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I know this forum caters mostly to dog information, but I thought I would ask this as the forum has a huge member base of different types of people.


I have Bipolar disorder, and I am maxed out on meds, yes still stuggle to maintain a sense of balance. Recently I have fallen down deep and can't seem to dig my self out. I spend a lot of time either working or sleeping, but I know this isn't healthy.


Has anyone ever suffered from depression to that extent? And if so, what did you do to pull yourself out?I really don't want to try heavier meds as I want to be a mom, not a zombie, so what are some healthy ways I can boost my spirits?

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Sorry, I've never suffered from anything like this.

However, I do sort of understand the problems you go through.

I can't help, but the steam room is there if you need to vent.

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As some of you have had the opportunity to notice, my moods seem to fluctuate with the weather.  So I guess that, in this thread at least, it's safe to say that you're not alone with living with depression.

I run a forum called "ChronicSuicideSupport" but we get found by and talk with a lot of people suffering from / living with various forms of depression.

To give you and idea of the tone of the board, our mission statement is:

Every year, nearly a million people worldwide complete their suicide, and 20 million more attempt it. Almost all of them are beset by sudden reversals of fortune that put them in crisis, and crisis intervention is widely available to them. But there is a tiny, little-known minority of people who spend years and even decades living with constant suicidal ideation while rarely reaching a crisis point. Many plan their suicides in meticulous, rational detail in order achieve a peaceful death and minimize how much they implicate the innocent when they die.

For those chronic suicidals, there is almost no place on earth to go for help. Nearly all suicidality assistance is offered on a crisis intervention model. This makes it impossible for chronically suicidal persons to discuss their feelings with a health care professional without being confined to a mental health facility even though they are not at risk. Many are surrounded by family, friends, acquaintances, and coworkers who do not understand chronic suicidality or even imagine the concept can exist. Thus, they are forced to suffer in secrecy, and, ironically, that makes it more likely that they will actually kill themselves.

This website is intended to be a resource for the chronically suicidal. Both the forum and chat are places where people can freely express what goes on inside them and be surrounded by those who share and understand their issues. They no longer have to feel alone.

Although some members here believe that suicide should be a free personal choice, not all do. Management takes no position on this issue and will accept members and discussion that are both permissive and prohibitive of suicide. It is not permitted to advise or encourage the commission of suicide or to discuss suicide methods in any significant detail. It is, however, permitted to share feelings on this life-shaping issue, commiserate with the stricken, make respectful offerings of hope, and remember the fallen.

If you are chronically suicidal or your life has been touched by someone who is, welcome to a place where people understand and don't judge you. Here, you will not be told to suck it up or shallowly reassured that there, there, it'll get better. No one will call you crazy because you have thoughts of ending your life. No one will look down on you for feeling that life is not good and the world is not a nice place. Most importantly, you will not be misunderstood or shunned, and will find a community of people who know just what it's like because they've been there and, in many cases, are still there.

You may join the forum or participate in live chat, or both. Your username and password that you chose when registering for the forum are also used in chat.


While the mission statement addresses those of us who are chronically suicidal - and still here - as I said anyone who needs to talk to others who are in the pits of depression is also quite welcome.  While nowhere near as active a HuskyOwners we do have a few very active, very empathetic crew.  If you feel like you might fit, come join us.


Marc / Sarah if this is out of line, just delete it //al

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My mum and sister both suffer from this but they're both very different with their symptoms. I know in my mum's case that she was encouraged to do more exercise like joining walking groups. This is mainly as she feels quite isolated and lonely at times, not helped by the fact that while I was at husky camp last October, she had a car accident on the motorway which left her too afraid to drive on motorways anymore (she was black and blue from head to foot but otherwise ok), so she can't go out for the day with her friend or visit her brother or nieces and nephews. Meds haven't solved things for either person. Mum wasn't bipolar until my nan died, then she had a breakdown with various hospital stays and years later was diagnosed as such. My sister was always very ott, she was diagnosed ADHD as a child and then bipolar as an adult and the drugs seem to leave her like a zombie so she generally cheats and stops taking them. Socialising isn't a problem for her as she's always out somewhere, usually raving every weekend. However, doing silly things like getting drunk and spending the night in a bush is quite typical, as is a lack of self control generally. She makes me laugh with some of the things she does but she's really putting herself at risk and really doesn't seem to care. As my baby sis clearly hasn't managed to control her bipolar either I can't really offer much there. I guess having the dogs gives you the excuse to get out and about, I personally love walking the dogs with my oh in the evenings as its a good way for me to unwind and relax a bit after what's usually a hectic and stressful day. As others have said, we're here to listen if you need to talk. :). Xxx

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My daughter and sister suffer from Bipolar.  My daughter had been in therapy since she was 7. She still suffers and is on no meds currently.  her choice she is 19 now.  She has rage and mania.  I do recomend a good therapist that you can trust.  Meds are great but therapy needs to be part of the treatment plan. 


I certainly hope you get to feeling better soon.  It was horrible to watch my daughter go through this her whole life.  I would begin by working on some coping skills to help with the difficult times.  There seems to be a lot of support here and the link that Al posted.  I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.


Hugs :grouphug:

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Firstly I want to say that I think you are brave in discussing this and confronting this difficult condition. My only experience is through friends and loved ones who continue to battle this disease. 


You say that you are maxed out on meds and don't want to go with anything stronger. I think it is perfectly reasonable for you to want a more balanced life with less of the "zombie' as you call it. I think many doctors get a little bit on tunnel vision in the type of meds they prescribe and if it is not working they simply up the dosage. 


You have probably gone down this path, but it might be worth discussing what you have said here with the GP and ask for a referral to either a specialist or another GP to get a fresh look at your situation. There are always new drugs coming out and there may be one that will be a better fit for you. Whatever you do, don't stop taking your current meds without serious monitoring from your GP. 


On a slightly lighter note, my sister has suffered depression for most of her life, she would always have a session of "Retail therapy" at her darkest times and shop for something for herself. Maybe you could buy a new bright collar or leash for some fun? I don't mean this as a solution or to in anyway make light of your situation. Little bits of fun and joy are needed in all of our lives.


Take care and keep up the fight!





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This might sound like a silly question, and I don't know much about bipolar disorder, but you say your maxed out on meds but still depressed,  could it be you need a different cocktail of drugs ? Might be worth asking your psycho-pharmacologist.  Also, have you thought about trying something like aromatherapy ? DO NOT stop taking the drugs ! But certain smells do help when stressed or depressed,  for me it's vanilla and coconut rum,  visualisation helps as well.  

Please don't think that I'm taking what you are going through lightly, I'm not, digging your way out of a depression is a long slog, but it starts with a baby step,  if you can find one little thing that makes you smile or laugh each day it's a start.  

This is going to sound awful but sometimes, sometimes I like to visualize horrible things happening to the mean people around.  The guy that pushed aside on the stairs,  I imagine him bending over and his pants splitting,  the snotty woman at the vets who moaned my big rough dog was too close to her precious ?  I imagined her reaction when precious piddles in her handbag !  I bet at least one of those got a twitch if not a mini grin,  and now I think I need some meds !  Good luck babe

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Thank you for all the replies. I am currently seeing a psychiatrist, and he is pretty good, the problem is, I have a lot of stressors in my life and the high dose meds I am on seem to keep my moods balanced, but I tend to stay depressed. That's part of why i am lost. I am supposed to be balanced, not biased to one side of the spectrum. I am sure there are other meds, one of which I discussed with my psychiatrist, and actually did try it. Switched to what I am on now because my hair started falling out lol. While I don't want to be crazy, I really like my hair lol.


I might turn to a forum to see where that goes. I have a forum for just about everything else...fish, dogs lol. Can't seem to find a cat forum that isn't spammed with adult links lol.


And this is, as you can imagine, hard to talk to friends about. It was a little easier speaking my mind on here as you guys can't see my face. The last person I tried to speak to about it tried to counsel me as if she were a board licensed therapist. Its even hard to talk to my husband about it.

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It sounds like you are doing all of the right things and facing the problems head on and I congratulate you for this. All I can say is be kind to yourself. Don't place undue pressures on yourself, give yourself time, and give yourself a break.  :)

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Ada, don't I know that this is one of those topics that can lose you friends in a heartbeat - it's the exceptional person who can take the up and downs of people and depression.

I inherited CSS from the lady who started it - she's doing better and has too much on her plate to take care of the forum so she left it to me to run. She's also about to get married so really does have other things that are more important to her at the moment.

Your comment about drugs - when I finally decided that something was wrong (in my 30's) I was initially put on Prozac that did wonderous things for me.  Then my pdoc wanted to try something else and nothing he ever tried worked as well as Prozac did.

One of the things I've come to realize is that since we're all different, the meds seem to react differently - what may, literally, be a life saver for one person can push another over the edge. If what you're on isn't doing the job you want it to then talk to your doc and see if he's willing to prescribe another.

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