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Tuvok The Fearless And Loyal Passes Over

Fr Carmen OFM

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post-992-0-82322600-1365865588_thumb.jpgpost-992-0-82322600-1365865588_thumb.jpgI've come back to let you all know as of April 11, 2013 at around 11:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time here in America. My Beloved Tuvok crossed over the Bridge to join Apollo. It was extremely sudden. The diagnosis was bi-lateral spontaneous Pneumothorax, in english, both  lungs suddenly collapsed due to air leakage from the lung that filled the chest cavity. He went from a healthy looking bouncing 12 yr old puppy to gone in about 4 hours. What started out as slightly labored breathing rapidly developed into pulmonary crisis and left me with no other alternative than to send him over.  He looked me straight in the eyes when they gave him the sedative and when that took effect he gently laid his noble head on the side of his right front paw and sighed out his last word to this world. He passing was swift and he was finally released from the panic and pain of not being able to catch his breath. He's free and Apollo is introducing him to all the golden fire plugs of heaven . . .


I'm broken, the secretary is shattered, Tuvok was ever a ladies' boy and they had a mutual love relationship that was deep and strong. He would have destroyed anyone who would have dared to harm our secretary and in fact any of us here in the rectory. He had a special love for the deacon who would stay overnight at times when I had to be away. On days like that when the deacon retired for the night, it was Tuvok who jumped upon the bed chased all the others away and made room for the deacon only. When deacon retired Tuvok's place was on the bed at the foot keeping watch. he would stay there until just before dawn when he would gently jump off the bed and place himself between the bed and the door on a spot on the floor. No one was going to get into that room without going through Tuvok!! His love was deep and fierce. He was and is a credit to his breed and profoundly missed by all of us. The rectory is very still, the rest of the huskies are lost, (Hero, Ivanna and Octavian) and I am broken as is the deacon.


So today, the heavens are brighter as the gleam of Tuvok's harness splashes across the night skies. Run wild and free My Beloved!! Be well, whole and happy. Godspeed and much love my little boy!! I have and will ever love you. :rip:  :cry1:Tuvok 

Fr Carmen OFM

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Father, once again you have to endure a great loss.  My heart goes out to you, but I know and you know, there is a Heaven and I'd like to think that all God's creatures share in that glory.  Run free Tuvok, run free. . . .

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Thanks, Dave your words are of great comfort.

I, too believe that they will be waiting for us when we cross over. I often think of the Inuit legend that states that when Huskies cross over they lie sleeping at the gate of heaven awaiting the arrival of their human companions. When the humans arrive the Huskies awaken. If the Human companion was kind and loving, the Huskies rush over and greet the human joyously, pull them over to a waiting sled and get the human on board then they jump into the harnesses and pull the human happily through the Gates of Heaven direct to the Throne of Grace announcing the arrival of their companion to God with their joyful howling.  If however the human companion was unkind and unjust, when they arrive at the gate the Huskies awaken and recognizing them chase the human offender away from the gates into the surrounding darkness where the person will wander for all eternity.


i'm hoping my guys and gal will have good memories when I cross over . . . I'm in deep do-do if not! :rofl: 


Carmen OFM

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Even in your grief, Father, your joy in life shows through.  I'm sorry that Tuvok was chosen to go home at this time, not that any time is better but it seems so close to Apollo's recent crossing.  May they all be waiting your arrival, I'm sure you'll have the ride of your life when you all meet once again.

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Many thanks to all of you for your kind expressions of condolence. Tuvok was a great dog and a courageous one as well. Brutalized as a pup his indomitable Spirit would never be broken and when rescued came out in its beauty and glory. He was a transforming presence with those who were sick in mind and body always honing in on them and acting like a puppy at 12 years of age! By the time Tuvok left them they were in an entirely different space!  He was amazing, loved women and learned that men could be loved as well was gentle with kids and babies and learned that treats were a good thing to have and woulld stockpile them! I'd catch him with his cache of goodies all around him and he garding them with his life! protective of those he learned he could trust and love he'd be willing to die defending them from anything that posed a threat. deep loving and hard playing boy that was Tuvok. Indeed! as many of you wrote, "Run Wild; Run Free, Tuvok! God Bless you all for your kindness in reading this and your condolences it means a great deal to all of us here.


Carmen OFM

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Thanks Becky and Searra Rae!


Your kind words are a comfort in this time. Now I ask you all to pray for my Ivanna. I took her into the vet today and discovered she has a tumor in her spleen the size of a volley ball.

an ultra sound scan is set up for tomorrow if infiltrates are found in the liver and kidneys (which is highly suspect) I will have to send her over to join Apollo and Tuvok. She's my baby my first husky and my first dog ever. This one's going to be over the top tough! I'll let you know by tomorrow night.  Fr. Carmen OFM

The Avatar under the title New Born to the left of this is a picture of Ivanna. She's a beauty at 12 years. Will be 13 May 2.

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Al, God's blessing and His Will be Done is the best gift anyone could wish for! What keeps me going is the surety that God is in control and He knows what He's about. It's we who don't have the full picture. I figure God's got something coming my way that no longer needs these kids around anymore. He never takes away without replacing with something(one) of greater value. It's times like this I think of the punch line from the joke about the psychologist who wanted to test out a pessimistic kid and an optimistic one. when the psychologist enters the room with the optimistic kid he finds the kid laughing and dancing and throwing horse dung all over the place. (explanation: the psychologist to see if the optimist would remain optimistic put the kid in a room filled with horse dung instead of toys) The psychologist was taken aback at the kid's frivolity. Upon asking the meaning of the behavior the kid replied with a huge grin, "You can't fool me! Where's there's dung there has to be a pony!" :rofl:  :pawprint:

Fr. Carmen OFM

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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks a million! It's still difficult the place here is so silent, still and sad. It will be for awhile. So we muddle through day by day. The bond with my two boy that remain is getting stronger and deeper. That's a blessing. Peace! and Again your kindness is appreciated!


Carmen OFM

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