but I find myself constantly wondering if there is a way to find a happier home for them.  So I guess I have two questions.  One, after you read my details below do have any advice as to whether I should try to rehome the dogs or do I need to just keep living with them, and two are there any resources to find potential new husky owners in a way that I could be extremely selective and only give up the dogs if I knew personally where they were going and that it was a good environment with a responsible owner?  I know this is a sensitive topic and there are people who say never give up your dogs no matter what, or if you are giving up your dog you don't deserve them and you shouldn't have a say in it, etc, but I'm really just looking for level headed advice so please don't yell at me.  


Since getting these dogs I have gotten married and had a baby.  Their role in my life has changed with these major life changes and we have gone from taking 3 mile a day walks and weekly agility classes to barely getting in a walk every other day and not doing anything fun together.  In addition to that, my husbands job lead us to move from a cold northern state down to Florida.  I don't have to tell you how much a husky sheds, but in Florida it is year-round constant shedding of undercoat which is nearly unbearable.  I do daily undercoat raking and brushing, vacuum the house each morning, and I still go to bed at night with hair covering my floors and furniture.  I feel constant guilt over not exercising them more and I hate watching my baby put hair covered toys in her mouth and feel bad when she crawls around and gets covered in it even right after vacuuming.  I know these are all things I signed up for when I decided to get the dogs, but my life has changed in ways I didn't anticipate and I'm just really not happy with the situation.  When I was initially looking for a husky 4 years ago I wanted an older dog but was worried about the behavioral issues that I might have to deal with from a rescue.  My dogs have been well socialized, extremely well trained, and cared for their entire lives and they have no health problems.  It seems like there should be responsible potential owners out there who would be delighted to welcome these dogs into their home, but I don't know how to find them.  What do you guys think?

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I would agree. Without sounding harsh (i often write shorter replies on my phone). I think yes I would rehome them, to someone who can give them the love and care they need.

again i dont mean to be harsh x

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I would agree as well with finding another home for them, but I would be careful. There was recently another situation (not on here) where a girl re-homed her pup and saw it on craigslist two days later, and I'm sure there have been many others like it. I would thoroughly screen each potential buyer and make sure you approve the home your fur-babies would be going to. Best of luck xx

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Pets are meant to keep us happy, healthy and to support us. When they become a stressor, in many ways the dogs also suffer because they feel your pain (IMO). Rehome your pups. If you got them from a breeder, ask your breeder if he/she will take them back. I've had many times where I've wanted to rehome my pups or send Zeeva back to her breeder. It may be a temporary feeling because after a week or so, even though the feeling comes back, it also goes away. Consider some of these questions: How long have you felt like this...Do you feel you can give up your pups to someone and never regret it...if you do opt to rehome your pups, can you search for someone close to you (i.e. family, friends, co-workers) who you can always keep in touch with and maybe even see your pups if they've been rehomed...


I wish you all the best. I understand how you feel. Hang in there.

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Pets are meant to keep us happy, healthy and to support us. When they become a stressor, in many ways the dogs also suffer because they feel your pain (IMO). Rehome your pups. If you got them from a breeder, ask your breeder if he/she will take them back. I've had many times where I've wanted to rehome my pups or send Zeeva back to her breeder. It may be a temporary feeling because after a week or so, even though the feeling comes back, it also goes away. Consider some of these questions: How long have you felt like this...Do you feel you can give up your pups to someone and never regret it...if you do opt to rehome your pups, can you search for someone close to you (i.e. family, friends, co-workers) who you can always keep in touch with and maybe even see your pups if they've been rehomed...


I wish you all the best. I understand how you feel. Hang in there.

What Smokey has said is so true. I was in a similar position with my rescue dog a little while ago. I went through all the aggravation of finding somewhere for her to go, even had other people involved and when it came to it I couldn't let her go. Be sure it's definately what you want to happen as it's not an easy thing to do and they do pick up on stress. If you decide that it's the only answer then make sure that you personally vet whoever you consider letting them go to so that you know in your own mind that you have ensured that they are in a safe and stable environment. Good luck with whatever decision you make.



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If they are not neutered and you decide to rehome them, please really consider having them done - so many people out there just get huskies to breed them to death and I know you wouldn't want that for you 2





on a side note i can imagine the sorts of replies that could creep in here - let not go there shall we at the end of the day the OP is trying to what's best for the dogs


thanks :)

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Jess, It sounds like your mind is made up - and I know that wasn't an easy decision.  I'm sorry that things didn't work out the way you wanted them to.

I just did a quick search and found several Husky rescue groups operating in Florida - one I know from Houston is the Husky Haven group of rescuers, they ( at least the group in Houston ) are real choosy about who they release to - wanting to make sure that the pup is going to a good furever home.

Surrendering them to a shelter is tantamount to a death sentence - we all know there are way too many dogs of all breeds in the "shelters", but a reputable rescue is quite a different story, one you might want to consider.

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I agree with Al - if you feel you must give them up, make sure you give them to an ethical and reputable Husky rescue group. They will then take care of the difficult business of finding good new homes for the dogs. It is very easy for unethical people to pull the wool over the eyes of an individual, much more difficult for them to do it to an experienced rescue organisation.

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I completely agree with using a trusted Husky Rescue group!


Now just a thought and I'm sure I'm totally going against the grain for a minute here....would it be possible to Foster your dogs to a potential forever home first? Then you can see if this is really what you want.

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What a refreshingly honest post (and not to say brave in these days of emotive comment) - you obviously care about your dogs and are taking a thoroughly responsible attitude! My initial thoughts are to try and find someone yourself but probably the best solution would be to find a responsible rescue and work with them! Good luck to you and them!

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From personal experience, as my dog is a sort of rescue, trusting a husky rescue or a close friend is the best thing to do. Regular animal shelters will not be nearly as picky as a rescue and will ensure that your dogs find a place with someone loving. Also maybe look at the possibility of a close friend. I got my girl from a friend who could no longer keep up with caring for 2 huskies. She has the comfort of knowing that Hurley is in a good home with me, as well as knowing that she will always see her. I'm really sorry to hear that your babies aren't working out anymore and I know this must have been a difficult decision to make. So best of luck to you.

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Thanks for the advice, everyone.  We spoke to family and found out there are multiple family members who would love to have our dogs so we will be going that route.  I'm so relieved I will still be able to see them and know they are doing well.  I was really having trouble with the idea of letting them go, but hearing you all support the idea helped me realize its better for the dogs.  Thanks again for your honest advice.  

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Thanks for the advice, everyone.  We spoke to family and found out there are multiple family members who would love to have our dogs so we will be going that route.  I'm so relieved I will still be able to see them and know they are doing well.  I was really having trouble with the idea of letting them go, but hearing you all support the idea helped me realize its better for the dogs.  Thanks again for your honest advice.  
That's great please let them know about this place and if they would like to register we would only be too happy to help x Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
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I'm glad that you have family that are interested! That means that no matter what, you will always have a place with those pups, even if its not directly in your house. The dogs will be happy knowing you are still there


The other cool thing, and this happened with myself and Hurley's previous owner. When I had to go out of town, my friend would dog sit for me and Hurley loved to visit her previous mommy. That and she got to see her brother.

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