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My Breeder Just Called With Bad News :(


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Very impressed with the breeder, not many would step up and put the dogs ahead of themselves...it's unfortunate, but she's doing the responsible thing. I hope all turns out for the best and again, worries for nothing. Ro went through parvo at the shelter he was at, obviously it wasn't his ending. Though I'd tell you to try and not stress until you know more, I know I would be having the same reaction and feelings. Just hang in there and keep us posted. 

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This just breaks my heart.  I will certainly be saying a bunch of prayers that Luna stays healthy.  I can not imagine what you are going through.  I am very impressed by the breeder notifying you.  Not to many would.  As difficult as it may seem try not to worry until you have to.  The stress will make you ill and Luna will stress to.  However she looks pretty relaxed in the pics.  What a cutie pie!

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I'm trying not to stress, easier said than done lol. I've never had to deal with anything like this. But I'm loving my breeder more and more. She has been great about the whole thing. She could have easily kept this information to herself, after all she has my money... She could have just run. Nope, she has been in contact with all of new puppy owners, telling us what she knows and what her vet is saying. I do feel for her too. She was almost in tears with me on the phone today. Saying how horrible she feels. It was her responsibility to make sure her puppies are happy, healthy and are going to good homes. Instead she dropped the ball somehow/somewhere, and giving people sick puppies.

So far Luna has been great. Acting like a normal puppy. She played very hard today. Hence her passed out hard in my lap in my pictures I posted earlier. That was after romping around for about 3 hours outside. :)

I just pray we are able to avoid all of this. Trying to take it a day at a time, waiting and watching. I know though parvo can hit hard and fast. She could be fine today, and fall apart by tomorrow.

Thank you all again for your support! It really does help me. You all are great. I'm so glad I found you all here! :)

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sorry for keeping everyone hanging. We were at the vet this morning from 8am until about noon. We just got home.

So, they did a fecal test for parvo and also an internal swab. The results took awhile, 10 minutes after we got there a woman brought her dog in who just got hit by car... So everything else kinda got put on hold.

Finally, results came in...... NEGATIVE!!! :D

And we are just a few days away from being out of the incubation period. So everyday that she doesn't start showing symptoms, the lesser and lesser the chances are that she got it. Whew! I'm doing the happy dance here!!

They did find a parasite in her intestinal tract, but not worms, so now she is on some medication to treat that. (Again, they said it came from the breeder)

Unfortunately, just this last week alone because of this ordeal, we have spent over $300 on visits, labs, etc. The receptionist (who used to be a breeder) looked over my contract and said this should all fall on her. Now, I'm not one for confrontation, I couldn't call her up and tell her that, so the receptionist said she would do it for me.

I get a call as I'm going home from the vet clinic saying that they had called the breeder and she pretty much ho-hummed about the whole thing. Said she wasn't sure if she would actually pay for anything. The dog is in my care now. She also lied to the receptionist saying only one dog was sick. But when I had talked to her she told me TWO were already, and urged my to get Luna checked out. They tried to ask her to reimburse for the parvo test, and she made up some excuse saying something like "well, I don't know why the test was even done, the other vets are saying that its going to come up positive, so they aren't even bothering with it." What???

So now my attitude has changed a bit with the breeder. While I appreciate her coming out and telling me what's going on, she is now trying to run from responsibility of all the bills for illnesses that incurred while in her care!!

The vet clinic will be sending a nice little letter to her with an itemized bill of all costs from me of all the kennel born illnesses that she failed to take responsibility for while in her care.

Sorry for such the long update. I just felt like sharing EVERYTHING. I'm relieved that the outcome is great, but quite peeved now on how this breeder is handling the situation. I don't think she is going to even help pay...

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I am so pleased that everything is looking good for Luna :D


But can see why you feel as you do towards the breeder, at the end of the day you bought Luna in good faith and she needs to face up to her responsibility and pay the vets bills!!

How do you stand legally? surely if it is in the contract she will have no choice but to pay the bil??

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I am so pleased that everything is looking good for Luna :D


But can see why you feel as you do towards the breeder, at the end of the day you bought Luna in good faith and she needs to face up to her responsibility and pay the vets bills!!

How do you stand legally? surely if it is in the contract she will have no choice but to pay the bil??

Legally, its binding. She SHOULD PAY. However, making her do so would be costly. Court costs alone I'm sure would outweigh the total cost of vet bills.

What's the best form of advertisement? Word of mouth.

What spreads faster? Negative advertisement.

I think her breeding days are over. 10 puppies with this scare? People aren't happy with her.

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Legally, its binding. She SHOULD PAY. However, making her do so would be costly. Court costs alone I'm sure would outweigh the total cost of vet bills.

What's the best form of advertisement? Word of mouth.

What spreads faster? Negative advertisement.

I think her breeding days are over. 10 puppies with this scare? People aren't happy with her.

and thats why she should pay, at least by taking some responsibility she would be showing that she cares about her puppies!!! and to top off the Parvo scare Luna had an intestinal parasite!! It really is a poor state!!

Im just gald that it looks as though Luna is going to be ok, what a stressful few days you have had x

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I'm sure she's overwhelmed by the possible costs if she really has all those puppies with illnesses. It doesn't excuse her behavior, but hopefully she will come around and abide by the contract. She may just be doing the math in her head and thinking she doesn't actually HAVE all that money. 


But I am so glad that Luna came back negative for Parvo. What a relief. Hope the parasite takes a hike quickly and you can get back to enjoying your pup without worrying. Of course, if you're like me, the worrying never stops. 

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First, the news from the vet is great - if she isn't showing any signs and they haven't found anything, the chances of it "popping up" now are pretty slim (spinning prayer wheel real fast!!)

As for the breeder, I agree with all your comments - I'd also imagine that the realization of what her honesty could cost her, both financially and the business, is finally beginning to sink home - she's not looking at a small bill (especially with more than just Luna!)

Em <laughing> looks like you and I were thinking just about the same thing ...

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First off, I am glad to hear she came out OK! 


As for the breeder, it could be she was being apprehensive to the vet's office because she has no relationship with them, and she did not want to admit fault.  I would call her and explain that you spoke to your vet and they were making the call regarding reimbursement on your behalf.  It may be unpleasant, she may lie, or try to get out of it, but if you were to pursue it further I think you should try contacting her yourself first.


If she denies it you can speak to an attorney, usually for free and see how to proceed if you wish.  Most cases, if you win, you can also include that they pay for all attorney costs as well as the judgment.  You would also want to sue for loss of time of work, emotional distress, etc.  It all depends on what you want to do. 


Word of mouth is a powerful thing, but I would hate for this to get swept under the rug, and her continue to breed without taking precautions.  At first when I was reading your story I thought that the breeder sounded reputable and it was just an unfortunate occurrence, but after how she acted towards the vet when it comes time to compensate, I think maybe she should not be breeding again.


The most important thing is that your pup will be allright! 

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First, the news from the vet is great - if she isn't showing any signs and they haven't found anything, the chances of it "popping up" now are pretty slim (spinning prayer wheel real fast!!)

As for the breeder, I agree with all your comments - I'd also imagine that the realization of what her honesty could cost her, both financially and the business, is finally beginning to sink home - she's not looking at a small bill (especially with more than just Luna!)

Em <laughing> looks like you and I were thinking just about the same thing ...


Haha - I was thinking of the same too. I know I would be feeling overwhelmed if I had to pay medical costs for all those puppies...especially if I couldn't afford it in the first place!

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Great news Amber, really pleased that Luna is ok. As for the breeder, can you not contact the other people that bought puppies from her and take her to court, collectively. With all that pressure she would have to back down and take what was coming. Just a Thought. ;)



Edited by Keeonah
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Also, did you decide to get pet insurance? A hefty vet bill was the impetus for me!


We are definitely looking around now!!

Great news Amber, really pleased that Luna is ok. As for the breeder, can you not contact the other people that bought puppies from her and take her to court, collectively. With all that pressure she would have to back down and take what was coming. Just a Thought. ;)



I honestly have no record of who else got a pup from her, I don't think she would tell me anyway.

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First off, I am glad to hear she came out OK! 


As for the breeder, it could be she was being apprehensive to the vet's office because she has no relationship with them, and she did not want to admit fault.  I would call her and explain that you spoke to your vet and they were making the call regarding reimbursement on your behalf.  It may be unpleasant, she may lie, or try to get out of it, but if you were to pursue it further I think you should try contacting her yourself first.


If she denies it you can speak to an attorney, usually for free and see how to proceed if you wish.  Most cases, if you win, you can also include that they pay for all attorney costs as well as the judgment.  You would also want to sue for loss of time of work, emotional distress, etc.  It all depends on what you want to do. 


Word of mouth is a powerful thing, but I would hate for this to get swept under the rug, and her continue to breed without taking precautions.  At first when I was reading your story I thought that the breeder sounded reputable and it was just an unfortunate occurrence, but after how she acted towards the vet when it comes time to compensate, I think maybe she should not be breeding again.


The most important thing is that your pup will be allright! 

Well, that would be a good idea of trying to contact her myself. Only, she won't answer my calls now. I'm pretty sure she answered the vet clinic because she didn't know the number. I've called her personally now 3 times with no answer/callback. and she doesn't work, she watches her grand babies during the day. So I know she is home...

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I would highly recommend getting insurance after Elka injured her front leg. It costs me £13 a month but the first day of treatment xray ect cost £322. I just hasdto pay the excess of £75 and this covers her weekly checkups and final xray in two weeks.

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