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Ignoring Other Dogs?

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my 3 are little *swear words* when it comes to passing other dogs on walks , if the dog ignores them n is say across the road they are fine n ignore , but if they are abit closer  even if the other dog ignores them they act up , it seems to be Bings that starts it , i can get Skyla n Blaze to ignore but Bings doesnt listen to me n he will lunge n growl/grumble at the other dog , Bings is friendly so dunno why he does this but when he does it then works Blaze up n i have him jumping around n growling at the other dog , then Skyla starts pulling too , ive tried shortening Bings lead but he will still try to 'get at' the other dog , sibeys are good as gold on their own so im not sure how to get Bings to stfu n just walk past 

any ideas?

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He's sending out a warning to the other dogs saying 

Stay away from my pack.

While you don't like it, he see's it as his duty to protect his buds.

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I have the same problem some times lol Sasha and Dozer are fine most of the time but if missy is with them and barks at nothing (she just randomly barks at thin air lol) they start if there not with missy it's only when the dog is across the road and makes a noise. Strange animals.

I tell them to ignore and tap near there tummy just before there back leg starts it helps most of the time it takes there attention away from the dog and they look at me as if to say what was that for and keep walking even when the other dog is still making a noise. Not sure if you've tried it or if it would work for you. Something to break there attention (a noise or touch of there body) might work?

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i know n i do love the fact they all look after n protect each other (ive had Blaze put himself between an offlead dog n Skyla n Bings before) but i want them to behave lol its really embarrasing when theres a dog walking past completely ignoring them n i then u have little me trying to control 3 dogs on my own :/ lol

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Broder often lunges and is on two legs trying to get to other dogs. He just wants to say hello though, it's not vicious.


It's something we're working on. We've found a dogmatic head collar calms him done and we're working on the 'watch me' and 'leave it' commands. 

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he has done when i used to walk him on his own , but hes quite protective over me too so not sure if that would be why?

I am sure others will disagree with me but protectiveness wouldn't be a factor here. Dogs need to be trained to be protective of people and objects. It's something that has to be learnt. We all like to think when our dogs behave a certain way they are protecting us but this just isn't the way it works. My dog would bite someone who came onto my property if she deemed them threatening, this is partly her training and partly genetics, but has nothing to do with protectiveness.

The reality is that he's probably just reactive to other dogs, it's very common even when dogs like other dogs, sometimes they have too high a value for them and this causes issues too. Some dogs are only reactive on leash. Different dogs have different triggers. It would be worthwhile working on focus exercises with him on his own, if you really want the problem fixed, I wouldn't walk him with the other dogs while you are working on his behavior.

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I am sure others will disagree with me but protectiveness wouldn't be a factor here. Dogs need to be trained to be protective of people and objects. It's something that has to be learnt. We all like to think when our dogs behave a certain way they are protecting us but this just isn't the way it works. My dog would bite someone who came onto my property if she deemed them threatening, this is partly her training and partly genetics, but has nothing to do with protectiveness.

The reality is that he's probably just reactive to other dogs, it's very common even when dogs like other dogs, sometimes they have too high a value for them and this causes issues too. Some dogs are only reactive on leash. Different dogs have different triggers. It would be worthwhile working on focus exercises with him on his own, if you really want the problem fixed, I wouldn't walk him with the other dogs while you are working on his behavior.

its really difficult for me to take them all out without each other , if i take the sibes out he just barks at home constantly , but if i leash him up n not the other two they go crazy howling/screaming , 

i wouldnt mind taking them out on their own but im not sure how i could go about seperating them n getting them to behave whilst im just leashing up him or the other two , any help there would be great too if u have any ideas? 


it was fine when i had the help to walk them but now im the only one at home who can do it :/

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Shadow is amazing on his own past other dogs..... add skye into it she starts it he reacts.. they seem to egg each other on i just hold them both quite tight next to me but i can image it being harder with three :(

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Mine is only reactive towards other dogs in these cases, I found:

- When both dogs are on leash, the other dog postures (while Suka is posturing). Suka, being a dominant little (swear word here :P), reacts to this. He lunges, snarls, and looks like he wants to rip the other dog apart!
- When an off-lead dog comes up to Suka when he is on-lead.

Although, I found I can get him to ignore other on-lead dogs when I check him using his martingale collar:

1. If the other dog is on the same side of the street as us, I cross the street. Easier for Suka to be distracted that way.
2. When he looks at the dog, or pays any attention to it, I check him and say "leave it!". This snaps his attention back to me. Repeat every few seconds as his attention goes back towards the other dog.
3. During this time, I look at the behaviour of the other dog. I know Suka is posturing (he always does when another dog approaches him). If the other dog is posturing as well, I know NO amount of correcting will prevent Suka from snarling, growling, etc...so I turn down the nearest street. If the other dog is not posturing, I go to step 4...
4. As we get closer to said dog, I am more forceful in my corrections. And, I know it sounds weird, but I find it REALLY helps when I put a little bit of a growl into my voice when I say "leave it!"
5. When we pass said dog, and he's been good, I give him my best 'Oh, who's a good boy!? Suuuka's a goood boooy!! Ye she is!' baby voice.

We got him when he was 4 years old - it seems this 'dog reactive' behaviour got worse as he got older. We started the above mentioned training method when he was 6...I forget how long it took, but I know the training never ends. I still have to go through the steps mentioned above every time he sees another dog. Although, now he seems to ignore most other dogs unless they are posturing.

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Mine react if a dog is offlead or barking at them. Jasper is terrible if he with ice as ice is reactive to other dogs if I have just him and hollie he will ignore them as hollie is not bothered I can make him sit and wait. Kobie and nanuk bounce in the air if they see another dog/person I'm working on this with treats as both love there food and if I take them with zena, gus, hollie and jasper they are less reactive as hollie will push them out the way and stand so they can't get past her.

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