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First Visit To The Vet - Need A Muzzle?


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Hello, I am taking my newly adopted 2 year old Husky, Nanook, for his first vet visit. I believe my sister took him to the vet when he was very young to get some shots, I'm just waiting for her to give me whatever she can find documentation-wise of what he got when.


Before I took him into our home last weekend, like a couple weeks before, him and my brother's dog escaped from my mom's yard (one of the million times they had done it before) and this time they finally got caught by animal services. The only way they could be let out of the doggie jail pen was for my brother to pay for them to get neutered (which they hadn't done yet), so my brother forked out the cash, which I guess being caught was a blessing in disguise because it cost him only $80 each to get them fixed and microchipped and get a rabies shot at the shelter. But one thing that they had to do with Nanook is that first of all they secuestered him from all the other dogs because apparently they said he tried to bite some of the staff. When they did the surgery, they had to put him fully under because he was too fussy and just would not sit still for them and again, snapped at the staff. I'm sure because he was scared all these strange people were handling him for 2 days!


In any case, Nanook does have an issue with being snappy with strangers though, me and my husband quickly learned this weekend that when we take him on walks not to allow any strangers to put their hand out to him because he'll do a quick snap at them! Obviously a behavior we have to find a way to curb, but my issue right now is, what do I do when I take him to the vet for the first time? I plan to take him in the next couple weeks to get a full check up, but I'm afraid he might snap at the vet. I know for sure he has this issue with having his paws grabbed, I can just imagine the vet trying to inspect this huge 70lb husky and me not knowing how he's going to react at all. Should I buy a muzzle for him? Will the vet just know what to do? Do they maybe have their own muzzles at the vets or maybe should I just call and ask?


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If he is not good with strangers then yes muzzle him at the vets.


Sasha and her vet are on the best of terms, he's lunch and she's muzzled.

Actually, they're getting better - as is everything with her, over time - he now only uses his muzzle when the procedure is going to be somewhat invasive. You might want to call ahead though, my last two vets have had a small rubber muzzle ( wraps around the jaws ) that they keep for potential problems, yours might, too. She objects to having her temp taken ( I would to, that way ) and she doesn't like his hands in her mouth.  Shots are now not a problem, but they were.  It's good though that he's also a friend and we occasionally go past there just to say hi! so she's learning that not every visit is going to be unpleasant.

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Our Echo (White GSD) does not like strangers and we have to muzzle her

when we take her to get her nails clipped.

However at 5 1/2 she is getting slowly better.

We think she's getting to the point where she can't be arsed with all the effort it takes.

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Every vet I have come across has a stock of different size muzzles, just in case. I'm not sure USA is the same, but it makes sense from a vets point of view to protect themselves if need be.

Are you sure you need to take one with you?

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WELL that was an adventure. I found a vet on Yelp really close to me to take Nanook, it's within 20 minute walking distance, so we went for a nice walk yesterday when I got home from work to get his exam. We get there and I'm trying furiously to not let him get close to people because I know he gets snappy, and I just kept telling everyone, just don't put your hand out to him! I had called ahead and told them he would need a muzzle. We got into the room and he was fine, the nurse was just doing her thing I told her he's OK with people as long as you just don't stick your hand out, and she was super sweet and totally understood. Then she brought me the muzzle to put on him, man was he not happy. After I got it on him I couldn't get him to sit still because all he wanted to do was to try and get the thing off! While we had it on the girl tried to see if she could get a heartbeat or whatever, as soon as she tried to reach down and put her hand on him he began to growl....yea she backed off like a hot potato LOL. She said, I'll just let the vet handle it. When she walks out I look over and Nanook had already managed to remove the muzzle, so I left it off while we waited.


So then the vet comes in, Nanook is fine, goes up to the vet, smells him, all is good, I tell him just dont put your hand out, let me get the muzzle back on him. Again, ordeal, he is so unhappy to have this thing on his snout. I tell the vet, he doesn't like strangers touching him. So I make it clear he will grown and try to snap, but we should be ok, he has the muzzle on, I made it a little tighter. So sure enough as soon as the vet approaches to try and hear his heart, Nanook growls and snaps back, the vet JUMPS up and backs away. I"m like, its ok I have him from the front and he has the muzzle, but he was too weary so he called the nurse back in. I told him, she won't be able to do much, I can hold him for you, he kept saying, try to get him to look away.....well that's easier said than done. So I tried to hug him from the neck up, yea that's was a mistake. As the vet was trying to get a heartbeat, he kept growling and snapping back and twice he head butted me in the face, and finally the third time as I just kept trying to hold him he cut my lip with his snout as he face butted me! <_< Ouch, lip started bleeding. So basically the vet ended up having to do the rest of the exam from far away, while I tried to open up to show him his ears, got him to lay down to show his belly, etc. The vet was so scared of him! The funny thing is that as soon as the muzzle came off and no strangers were touching him, he was happy as a clam, just walking around the room sniffing stuff, sniffing the vet's clipboard, etc. Man, then I was able to administer the dewormer for him since it was oral, I basically got him to eat it off the ground :lol: . But the distemper and bortadella shots, those will have to wait for next week or something. I told them I'd come back for those b ecause I just wanted to get him out of there at that point. My lip eventually stopped bleeding, Nanook even gave me a doggy kiss to try and make it better :rolleyes: . Overall, he seems to be in good health, no major issues could be spotted, and he weighs 70lbs and looks to be at a healthy weight.


Now I don't know how I'm going to get them to give him 2 shots. I need to find a better muzzle I guess and make sure my husband comes with me next time! Here is the booger face after I got the muzzle off him. I caught him in the middle of giving me a goofy smile


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Sounds like the vet isn't very experienced to me as it's hard to imagine that Nanook is the 1st fear aggressive dog he's had to deal with.  I would also expect the vet to have their  own muzzles to use on their patients as our Vet does.  Hope Nanook is more relaxed when he next goes to the Vets

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Yea I"m not sure that I want to go back to that vet, he was just so passive and fearful, I need a vet that has more experience with these dogs I think. And the muzzle was actually the vet's muzzle, we don't have a muzzle for Nanook at this point. I need to find a good one that won't freak him out, but also won't take off. I saw some Silence of the Lambs looking muzzles, anyone know if those are any good?

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We have trouble with Saskia she is an Angel 99.9 per cent of the time but at the vets she is a nightmare! As soon as the vet starts to touch her she growls but they have taken on a young male vet there and she seems a lot better with him. She does get muzzled though to be on the safe side.

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When hurley went for her ear injury, she was snippy with me if i touched it. Insta muzzle at the vets as her pain was great and we didn't want her to freak on the vet. If you have a single doubt in your mind that the dog may bite, its best to muzzle for their protection, as well as the dogs.

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One helpful thing is for yourself to try and stay calm,  any dog will feed off that you are worried , also when I take Juno in for her vet visit, I take her for a nice EXTRA LONG walk, it will help take some of that excitement out and may help the vet work with the dog.   the best thing is .....calm.  :)

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