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I Need Advice!! - Puppy On Raw Food


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Hi, I'm Ruby. I'm a new Husky owner. I've researched pretty much everything there is to know about the breed. My boy Loki is almost 13 weeks old and I've just heard about the raw food diet from a friend, but as he didn't have his Husky from a pup he isn't sure about how to put a puppy on a raw food diet. Any advice is welcome i.e Where to buy, prices, how and when to prepare/feed Loki. I want him to do right by him and make sure he has the best and healthiest life possible! Thank you in advance for your help!

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Hi, Welcome to the forum.   :)


I can't give you any advice sorry as my dogs are not fed raw, though I'm sure others will be able to assist you.

You could also try searching though the forums as I have a feeling you may find some previous topics regarding feeding your dog raw food.

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Hey, I think the first thing is finding a good supplier, if you type in google raw dog food suppliers there are a few sites with good lists, I think there may even be one on here? My supplier was really helpful in getting me started. It's best to start of with one type of food, chicken is usually good and then slowly add more variety. I give my pup minces of 80% meat 20% bone and 20% organs and they are already in premade packets and then give him some carcasses a few times a week. With pups you need to watch them a bit and when giving them some bones eg chicken wings hold it till they learn to eat properly. Is there anything in particular you wanted to know?

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Thanks so much Lucy! Yeah I have a few things to ask if that's okay? First being should I get the food specifically from a raw dog food supplier or would I be able to get it from a butcher and then just freeze it or whatever myself? Is it okay to give it to them frozen, or should I let it defrost for when I need it? My friend gives it to Aniko (his Sibe) frozen. But it seems like it'd be a little too hard for Loki's milk teeth. And it worries me that he might turn vicious given the fact its raw meat so they'll possibly be blood and what not in there? I have two nephews and a niece so I don't want him to snap at them. Right now he's really playful, but gentle with them which is good! I also read something about there not being enough calcium or vitamins in just the raw meat alone so what do you suggest I add with it so he gets all the important nutrients he needs. Thanks for your help!

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We get a carrier bag of raw from a local butcher for £1 and we can be choosy about what goes in the bag. I avoid trotters as OH finds them gruesome... so I mainly go for chicken carcasses and if there is room in the bag then maybe some ribs etc. Unfortunately, this is nowhere near you, but worth asking around in your area. Some butchers can't be bothered / not interested / some other reason, but worth checking out.

When it comes to introducing your dog to raw food, do it gradually - any major change (sometimes even from one brand of dry food to another) can result in an upset stomach (and the resulting... erm... clean up) for several days to a week or so, depending on the dog.

Giving it to them frozen is not a problem. If you watch '8 Below' (about a sled dog team) you will see them being fed food that is beyond frozen - it is kept outside in Arctic conditions - they still love it! There are threads on here involving feeding 'ice cubes' made from a mixture of gravy (no salt, made from meat juice) with or without bits of meat / veg. Sorry I can't give you any links right now though...

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That's the movie that made me fall in love with huskies! I wanted one ever since and this was atleast 3 or 4 years ago now! Well we have a family butchers so if I went and spoke to him he'd be able to sort it out. Minced meat is okay isn't it? Suppose when he gets bigger I could even buy him fish too as a treat every so often. Is a raw food diet still okay even if he isn't 'working' as such or part of a sled team. He's really just my baby boy lol. Appreciate all the advice!

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I don't see any problem with minced meat or fish, for 'house dogs' / pets or working dogs. Certain fish have more omega oils (or something?) than others which can be good for dry skin. Certain diets are better for 'working' dogs rather than 'pet' or 'show' dogs, but I can't help you there. Some dogs / people prefer a dog to be able to crunch on meat (i.e. with bones) rather than the minced variety - but (you may already know this?) don't give your dog cooked bones. Raw for a non-working dog is fine. The amount of raw vs 'other' food is debateable, and not something that I can really help with as it depends on so many factors.

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:hello: and :welcome: to the site Ruby. You have been given some good information there on feeding and there is not really a lot that I can add except when feeding fish avoid giving Loki Salmon. There is something in Salmon that I believe is or can be harmful to huskies. ;)  



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Hey, welcome to the forum :) I feel both mine raw I order from a supplier called manifold valley meats I order around a months worth at a time :)

Fish you want oily fish I do have a whole list of the correct fish to feed but it's in a folder and I'm on my phone currently I can write it up on mondh if you still need it :) one of the cheapest is sprats which I then freeze for around 2 weeks before feeding you can feed frozen or defrosted just don't cook them unless you want to de bone :) only thing I will say is some dogs bring fish back up my male does so he has the tinned sardines as his oily fish but with the sauce etc all rinsed off first as high in salt. I feed fish once or twice a week as its great for their coats and skin :)

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Thank you! Loving it so far, I've learnt so much! Things I already knew of course (just explained better) and lots of new things! They say that the dog picks you and he definitely did! I love him so much already haha. I just want to give him the best and healthiest life possible. He deserves it!

Would it be best to de-bone the fish as he's only a puppy? After all I don't want him to choke! As for the brand of raw food, I found the Nature's Menu website. Is that any good? It seems like its good quality. Its also not as expensive as I thought it was gonna be, which is always a plus. I'm looking for a new chest freezer too that I can put all his food in. I doubt it'd fit in mine!

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Natures menu is fine but I believe you need to add the offal etc in yourself and also stock up on chicken wings whilst a puppy for the bone and move onto thighs then even carcass or quarters once older :) the bones in the fish will be fine with your pup they are really soft and small aslong as raw obviously :)

With my meat I order a big variety some contain bone some dont some contain offal some dont I also have liver and kidney frozen into 50 gram portions and I also choose to sometimes add veg which I spent hours one day blending and freezing also into portions lol

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