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Is The Bond Of An Outdoor Dog Less/different Than One That Lives Inside?


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Is the bond of an outdoor dog less/different than one that lives inside?

I feel more bonded with my dogs since they've moved in with me. If they're to go back outside, would our bond lessen/change?

Do you think that a dog that lives outside doesn't

I think of huskies that truly live in their climate. I've read that they'd end up fending for themselves outdoors during the warmer months. And I do think that the husky has evolved not to be as 'bonded' to it's owner as a GS, genetically, but is it because they're primarily outdoor dogs?

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As you know I have both Huskies and a German Shepherd.

While my Huskies love me and greet me with enthusiasm, The Huskies would go

with another human and barely look back.

My German Shepherd, would fight to stay by my side.


Huskies love all humans, and are enthusiastic to meet and greet new Humans

My German shepherd is bonded to my family and would be greatly distressed to be parted from us.


I think it is Us the humans that gain a greater bond with the dog by bringing it indoors and making it a part of our family.

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Personally I don't know of any outdoor huskies to be able to make a comment. I have thought about the history of the breed though and how its said that due to the fact they were left to fend for themselves in the summer months its as a result of this that they have such a strong prey drive. Having said that. Does this not also suggest that they were left to roam loose, untethered and came back when encouraged to?

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Personally I don't know of any outdoor huskies to be able to make a comment. I have thought about the history of the breed though and how its said that due to the fact they were left to fend for themselves in the summer months its as a result of this that they have such a strong prey drive. Having said that. Does this not also suggest that they were left to roam loose, untethered and came back when encouraged to?

True but wouldn't they just go to anyone that gave them food?

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Depends how food motivated they are I suppose lol

Mine are very food motivated. 

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Cant comment on outside dogs,as mine have always been inside dogs.

but I do know something about bonds.

So all huskies would happily go off with other humans and not look back yes??!!

And would they go to anyone with food ???

Well come and meet my boy Lycan

If you're lucky he won't bite you,just bark and growl at you!!

He has been brought up exactly the same as my other three,but he does not like strangers one bit,even when I'm with him

I guarantee you he will not go off happily with another person!!

In my humble opinion,even if I just compare my 4,they are not all exactly the same!!!


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I have to tend to agree with Karne/Jon here.  Sasha, being a typical Sibe is perfectly happy being loved on by anyone. Whether she'd willingly go with them I don't now - she's never had the chance.


Avalanche - okay, so he's an Alaskan Husky and who know what's in his make up but if someone comes around the house, he's making noise - starts off with a grumble and ends up in a full bark! He'll play with anyone once he's been introduced but has no problem coming home to daddy.

I've had some thoughts about letting him off lead to play but once was enough; we were playing fetch (he's learning how) and after about three or four returns, he decided to take a walk down the road ... got in the jeep and, since he likes to ride, after I got past him he was happy to jump right in - but I've done that once, he's an on lead dog.


To respond to the original question, I can't; my outdoor dogs have all been labs and they stay to home and are overjoyed to see me come back; my Husky's are indoor dogs and when Sasha wants to stay home she's just as glad to see me come back. 

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When Suka ran away last time, he allowed a kid in the neighbourhood to attach a leash and go home with him. He had no problem with it.


Thank goodness the parents looked at his collar - otherwise he wouldn't have been returned to us. 

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I think how strong of a bond we have with our dogs is often only seen from the human's perspective... A dog that lives inside interacts with us humans more, therefore we feel like we bonded with them more. However, there are also outside dogs--that is barely taken care of--that would do anything to guard their owner's property. My neighbor's GSD is pretty much a neglected dog. He gets walked probably once a month and is always locked outside. But if you're a stranger and you walk pass his home, he would bark to alert his owner. On the contrary, Diamond who has always been an inside dog would never do such a thing. In fact, I've always joked if a burglar broke into my home he'd be the one holding the flashlight! :P but I won't say I don't have a strong bond with my dog either. It's just that this majestic breed doesn't show "their love" for their owners by risking their lives for our safety. IMO they show it by doing simpler, smaller things such as following us in the house, making us giggle, making our favorite spots (the couch, the bedroom... LOL) their safety zone.... simple, sweet little things like that :) 

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Hmmm not quite sure mine are indoor dogs ice would go with anyone the others not so much gus tried to bite my sister in law hand off when she put her hand thru the door. Jasper tried to bite someone who went to touch him and snarls if they get to close same as kobie so it all depends on the dog. Zena is funny she loves people but won't go with anyone without getting stressed and panics till we are with her

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As you know I have both Huskies and a German Shepherd.

While my Huskies love me and greet me with enthusiasm, The Huskies would go

with another human and barely look back.

My German Shepherd, would fight to stay by my side.


Huskies love all humans, and are enthusiastic to meet and greet new Humans

My German shepherd is bonded to my family and would be greatly distressed to be parted from us.


I think it is Us the humans that gain a greater bond with the dog by bringing it indoors and making it a part of our family.

 Like most huskies, Storm is full of love and affection...more than any dog I've ever had. Would he go with a perfect stranger?

Well, we bought him from a couple of guys that could not look after him any more for a number of reasons. He was loved in that house and showed the same affection for them as he shows for us now. When we drove away with him in the boot with Holly after around an hour together, they stood on their doorstep and watched. Storm barely looked back, and settled immediately into his new home with us. As much as I think he has a strong bond with us, it is not the same as the bond that Holly has. Holly would be mortified to be taken from us, where as Storm, as long as he got a good life, would just see it as the next part of his adventure in life. Huskies have more of an independent streak than any other dog I've ever owned.

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  Like most huskies, Storm is full of love and affection...more than any dog I've ever had. Would he go with a perfect stranger?

Well, we bought him from a couple of guys that could not look after him any more for a number of reasons. He was loved in that house and showed the same affection for them as he shows for us now. When we drove away with him in the boot with Holly after around an hour together, they stood on their doorstep and watched. Storm barely looked back, and settled immediately into his new home with us. As much as I think he has a strong bond with us, it is not the same as the bond that Holly has. Holly would be mortified to be taken from us, where as Storm, as long as he got a good life, would just see it as the next part of his adventure in life. Huskies have more of an independent streak than any other dog I've ever owned.

This was almost exactly the same when we rescued Darwin.

We spent a couple of hours talking and walking him with his owners along with our Daughtry.

Then he happily jumped in the back of the car with us and never whined or cried for his "old" people.

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All these dogs are different. They are not supposed to be guard dogs.....Try getting near my house. Sapphire and Skye hate anyone coming near and once they start the others join in. Not loving dogs........Whilst most of mine like a quick fuss they will not lay down with you for any length of time except Eclipse and Skye they just love to lay with me and will do so for hours on end.   Would they go off with anyone else......probably.  When I picked Nina up from the breeders she had been with them for 3-4 months....she couldn't wait to get in the car, although I now think that there were underlying reasons to that which we are still having to deal with. Nina was kept outside while she was at the breeders. Skye, although weary of the lead, came willingly, once again underlying problems, and once again she seemed to have been kept outside except when being punished and she was shut in the cupboard under the stairs. I would like to think that none of ours would go with anyone else but heck they're huskies, they have a mind of their own, and they will do what they want as and when the mood takes them, that's why we love them so much.



Edited by Keeonah
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Hmmm not quite sure mine are indoor dogs ice would go with anyone the others not so much gus tried to bite my sister in law hand off when she put her hand thru the door. Jasper tried to bite someone who went to touch him and snarls if they get to close same as kobie so it all depends on the dog. Zena is funny she loves people but won't go with anyone without getting stressed and panics till we are with her

Interesting - are Gus and Jasper siblings ?

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Safi and I have a good bond. In that she relies on me a lot emotionally I think probably because she has been so ill. When we left her at Leahurst the veterinary hospital we couldn't leave anything familiar because of cross contamination. When we collected her she was making the most awful wailing sound which the vets said she started doing hours after we left her. She'd kept it up for two days. When she saw us she went mental but continued to wail periodically until we reached home. She couldn't get into the car to leave and had to be lifted and wouldn't get out of the car on arriving home. When lifted down she just lay on the ground wailing at me. She was totally distraught and inconsolable we were all of us sobbing at how deeply upset and agitated she was. When I finally coaxed her into the house she stayed beside me literally having to have some part of her on me. She was like that for months. If I changed couches she would come with me even squeezing herself into places there was no space to squeeze. Now she's happy to sit at my feet. When I've been away for more than a couple of days her health starts to deteriorate. When I return she literally screams at me in excitement mixed with scolding for having gone I assume but happy I'm back.

Having said all this. Safi is the most friendly and easy going of all four. She's also the least trustworthy if she's near an open door or off lead. Which is why she is never off lead. I swear she'd end up in Aberdeen by tea time if she got the opportunity yet she has to be close to me all the time.

She's quite the conundrum

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Sasha has been both an inside and outside dog at some stages she is a bit closer to me now that she is inside most of the time but at the same time she wants to be outside with her boyfriend lol in saying they go with humans and love them Sasha doesn't like humans she doesn't know and doesn't like to go up to most people I think it depends on what there like when they are near her though.

And with Dozer he's always been an outside dog and always will be because no matter what I do he always smells lol and he has unconditional love and is the most affectionate dog I know he lives for the attention though.

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I think there is a slight bond. When Shadow was at Christies when i was finding somewhere to live it was horrible everytime i had to leave him and he would cry and scream as i left i could hear him :( Im sure he cheered up after a bit but it was horrible and he was always so so happy to see me again. He doesn't cry when i leave him now but that is because he knows i will always come back :) When we go away etc he is always happy to see us again after!


Skye when she is being walked by anyone other than me she will keep stopping to check i am still there... if i move to far away from her she will start screaming she doesn't like it. She also checks to make sure Shadow is with us also.


Both mine are indoor dogs i dont know if they would be different if they were outdoor.

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Mine have always been inside and we have great bonds..But my parents have a husky outside because she wont come in if you bring her in she throws a fit intill you let her back out and her and my dad has a pretty good bond as well as her and my hubby even though she is outside

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