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May Have To Rehome


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I think LittleLuka's comment was aimed towards the part when Carrington said " It is very frustrating having people nag and complain about your dog and saying you need to control your dog or don't you teach your dog discipline.", and I believe she was referring to those people, not you. 


As others have said, it will get better. However, huskies /are/ notorious for not getting along with cats. Not that it cant be done, but most know before even getting a husky that it will require constant training and supervision for well over the next year, especially when the teens hit. It's obvious that you don't have a lot of spare time between school and work, and if you dont think you have the extra time to put into him that he's going to need to become a well behaved dog, then its only going to be more frustrating for you when he has his outbursts. You will doubt yourself, and him, and if it will ever get better. Re-homing may be in your best interest. However I believe you have put a lot of time and effort into making Balto the best dog he could be, if you're willing to go the extra mile (and the mile after that, and the mile after that..) then keep working with him.


I wish you the best of luck.


Ah right, gotcha...thanks for clarifying :D

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I think LittleLuka's comment was aimed towards the part when Carrington said " It is very frustrating having people nag and complain about your dog and saying you need to control your dog or don't you teach your dog discipline.", and I believe she was referring to those people, not you. 



haha thank you for clearing that up for me!

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It is def. not just for the honeymoon. It is a love less/love lots relationship. I worry about my cat as well, that was her home first and he has to learn that he cannot eat her. I am not sure how to do that. Walks are terrible, puppy class is terrible, going places is terrible, etc. At home he is golden except with the cat, other places not so much. It is very frustrating having people nag and complain about your dog and saying you need to control your dog or don't you teach your dog discipline. We try and them saying things like that really bring me down. I kind of feel like a failure, which I do NOT take well since I was told that by my parents since I was little (thank goodness later in life I was taken from my parents when I was younger

im gonna be honest.

Im sorry i dont think a husky is the right breed for you. Im not trying to be harsh just say what i see from the info youve given us x

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Folks, I think we're being unnecessarily brutal here. 

All things considered, her family (and soon to be family), her cat, her job, her education and who knows what else ... I think she'll agree now was not the time to add a Husky to the mix.

She hasn't asked for help in rehoming him, so I'd imagine that her post was just one of clearing the air - for herself.

No one who's never had a Husky - whether they've done their homework or not - is *really* prepared for the reality of one.  Hell, I had one and if someone had offered to take Sasha off my hands for a price, my response would have been "will you take a check?" 

Balto's young, he'll adjust. Carrington is also young and I hope she'll adapt in time.

I think it's safe to say that she's tried as much as she can with all of "life" kicking in around her.  Maybe now wasn't the time to add a Husky to the mix, but can't we be a little more forgiving ... we've all been there ( at wits end ).  Even as an outsider to her circle ( remember she and I haven't been the best of correspondents ) some of the responses in this thread have been rude - okay, let's say "abrupt".  Considering that he might need to be rehomed is not an easy decision, nor I think, one that she's looking at lightly. 

How about a little "Husky Owner" "support???

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Al once again you find the right words to fairly dish some humble pie. How about this as a suggestion. Would it be possible for some video of Balto's behaviour? That way some of the more experienced owners could gage the body language of you and the dog and be able to offer specific training advice. Like somehow either you or your OH walks Balto and the other films from behind perhaps?

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We walk him 3-4 times a day for 25-30 minutes and the dog park we try to do every weekend but it has been so dang muddy around here from 10 inches of melting snow and ice with a rain storm that lasted 3 days. He goes to puppy class every single week and we go out to my OH's mom's every Sunday and she lives on a farm so we try to tie him up outside with a really long lead (I think it is like 2 or 3 maybe 4? lead things hooked together to let him run but then he hollers and tries to come to the door and break through it since we are not out there with him.


Awe tying him on a long lead isn't really exercise "/ Maybe jog with him? I know I am not in the best of shape ( getting back there ) so my OH jogged with Asha and she also is trained on a treadmill ^^ Maybe give that a go? But I do know what it is like having to rehome a Husky. Asha's behavior wasn't the problem. It was her and my OHs dog constantly fighting. And with a small child and being bitten she unfortunately had to go to another home, one without dominant type dogs/breeds. Good luck and hope something works.

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But aren't they bred to pull sleds? Lol. That kind of doesn't make too much sense.


I meant when they are puppies - I believe anything younger than 14 months? Their joints are still soft and growing - they can't handle the stress of regular structured exercise like jogging or pulling when they are that young. 


Sure, you can of course start training them to pull at that young age, but usually you start with very little/no weight to get them used to pulling something behind them. 

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I meant when they are puppies - I believe anything younger than 14 months? Their joints are still soft and growing - they can't handle the stress of regular structured exercise like jogging or pulling when they are that young. 


Sure, you can of course start training them to pull at that young age, but usually you start with very little/no weight to get them used to pulling something behind them. 


Lol. Oh yeah he is only like 5 months. I forgot there for a second when I was typing that. Asha was not 5 months. She is 2. Oops :unsure:

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Lets please keep this friendly guys :) They are asking for help and advice and also if they do go down the route of rehoming atleast they have tried their best and came onto one of the greatest husky forums for help and know they have tried :)


The excersize you are giving sounds plenty enough for a pup in my opinion 4 half hour walks a day is great! I however find walking mine isn't enough like i said mental stimulation like games or teaching new tricks are a good way to do this ... i only do it for around 10 - 15 minutes at a time though otherwise they get bored :) Mine also dont really play out in the garden unless i am out there!! So i have to go out with them sometimes to get them to run about lol 


All Skye has done this morning since we got up is be a pain she is winging and constantly hassling Shadow! Just fed them their breakfast (dont like to feed before their walk) so i am hoping she will now chill a bit (that is very wish ful thinking though) I have found i have to really shout NO (not scream it just really loud) or she just does not listen and if she still does not listen i then remove her from the situation ... this has taken me months and months to do and she is still a pain! BUT i do have alot of free time to do alot of work with her which you dont have and i agree it probably wasn't the best time for you to bring a husky into the home but you have so we want to help as best we can so that you can either not rehome or if you do have to rehome point you in the right direction of doing it properly so Balto finds a great home :)

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Zach and I are getting married in May and shortly after plan to start a family. Our problem is Balto. I hate to say this but I am strongly thinking of rehoming. Balto does pretty well at home minus being obnoxious with the cat which we still have not figured out how to get him to stop. However, when people come over, we go other places Balto is terrible!!!!! He whines, jumps up on people, nips them etc. He is put on a leash and when he bites or tries to jump up on them, nip, etc. we have them do exactly what we do and they are not allowed to pet him or interact with him until he does what they say and calms down. Problem is he NEVER calms down. When we go to puppy class we try and try to get him to do the commands but he is so interested in other dogs that he just doesn't listen the trainer is trying her best with him but he just isn't doing it. He can no longer play during puppy play time because he goes to the smaller dogs and picks on them even when the puppy submits or growls and tries to tell Balto enough is enough. He is socialized and he goes to the dog park and plays with my OH brothers and sisters dogs which are twice his size so they do well together, but small dogs is what he goes for to play with and he cannot play with them. He is too big and he doesn't know when enough is enough. Any time we are outside the home or people come over he does NOT listen so he is put in time out and on a leash but he Yowls and screams and barks. So we try to ignore him but he gets insane about it!!!!! He doesn't get toys or treats or anything until he calms down but he never calms down. No one is willing to watch our dog for us while we go on our honeymoon for a week in Cancun which has already been paid for by my OH's dad and step mom as our wedding present because Balto is terrible and does not listen. We have others interact with him, make him do commands before he gets anything including a simple pat on the head but he just whine and yowls and yells. Now I have people who no longer want to come to my house because he is there and he gets loud (especially when they come over so we can study together). We have asked and asked for help and nothing is helping he is absolutely terrible with the cat, in other places, or if people come over. My fiance does not want to get rid of him at all and neither do I, I love him to bits but something has to give. We do NILIF and that works at home so we try that other places and he doesn't seem to care all he wants to do is scream and howl and bark. I either need serious help or we are going to have to rehome.


One of my boys Bandit is coming up to 5 years old and hes like an overgrown puppy when it comes to manners! At 5 months old he is still learning and exploring his surroundings. You say that even the trainer in puppy class is struggling, what sort of things are you all trying? It sounds to me that his surroundings are far more interesting and motivating to him than listening to you, you need to really step up your game when it comes to getting his focus and attention (sometimes what we see as being pure stupid and silly, is the one thing that really gets our dogs attention onto us). 

Have you considered getting some help from a proffessional dog trainer who could work with you on a one to one scale? Maybe you could consider this, you may all benefit better if you have a trainer who can focus all their attention onto you and Balto.

Sorry I cant help anymore, I hope you dont decide to rehome as he is still just a puppy and learning takes time, patience and consistency.

All the best

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My fiancé and I have talked a lot about this last night before and after my test. We both don't honestly want to rehome him at this point. We are just very very frustrated with the situation. However, I will be the first to point out I did not do homework on the breed and I am sure I am not the only person in the world or on this forum to do so. When we went to pick out a puppy where we volunteer we were looking at a lab and terrier puppy but when we came in to pick one out they said they got a few new puppies since we were last there 3 days ago and we said we would look but were interested in those two. We went back and looked and some were maybes we need to interact and others were a straight no. We got to the last cage and there was Balto his card said mix and from the looks I was thinking German Shepard or something. When I thought of a husky I thought of a purebred you see on tv not Balto. So we had to get someone to unlock the cage to interact and they said oh you are looking at the husky mix. My fiancé and I looked at each other because like I said he didn't look like one. Well that pulled at my fiancé because he has wanted his own husky since his moms boyfriend had one. We interacted and 10 minutes later that is the one we picked. Am I going to sit here at lie and say we knew right out the

Gate right kind of dog we were actually getting and that is was going to be a lot different and more difficult then a lab, chihuahua, etc. No. I thought it would be the same. Obviously after having him for a week maybe less we knew that was no longer going to be the case so we set out to find help and ended up here. Before we got

Him we made sure to look up and ask how to introduce your cat to a new dog and followed that to a t, how to best teach them to potty outside, watched videos on how to teach basic tricks, and bought a book called something like puppy book or something and read all that on what to buy, feed, tricks, potty training etc. however, nothing prepared us for a husky. We picked him out and now we have to deal with our choices and we are trying everything possible while also keeping all my animals in the house safe and to end bad behaviors.

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Al once again you find the right words to fairly dish some humble pie. How about this as a suggestion. Would it be possible for some video of Balto's behaviour? That way some of the more experienced owners could gage the body language of you and the dog and be able to offer specific training advice. Like somehow either you or your OH walks Balto and the other films from behind perhaps?

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I am not sure how to upload videos on here. I take them on my phone since that is the only source of taking videos I have and then I upload them to my facebook page but I am not sure where else to go from there

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Folks, I think we're being unnecessarily brutal here. 

All things considered, her family (and soon to be family), her cat, her job, her education and who knows what else ... I think she'll agree now was not the time to add a Husky to the mix.

She hasn't asked for help in rehoming him, so I'd imagine that her post was just one of clearing the air - for herself.

No one who's never had a Husky - whether they've done their homework or not - is *really* prepared for the reality of one.  Hell, I had one and if someone had offered to take Sasha off my hands for a price, my response would have been "will you take a check?" 

Balto's young, he'll adjust. Carrington is also young and I hope she'll adapt in time.

I think it's safe to say that she's tried as much as she can with all of "life" kicking in around her.  Maybe now wasn't the time to add a Husky to the mix, but can't we be a little more forgiving ... we've all been there ( at wits end ).  Even as an outsider to her circle ( remember she and I haven't been the best of correspondents ) some of the responses in this thread have been rude - okay, let's say "abrupt".  Considering that he might need to be rehomed is not an easy decision, nor I think, one that she's looking at lightly. 

How about a little "Husky Owner" "support???

Thank you Al Jones. Rehoming is something I am not taking lightly nor is it something I all together want to do. I am just frustrated with the situation. I did not do any homework with the specific breed but I did read a puppy book or two and read many articles on line. Not about huskies since we were planning on picking from two other dogs and to be honest Balto did not look like a husky but we read a puppy book or two, watch videos, read articles to make sure we were fully prepared to have a puppy in our home. We thought we were but a husky is not a puppy it is more like a child covered in fur, or a husband with selective hearing covered in fur.

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Al once again you find the right words to fairly dish some humble pie. How about this as a suggestion. Would it be possible for some video of Balto's behaviour? That way some of the more experienced owners could gage the body language of you and the dog and be able to offer specific training advice. Like somehow either you or your OH walks Balto and the other films from behind perhaps?

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I am not sure how to upload videos on here. I take them on my phone since that is the only source of taking videos I have and then I upload them to my facebook page but I am not sure where else to go from there

I'm sure there is a way via Facebook but I don't know what it is - hopefully a techie person will pop along and help, the way I do it is via the utube app on my phone (have an iPhone don't know what you have so no idea if it would be the same!)

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as already said it sounds like typical husky puppy not just puppy either they are testing dogs but at the same time such a rewarding dog you carnt give up after such a short time when he eventually does calm down you will be so happy you didnt give him away so basically just ride it out someone will have him whilst you go away

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