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What I Didn't Expect From A Husky


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Hi all! Some of you may know, I'm bringing home Luna this weekend. She is my first husky PUPPY, but my second husky. My first, Gypsy was literally dumped off at my dad's farm by some girl whose parents wouldn't let the girl keep her. Never asked, just showed up one day and abandoned the poor thing (never saw the girl again). We had her nearly a year before she passed. My father had someone watch the property/care for the animals while we were on vacation. While we were away, the idiot decided to let Gypsy run LOOSE while he mowed. She took off and was hit by a car. (12 years later, I'm still very angry and bitter about this)

ANYWAY, enough back story lol. So, I've never had a husky PUPPY. Trust me, I've done TONS of research, talked to several breeders, I've read, and read, and read some more. I read all the pins here as well. So, I consider myself adequately educated on the breed. But sometimes, there are lessons learned and circumstances experienced that you can't grasp from research alone. Its hands on experience.

So my question to you is, what didn't you expect from your husky? Good or bad, just things that you only found out just by living with one...

Sorry so lengthy. (I have a tendency to write novels if I'm not careful) :)

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Echo-i didn't expect him to be soooooo overly attached to us..he crys everytime we leave..Cherokee(our rescue)-I didn't expect her to tear up a WHOLE couch, break a TV, and rip up floor when we left her for an hour..And my two pups I didn't expect to be such great escape artists!! But there are good things I didn't suspect..I didn't think they'd be so protective over us, our house, and each other..and they all LOVE kids even though we have none yet...also congratulations on new puppy, sorry for your lose and welcome

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Mine maybe isn't much to go by, I didn't expect Shadow to be so laid back lol, I guess I'm just lucky as usually people find them a major handful as a pup! I'm going to pick my 2nd husky pup out of a litter tomorrow :) can't wait!

Congrats and good luck! Pictures please! :D

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My puppy is quite sleepy and sometimes when i put her lead on and get to the front door she lays down and refuses to go for a walk (treat and encouragement gets her out). I expected her to be constantly full of energy and ready to go all the time. 

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I didn't expect Ice to have such an explosive rear end.  Probably best not to expand anymore on that!

I didn't expect Bear to be such a mimic.  She used to copy your movements like a mirror image, freaked out my sister big time when she copied my neice rolling on the floor and then lifting her hand up, lol. 

I didn't expect Brooke (staffy girl) to chew through a door when I inadvertantly locked her out one day!   

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Mine maybe isn't much to go by, I didn't expect Shadow to be so laid back lol, I guess I'm just lucky as usually people find them a major handful as a pup! I'm going to pick my 2nd husky pup out of a litter tomorrow :) can't wait!

Congrats and good luck! Pictures please! :D

Oh trust me, when she gets here there will be TONS of pictures!!! These days are dragging!! The weekend is taking forever to get here!

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I knew they shed, but I wasn't prepared for exactly how much.  From what I read they blew their coats a couple times a year and besides that they didn't shed too much all year long.  That's not the case with my two.  So....much.....hair!


I also did not expect to get SO attached to them SO quickly!  I could not imagine life without them! 


And also I did not expect the "explosive rear end" as Emma pointed out LOL.  Their tummies are so sensitive! I gave the wrong treat once and it was pretty explosive to say the least!

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- show so much love, both freya and thor have showed me more love than anyone other than my son and daughter.

- having a 7-45 alarm clock involving licks and bouncing around like its a slayer gig

- stealing food while you eat it.

- playing husky football with a grape

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The biggest thing I didnt expect was when our boys managed to unlock and open the back door and then escape from the garden! Im still bewildered to this very day at how they managed that! Luckily for us they never wondered far and we got them back quite easily  -_-

Yeah, my point was going that way too.

despite the fact that you are told they are escape artist.. . . .

Darwins ability to learn how to operate the mechanics of opening a barred locked window (several times !!!) was staggering.

Thier ability to escape by whatever means necessary borders on the genius obsessive. :eek:

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Yeah, my point was going that way too.

despite the fact that you are told they are escape artist.. . . .

Darwins ability to learn how to operate the mechanics of opening a barred locked window (several times !!!) was staggering.

Thier ability to escape by whatever means necessary borders on the genius obsessive. :eek:


Bandit like that, he watches your every move and then thats it, he an expert. plus he can find every weakness in things, including people lol

Huskies are the breed of dog you can spend your life researching about but you will still not be prepared for them

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I didn't expect my husky would have an addiction to napkin eating. Or that her napkin eating would cost me $2500!


But I also didn't expect that my husky would teach me so much about patience. There are days when I"m convinced that we are not capable of properly educating and raising her, but then she cuddles up and gives a few licks and I know that being patient with her puppyness is SO worth it.

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I am going to be completely honest when I say I did not do any homework at all before we got Balto. I thought it would be like a lab or any other dog, man were we wrong. So we learned literally everything!!!! The one think that has surprised us the most is the selective hearing...... And I thought only men had that when it came to their wives.....

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Something I didn't expect was to need to be so careful with what I leave lying around.

For the most part people complain about their dog ruining something but it's no where near as bad as leaving something around that could hurt them.


I never needed to worry about it with any other breed, though when Rafeal came along he got into everything he possibly could so since that incident I am much more careful.


Luna is a gorgeous pup  :wub:

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 i used to have a real nice garden... not anymore i dont lol... ;) i wasnt expecting hugo to be so clever we only have to teach him something a few times & he gets it, he is very cheeky to, he likes to back chat us if he gets told off, & if he sees something he wants like my cup of tea he almost sits on my lap trying to get at it.. i must say the best dog breed ever.... :pawprint:

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I never expect to have such a wonderfull dog... after 18months hahhahah no seriously i didnt expect to have such a difference in the 2 puppys, my female was mellow calm and really talkative and now i have a energy ball with my male puppy... and such a playfull mutt and determination and eager to please so they are so different and so lovely but arm yourself with patience at first they can be a handfull to train but they end up wonderfull, and i suggest obediance training its a great thing for bonding and a good thing to structure their mind to follow simple command i love it

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I thought I knew the breed well with Meeka.Dexter has completely changed the game with opposite of everything. He can be trusted off leash because he wouldn't DARE let us out of sight. Meeka is brilliant and Dexter is extremely slow. To this day he only knows about 4'tricks. He still can't lay down!

I also didn't expect to have my entire world revolve around them. I'm obsessed!

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I didnt expect him to be : So Stubborn, Such a puller on the lead, So Hyper and such a escape artist (he breaks the fence panels using his teeth in the space of minutes and gets out, needless to say ive nearly had a heart attack on a few occasions). But negatives aside, i think the Husky is a breed unlike any other and they will not chnage to accomodate your needs completely, youve gotta make some sacrifices too, but in the end they tecah you so much about love, loyalty and happiness and just enjoying life so for that, i love him :) 

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