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Mia Is Still Ill.....and No Wiser To Whats Wrong :(


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Well for almost 3 weeks now Mia (9months) has had diarrohea, and I still do not know what is causing it :(


She has been to the vet several times now (cost a small fortune) She has had blood tests, xrays (to check nothing is stuck in her bowel) and been tested for Addisons Disease (thankfully negative) She does not have a temperature and our Lurcher is fit and well.


I have taken Mia off her kibble diet and she is now on a raw diet only (and loving it)


But still the diarrohea continues, she has been sick the odd time, but not for nearly a week now. The vet is at a loss and I jsut don't know what to do for the best.


She has jsut come on heat today (her first season) but the vet is sure this has nothing to do with her being unwell.


The vet has suggested sending of a fecal sample, or opening her up (incase the xray missed a blockage) but not only am I running out of money, I do not want to put my baby through any more unecessary tests, she finds the vets very stressful and cries the whole time she is there.


Although Mia is a bit more lethargic than normal she is still happy and playing with us and her toys, its just horrible knowing she still isn't 100% and I don't know what to try next........has anyone got any ideas?



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poor girl - i can't believe she's not improved :(  At least your worst fears weren't confirmed though x


How much raw and what sort is she getting at present


I'd be tempted to halve what she has for a week x

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Its a nightmare Sarah, as glad as I am she does not have Addisons, I just want to know what it is thats making her ill :(


Currently she is having 2 chicken legs twice a day, but this isn't what I started her on, as we moved off the cooked chicken and rice to this last week, but it doesn't seem to have made a diiference toilet wise, although it seems to have helped in regards to her weight as she has put a kg back on.

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yeah the raw should help her gain weight, although you're going round in circles if she's still pooping out the other end.


If i were you, as she's so young, i'd try 2 chicken wings each meal twice a day - a chicken leg is quite chunky so she still "may" be getting too much. x

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I know what you mean about over filling her as too much food can cause excess poops, but she really is behaving as though she has never been fed before. Im just grateful she has all that hair to stop her looking as skinny as I know she is.

I will cut her diet down some more, might try 3 chicken wings a day over 3 meals, just to stop her glaring at me when I eat, cause she has certainly mastered the filthy look this last few weeks!

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Shadow was a complete nightmare from when i got him till around a year old... nothing i seemed to do helped i would go round in circles constantly with chicken and rice etc. He is now fed raw like yours but i have no issues nowadays with anything he eats his stomach must have become so bullet proof!! 


Anyway i agree with Sarah on trying 2 chicken wings per meal to start off with.. chicken usually firms them up also i've heard pumpkin can help but not tried it myself, does she seem happy in herself in all other asepcts etc ? :) 


Also you dont live to far from me im also in west yorkshire :)

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I only gave her the one chicken leg this morning, she wasn't impressed and stood there as if to say come on then mum wheres the next one!


She seems fine in herself, at the start of being ill she seemed less bouncy than normal, but still quite cheerful. I had put this down to her being unwell, but am now wondering if it is that she is losing a bit of the daft puppy stage. She will now let visitors come into the house and after an initial fuss will settle down, previously she would not settle down at all whilst there was anyone else in the house, so to be honest its been quite nice that she is a bit less bouncy!!


Yes we arent far from each other at all, should arrange a meet :)

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lol Skye is STILL bouncy and mental infact she seems to have got worse with age she is a year this month lol


I would still change to chicken wings has more bone content and should firm her up better than the legs then you can gradually change back over :) also as you are now feeding raw do you feed any other meats?? 


Yes we will have to meet up at some point :D

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will get some chicken wings when I shop later today and see how she goes on them, only have legs in at th minute.

I have been feeding her on raw chicken only for a full 7 days now, I have been thinking about giving her some kibble, but am a bit worried about making things worse. I have been given some hypoallergenic food to try her on, just dont know what to do for the best :wacko:


I love her playful nature, and think the way she manages to sit on my knee when she knows she is not allowed on the settee hilarious, but she always keeps one foot on the floor, so manages to get away with it!! lol

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Haha yes they know how to get away with things!! 


I personally wouldn't give her the kibble this may upset her more changing her around so much... also it is advised not to feed kibble at the same time as raw (as in in the same bowl in one meal) as they digest at different rates :) when you go shopping see if you can get some tinned pumpkin to as its meant to help :) i think its add about a tea spoon into the meal plus she will probably like it :D its fine to stick with chicken at first expecially as her stomach isn't 100 percent yet and it can take a few weeks to adjust but if you are going to stick with Raw you will need to introduce different meats also to get all the right nutrients etc :) also another bit of advice when feeding raw is to feed some oily fish perhaps a couple times a week as it keeps their coat lovely and shiny and soft and their skin nice as i found when i first started feeding raw their skin started flaking but it was because they weren't getting the oil they needed :)

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haha, i knew this was going to be hard, but its worse than having a baby person!! lol


I spoke to the man I bought Mia from at the weekend, we had a bit of a get together, Mia's dad, brother and sister....she loved it :)

and he told me he feeds his tinned tuna a couple of times a week for the oils, is this the best fish or do I need to go to the fish counter?

and if I introduce another meat what would you advice, I really want to get thinks right for her


Oh the post man has just arrived with her new lead.......but can't take her walking as she is on heat :(

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I dont feed tuna there is something in it i cant remember what now that is not good in high quantities, i sometimes put tuna in a kong though and freeze for a treat at times. I usually get sardines in oil or fresh sprats, sardines, and some others i have in the freezer but mine wont eat those! I have quite a few in the freezer that if we do meet up at some point you can have as mine wont eat them fresh anymore fussy dogs! So mine just have the tinned :) 


Other meats, i rotate what i give mine today they have had minced chicken carcass, and tonight they will have beef which includes offal also (offal is lungs, kidneys etc) i sometimes add liver a couple times a week only a small amount though, i give about 50 grams of it each a week as it contains iron, vitamin a, vitamin b, omega 3 and 6 and some more.
Mine also have game (pheasant, hare, rabbit, venison, pigeon) , lamb, fish, tripe, duck, rabbit. Mine also have chicken wings, the wings i get are quite large though as i get all my meat from a raw food supplier. You want a good variety though and the rule is 70 percent meat, 20 percent bone 10 percent offal some people say a variation of that though but tbh you can tell by the dogs poo (sorry lol) if its to white and hard you are feeding to much bone if its runny you are not feeding enough bone (hence why i say chicken wings :) )


I'll stop now as ill end up writing you an essay but ask me anything you want :)


You can still take her for a walk if she is on heat i did with Skye i just stuck to path walking and didn't go anywhere there may be dogs on lead and just kept away from other dogs :) Im off out with mine in a mo into the fog! 


Aww i still keep in contact with the owner of my Shadows dad and brother :) Shadows dad is very dominant though so they probably wont get on nowadays lol. 

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thats great, I will defo print this page of to use as Mia's feeding guide for the future.

Our lurcher Belle is a working dog so often brings rabbits home, so Mia can share the offerings...don't think Belle will be impressed about that though :/ lol

I did ask at the local farm shop for wings, but they only had legs, so not quite sure what they do with the wings?????


Enjoy your walk.....Im stuck indoors busy completing assignments for college :(

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Has anyone had or going through a similar experience?


I did with Ro the first few weeks or so when I first got him, but it was diet. In his case his immune system was poor, but once I got him on a better food...it cleared right up. Wish this helped you somehow, but it doesn't appear to be diet related if you have her on BARF. Hope you get it worked out soon, always so stressful when they aren't doing well. :(

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it really is a bit of a nightmare, I have had her from 8 weeks and altough she has had the odd bout of diarrohea, its been nothing like this.

I was really convinced it was her diet, but not so sure now as there has not been much change over the last week of her having nothing but raw chicken, maybe im just being a bit impatient in wanting her better, rather than giving her body chance to adjust to the new diet.

Her blood teast all came back ok, other than low potassium and electrolytes which the vet has put down to her not keeping food in her stomach long enough to absorb all of the needed nutrients.

I just want it to end now :(

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I don't have anything to suggest about the diarrhea (though make sure she's drinking enough water so she isn't getting dehydrated!), but I wanted to say something about the canned tuna.


Don't give dogs anything canned - the salt content is waaayy too much for them. Too much salt can damage their kidneys and liver.


Instead, you can either put omega 3, 6, 9 tablets on her food, or buy some cheap fish at the fish counter and give her one or two every week (NO salmon though - they have parasites that are deadly to dogs!). I give Suka a whole fish a week...I think they're calling 'whitings', but I did some research and apparently a 'whiting' is just a class of fish and not a species. I think they're only 50 cents a fish, though, cause they're pretty small. There's a part of it he never eats, but I can't figure out which part because its usually mangled by the time he's done with it...

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Mia always has plenty of water down, and boy does she drink, Ive never known a dog to drink as much as Mia

I think I will add fresh fish to my weekly supermarket shop :) Infact I will have a word with my dad, he is a fisher man, he might catch extra for Mia if I ask him nicely!!

This dog is going to be fo better fed than the kids before I have done, lol

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