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Us Supreme Court Hearing Gay Marriage Cases


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I know most of you folks are in the UK but in the states out Supreme Court are hearing arguments on the constitutionality of the federal law limiting marriage between a man and a woman and a ban in California that took away gay marriage that was passed in that state. The ruling is expected in late June. Personally I feel that since the government issues marriage licenses it should be allowed for gay couples but i think it's fine to allow religious institutions decide who they want to perform ceremonies for just as they do now. I think the US needs to be in line with public opinion especially since a majority believe gay marriage should be legal. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I think the USA should allow gay marriage. I mean, to my knowledge Canada has allowed it for years...since 2004 or something like that. 


While I don't, erm, swing that way...I believe homosexual couples should have the same rights (and government benefits) than a heterosexual couple. 

I know a lot of it has to do with religion, but I heard that the majority of 'young people' (under 35) are moving away from religion anyways.


Anyways, that's my two cents. 

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I really don't care. They shouldn't worry who people have in their beds and start focusing on more important and dire situations that we are in. I say just pass the thing so we can focus on um, the economy, honoring our 2nd amendment rights, the WAR we are in. I could go on and on. But I will stop there. Its not safe for me to talk politics.

I will end with my motto: Sure gays should be allowed to marry, they have the right to be miserable just like the rest of us!!!

(Its a joke!)

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Not sure if scotus will kill doma or not, but I wish they would and begin putting this dumb battle to rest. We have so many more bigger problems to deal with than squabbling over who is marrying who. It's no one else's concern. I get sick of the religious people going on about how we are a "Christian nation" (not true, we were founded on the idea of religious liberty), and conveniently ignore the bible's word on other issues regarding marriage, primarily remarrying. The bible calls someone who divorces a living spouse then remarries an adulterer. The old testament talks about men having multiple wives. Some Christians want to pick and choose certain components of marriage, then cram them down everyone else's throats. No thanks.

I hope I don't offend anyone, as that's not my intention. Religion can be a touchy subject.

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I really don't care. They shouldn't worry who people have in their beds and start focusing on more important and dire situations that we are in. I say just pass the thing so we can focus on um, the economy, honoring our 2nd amendment rights, the WAR we are in. I could go on and on. But I will stop there. Its not safe for me to talk politics.

I will end with my motto: Sure gays should be allowed to marry, they have the right to be miserable just like the rest of us!!!

(Its a joke!)


And, unfortunately, I think it's about to be WARS. :(

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I'm all for churches choosing whether to open their doors to it or not...that's their right, but I do not agree they should get a say otherwise outside those doors. That's what courthouses are for, not everyone believes in God...sorry, but it's true. Not all believe they are going to burn for it and even more believe God said to love each other, that includes gay. 


Personally, I don't get the big deal...as in why it's resisted so much. I don't care who you love or if it's a man or woman. I just don't. It's not my life, it's not my happiness. It's especially not my business, just as it's not theirs or yours or the churches or anyone elses business who I am with [which is no one unless you count the dogs and well, that's purely companionship...hang up with PETA ok? :P]. 


Our world is changing...some for the better, some for the worse...but THIS, love who you want to friends, no one should dictate your happiness. 


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I think some people are afraid of change - I heard on the news that a poll was done, and over 85% of 'young people' (under 35) are NOT against gay marriage (as in: they think the law should be passed).


and Apryl, lol, that picture's funny! :lolman:

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It must be, as I got into it with my mom today about exact subject....I kept asking her why it's wrong, give me ONE reason. She couldn't, so I have to agree it's probably fear. I told her times are changing, people aren't afraid of being called a witch, hung for who they are now and they are fighting back. And FYI I'm not against religion, but I am against those who use it as an weapon to control others. 


Ending on that poll, that tells me even if things don't change now...they will eventually and probably soon. The old will die, the new will come in...it's how slavery came to an end, women could vote and beehive hairdos went extinct. No one said it would be easy, but gays have suffered long enough and now it's their turn to break out of the closet [figuratively speaking]. 


Ha I got that off FB today and loved it...had to go grab it once I saw this thread. :D

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After hearing what the Supreme Court Justice's comments, I agree with most news outlets that the likely outcome is that they will strike down the Defense of Marriage Act, which prohibits federal benefits to those that live in states where gay marriage is legal, and let the lower court ruling stand with the Prop 8 case, which would allow California to resume gay marriage there, but I don't see them applying legal gay marriage to all 50 states.  If they do, I will be shocked given that the court leans conservative.  Which, if you want to be technical, legalizing gay marriage can be considered a conservative position with having less government control.

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I think no matter who you are, you have the right to marry whoever makes you happy.  With that comes the benefits of health insurance, retirement, adoption, and all the others I did not list.  I also think it will help the economy to allow everyone to be happy.  Imagine all the money that would be spent on big lavish weddings...  I just may become a wedding planner if all goes well :) People have been gay forever.  Why does this seem to be an issue all of a sudden?  I raised my child to be open minded and I am so glad that she is.

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Yeah, I'm ready for this all to be done with too. I hope they strike it down. I can't talk about this issue without being extremely passionate, as I have friends who are married (in Massachusetts) and have adopted children and it infuriates me to hear that they are somehow destroying our country with their loving family. They saved two kids from the foster care system and have given them a full and happy life. 

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I don’t understand arguments against it either.  It was rather funny that the attorney that was for the ban argued that gay people cannot procreate and that’s the foundation of marriage.  Then one of the Justices asked if we should then ban marriage for everyone over the age of 55. 

I did a research paper on this in college and it was very interesting that just a few years ago there were no states where it was legal, and now it is legal in 9 states with another 9 states having some other recognition.  However gay marriage is banned in 32 states, and our wonderful (not) legislators in Indiana will be passing a law here for us to vote on this issue in 2014, unless the Supreme Court strikes down ALL bans across the country, which is unlikely. 


It is also interesting how much public support has increased in such a small amount of time though.  And I also think it should be a non-issue.  They should look at Canada and just make it legal.  To my knowledge it hasn’t ruined marriage there!

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I'm afraid my comment is just a "ditto" to most of the above.  Barring some situations, I don't think the government has any business in our bedrooms.  As has already been said so well, we have many issues that are more pressing than whether John can legally marry Mike - I don't give a hoot! - if they want to that's their choice. 

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I'm not gay, but I am married.  We have a neighbor who is gay, but he's not married.  Seems to work fine in both cases.  It should be an individual's decision, not a collective governmental decision.  Just my opinion.  No facts here, just opinion.

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After hearing what the Supreme Court Justice's comments, I agree with most news outlets that the likely outcome is that they will strike down the Defense of Marriage Act, which prohibits federal benefits to those that live in states where gay marriage is legal, and let the lower court ruling stand with the Prop 8 case, which would allow California to resume gay marriage there, but I don't see them applying legal gay marriage to all 50 states.  If they do, I will be shocked given that the court leans conservative.  Which, if you want to be technical, legalizing gay marriage can be considered a conservative position with having less government control.

I agree this is what should happen. The federal government should have no ability (and does not under the constitution) to decide what marriage is. This is a state right. Doma should be unconstitutional based on the 1st (religious liberty), 10th (state rights) and 14th (equal protection). States should then be allowed to decide this. However, I could see reasoning behind a sweeping decision that legalizes it in all states based on incorporation of the first via... 13th... I think (too lazy to look). I don't see that happening at this point though.

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I really don't care. They shouldn't worry who people have in their beds and start focusing on more important and dire situations that we are in. I say just pass the thing so we can focus on um, the economy, honoring our 2nd amendment rights, the WAR we are in. I could go on and on. But I will stop there. Its not safe for me to talk politics.

I will end with my motto: Sure gays should be allowed to marry, they have the right to be miserable just like the rest of us!!!

(Its a joke!)

I said the last line to a friend when she married (known as civil partnerships) and someone was offended saying I couldn't say that, some people have no sense of humour.

As to the actual topic I say live and let live if u are happy and not causjng harm. Cant stznd bigots or political correctness.

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