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I Broke My Hand!

Val (Zebedee)

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I was getting ready to sit down to enjoy my tea last night when the dogs kicked off (I think it was food related although there was no food at the time - long story!) - I grabbed a scruff & felt my finger go "pop"!  We sorted the dogs and I realised the pop was now a pain, so off we trouped to A&E.


It was rammed, standing room only, and thought "we're in for a bit of a wait!". Even the wallboard announced a current waiting time of 4 hrs :arghh:


But we only waited 20 mins when I was called to triage; she asked what happened, I told her and said "I can still bend it & move it so I think it may just be dislocated". So she took hold of my finger (thankfully I had removed my engagement ring) and starting pulling it. It gave a little pop but was still the same. A male nurse came in & she asked him to pull it back into place but he refused & said just send her to x-ray. So within 5 mins of triage I was waiting in emergency x-ray. We sat there for 10 mins when I was called through & they took 2 x-rays of my hand, then I was told to go & wait in the busy A&E dept again.


Off we strolled - maybe a few mins - and just as we arrived at the waiting area to look for a seat, my name was called! So I went in and the x-ray was waiting - I had broken my finger!! And here's me letting the triage nurse pull for all she was worth!


Anyhow, I have a break across one bone (in the palm area) and a piece of bone has chipped off where the ligament attaches to & that is floating around! lol I have to go back to the fracture clinic next Wednesday to see how it's going but if all goes to plan (which is a rarety for me), I'll be right as rain!


Here's an x-ray of a random hand, I have drawn the break across the ring finger & the oval shape I've drawn is the bit the ligament attaches to that has also broke away & is floating :rolleyes: look for the thin dark line second finger from the left




Glad to say, we were only around 1 hr in total from walking in to walking out, I was very impressed!

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I've been lucky till somewhere around 40 I'd never broken anything. Since then I've broken:

  • A rib, wrestling a friends youngster who "knee dropped me - he'd been watching too much wrestling and learning too well!
  • A wrist, tried to push a pickup out of my way when he turned in front of my motorcycle!
  • A toe, walking through the house one night in the dark!

You really have my sympathy.  Since there isn't a lot they can do for a broken toe or finger except to "tie" it to an adjacent member, are they going to do anything or just let nature take it's course?

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Ouch!  I hope you get to feeling better soon.  I have only broke my toes the same way Al did.  Except the lights were on and it was daylight :P .  And when I was a kid my grandfather made me water ski in skis that were to small so I broke a few then too.

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ho val what have you done  hope you are feeling better soon take it easy till fully better  i slipped with dogs on wet grass ages ago and did my big toe did not listen to advice and took ages to heal ask doctor for a perscription for choc three times a day and cake as and when needed   hope you are better soon

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Ouch !!! Poor Val :(.




I broke the same finger a few years ago grabbing Daughtry as she tried to bolt out of the door.

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Has not hampered your computer skills?  Let's hope it heals quickly.

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get well soon fingers!.. boy dog wrapped the lead around my hand in st helens dog park in oct and the pain omg! (then he did something to it again at husky camp the idiot) i never went to have it looked at now i got a wonky finger to remember him by. Thats  Steve on dog walking duties then

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Thanks all; thankfully I am right-handed & this is my left hand but I didn't realise how much you take using both hands for granted!

 Going the loo, getting dressed, brushing & straightening my hair (just leave it at brushed for now!), cutting food to eat, washing dishes, shower, cooking - I could go on! lol  It's crazy! Hand swelled right up now & Grumpy went to late night chemist last night for Paramol, but you can only take them for 3 days because they're addictive :unsure:


I got in touch with my manager yesterday to tell him I might struggle to get to work on Tuesday as I can't drive, he was full of sympathy (at least you can work from home - oh, and don't go sledding with the dogs!!) :rolleyes::rofl:

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I am only 21 and I think I am the world's biggest clutz.


When I was younger I broke my collar bone by falling down the stairs. I broke my left elbow by falling off the table trying to tell my mom what kind of soda I wanted. I broke my right elbow by falling off a bike with training wheels (this is why I never learned how to ride a two wheel bike), I broke my pinky toe by running into a door. I broke three fingers while playing basketball. Last I broke my wrist because I was playing and then I ran into the living room where my older sister was watching TV and I stopped to look at the TV and I just fell over and broke it.

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OUCH - that looks painful! :(


I hope it heals up okay; I know when I broke my toe (only bone I've broken), the splint wasn't set correctlythe first time...so they had to break it again to reset the splint. Yeah - wasn't fun. 

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well, I'm on stronger painkillers (that tells you something) and I have to start the dreaded exercises now to get movement back in my finger. I can move the tip about 1" backward & forward :unsure:  I need to have full movement back in 2-3 weeks or else I'll not regain full use of it again :o  Bring on the tramadol, codiene - anything!! :huh::P


I drove today for the first time since breaking it - don't forget in the UK we drive on the left so my gearstick & handbrake is on my left :facepalm:  couldn't get the handbrake off this morning to go to work! :redface1:  But I eventually worked it out (use my right hand!) and off I went. Only 1 painful bit where some dolt pulled out in front of me; first instinct? Grab the wheel - OUCH!!

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