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My Breeder Just Called With Bad News :(


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I will have had Luna a week tomorrow and I just got off the phone with the breeder. She told me one of Luna's

litter mates contracted distemper. The new owner is having to put the pup down. I'm calling my vet tomorrow. But I'm totally freaking out! My breeder said the incubation period is anywhere from 3-21 days. Anyone have experience with this? What should I do? Anything?????!!

My breeder is at a loss with this, she has never had a dog/pup with distemper. She is pretty upset as well. We are hoping it was just an unfortunate fluke that maybe the one pup got it at its new home. :(

I've never dealt with anything like this. I'm so scared.

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I haven't had anything like that but I hope everything checks out ok. I do know that if you catch it early the prognosis is not as bad as if there are symptoms. But hopefully it is just an awful fluke and all will be well Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Just keep a good eye on her! http://www.aspca.org/pet-care/dog-care/dog-care-distemper.aspx might help with some info for you. Distemper is really weird and has such a wide range of symptoms, if anything seems off with her I'd definitely get her checked out (and mention to your vet that her littermate had it). It's a scary virus for sure, but isn't always fatal. If she does get it, she'll need a lot of help to get through it but it's possible!

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All you can do is keep a close eye on her, and take her to the vets immediately if you have any concerns, as early intervention will make all the difference. Your breeder is being very responsible in letting you know. That being the case, I would suggest there is a good chance that the puppy that contracted distempter got it in her new home. There is always a very strong urge with new owners to show a puppy its new environment before being fully protected.

Fingers crossed for you.

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I just talked on the phone with my vet. We were just there Wednesday, and she didn't seem too concerned. Both parents were vaccinated, and Luna had her first set on the 15th.

We are heading out there in a few minutes to have her looked over, temped, and blood work done. Fingers crossed its nothing. I feel so horrible for the other pup, but I hope its the only one. :(

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Unlike you Brits, we here in the states don't have the "keep them in till after their shots" attitude.  It's really surprising that there aren't a lot more cases of puppy problems than there are.

While I feel sorry for the people whose new puppy had to be put down - that has to hurt - I'm glad that you're being so responsive, Amber, and taking good care of your little one.

Also, plaudits to the breeder who called to let you know! Says a lot about them that they want to make sure you've gotten a "heads up"!

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Well more news. Not really too great either... We got Luna in the vet, and so far everything looks OK. But we were told to keep a very close eye out. So I thought this was good. I called my breeder & told her about the visit.

Then she tells me that another one of the pups is sick. (She is just a mess as I am about this). BUT it looks like the distemper was a misdiagnosis. The 2nd pup came up positive for PARVOVIRUS. This is an absolute nightmare.

So I called my vet again, and they were about to close. I wouldn't be able to get back there in time. So I still have to keep a close eye out, and now send out a stool sample Monday.

I am an absolute wreck right now. Hopefully, if there is something wrong, I'm being proactive about it so Luna has the best outcome.

One question, since this is apparently a preexisting illness from before pups went home, am I responsible for the vet bills, or is the breeder???

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Well, my vet said with incubation time and when they all got their first shots, they would have to have been exposed to the virus while still with the breeder.

When I told my breeder this, she agreed and said that her vet had said the same. It was contracted while the pups were all still at home at some point.

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Ouch, that's going to be rough on the breeder from several different viewpoints.  Parvo virus is hard to kill "in the wild" and once the kennels have been exposed to it, it's going to be difficult to have another litter safely ( at least not without major concern ).  If word gets around that she's had a litter with parvo, her business is going to go to the pits ... but I still applaud her for the outreach to you all.  She's definitely going that stp beyond that makes her a good breeder.

I'm not, believe me, making light of your concern - because if I were in your shoes I'd be having kittens! I presume that Parvo anti virus was a part of the cocktail that was given the pups, was it early enough that it will protect the pups or is this just a "wait and see" ....

Amber, you have my best wishes that everything comes out good .... and maybe even a few prayers from this one ....

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 I don't even want to think about how your feeling at the moment, that has got to be the worst news ever. Full credit to your breeder though. :clap: . She has taken this on the chin and it could ruin her business and she will be responsible for any and all vet bills. OUCH.

Fingers are crossed for you Amber and especially Luna.



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Thank you everyone for your thoughts, prayers, and concern. I am a mess about it all. It doesn't help that I'm a realist and hypochondriac. I expect the worst in everything.

Luna seems OK. We were outside for several hours today working on the yard and over seeding the grass. She was doing great. She's happy and running around. So that's good, not acting sick or lethargic. My only concern is her blood work. My vet said everything looks normal and her levels are OK. But I read the results and saw her white and red blood cell counts are slightly low. So are her hemoglobin and something else. That just worries me because parvo causes blood counts to sink. (Again, hypochondriac)

Hopefully, her stool sample will come back clear on Monday, and I can rest. I'm so nauseous and sick from stress. :(

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I hope everything comes back ok for her. Just do not stress out too much because your dog will sense it and become extremely stressed as well. I have had a lab puppy with Parvo at one point and they barely made it. We took her to the vet and they did all they could but said she wouldn't make it, so we took her home but kept forcing liquids and she survived.


Distemper is extremely common where my grandparents live and no one puts them to sleep so it is just going around they all die or live and reproduce more with the same disease. Just keep a close eye on her and remember if you stress Luna stresses. (Balto can sense when I am stressed so he becomes stressed and it is a mess).

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