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Chula is on 25mg of tramodol for pain, every 8-12 hours. It makes her very sleepy and disoriented. They gave me a five day supply, but I cant imagine having her this drugged for the next four days.

Any experience with doggie painkillers? How do you know when to stop? I know part of having her drugged is that she's less likely to pick at her wound.

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AND KEEP IT PAIN FREE.ITS FOR THE DOGS OWN GOOD. :pawprint:  :pawprint:  :pawprint:  :pawprint:  

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you need to give her the pain relief for the days subscribed hun

she will be sore and dis-orientated still from surgery i would imagine,it can take them a while to get back to normal after a G/A 


let her rest and sleep it will aid her recovery 

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When I had pain killers they said twice per day or as needed for pain.  If it just says "as needed" you could always call them and ask how many per day you can give her.  I did a quick search and the consensus seems to be twice per day for tramodol


From 800-PetMeds.com:


The usual dose is 0.45-1.8mg per pound of pet’s body weight every 8-12 hours

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Right, but how will I know when she's no longer in pain if she's always drugged? I mean how many days until I can stop? I guess I'll have to call the vet. It's kind of nice to have her so quiet since its really hard to keep her from jumping and racing around without it, but I dont want to keep drugging her until the pills run out if she doesn't need them.

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Emily, first, dogs are real good at hiding pain from others ... they accept it as a part of living, up to a point.  It's nice, you say to have her quiet, let me add that it would *NOT* be nice to have her *literally* spilling her guts out on the floor.  She may not need the pain meds for pain - but you *do* want to keep her as quiet as possible until the surgical site has had a chance at healing.

Of course you can't tell if she's feeling any pain, if she could talk, she'd tell you - she can't so until it's *real* obvious that she's not in pain and not in danger of puling her stitches out - I'd think it best to keep her sedated.

As always, she's your dog and it's your call - but he gave you the meds for a reason.  Pain of course is part of it, but I think if you'll ask it's also intended to keep her calmed down for a while.

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We (or at least *I*) do understand that.  I would ask that you too, understand that IMHO it's much better for her to keep her sedated for the time being.

I'm not trying to sound offensive, but as all of us who had females spayed understand it is absolutely necessary to keep them calm until they have a chance to start healing.  What was done to Chula was much more invasive than a spaying.

Again, IMNSHO, keeping her sedated till the medication runs out does no harm - other than you not having her bubbly little personality running around.  Stopping the medication because she might not need it, is taking an unnecessary risk ... again IMHO.


Somebody else, please .....

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Don't worry we know that. It's hard seeing our pups in pain and it sucks thy can't just tell us what hurts. We are just trying to help you out and I agree with Al that she should be on the pain meds until you run out. It helps with sedating her too so she doesn't bust her stitches open. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Let me add she doesn't have external stitches but she could bust herself open with too much force I'm sure. I'll just call my vet in the morning. I appreciate the advice and understand the reasoning but what I'm doing now isnt working.

I'm supposed to feed her very small meals every 2 hours. She will not eat while she's under the sedation of the drug, which lasts about 7-8 hours at the current dosage, so there has to be another solution.

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Ok I'm sorry I must have misunderstood as well. I see what your concerns are now. If she isn't eating at all that isn't good either. I agree you should ask the vet if you should give her less pain meds so she will eat Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I imagine the idea is to deal with pain and make it bearable not render her completely unconscious.lol I'm sure once you explain it to the vet they'll be happy for you to lower the dose and quite probably tell you to use your common sense in how you dose her if they don't give you a guide line. I appreciate she's had a major operation and needs not to run round like a headless chicken but she also needs to move about an keep her circulation going. Hospital patients are encouraged to get up an about as soon as they're able after major surgery and aren't left in their beds drugged to the eyeballs for days on end lol

I know from previous experience we have been given tramadol for safi and been told to use it at our discretion. Two tablets a day knocked her unconscious as well. We used one for a couple of days then she was fine without.

While she's awake you could try attaching her to her lead an tethering her to you so she can't start running round like a loon. You could also try opening the capsule and splitting the powder in half so you give her half in the morning an half in the afternoon an see how she fairs

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Well this conversation is moot because now no matter what I do to hide the taste of the pill she won't take it. Tried crushing it in peanut butter, tried hiding it in cheese, tried forcing her to take it. Not working. Gah!

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