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Strictly Saying Idiot


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I walked my both dogs (Husky and German Wirehaired Pointer) on leads in a public park in Banbury. When we were passing the playground, a little yappy westie-like dog started following us. He tried to jump on both my girls, they did not like it, pulled away, I found it really hard to hold them sane. I stopped and looked around but there was nobody like westie's owner. So I kept walking. The dog kept following us and causing troubles. After about 10 minutes of walking hell the chap appeared, walking slowly. I asked 'Is this your dog' he said 'what is the problem'-and he looked a bit agressive to me. So I said 'I have two strong dogs on leads and I find walking them really difficult since your dog keeps following us and jumps on them'. And you know what?? He told ME off!!! "So you can't let your dogs off the lead to play?!"-No I can't, I answer. I could not believe it, he made me feel guilty for keeping my two large dogs on the lead in the public place!!! Whilst his dog was a real mess, running wherever he wanted, not listening to him....I was shocked. Then he started telling me that huskies should be running off lead, because "his sister has two and they always run free". I could not believe it, really! I told him to spend his time learning and I walked off. After 5-7 minutes his dog caught up with us again!!! This time, instead of stopping, I started walking really fast towards the car park with this silly little dog following us all the way, ignoring his owners calls. Perhaps he must lose the dog to learn thinking? 


Tell me who is insane: me, for not letting my two large dogs (siberian husky and a gundog in the field training) running free by the public playground full of children or this man, owner of a chaotic and disobedient westie mix, who spends his time running around a public park trying to get his dog come back to him and preaching to people about dog ownership???


By the way, if something is not done about small dogs owners, this will end tragically. What if a bunch of rotties or dobermans run around small children in a public park and being disobedient? I suppose even Police would intervene. But because they are westies or russels, people do not care, without any imagination what those little creatures can do!!! Jump on large dogs, they can be bitten to death-and will this be then my fault???


I have enough and will not go to this park for a long time ahead for sure.

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I had a big do with a staffie owner the other week wile protecting dyson I informed the guy if you don't get your dog under control I will knock you out all he could say was chill out mate I said I am not your mate now get it sorted, well it was a lot more colourful language but I can't say on here what else was added I just lost it

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What an idiot, I think you know your dogs better than him, should have his own one in control before trying be smart, knob.

And I agree with Sarah, even though my girl's an angel, she does play rough, and frankly I've had enough of people letting their dogs run and jump on a her when she's on a lead, and all they do is shout ''its ok hes friendly'' that I just shout back ''well shes not so get your friking dog!'', it may seem rude but after a while I just don't care, they're the ones being rude letting their dogs come up to a leashed dog, what if the dog had anxiety issues etc? Drives me mad.

People shouldn't have their dogs off leash if they can't control them, the idiot you met today is a perfect exemple of that.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2

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I had a big do with a staffie owner the other week wile protecting dyson I informed the guy if you don't get your dog under control I will knock you out all he could say was chill out mate I said I am not your mate now get it sorted, well it was a lot more colourful language but I can't say on here what else was added I just lost it

lol I felt like doing the same thing, except that man was really big, sort of tanned fitness bold chap and sounded rather poorly educated so I thought I would rather walk off, it is not a very safe place really...

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this really ticks me off - i now tell people my dogs can snap and will attack your dog if you don't call it back - they soon leash it  :angry:

Sarah, I will start doing it as well. I am actually angry with myself that I let him engage me into explaining why I could not let them off lead-whilst it was him who was doing something wrong not me!! 

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Okay... I will confess I have annoyed other dog owners before, mostly small dog owners. Maya is good as gold and is off lead daily in the woods and fields up our road, she doesn't ever try to escape even though she knows exactly where there are gaps in the fence she can get through. She's no lab walking 10 feet from me, her range is much bigger but she generally doesn't want to loose sight of me and if she gets sidetracked by some scent a quick whistle usually gets her right by my side again. She's great with other dogs and is not stupid, so I trust her completely.

She will always approach to greet and I don't stop her, she approaches, assesses the situation, has a polite sniff and generally runs straight back towards me, if the dog is "aggressive" she'll be the first to pick up on it and give the dog a wide birth (with a look of; ain't nobody got time for that!). If Maya is being invited to play by the dog on the lead and the owner is in no playing mood or just doesn't trust big dogs, I will come and remove Maya, if she doesn't want to come because she knows the dog is cool and wants to play, the lead comes on and we walk off feeling sorry for the dog.

I don't want to bother people but I do get offended when before Maya is anywhere near then they start shouting "call your dog back, my dog will have him!!" their stress, stresses me out and ends up in a situation of neither dog listening to us so I shrug my shoulders turn around breathe deep and walk off. Maya will soon pick up the nasty vibes from the owner and give up on trying to play.

If the owner is cool I will approach and remove my dog before she becomes annoying but if they start off by shouting , they are on their own I leave Maya to it. 

I've had a woman on seeing Maya pounce on her collie, trying to get the lead on in a panic shouting at me my "dog's aggressive!!" I shouted back "well mine isn't aren't I the lucky one!" and walked off.

I know when Maya can and can't be off lead, if she's excited I will pick the time and place carefully and I hate being told by others if my dog should be on or off lead.

I've had both things said, big dog, needs to run free and Husky... must never go off lead. She does both as and when I decide and their opinion matters very little to me. It does make me mad because I feel for their dogs, they either have no freedom and are over protected or they know no boundaries at all, but we can't stop idiots owning dogs or having children :(

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Okay... I will confess I have annoyed other dog owners before, mostly small dog owners. Maya is good as gold and is off lead daily in the woods and fields up our road, she doesn't ever try to escape even though she knows exactly where there are gaps in the fence she can get through. She's no lab walking 10 feet from me, her range is much bigger but she generally doesn't want to loose sight of me and if she gets sidetracked by some scent a quick whistle usually gets her right by my side again. She's great with other dogs and is not stupid, so I trust her completely.

She will always approach to greet and I don't stop her, she approaches, assesses the situation, has a polite sniff and generally runs straight back towards me, if the dog is "aggressive" she'll be the first to pick up on it and give the dog a wide birth (with a look of; ain't nobody got time for that!). If Maya is being invited to play by the dog on the lead and the owner is in no playing mood or just doesn't trust big dogs, I will come and remove Maya, if she doesn't want to come because she knows the dog is cool and wants to play, the lead comes on and we walk off feeling sorry for the dog.

I don't want to bother people but I do get offended when before Maya is anywhere near then they start shouting "call your dog back, my dog will have him!!" their stress, stresses me out and ends up in a situation of neither dog listening to us so I shrug my shoulders turn around breathe deep and walk off. Maya will soon pick up the nasty vibes from the owner and give up on trying to play.

If the owner is cool I will approach and remove my dog before she becomes annoying but if they start off by shouting , they are on their own I leave Maya to it. 

I've had a woman on seeing Maya pounce on her collie, trying to get the lead on in a panic shouting at me my "dog's aggressive!!" I shouted back "well mine isn't aren't I the lucky one!" and walked off.

I know when Maya can and can't be off lead, if she's excited I will pick the time and place carefully and I hate being told by others if my dog should be on or off lead.

I've had both things said, big dog, needs to run free and Husky... must never go off lead. She does both as and when I decide and their opinion matters very little to me. It does make me mad because I feel for their dogs, they either have no freedom and are over protected or they know no boundaries at all, but we can't stop idiots owning dogs or having children :(

Your lucky , if your dog came over 2 my 3 , 2 ov which hate offlead dogs I'm sorry but I'd also be shouting to get your dog away , mine react really badly to offlead dogs n would go for it and it can be a struggle to hold them all back specially if an offlead dog starts to approach them sometimes it's hard to stay calm when that happens

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At the moment I cannot let any of my dogs out in a public park because Lunar is only 5 months, bouncy and wild still learning, Cava is going through crazy hunting phase, where she chases rabbit, squirrel or a cat for miles and gets lost.. She is whistle trained and I know how to call her bak, except when I am with both of them, Lunar would howl and cry if she saw Cava having fun and she could not...Anyway, this is not the case at all, as even if I could let them both off lead, I simply might not like it, or I might not like the other little dog, or I might be in a hurry, whatever...Simply this is MY DECISION to keep them on lead and since this is ME obeying community rules, not him, I do not have to explain my reasons. 

His dog was disobedient, chaotic, jumping and disturbing. This is his owner's fault, of course, and I cant understand how can anyone so hopeless come and tell me that it was me who was wrong. 


To be honest, as I have both children and dogs, I have quite strict views on letting dogs off lead. I believe there should be parks especially for dogs, fully fenced, safe for dogs to play, or at least for those whose owners feel confident to let them off lead. And so-called community or people's parks, with playgrounds, perfect safe places for little children to run, chase each other and be silly:)

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Your lucky , if your dog came over 2 my 3 , 2 ov which hate offlead dogs I'm sorry but I'd also be shouting to get your dog away , mine react really badly to offlead dogs n would go for it and it can be a struggle to hold them all back specially if an offlead dog starts to approach them sometimes it's hard to stay calm when that happens

Maya would not get close to an unfriendly situation. I would be walking in the opposite direction and she'd follow me. If I walk towards you she is bound to think we are stopping for a chat and a play and get confused, if I walk away my message is much clearer than me screaming my head off creating a panic. She has never, ever, got close enough to make physical contact with an unfriendly dog. The first day we met you wouldn't get to see me close up and you might even hate me a little for those few seconds you thought things could go wrong, the next time you'd hate me a bit less as Maya would turn around as soon as she recognized you, no point in wasting time, soon we'd earn your trust. I now walk with people who avoided me at first, trust must be earned. 

She might be offlead but she's got manners and she's only off lead were she's permitted to do so. She would not be running riot around the children, more like avoiding them and sniffing happily as far away from them as possible. I do get cross with parents not closing the gates to the play areas, I am a parent and would not like excited dogs around my girls.

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Both of my dogs stay on lead at all times, Storm because he is a Husky, Holly because she bolts at bangs (even ones that are barely audible in the distance). However, I have no issue with off-lead dogs as long as the owner has control of them. I agree with the sentiments toward out of control dogs, but there are many dogs out there that are well trained - why should these dogs be penalised? I have chosen a Husky, and in most cases this means a dog that will need to be kept on a lead. However, if I had a well trained Collie, I would definitely have it off lead, but under control.

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Maya would not get close to an unfriendly situation. I would be walking in the opposite direction and she'd follow me. If I walk towards you she is bound to think we are stopping for a chat and a play and get confused, if I walk away my message is much clearer than me screaming my head off creating a panic. She has never, ever, got close enough to make physical contact with an unfriendly dog. The first day we met you wouldn't get to see me close up and you might even hate me a little for those few seconds you thought things could go wrong, the next time you'd hate me a bit less as Maya would turn around as soon as she recognized you, no point in wasting time, soon we'd earn your trust. I now walk with people who avoided me at first, trust must be earned. 

She might be offlead but she's got manners and she's only off lead were she's permitted to do so. She would not be running riot around the children, more like avoiding them and sniffing happily as far away from them as possible. I do get cross with parents not closing the gates to the play areas, I am a parent and would not like excited dogs around my girls.

But what about if say I was out with just my girl for example she won't react till the dogs in her face she's quiet n doesn't act up so u wouldn't know so if I shouted at u to call your dog back would u think that was my problem just because my dog isn't showing aggressive signs from a distance?

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But what about if say I was out with just my girl for example she won't react till the dogs in her face she's quiet n doesn't act up so u wouldn't know so if I shouted at u to call your dog back would u think that was my problem just because my dog isn't showing aggressive signs from a distance?

 Some people have dogs that show absolutely no interest in other dogs - all they want to do is chase their ball or toy. Why should these guys be encompassed in compulsary DOGS MUST BE ON LEADS? Rugby imposed a by-law a few years ago that dogs must be on leads in ALL public places including every park. Virtually every dog walker protested in writing including myself (at the time I didn't have a Husky, but my opinion is still the same now), and I'm glad to say this by-law was withdrawn due to the pressure that came to bear. I'm a huge believer in socialising my dogs, and I have virtually no trouble with dogs I meet on or off the lead. I do spend a lot of time (maybe too much time) walking my dogs, and it's nomally the same group of people and dogs that I come across, which helps. If they were all on leads, I think most of my time would be spent untangling leads. Just my opinion.
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But what about if say I was out with just my girl for example she won't react till the dogs in her face she's quiet n doesn't act up so u wouldn't know so if I shouted at u to call your dog back would u think that was my problem just because my dog isn't showing aggressive signs from a distance?

Some people have dogs that show absolutely no interest in other dogs - all they want to do is chase their ball or toy. Why should these guys be encompassed in compulsary DOGS MUST BE ON LEADS? Rugby imposed a by-law a few years ago that dogs must be on leads in ALL public places including every park. Virtually every dog walker protested in writing including myself (at the time I didn't have a Husky, but my opinion is still the same now), and I'm glad to say this by-law was withdrawn due to the pressure that came to bear. I'm a huge believer in socialising my dogs, and I have virtually no trouble with dogs I meet on or off the lead. I do spend a lot of time (maybe too much time) walking my dogs, and it's nomally the same group of people and dogs that I come across, which helps. If they were all on leads, I think most of my time would be spent untangling leads. Just my opinion.</blockquote>

I'm saying she shows no aggressive tendencies till a dog is up in her face, then she will react , now if I was out with her n I asked a person to get their dog back on a lead for their safety would they think I was being funny ?

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Lets keep this off an offlead debate please guys :) some people do some people dont :)


Nix if for example i did let any dogs off lead which i would do i if i had a different breed (trained of course and in certain areas) then i would have no issue with you shouting to put my dog on the lead, i think its a matter of respect etc.


I must admit i dont have any issues with off lead dogs up this way! Alot of people do let their dogs off lead down the canal and i have no problem with that atall! Everyone is quite friendly and say hello and their dogs generally ignore mine or alot of people put them on the lead whilst passing :) I dont feel bad for mine being on the lead! I take them on the flexi leads down there mostly now as they have more freedom :) I just reel them in a bit if we are going to pass other dogs as mine will just go up to them and i dont like to let them unless the owners says its okay :) i think its all just a matter of respect!

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But what about if say I was out with just my girl for example she won't react till the dogs in her face she's quiet n doesn't act up so u wouldn't know so if I shouted at u to call your dog back would u think that was my problem just because my dog isn't showing aggressive signs from a distance?

She is curious but doesn't get in anyone's face so there shouldn't be a problem, she has manners. She's curious, gets close and waits for an invitation (from the dog not the human) I'm guessing your dog would not invite a meeting and it wouldn't happen.

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For me, it isn't about my dog or how my dog might react. It's about ME. I do not want dogs approaching me! I am scared of strange dogs, and I know that I am not the only one. A dog off its lead makes me absolutely panicked. I don't want my dog to make other people uncomfortable, and I would hope that others are considerate enough of my feelings too. 

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