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Mri Scan Is Needed..(Diagnosed Lyme Disease)


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Was wondering if anyone has gotten their pet an MRI scan and what happened afterwards?
The neurologist really recommended after viewing him and doing all her exams on him that it's to do with the brain as well. She really suggested an MRI scan and you are also spot on on everything. The MRI scan is 2,000$. I am very sad that I do not have insurance for him. I asked her what she would do, and she said I would want to know...
I told her to give me levetiracetam and she also gave me cortisone pills. 
I told her I would think about the MRI scan because she said treatment afterwards is expensive as well. Can go from 2500-10000...
I thought about it and I could not stand last night when he was crying because I am sure he was afraid to pee. Well when he peed in the early morning he felt much better. I bought another harness for his back legs, we took him out this morning again and he peed again.
Now I just bought him diapers.
He is not walking at all now as well.
I thought about it and will do the MRI scan even if I have to work more to pay it off it's better than the other route for my conscious. I was ready to get him euthanized last night because I thought he was suffering of pain, but I am sure it's because he wanted to pee...he has not pood yet though.
Big situation but I have to go all the way for this guy. I am trying to find out what are the chances he can walk afterwards?
If it's a small bening...can it be cured and make him last a few more months/years..
What would you do? He is also 9 years old. I wish I were rich here because this is hurting me a lot now. A lot of pain..
He was diagnosed with Proprioceptive ataxia... http://www.petplace.com/dogs/proprioceptive-deficits-in-dogs/page1.aspx


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I read this on your other thread. I'm very sorry to hear this. :(


It's a lot of money. I don't feel like I can advise you on what to do, but I would go to see other vets for more opinions on what they would do in your situation.

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I am willing to spend up to 10,000-15,000 I cant let him go like this... Pray for us :) Sorry to be a bearer of bad news, I am also hoping I am accepted for all these loans. 


Thank you. I really think he is watched over by amazing people at this clinic. 

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I am willing to spend up to 10,000-15,000 I cant let him go like this... Pray for us :) Sorry to be a bearer of bad news, I am also hoping I am accepted for all these loans. 


Thank you. I really think he is watched over by amazing people at this clinic. 


I'm sure with that amount of money, the clinic will do payment plans. So, instead of paying for the MRI and treatment in one or two chunks, you can pay it off over a few months. Or even a year or two, if you're lucky! Talk it over with your vet. 


And I am praying for you - I've been praying for you since you first posted regarding your pup's condition. 

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It's a hard decision when you know you have to fund the treatments yourself, but if you believe this will help him, I would do as Elyse commented & sit down with the vet, talk about payment plans etc to help with the burden. I pray everything will turn out well for you both, x

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Would the MRI change the course of treatment?  Our vet, often times tells me that further diagnosis serves only to deplete your wallet of money that is better spent on treatment for the animal.  That's why I pose the question.  If your dog has already been diagnosed, I fail to see the reason behind doing the MRI, unless to confirm the diagnosis.  Maybe I'm missing something.


If it were my dog, I would spend what I had and then some.  But I would also seek a second opinion before spending it all.  Just my opinion.


Best of luck to you.  It's a tough situation that's for sure.

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write up a list of all the possible outcomes and courses of treatment and the likely results of all the treatments, both in terms of cost and what it actually means for your dog. Then weigh up what you are prepared to put him through to achieve the possible results. (Does that make sense)?

My own views have changed alot on this over the years as I put my first dog through an operation to remove a large fatty lump and he suffered a lot afterwards as he had some complications after the op and after all that I had put him through I lost him a few months later and said that I would think long and hard if I was ever in that situation again about what it would all mean for the dog first and foremost. We all live in dread of losing a very much loved pet but I don't think I would fight to keep them alive at all costs if it meant they had a lifetime of treatment-  they probably don't understand what we are doing to them is  because we love them so much,

I am sorry for all you are going through and would probably go for the scan to see exactly what was going on, but then take a bit of time to weigh up all the reults before deciding on the way forward. I hope and pray you get the best possible results for a good recovery for your dog and I hope this post doesn't upset you. it isn't meant too, just my own views.

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That's exactly what I was thinking:

"write up a list of all the possible outcomes and courses of treatment and the likely results of all the treatments, both in terms of cost and what it actually means for your dog. Then weigh up what you are prepared to put him through to achieve the possible results."

Now he is very sedated with the pills I was prescribed for him. He can't get up anymore. I have put him diapers and wish he would poo because it's been almost 4 days. He does pee though. I have no choice but to make him an appointment for an MRI scan because I want to do the most I can for him before coming to any euthanasia thought. He eats and drinks very well right now.

I will see what they find after the MRI scan.

This is very sad for me because he was a very human like dog and 9 year buddy. I wish one day humans discover every cancer cure to avoid all this suffering. Thx for caring I really appreciate it. I really enjoy reading anything you guys write.

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Guys, I came back today from work, it was really sunny and just perfect weather. Everyone was outside and I was crying just thinking of my buddy downstairs in the basement all alone not being able to move. Then I brought him outside and I kept crying thinking of how everyone would be looking at him... Because believe me people were looking at me funny the last 2 days trying to walk a dog that could not walk at allfrown.gif I picked him brought him on the back patio, then got his comb to take off some hair he is shedding. I carried him to the grass, then something happened. I brought a chair because he knows when he sees the comb he climbs with his front paws on it and lets me brush him. I couldn't believe it...He climbed on the chair and was waiting for me to comb him! I combed him than put him him his harness and a back support I had boughten from the clinic and started walking him slowly in the backyard...


He started waking up and actually dragged me to the front of the house and onto the street as if to tell me please take me out for a walk. I put him in my Jeep and brought him to a park instead so he does not damage his paws on the street. We started walking around the park, he was even willing to jump out the backyard of my vehicle...


We started walking and after a few trees he finally took his first pee outdoors in 2 days! A longgggg one too. Than he pood!!! Which he hadn't done in 5 days! Than we walked and walked and he peed and pooped again...


I really think the sun and weather and perhaps a lack of vitamin D played a major rule, unless it's the new medicines he's on since 2 days...


We got home afterwards and back on the patio I started giving him food he loves and he ate and drank and acted so normal... Than I gave him his medicine: Prednisone (50mg) 1/2 tablet every 24 hrs...(Anyone have any experience with this one?) Afterwards we went to the basement to watch some tv.. I gave him his other prescribed medicine (Apo-Levetiracetam) 750 mg every 12 hours...(anyone knows this one?) 


He started crying after half an hour, I knew again he wanted to go out...so this time we went to this forest I used to take him .... He started walking and walking and walking...sniffing ..... than he did a major poop lol...and more pee and pee...we walked a good 2 km...


I think I messed up by really neglecting his walks over the last few years...I will make it my goal to walk him every day from now on at 7am in this forest next to my house... and than another good walk after work...4 or 6 pm...


Now, tomorrow, unless someone tells me otherwise, I am going to call to book an appointment to get him an MRI scan done, I'll pay monthly payments for 18 months (2,000$ total). Please pray for us that his results come back clean or very minimal, I will cure him because he's a very special guy. Things have turned for the better, Thursday, Friday and Saturday were some of the worst days of my life, I don't know how much I cried feeling pity for him or even guilty for having neglecting him... Now I am going to do the right thing and rescue my guy from this setback he's having, It will come with a price though, but that's ok, I just hope any treatment will not be too expensive after the MRI. The medicine must also be working, he's not having any more tremors, seizure, clacking of the mouth... :) Thank you people, for all your support, I thought I needed to write this to ease your minds too.

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Awww - I'm so happy to read this! :)


It certainly sounds like the meds are working! Personally, I would go for the MRI just to be sure, but it is up to you. I'm glad to hear your vet will let you do monthly payments for 18 months - that certainly helps, right? 


I would take it slow for now...just take him on short walks, and if he's okay after those, then you can start taking him on longer ones. 

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Thanks! I got him a lift support that is similar to the one the white dog has on him here: Dog Quick Lift Support/Dog Lift/Dog Stretcher

I have this harness as well: http://www.spottiedottie.co.uk/ancol...ness-459-p.asp

You need 2 hands to use both, but what I managed to do while walking him with 2 hands was I slid the handles of the back support into the sides of the harness so as to the back lift support was now in the middle, allowed him to pee better, and allowed me to use one hand to walk him, looks so much better and easier and he can do his stuff better.

I still have to really lift/support him when he poops, It would be pretty much impossible without a combo of these 2 pieces. My God, I can just feel so bad for an elder lady having a big dog going through this... I really feel blessed at this point compared to what I went through Friday and Saturday and even this morning... Wolf is very happy too I am sure smile.gif Cant wait to walk him tomorrow morning again.
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Great news guys! I got approved by Petcard.ca with 60 mth payments for the MRI and possibly for much more afterwards!! SO everything is a go!!! Tomorrow we are doing the MRI but my doc suggested usually with people with available finances they would start with a belly ultrasound (200), lung cancer x-ray (400) than MRI brain scan (2000)...But she said we can go the other way too...


Would you guys do first the belly ultrasound  and lung x ray or would you guys say the MRI is really needed here, not trying to save, just curious. He does not like to be picked up anymore around the chest or belly area I've noticed. I think I should do all 3 to be sure!


Even if it ends up costing me 10k at this point 40-200$ / m is very decent to save or prolong a life dear to me.

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Great news guys! I got approved by Petcare.ca with 60 mth payments for the MRI and possibly for much more afterwards!! SO everything is a go!!! Tomorrow we are doing the MRI but my doc suggested usually with people with available finances they would start with a belly ultrasound (200), lung cancer x-ray (400) than MRI brain scan (2000)...But she said we can go the other way too...


Would you guys do first the belly ultrasound  and lung x ray or would you guys say the MRI is really needed here, not trying to save, just curious. He does not like to be picked up anymore around the chest or belly area I've noticed. I think I should do all 3 to be sure!


Even if it ends up costing me 10k at this point 40-200$ / m is very decent to save or prolong a life dear to me.


Wow - 60 monthly payments!? That's awesome! 


I was with PetCare - I thought you didn't have insurance?


Personally I would just go for the MRI for now. His new medication might be bugging his stomach, which may be why he doesn't like being picked up anymore? Or, because he's been feeling out of sorts likely, he may just not want to be picked up...for seemingly no reason. I know when mine is feeling under the weather, he usually doesn't want to be bothered. 


As for the lung cancer...ehh, I would feel hesitant on that. Unless Wolf is coughing up blood, or is showing any signs of having trouble breathing, then I wouldn't really worry about it. Here's a link on lung cancer anyways, but I doubt its cancer...



I know its easy to assume the worst, but it just causes you unnecessary heartache. A few months ago I thought Suka's kidneys were failing (he was vomiting a lot, had the squirts for awhile, was peeing alot, etcetc). He showed most of the 'symptoms'. You should have seen me - I was a wreck! As it turns out, he just ate something (that made him sick), and he was peeing a lot because he was drinking more (because he's being exercised more than usual).

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"Greater love than this, no man has . . ." As long as you don't wind up on the street without a house or food or if you are married with a family jeopardize their well-being, follow your heart. You are one fortunate and blessed man in that you have a payment plan option. We don't have that in my neck of the woods at the big clinics it's all up front or no treatment. Since the condition, according to the link you provided is neural in nature I'd start with the neural anatomy, viz. brain and spinal cord then work outward to the lungs and/or stomach. If it is neural, the damage is in the nerves and/or brain. Pain may be experienced in the area controlled by the affected nerves without the actual area being affected. The nerve is injured but the pain is felt in the stomach. X-ray or CT of the stomach may prove out negative when the issue is the nerve or nerves feeding into the stomach. My  prayers blessings and hopes go with  you, Tom. I hope you'll get some answers with which you can live, and your special boy as well! 


Carmen OFM

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Pain may be experienced in the area controlled by the affected nerves without the actual area being affected. The nerve is injured but the pain is felt in the stomach.



That is a very good point, Friar. I didn't even think of that!

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That is a very good point, Friar. I didn't even think of that!

Blame my answer on 15 years of Hospital Chaplaincy and years of study in Biology and comparative anatomy, one of my many avocations!

when it comes to these areas some folks would want to lock me away and throw away the key! "A bit daft" they'd say :rofl:  Carmen OFM

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