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Help Balto Attacked My Cat!!!!!


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OK sorry if this is long but here is the whole story so everyone can get a good picture. First every morning when I wake up I look for my cat Cheyenne around the house because she is in one of three places on top of the chair, on top of the tv, or in her litter box however this morning she was not in any of those three places. So I looked some more and still could not find her. Well I decided I would take Balto out and play with him and see if she came out or stayed where she was, she never came out so I assumed she was hiding. Usually if she is hiding she does not come out from that spot until I take the dog outside or he is put in his cage. So I decided that I really needed to feed Balto so I could take him out right after he was done or else he poops in the house, because before long I have to leave to go to school after I get ready and play or walk Balto. Well as I was going to the kitchen Balto following in hot pursuit I heard Balto run and then my cat hiss and scream. I turned around faster then a tornado and saw Balto pinning Cheyenne down. I quickly pulled him off of her and made sure she got a clean get away to the bedroom before I baby gated it closed. I still have no idea where she was and all I can think it Balto smelled her out or got to close for her so she freaked out and took off. He did not try to bite her but instead pin her down like he would if he was playing with another dog. I am not sure if this was play though, every time he sees the cat he chases her and if she is too high for him or baby gated in another room he whines like bloody murder!!!!! At night my cat cannot even be in our bedroom (which used to be where she would come in and we would pet her and she would sleep with us) now if she is in there he screams and whines from his cage. I am not sure if he truly wants to hurt her or if he wants to play because when he sees other dogs he does the same things. Also if he attacks my cat again and makes it where it is impossible for me to spend time with my cat I am afraid we may have to rehome. I would hate to do that because I love them both so much but this was Cheyenne's home first and I want BOTH to be safe. So does this sound like he is wanting to play or does this sound like he really wants to hurt her? What can we do in the future or what can we do to have him leave the cat alone? We try leave it but with the cat that doesn't seem to register, does he need to be on a leash when he is out with her or if he goes for her should we put him in timeout? Or is this just a lost cause? I know they have a high prey drive and we did not know this when we first got him but when we asked out shelter if he did ok with cats they said he did well during evaluation and when we first brought him home he was amazing with her and just left her alone. Any advice would be appreciated as I do not want to rehome this little guy

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That's what Maya does with my cats/small dogs/other dogs, i just correct her and if she gets bad or doesn't listen after the correction she gets a time out. I also praise for calm and good behavior around the cats. Sophie's the best with the cats but she's also a master at "Leave it." lol.

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Have you thought that there may have been something between them since you got Balto which has only just shown itself? My daughter has huskies as well as myself. Her next door neighbours have cats. One of the cats took great delight in walking the top of the fence and looking at the dogs as if to say "Ha, I'm up here, your down there, you can't get me". This went on for quite a while and the dogs would all sit patiently and watch until one day Mia the biggest decided enough was enough. She hit the fence running, bear in mind that Mia is around 30-35kgs, and the cat lost it's balance and fell off. Unfortunately for the cat it was the wrong side of the fence. If your cat has been winding Balto up in the same way he will only take so much before he decides enough is enough.  Not saying that this is what has happened but it sounds a likely possibility.



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Have you thought that there may have been something between them since you got Balto which has only just shown itself? My daughter has huskies as well as myself. Her next door neighbours have cats. One of the cats took great delight in walking the top of the fence and looking at the dogs as if to say "Ha, I'm up here, your down there, you can't get me". This went on for quite a while and the dogs would all sit patiently and watch until one day Mia the biggest decided enough was enough. She hit the fence running, bear in mind that Mia is around 30-35kgs, and the cat lost it's balance and fell off. Unfortunately for the cat it was the wrong side of the fence. If your cat has been winding Balto up in the same way he will only take so much before he decides enough is enough. Not saying that this is what has happened but it sounds a likely possibility.


Yes Cheyenne has been known to do that and she gets kicked out of the room or smacked away as soon as we see her.

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I dont know alot about cats and dogs when i first got Shadow he lived with two cats and all he would do is chase them then corner them and bark. I would never ever trust him around cats now he was a puppy then but he wasn't around them long enough to train him to leave them alone etc and i've never needed to since. There is a cat at Robs parents where they go if we are away etc but the cat lives upstairs and the dogs cannot get up there and are crated when out etc so cannot get to the cat as i have no doubt he would kill it and Robs parents also understand this but they have 5 other dogs to which would also do that same! 


Sarah is a good person for advice on dogs and the cat i believe Koda used to want to literally kill the cat and they have managed to train him to live with the cat. Again they are crated when out and at night though. Also i see it says about crated at night but wining because the cat is in the room perhaps have Balto sleep in his crate but out of your room and keep your cat in your room to cuddle up etc at night as it would be nice for the cat to still have lots of attention away from the dog and like you said the cat was in first. There are ways you can go about this without rehoming :)

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Interesting, my brother who lives just 3 doors away has a new kitten and I have been wondering about introducing them properly. I am allergic to cats so it won't be spending any time here but we all spend a lot of time together next door at mum's... I am interested in hearing what others say.

I would think that if they have got on well together in the past it can happen again, maybe Balto now that he's settled feels he can go for the leader position but I doubt the cat will submit. You should stand a better chance convincing Balto to give it up and submit to the cat. I'd put them in the same room with Balto on a lead and high safe places for the cat and I would sit with the dog correcting every suspicious glace at the cat but this is just me going with what my gut tells me, I am no expert. Good luck 

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I dont know alot about cats and dogs when i first got Shadow he lived with two cats and all he would do is chase them then corner them and bark. I would never ever trust him around cats now he was a puppy then but he wasn't around them long enough to train him to leave them alone etc and i've never needed to since. There is a cat at Robs parents where they go if we are away etc but the cat lives upstairs and the dogs cannot get up there and are crated when out etc so cannot get to the cat as i have no doubt he would kill it and Robs parents also understand this but they have 5 other dogs to which would also do that same!

Sarah is a good person for advice on dogs and the cat i believe Koda used to want to literally kill the cat and they have managed to train him to live with the cat. Again they are crated when out and at night though. Also i see it says about crated at night but wining because the cat is in the room perhaps have Balto sleep in his crate but out of your room and keep your cat in your room to cuddle up etc at night as it would be nice for the cat to still have lots of attention away from the dog and like you said the cat was in first. There are ways you can go about this without rehoming :)

I hope Sarah comments on this. We have tried to have him crated in separate rooms but he whines and gets extremely stressed that he has gotten his paw caught in the cage and if we didn't wake up and run out there I am not sure what would have happened :( I don't think I could get rid of him are there times he drive me bananas yes of course just like there are times my cat drives me bonkers but I got rid of either I would probably have a melt down. If we had to get rid of him we would have to take him back to the humane society since we signed a paper saying if we needed to rehome or get rid of him we would take him back there as part of some law. I don't want him back there because they would just give him to any home including those with no knowledge of huskies and most of those wouldn't ask for help on this site or any where else!!! Plus it would suck to be in a cage all day except for maybe an hour with little toys and he is only fed 1 cup of food a day of science diet since that is all the can afford and he is allergic. So hopefully Sarah also comments

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Interesting, my brother who lives just 3 doors away has a new kitten and I have been wondering about introducing them properly. I am allergic to cats so it won't be spending any time here but we all spend a lot of time together next door at mum's... I am interested in hearing what others say.

I would think that if they have got on well together in the past it can happen again, maybe Balto now that he's settled feels he can go for the leader position but I doubt the cat will submit. You should stand a better chance convincing Balto to give it up and submit to the cat. I'd put them in the same room with Balto on a lead and high safe places for the cat and I would sit with the dog correcting every suspicious glace at the cat but this is just me going with what my gut tells me, I am no expert. Good luck

Cheyenne will never submit. She won't even submit to us just meows at us if we aren't petting her properly or enough and then will bite if we don't change that. Like the saying goes dogs think you are god and cats think they are god.

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I have tagged Sarah for you so she will comment when she has the time dont worry :) It CAN be done so try not to panick!! Also i crate mine downstairs yeah Skye screamed murder at first when i did it but you juts have to ignore it they WILL stop dont think it cant be done because it can if you want it to :)

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I don't have any advice, except to say while it is possible to have both huskies and cats under the same roof, the members on here who have done so will tell you that you must keep both of them supervised at all times (or have one of them confined to a room while the other is out, etc.).


Good luck, and I really hope it is only play. Is your cat declawed by any chance? Some members on here don't really have to do anything to protect the cat - their cat has scratched their dog with their claws when they were younger...so they dog knows to stay away from them now!

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i'm afraid i'm no help. Luka will eat a cat if he can catch one. I'm allergic so we will never own one not to mention i'm just not that fond of them. lol no offense


i would think though that there must be a way to train them to live in harmony as many people here do it.

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I don't have any advice, except to say while it is possible to have both huskies and cats under the same roof, the members on here who have done so will tell you that you must keep both of them supervised at all times (or have one of them confined to a room while the other is out, etc.).


Good luck, and I really hope it is only play. Is your cat declawed by any chance? Some members on here don't really have to do anything to protect the cat - their cat has scratched their dog with their claws when they were younger...so they dog knows to stay away from them now!

We had to get her declawed for medical reasons or else she would still have them. I think that is why he hasn't learned with her. At his mom's house she has two inside cats and one outside cat and they all have claws. He usually leaves them alone and will go smell them, he even lets one rub against him, and then wants to play so they take off and scratch him so he leaves them be, but since Cheyenne is declawed I don't think he is learning anything with her

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I have 3 huskies and 2 cats.  All of mine will chase the cats.  Rori has caught my female (cat) twice by pinning her down.  We yell at her and she is more concerned with our noise then the cat and releases her.  She too does it in a manner which she would another dog.  We also use a baby gate to keep the cats safe.  We kid ourselves into thinking that works because I have seen all 3 of mine go over it with ease.  I reward mine when not going after the cats when they are close. 


I also am interested in they replys to this post.  My first thought is that it was play and our bigger furkids don't realize they are so big and our kitty's are so small.

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I have 3 huskies and 2 cats.  All of mine will chase the cats.  Rori has caught my female (cat) twice by pinning her down.  We yell at her and she is more concerned with our noise then the cat and releases her.  She too does it in a manner which she would another dog.  We also use a baby gate to keep the cats safe.  We kid ourselves into thinking that works because I have seen all 3 of mine go over it with ease.  I reward mine when not going after the cats when they are close. 


I also am interested in they replys to this post.  My first thought is that it was play and our bigger furkids don't realize they are so big and our kitty's are so small.

I also assumed it was play because he does the exact same thing if another dog big or small is near him. He lets other cats at my fiances moms come up and rub on him but when they have enough they scratch him and he is done with that. Although he did chase one of the cats up the window and he just looked like he had no idea what happened.

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At Balto's age, he's testing every limit and boundary that you have ever set for him, including this one.


My husky and cat live together peacefully and to be honest, I'm not sure how it worked out that way. Consistent discipline and setting limits on their play is a must. My cat is usually the one to initiate play with Ryn - her favorite game is "chase me through the house" and it's hilarious to watch.


Ryn was crated throughout the day in the beginning, but can now be loose when we are gone. I've just provided safe places for Kit to go and hide.


Ryn understands that if things do get rough, she's likely to spend time in her crate as the cat gets the run of the house. She does still have her claws, which helped Ryn to learn what Kit's limits were.

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our cat used to play with Storm - it took us a long time to get to that stage - about 2 years. They were never left alone.However since we got Tanna the cat is only allowed in when the dogs are out in their run, or he gets shut in the kids bedrooms. Tanna would definately kill the cat as she is just way too interested. It of course doesn't help that the cat follows us on short walks and winds them up constantly. Fortunately we are able to manage the situation as the cat has free access t.o the conservatory and the dogs don't

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