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Dozer Went To Emergency Vet


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Wasn't sure where to put it :(

We had to take Dozer to an emergency vet at 11pm last night :(

We took the dogs out yesterday to the river for a play and half way through being there after Dozer and Sasha were jumping around like spastics and swimming Dozer started acting strange then he tried to poop and nothing come out then a tiny bit come out and it was like water and light brown colour he did it a few times on the way out of there to take them home and then he started yelping, growling and trying to bite his bum and I could see in his face it hurt. We got him to the car he jumped in and laid down all the way home didnt want to get up took him inside and he come went straight to sleep. We had to take OHs nephew home before we could do anything to help him so we took him home come back home I went out to check on him and he was laying with his head on the step I sat with him felt his belly and it was hard (still is) I asked my oh to bring me the baby wipes so I could clean his bum up a bit because the poop was running out without him trying to go and there was blood and a bit of puss and he was in a lot of pain I looked up the closes vet that was open it was half hour away I ran them and asked them for advice all she said was ill take your number and ring you back or you can bring him in. I looked at his bum and blood was running out so off we went to the vet.

She did a few tests and said he either has a bone or something stuck in there because we couldn't afford to have home stay there over night (there expensive and wouldn't let us pay half then and the other half on weds) she gave him some laxatives, antibiotics and pain relief said don't give him any food unless its pumpkin with fibre mixed with it (I don't have them here at the moment and there were no shops open so he hasn't eaten for 24hrs now) and said give him 5ml of paraffin morning lunch and night. If he doesn't poop it out he has to go back have an X-ray to see what it is and she said he might need surgery. :( he's thrown up a few times today but hasn't pooped yet that I know of :(

We are going to take him to our normal vet because its going to be a lot cheaper (it cost us $379 last night and she said its $150 for the sedative and $190 for the X-ray) I know its cheaper at our normal vet and I trust them and Dozer knows them so he will feel more comfortable and so will I. I was up and down all night last night checking he was ok.

I've sent his owners two messages so far and still haven't heard anything from them if I don't hear from them or they don't offer to at least pay for some of his vet bill I'm going to either hope I'm not on the phone or ill just snap I was in tears last night because I couldn't do anything to help him except take him to the vet that he doesn't know.

And to make it worse Sasha was scared when we took him out the door she sniffed his nose kissed him and didnt want him to go out the door :( I went to say by to her and tell her we will be back and she looked at me as if to say "you better bring him back" and she walked away and looked so scared and sad :( we got back from the vet and I opened the front door and she was waiting she looked behind me didnt see Dozer (oh took him through the garage to out the back) she looked me with this really evil look I said its ok he's out the back and she went running to the back door she was so happy when she seen him she went and gave him kisses (I think we might have a problem if they take him back) she even went out to check on him through out the night with me :( it was so sweet she has been out several times today to give him kisses and sit with him for a bit.

Fingers crossed he won't have to have surgery but its not looking good :( I just hope nothing goes wrong with him if he has to have surgery I need to get in contact with his owners to see how old he really is if he's been vaccinated and stuff like that.

I just want to scream! Everything goes wrong at the same time first Sasha now Dozer i just hope its not going to come in threes like it normally does if that's the case I don't know what's coming next :(

Sorry its long!

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An update!

Dozer is staying at the vet for the night to see how he goes if he still hasn't pooped he has to be put to sleep and be cleaned out.

Fingers crossed he goes ok he might be home tomorrow if not it'll be the next day.

As for his owners I could go and beat the living crap to of them for what they said! They seen the messages I wrote to them on Facebook last night and still didnt call so I got oh to call them before we took him to the vet and they turned around and said you didnt let us know he was going to the vet before you took him and you want us to pay for it let him suffer we can't afford it and said if he needs surgery they wanted him PTS we said like hell that was happening and have them two choices 1: they come and get him now or 2: they sign him over to us. They didnt even think twice about it they said if you take him to the vet they will sign him over and the costs aren't there problem they won't be paying a cent. If it was me I'd do anything to help my animal yet they couldn't of cared less needless to say they are not welcome in my house and if they think they are and turn up they will be told to leave if they don't they won't like the response!

I'm so angry if we didnt take him to the vet and someone reported it to rspca its not them that gets charged with animal cruelty it's us and there was no way I was having that and no way I was going to sit back and watch him suffer! People like that don't deserve animals!

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Yes agreed, at least you've got the assurance they aren't coming to get him after all the time and effort you've put into him. Once you've got over this hurdle you can relax and enjoy him without all the stress and worry of the what if's.

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Thank you all :) ill be over the moon when they sign him over if they bother too what they say and what they do are two different things.

Ill be up and down again tonight worrying about Dozer but I know he's in good hands and they will do everything they can to help him :)

I knew something like this would happen though so I was expecting it but I wasn't expecting them to say what they said even though it was my oh on the phone to them I still turned around and said "you haven't done sh!t for him in the last 8mths" and they said I know we have been trying to find money. Between the holidays they have and crap I don't see how they couldn't afford it!

I seriously need to calm down lol the lack of sleep is getting to me :(

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Poor Dozer.

Hope he recovers.

At least he'll be in a loving home, with dawgy friends to play with.

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Hope he gets well soon. Ice was at the emergency vet last Easter over an obstruction. It's scary to see them get sick so fast, it's also scary handing over your debit card, £100 consultation fee? Ouch. Glad to hear you're finally getting shot of his old owners, maybe now things will get better all round! Take care and big hugs. X

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Dozer says thank you for the well wishes :) lol he's still at the vet and hasn't pooped yet so he's having the procedure today some time he might come home today but depends on what time they are able to do it and how he recovers. I hope he comes home today Sasha is so sad and scared she keeps looking for him :(

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Here's hoping he makes a speedy recovery! :)


Gah - people like that shouldn't even be called 'owners'. I would think causing or allowing a dog to suffer (no matter if you do not have the funds for treatment) is considered animal cruelty, no? 


Good on you to rescue him from those horrible people - they don't deserve him anyways! 

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Here's hoping he makes a speedy recovery! :)


Gah - people like that shouldn't even be called 'owners'. I would think causing or allowing a dog to suffer (no matter if you do not have the funds for treatment) is considered animal cruelty, no? 


Good on you to rescue him from those horrible people - they don't deserve him anyways! 

Thanks and that's exactly what I said to them they had the choice to hand him over to us or even consider the rspca/awl/rescue and there choice would of been PTS no dog deserves that treatment all dogs deserve a chance at life and to have them say that to us about this beautiful boy was heart breaking and for something that yes is expensive to fix but is fixable I honestly wanted to knock some sense into them and I had to bite my tongue or else I would of let them know exactly what I thought of them. I was crying because of it and the vet could see that and asked if i was ok, we told him what happened and he just shook his head in disbelief and said at least he has you guys :)

People always ask why my family has been going to this vet for 15years or more and why at one stage we were driving 1 hr and a half to go there its because they actually care and are amazing people if I could do something to say thanks for all they have done for all the animals we've had over the years I would do anything but I wouldn't know where to start I was reading there all yesterday while waiting and there were so many thank you cards and pictures from people if I knew how to put photos together I'd somehow put my cats photo in with sasha and dozers Xmas photo and write them a thank you letter :)

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Even though I don't really like my vet (she charges too much for her level of service), I send mine a Christmas card every year. And, in exchange, I get a letter in May asking to bring him in for his shots. :P

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Even though I don't really like my vet (she charges too much for her level of service), I send mine a Christmas card every year. And, in exchange, I get a letter in May asking to bring him in for his shots. :P

Haha damn vets lol I normally send them a Xmas card but I didn't send any last year :(

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It's one thing not to be able to afford it and deciding you have to PTS to end suffering, but it's a whole other story when you obviously don't care enough to even do that. These owners couldn't even pretend, they made it clear what they thought of the dog when they said let him suffer. Dozer's lucky to have you as I'm sure it would of been agonizing with the original owners. Poor guy, hope the problem is found soon and he can get back to feeling himself. 

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It's one thing not to be able to afford it and deciding you have to PTS to end suffering, but it's a whole other story when you obviously don't care enough to even do that. These owners couldn't even pretend, they made it clear what they thought of the dog when they said let him suffer. Dozer's lucky to have you as I'm sure it would of been agonizing with the original owners. Poor guy, hope the problem is found soon and he can get back to feeling himself. 

I agree! They made it clear when they pretty much dumped him with us and didnt make contact or anything. im just happy they didnt come and try to take him they dont deserve him or any other animal for that matter!

At least he has a happy and loving home now even though we aren't ment to have him here because we are renting but that also goes for my cat, my rabbit and my OHs dog lol oops!

I can't wait to bring him home and see his happy goofy face again! :) he's only been gone for the night and I miss him lol

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I hope you are able to keep Dozer for good now. In some places if you microchip them and show that you have been paying for vet stays then the dog legally becomes yours. I think it is awful that people can do things to their animals and not even care. That is how we acquired my cat a year ago in April. She was abandoned in a house because her owners no longer wanted her and when we got her she peed all over things because she has a UTI with 75% blood and were shocked she didnt have a kidney failure. Then she was so small that the vet first asked if we were feeding her kitten food since she was as small as a kitten we said yes but when they checked her teeth she was over a year and they themselves couldn't believe it because she was so small. Then she has to be put on special food because the lining of her stomach was tore up because she has obviously been left for so long in the house that she ate things she was not supposed to and it tore up the lining of her stomach. She was flea infested and had mats!!! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:  People like this make me so dang angry!!!!!! I just do NOT understand it. I do not think people like that should be allowed to have pets period end of story. I understand if an animal is suffering and there is nothing you can do to save them to put them to sleep to save them from their misery but to just do it because you no longer want to take care of them!!!! People honestly amaze me

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