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Typical Husky Owner Rant


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I'm seriously getting sick of people warning me about how "dangerous" huskies are. I know I sound like a typical teenager, but... GOSH!!! I know my dog!! I've had him 3 years! why do people need to tell me what to think about him? > :( I'm starting to think I need to change my laptop's wallpaper... Because right now it's Diamond's picture. I turned my laptop on at class one day (getting ready for presentation) and this girl who sat behind me asks whose dog is that. Totally deserves the "conversation of the day" title:


Girl: whose dog is that?

Me: mine :D Meet Diamond the Husky 

Girl: husky? isn't that the dog that is used to catch thieves?

Me: no, I've never heard of a husky being used as a police dog. They're not even good enough to guard the house

Girl: but don't they bite?

Me: every dog bites. That's why they have teeth. But if you're asking if he's aggressive, then no. Not at all. He's a big teddy bear.

Girl: but why do you have to have huskies?? I mean, they frighten people! Aren't Pomeranians safer and cuter?

Me: I can't stand little dogs. They annoy me.

Girl: I don't know, my family can't stand large dogs. You never know when they would bite you!


seriously? "why do you have to have huskies"?? BECAUSE THEY'RE BEAUTIFUL!! > :( I'm also fed up with people commenting on how unusual it is for a girl to own a large (I think they meant mid-sized) dog. Oh come on just because I'm sixteen doesn't mean I like to cuddle up with a kitten-sized doggie and dress it up in pink  <_< what's with this modern-age stereotype anyways?? Dogs. Are. Not. Fashion. Accessories.  :angry:


okay rant over  :P

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everyone wonders why I love animals and dislike people haha
I use to have a chihuahua she had a bag but that was it and I had people ask me why she didnt have "clothes" or bows in her hair one person even said "but that's what there made for to be 'pampered'" my reply was always the same "she is a DOG not a little child four legs and she barks not two legs and talks"

Now it's the opposite why a husky there aggressive garrrrh I always have to walk away from people that say anything wrong about my girl or ill end up in a never ending argument haha

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Having a puppy I get stopped by lots of people offering me their advise about how my dog will be big and lots of work. One lady has stopped me three times to remind me that Husky is a working breed. We don't get much snow here so she won't get much use as a sled dog, but she will get lots of love and walks and more love. And then some more love and a walk  :P

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I find little dogs are much more aggressive than big dogs, the only reason people think bigger dogs are dangerous is because their bite causes more damage, it drives me mad! How many times have I seen people bitten by yappy little things but nobody says anything then... Angers me!

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The other day we were in pet smart and this lady was picking out a pink skirt and dress for her dog along with bows and every thing else. She looked at our dog disgustingly and said who would want a dog like that. Needless to say I had to walk away........

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I feel you. I'm 19 and I get a lot of people who feel the need to 'educate' me on my own dog, and 90% of the time they're wrong >.>

I remember one time at the dog park I only had Cloud, I was working on leaving Yuki home alone, and these people were talking about the dogs that come there. And then one girl brought up the huskies and they said how aggressive they were, how they always chose the small dogs to bully, and one lady went as far to say that she didn't understand why anyone would want to own such a vicious and disgusting breed. To which I replied "I have a husky at home who plays well with small dogs, and may I point out there is a SMALL DOG section, if you don't want your small dogs being rough housed with keep it on the appropriate side." needless to say they shut up. :P

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Ugh. I hate people like that. I think you need to not only pass but excel at an intelligence/competence test to own a dog...actually, any animal. And if you dress your dog up in clothes and insist on pushing it around in a stroller/carrying it in a purse instead of walking it - you deserve to have bad things done to you. 


All of the dogs I've ever had a problem with have been small dogs - their owners are not only irresponsible, but also have that annoying: "Let's dress up my dog and have it attend a tea party!!!!!" mentality. I hate, hate, hate, hate that!


When I volunteered at the humane society, the dogs that bit me the most and gave me the most trouble have ALWAYS been the small football-sized dogs!!


(okay, I'm done...)

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As ignorant as she sounds, she's only echoing what her family have raised her to believe. Perhaps now you've set her straight, you've educated her enough to give bigger dogs a chance rather than judge on sight. :)

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I have had comments about mine. Usually from people that think they are a safe distance away so as not to be heard by myself. They don't realise what good hearing I've got. One woman was commenting to her friend, on how viscious huskies were, while standing with her nasty little yappy, barky, snarly thing on a string. My reply was, if that's the case then why have I got all these people around wanting to stroke my dogs and you have............Hmmm...... no-one. ;)



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The nice thing about Rolyx being a mix is people are thrown off on what he is. Logically if you look at him, he screams chow and husky, but very few put the two together...for some reason, a lot overlook the possibility and think he's purebred. I have one lady come flying out of her house every time I walk by, "What a beautiful Akita!" Had another think he was a GSD....  :huh:


Sadly I can see why they got the rap [though a lot is over dramatization from hearsay], both chows and huskies [as chows have it just as bad]. We can all look at our own dogs and see it's not true because we are responsible owners. But think about how many impulse buy [top it off with those who impulse buy from a byb who put no thought into temperament or health testing], know NOTHING about the breed and have no clue what they are doing. What happens...can you picture a husky with no training and allowed to run the show? Saying that, it's the same with the small dogs too...they are what you make them and most make the mistake of treating them like a baby. They aren't a baby, they are a dog. 

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I don't get the comments of that they are aggressife. In South Africa the most comments are more about you are not doing your dog a favour by keeping it in SA. It is to warm for them. They must be in the snow. Now he don't really get much snow here. And in summer as this week we had an average of 35 C. Warm yes, but my sibi has more than one slash pool for her.

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Search google for the case where a Pomeranian killed a baby and set that news story as your wallpaper. I only hear how pretty they are, if we go sledding and that they never knew huskies came in white to light brown colour.

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I had a lady the other day tell me Siberian Huskies are a horrible, aggressive breed. pretty much that my puppy would grow up and kill my children. I politely corrected her on that, I think that made her mad because I didn't blow up on her. I wanted to say something about her 2 toy dogs she had with her, but I didn't. Poor things were just fashion accessories to her. Bows, dresses, shoes, etc. These dogs had it all. They were the aggressive ones, yipping, growling and snapping at people.

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