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Scum Bags


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Ok so the other night OH took the dogs for their before bed pee's and poo's, 3 scum bags came round the corner (having just ran away from a brawl round the corner and were running away from police) they thought "hay 3 on 1 so tried to beat hubby up, try got 1 hit in as he was trying to get the dogs out of harms way, Nanook and Indy then were snarling and trying to get as these lads, only then did the lads see the dogs and back off. At no point was any contact made by the dogs. 2 police officers came round the corner and saw most of what had happened. So next day police come to take a statement and ask if hubby wants to press charges. They then said that the 3 lads had said that if hubby presses charges they will file a complaint that the dogs are dangerous and attacked them!!!!!! Now I'm not a law buff but I think that someone only needs to feel intimidated by a dog to lodge a complaint, police advised to save the hassle of council/ RSPCA behaviourist etc getting involved it would be best to not press charges as the lads said they wouldn't do anything if he didn't!!! Aaaarrrrggggghhhh so annoyed!! Can not believe these idiots will get away with starting on a random person in the street because of a stupid law!!!!

Hope you followed all this and thanks for letting me rant.

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What kind of police do you have?  They should be able to discern the more gregious event, and that was the attack on your hubby.  The perps (3 lads) should have no standing in filing a complaint.  The police in this situation are enabling the perps to basically blackmail you.

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I am not sure if your laws are similar there, but I doubt they would have any legal standing unless they have proof that the dogs attacked them.  And even if the dog did bite one of them, they were the ones who attacked your OH so the dogs were defending him, so I doubt the police here would take them seriously that your dogs attacked unprovoked.  

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The dangerous dog law that applies is 'having a dog dangerously out of control in a public place'  The offence would be proven if the dog bites.    if the police have not made that charge , then its unlikely that any action will be taken.  However, if the 'baddies' were to make a complaint, then the police would be obliged to investigate if the above law has been contravened.

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haaaaaaa i'm sorry but the fact that they never saw three hoofing great dogs just goes to show what dingbats they are!!! ffs  A sickening situation to be in, you cant be too careful with the media attention on dog attacks (apart from the 8 day old baby that got bit on the head and killed by the family jack russell- which only got a small slot grrr if it had been a staffie or such like different story) the powers to be may well side with the idiots, so i grudgingly tend to agree with the police.. (you could  find out where they live then post the before bed poo through the letter box!!)   

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Unfortunately, the way the law would see it us that the dogs were being used as a weapon.

and that's illegal.

Defense or attack, there's no difference.


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The fact that the scumbags have told the Police they wouldn't press charges if Gaz didn't press charges of assault against them should be proof enough that they have no cause for complaint. This statement from these scumbags and what the police officers actually saw should be sufficient to disprove their claim along with there being no visible injuires to them caused by the dogs. Shame on the Police for failing to caution the scumbags for witness/victim intimidation and wating the Police / courts time.  I would be compelled to press charges but fully understand why you chose not to on this occasion.


I just wish the law would start treating people like this as the scum they clearly are

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I am concerned about the new amendment to the Act I mentioned , in that , in future the act will cover private premises. Now this really does open a can of worms ! A Burglar who is attacked by your dog could very well bring charges against you under the amended Act.

I understand why the knee jerk reaction, because of children being attacked in a private house, but there doesn't seem to be any actual difference being made between such an attack and the scenario of the burglar.

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God that's a tough call. By not pressing charges they've been given the green light to do it again but on the other hand if and when they do, eventually they'll get sent down without risking the welfare of your dogs. I can see why the police are saying don't press charges but it really grates that they feel they have to bow down to blatant blackmail. The perps sound far too cocky, people like that usually slip up and get caught out eventually but eventually doesn't get justice for your other half! Argh! Too frustrating for words!

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It is crazy and if it weren't for making sure my babies were safe and no fingers were pointed at them we would have told the police to throw the book at them, however living in a small town we are already known as "the husky people" so to then have "aggressive dogs" tagged onto own association would be more detrimental to us and Husky's as a breed, that's the only thing keeping me sane right now. :( I hate that the law protects the criminals, they should be "thrown to the dogs" (sorry bad pun)

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What a horrible situation to be in, my gut would be screaming press charges the boys were in the wrong and need to be punished, if the dogs has not been the attack could have been much worse! These boys have no evidence that the dogs did anything other than give a scary warning do they? And surely if they are bad boys in the area they will already be known to the criminal system? To threaten a counter complaint shows they know how the system works and it is a sad fact in life when they know such a threat to you will get them off scott free!!

But that said I appreciate the concerns you have for the dogs and the outcome of an investigation and possible backlash from the boys and local community :(

Aren't the police offering any advice??

When my son was robbed after Christmas he was given a lot of support by the victim support unit and the lad in question has very strict bail conditions in place.

hope you feel about to make the decision which feels right in dealing with this x

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Sorry to here that something like this has happened to you. I think I would be consulting the advice of a good solicitor to see exactly what could be done. I would have thought that a good solicitor would have been able to make a very good case in court with the ammunition that he has, and there is a lot. I can think of numerous things that could be put into a good argument in court and I'm no lawyer.  Unfortunately these things come into the classification of "the worlds gone mad". If all else fails there is always the hope that what goes around comes around and one night they will find themselves in a similar situation



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