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Need Serious Help..


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The name escapes me at the moment but we've had a fellow whose puppy, like yours, was no where near the 8 week age when he was rehomed. He was really concerned that he'd been sold a "defective" pup sine eyesight and hearing were less than good (if I remember right it was both) but now the pups as good as gold!

I'm with Sarah, but I was a little worse - my first thought from the pictures was 4 - 5 weeks. 

First get him to the vet and then I think you need to prepare yourself for some bottle feeding for a couple of weeks at least.

If you were here in the US I'd (( facetiously )) suggest taking a .45 to this "breeder" but since you're in the UK, you can't do that!

I'm glad you have the pup and are wanting to care for him <surprise!> but I'm sorry for him that he got taken away from momma and siblings so early - that will be the cause of an ungodly number of trials for you.



there was a guy here before i cant find the threads on my phone.

he ended.up with a young one like you.

she was thought to be blind. it turned out she was just young.

this will be hard. you need to teach him all his mum would have.

weetabix is a no no.

dog food.


 Is this the thread you are both on about : 


I agree with the others the best thing to do for the pup is to take it to vets asap, you will have a lot of hard work  ahead of you with it being younger than 8 weeks and being away from mum and siblings before it should have been, good luck and keep us updated

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Hi all thanks for the advice, I rang the vets this morning and the best they can do is Tuesday morning, they've said aslong as he's eating his puppy food and drinking lots of water hell be fine, they seemed more concerned about why I bought him rather than him being you, which is my fault but if I didn't buy him someone else would!!

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Hi all thanks for the advice, I rang the vets this morning and the best they can do is Tuesday morning, they've said aslong as he's eating his puppy food and drinking lots of water hell be fine, they seemed more concerned about why I bought him rather than him being you, which is my fault but if I didn't buy him someone else would!!

You may have to bring him to an emergency vet, if he is as young as he looks he will need milk etc..

Whats done is done, the person what obviously a backyard breeder more concerned about the money than the pups welfare, and they've turned their phone off which shows they know what they've done, your pup is lucky in a way to have landed with you, I feel bad for his siblings though, I strongly suggest you report the breeder ASAP before he has a chance to have another litter.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2

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Is this the thread you are both on about :

I agree with the others the best thing to do for the pup is to take it to vets asap, you will have a lot of hard work ahead of you with it being younger than 8 weeks and being away from mum and siblings before it should have been, good luck and keep us updated

yes thats it!
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Looks no older then 4 weeks this will also why his hearing and eye sight isn't that good. I would go to the pet shop or even a supermarket and get puppy milk and some puppy food but water it down so its soft. He will definitly need to see a vet as if he left the mother to early his immune system won't be that good and he could get parvo so make sure he doesn't go anywhere near other dogs also wipe your beagles feet when you come in as parvo is going around at the moment.

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wow, some people can be so unscrupulous! But what's done is done & now it's left to you to help this little guy through what sounds like a rough patch.


I agree in the pics he does look 4-5 weeks maximum which could explain the unsteadiness, hearing & sight issues, but until a professional has given him an "MOT" and checked him out, we can only give advice on what we may have seen or heard ourselves.


Is the "breeder" local to you? Is there any way you can go back to them, without taking your pup, and have a chat with them, get to know a bit more, see the "parents" (if indeed they have the parents) etc?


Good luck with everything, please keep us updated on what happens & feel free to ask any questions you have :)

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Hi all thanks for the advice, I rang the vets this morning and the best they can do is Tuesday morning, they've said aslong as he's eating his puppy food and drinking lots of water hell be fine, they seemed more concerned about why I bought him rather than him being you, which is my fault but if I didn't buy him someone else would!!


And that's the problem, people are buying them. If people stopped, the breeders would stop...unfortunally this is a long ways off before we see some real change [but more and more are starting to walk away]. Some like to refer to these cases as rescues, but they aren't....they are supporting a byb and encouraging them to continue to do so. I'm not trying to be rude or even criticize you personally, but it is what it is. Live, learn and move on. All any of us can do, and not one of us is perfect [some of my first dogs were from bybs because I simply didn't know better].


Best of luck with the new pup! I look forward to seeing what he looks like as an adult.

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awww what a sweetie.  cant believe they gave you a boy as a girl.. ermmm like you wouldn't notice.. sorry I cant be of assistance but there is an army (albeit not a toon one) of knowledgeable people on here

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I'm not sure what to suggest, all i can say is that he definitely isn't 8 weeks old! He looks exactly like Luka when I was sent pics of him at 4 weeks. Unfortunately, I do not know how I can help, what part of the UK are you in? Good luck, he is adorable and looks Husky to me.

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This is a crime what some people do for money. Personally I would try RSPCA, BBC and I would make this "breeder" bloody fame online, mentioning their full name wherever I could. Seriously.

Poor little pup, glad he landed with you and not buried alive.


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Hi all thanks for the advice, I rang the vets this morning and the best they can do is Tuesday morning, they've said aslong as he's eating his puppy food and drinking lots of water hell be fine, they seemed more concerned about why I bought him rather than him being you, which is my fault but if I didn't buy him someone else would!!


I don't think anyone here will slight you for buying him ... it's just that we have this "thing" about backyard breeders - they seem to cause way too many problems - like yours.  As was said, what's done is done and now it's on to helping you keep this little guy healthy and having a chance to grow up a healthy playful dog.


Haven't heard from you and was wondering how you and the little one were getting on???

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I'm in the northeast. He's at the vets on Tuesday morning so fingers crossed he's healthy!! For his sake more than anything. This is the first time I've bought a puppy so it's my fault for not actually going myself!!

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I'm in the northeast. He's at the vets on Tuesday morning so fingers crossed he's healthy!! For his sake more than anything. This is the first time I've bought a puppy so it's my fault for not actually going myself!!


Not really your fault, like so many others you didn't know what the fellow you were buying from was like and it speaks well of you that you expected him to be honest and straightforward (we expect from others what we see in ourselves).


You said yesterday that he was eating and drinking so I assume he's doing okay <???> other than being a little "lost" which is to be expected.  Glad your Beagle is tolerating him ... puppies can be a nuisance to an older dog at times.


One question, though, is the contents of that sachet dry or moist (hard or soft)?  If it's hard puppy food, it might help to moisten it a bit since, even as sharp as they are, his puppy teeth ( and stomach ) aren't really ready for hard food.

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Yes I have too much trust in people I think lol! The sachets are soft, my beagle is putting up with him at the moment, they have a bed side by side and when he gets into her bed she swaps and its back an forth all night aha, at least it keeps him quiet!! They play all the time and she's very careful considering the size difference ( she's the size of a Labrador )

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Hi all, back from the vets, they said he's roughly 6 weeks so 5 when i got him, gave me some worming solution and said I can get his needles when he's around 8-10 weeks, as for the deaf and blindness it must be an age thing because he's starting to react to sounds and seems to have perfect vision now.

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Hi all, back from the vets, they said he's roughly 6 weeks so 5 when i got him, gave me some worming solution and said I can get his needles when he's around 8-10 weeks, as for the deaf and blindness it must be an age thing because he's starting to react to sounds and seems to have perfect vision now.

ok so not as bad as we all thought but still not great really.

yeah i thought it would be bless him.

you are doing great with the little lad.

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