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Apollo Has Earned His Wings . . .

Fr Carmen OFM

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Hi all!

for those of you who may remember, I just wanted you all to know that my Sable Siberian, Apollo crossed over the Rainbow bridge Sunday September 2, 2012 at 2:15 PM Eastern Standard Time. I couldn't get this to you sooner for that I apologise. The suspected diagnosis was osteosarcoma located in the right shoulder with possible surrounding tissue involvement. Apollo went from healthy no symptoms to euthanasia in less than one month it happened so very quickly like an avalanche. He was his cheerful bright self up until the very last two days when the pain just got to be too much and all he could do was lie and pant. His diabetes complicated the situation and no amount of analgesic helped ease any of it. I had the honor of walking him to the gateway and see him through to the other side. As the propofol was taking hold I had my hand gently on his neck and he simply lowered his great head to rest between his two front paws as if he were going to take an afternoon nap. Not a peep, not a word, so very very serene. Even during the pentabarbitol administration he just drifted off with the same expression on his face he always had when he was peacefully enjoying an afternoon nap. I hope I have such serenity and peace when my time to pass away comes by. What an incredible lesson, what an incredible Husky! His ashes are in aplace of honor in my study in a cedar chest surounded by cedar boughs and blue praire sage leaves and branches and his framed picture surmounting the top of the box on which I had put a large paw which reads: "Apollo 1997-2012 Wise Teacher, Faithful Friend" The pack is not the same though they have continued on. Tuvok has taken the alpha position since Hero is now in the throes of senility and really doesn't know where he is most of the time and suffering arthritis as well. They don't howl as they used to because Apollo used to lead them and Octavian although he tries just can't sustain the song as Apollo did. I miss him terribly. So does the pack. There will never be another to match him. As I promised the community I will not replace them as they go so when the last one is gone they either send another friar to live here with me or they bring me back into community. Thank you for putting up with all this. I just wanted you folks to know he's waiting for all of us I know he is running wild and free. The silver of his harness gleams brightly as he darts across the heavens with pride he takes his place among his ancestors he has done them all proudly in his life! Run free Apollo, see again with those soft brown eyes that could look beyond time, play with the passion you always had and loved to share with every creature. Go with love and give it as only you could, with joy, in abundance and freely. God willing I hope so meet you again . . . post-992-0-53218000-1362352956_thumb.jpg the attachment is Apollo at his finest. What you see is who he is Thanks. Fr. Carmen OFM

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I'm so sorry for your loss. :(

If I could, I would reach through the computer screen and give you a hug.


May Apollo run free and happy over the rainbow bridge, and may you meet him one day in the afterlife.

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Oh Father, my heart goes it to you both. There are some who believe that a dog is simply just a dog. There are other who believe, as you and I, that a dog like Appolo is a part of us. And thus we suffer at the loss. Helps us though, to rejoice in the time we shared together.

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Fr Carmen, I was so happy when your name came up in the new posts, but am so sad to read about your, and your pack's, loss. RIP Apollo, run free with those who have gone bbefore you.

I hope you and the rest of your pack are well :-)

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I and the pack are very grateful to you all for your condolences and wishes. I'm doing this on the Q.T. since the community still takes a dim view of using the internet although I can't see how talking about Huskies with folks who love Huskies would be objectionable. Anyway, I just needed to let you know especially now since the second of March marked the 6 month point in Apollo's transition.


The pack is moving on but slowly. Tuvok has taken over as Alpha but he is still immature and learning as he goes. Hero cannot challenge him because of age and senility and arthritis in fact Tuvok has Hero on the run. How quickly Tuvok forgets that if it weren't for Hero welcoming him into the pack almost 11 yrs ago he wouldn't be here!! talk about kids having no respect for their elders!!


Octavian is just a playful Husky simple, loving and wanting play food and love not necessarily in that order! My Ivanna has undergone an interesting change. At 11yrs of age she's changed her coat color!! She went from black and white to a beautiful red and white!! the only black left is the dome of her head and the backs of her ears which are now turning more white with age!! It started with highlights when she was out in the sun and gradually deepened until her entire coat went red! She's in good shape slim and trim and independent but when she wants company she's a velcro dog. Especially at night, she's right up on top of the covers and snuggles close. I don't need an electric blanket to keep warm I can tell you! What a blessing. 


There's been more Ice than snow but they love to go out into the run and just do what Huskies and ice and snow do together. If Ivanna had her way she'd be out there 24/7 curled up on an ice/snow mound curled head to tail and sound asleep as if on a futon!


That pretty much brings you up to what's happening here with the pack. Again, thank you for your thoughts prayers wishes and condolence on behalf of Apollo. I know he appreciates the concern he was always sensitive to that on this side with anyone, with everyone. May we all meet again on the other side and catch up on the sled rides we didn't get a chance to have here . . . Good night and peace to all and a wonderful upcoming week.


Fr. Carmen OFM

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Father, I don't think anyone could find fault with your sharing of Apollo's crossing.........I'm sorry that you've lost such a beloved pack member, but so very happy that you could share those years with Apollo...what a wonderful experience you've enjoyed, and continue to enjoy with your beautiful pack.


Isn't it amazing the life lessons these furries teach us......


Hugs - and we certainly miss your amazing posts and postitive outlook provided here on the forum.


Again, my condolences.

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Padre, it was with delight to see you back in the forum, you seem to always bring a ray of sunshine with you ... but then I read the report on Apollo and it wasn't so delightful, I'm so sorry that he's gone on to wait be the bridge - but in that there is the blessing that it was quick, not a drawn out illness.

My condolences and prayers for you and yours.

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Oh, Father, I too like many others raised a smile when I saw you had posted but am sat in tears having read your news; Apollo is free from pain and led such a wonderful life with you & your pack, he certainly was a lucky boy.


Thank you for the update on the other pack members, it's wonderful to see how the evolve within the pack & their characters bloom & change; until you all meet again, Apollo, rest in peace, xx

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks Val. He was a tremendous teacher and very wise in his ways always upbeat and made a game out of everything. The smile you see in the picture I posted he wore constantly the only time it disappeared was at the very end when the pain and weakness took over everything. What he did have at the very end was an incredible peace! He was so contented just to have me with him on his final journey; I was so honored to be able to accompany him to the threshold of the Gates of Heaven. Amazing experience and Amazing Boy! I'll never forget him, I eagerly anticipate our re-union. What a time that will be! Until then may he run free now, along with Tuvok and Ivanna! Thank you Val for your caring and your consolation. God Bless You!


Carmen OFM :rainbowbridge:  :cry1:  :rip: Apollo, Tuvok and Ivanna Love you forever!

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