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Will People Ever Learn?


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We took Sasha out yesterday to the markets for a look around and we stopped at a pancake shop for some lunch we were sitting outside eating while Sasha was sitting calmly between my legs waiting for some pancakes and watching the people and cars go past when from behind us three people watched up the path two went and sat next to us at the other table and the older guy stopped in front of Sasha I didn't realise he was there until I felt Sasha pull her head away he didnt ask if she was ok to be patted or even pay attention to the fact that I was on the other end of the leash (which really annoyed me) I looked at him and said 'she has anxiety and is unsure of people she doesn't know please don't touch her' I said it nicely I wasn't rude and he went to touch her again this time instead of pulling her head away she opened her mouth (not showing teeth to anything) and pushed his hand away and I just looked at him shook my head and moved Sasha closer to me to calm her down (she was getting frustrated and agitated) and he turns around and says 'oh it's ok she didnt bite me' all I could think was it'd be your own fault if she did. And I said again 'she doesn't like it she is getting upset please leave her alone' he looked at me like I just yelled at him and said something evil then huffed and said 'well maybe she should be out in public or be muzzled' my OH could see in my face that I was about to jump down his throat and asked him to leave he left and went an sat down the whole time he was giving me evil glares and I said loud enough for them to hear 'people shouldn't approach dogs they don't know unless the owner says its ok to do so' I was so angry.

Sasha will warn them twice before she goes to bite she pulls her head away and moves a bit closer to me then she pushes them away with her mouth open then if they do it again she will snap at them (she's done it to me not to others) she hates when people come up with an open hand and they go to pat her head she is ok if they come up say hello and let her sniff them if she licks there hand there ok to touch her but if she moves away she doesn't like them.

I really wish there was someway to teach people to approach a dog properly and to listen to the dogs owner then they say don't touch the dog .

Then there's the person that grabbed her kids by the arms pulled them right away from Sasha as if she was going to kill them that might be because she may have been hurt by a dog but who knows all I know is if people teach there children to be scared of dogs what are they going to do if a dog comes to them in the street there going to run in panic and the dogs going to know it.

Gaaaaarrrrraaaaaahhhhh people annoy me lol

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this world is slowly being taken over by ignorant idiots :( maybe you can get Sasha that harness which you can put stickers on? The one Louise owns.... Angel's harness sticker says "Mad Cow" LOL maybe there's a sticker that says "dog in need of space"? 

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this world is slowly being taken over by ignorant idiots :( maybe you can get Sasha that harness which you can put stickers on? The one Louise owns.... Angel's harness sticker says "Mad Cow" LOL maybe there's a sticker that says "dog in need of space"?

Haha mad cow I love it!

I really would love to get her one but don't have the money ATM I was thinking about asking mum to stitch in on her thundershirt or something 'I have anxiety please don't approach me' or something like that as most people don't know what red or other colours mean when on a dog.

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I'd feel pretty bad about myself if I ever make an animal feel uncomfortable just because I want to do something with it whether that would be petting or even approaching it. It's a question of simple etiquette to do what you're being asked to do. Poor Sasha, though I must admit that given the opportunity, I'd totally jump on and hug her! :D

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Poor sasha it can be very intimidating for them. Out and about yesterday we were approached, tge man asked if it was ok to approach solo for a fuss (Solo loves attention) it shows respect.

It is very intimidating for them. It makes it worse for Sasha and trying to get her over her anxiety about people I get so far and people do that then she goes backwards again :( she was doing so well up until this happen she let a few people pat her on our way round the markets then after this she refused anyone's attention and looked sad :(

I've always been taught to ask before touching someone's dog because you don't know how they will react people don't seem to understand that now. I feel bad for the dog and if they do bite that person will turn around and try and get the dog PTS for reacting to being scared that's what most people will do anyway.

Haha she loves her hugs as long as she likes you lol once she gets to know most people she doesn't leave them alone haha

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Poor Sasha, the only way she will get better at being around people is to BE around people.

But it's a gradual process and it has to be done on your terms.


Echo our GSD doesn't like people who are not in her pack.

She will be on her back legs straining against the lead teeth snapping and someone will 

come over hand out saying "it's ok I'm good with dogs, I'm not afraid of her"

No, If you want to approach Echo you have to do it under our instructions, 

WE know how it HAS to be done to ensure your safety.

Some people are dumbasses, it's just in their nature.

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Poor sasha, this sort of thing makes me so mad,  dogs have rights too !!  Another dog owner (who should have known better)  approached bear from behind yesterday and then moaned when he went from sitting at my side to jumping up,  another owner told him off while I calmed bear but it took 15 minutes to settle him properly.  ( trying to teach him that even when we're in the park sometimes he has to sit quietly)  

Blue cross run an education programme for kids,  how to approach a dog etc, I think it should be mandatory in every school, cub pack, youth group in the country,  (probably most adults could do with it as well)

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Poor Sasha, the only way she will get better at being around people is to BE around people.

But it's a gradual process and it has to be done on your terms.


Echo our GSD doesn't like people who are not in her pack.

She will be on her back legs straining against the lead teeth snapping and someone will 

come over hand out saying "it's ok I'm good with dogs, I'm not afraid of her"

No, If you want to approach Echo you have to do it under our instructions, 

WE know how it HAS to be done to ensure your safety.

Some people are dumbasses, it's just in their nature.

It's hard when people are so stupid! Anyone in there right mind wouldn't approach a dog that's doing that. Not with there hand out anyway. People like that make me want to slap them silly lol dumbasses isn't the right term for some people.

Blue cross run an education programme for kids,  how to approach a dog etc, I think it should be mandatory in every school, cub pack, youth group in the country,  (probably most adults could do with it as well)

We need that over here if it was mandatory in schools maybe there wouldn't be so many people treating dogs or any animal for that matter wrongly. I don't think we have things like that here if we do its not advitised anywhere that people will know about it.

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People tend to ask before they approach Kodiak due to his size, although the fact he is wooing and wiggling at them kind of defeats the object as all he wants is their attention! Our last dogs were always approached and our Sam was very wary of kids and would snap before you knew it! It always annoyed me because I tried to keep him at a distance from these situations and people always came to us without asking! 

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People tend to ask before they approach Kodiak due to his size, although the fact he is wooing and wiggling at them kind of defeats the object as all he wants is their attention! Our last dogs were always approached and our Sam was very wary of kids and would snap before you knew it! It always annoyed me because I tried to keep him at a distance from these situations and people always came to us without asking!

I couldn't help myself but to come up and ask about Kodiak lol he's too cute not to :)

That's what I try to do with Sasha until she gets use to the surroundings but people come up to her quickly and startle her when she isn't paying attention to the people and she gets anxious then makes it hard to keep her calm unless there's somewhere close that no one is near. She does a lot better with her thundershirt on though. Most people get the point when they come towards us to not walk right next to her because I pull her in until we go past them (I do that because she took someone's bottle out of there hand one day lol luckily the person found it funny and was ok with it Sasha gave there bottle back with some extra slobber to my suprise she tried playing with the person lol)

When we take all three for a walk somewhere (Sasha, Dozer and Missy (a maltease) ) Sasha is a lot calmer. Dozer is the biggest sook and will be friends with anyone if someone comes upto Dozer and pats him Sasha will watch for a bit then go up for a pat but when she Is on her own its a completely different story she's a different dog.

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I couldn't help myself but to come up and ask about Kodiak lol he's too cute not to :)

That's what I try to do with Sasha until she gets use to the surroundings but people come up to her quickly and startle her when she isn't paying attention to the people and she gets anxious then makes it hard to keep her calm unless there's somewhere close that no one is near. She does a lot better with her thundershirt on though. Most people get the point when they come towards us to not walk right next to her because I pull her in until we go past them (I do that because she took someone's bottle out of there hand one day lol luckily the person found it funny and was ok with it Sasha gave there bottle back with some extra slobber to my suprise she tried playing with the person lol)

When we take all three for a walk somewhere (Sasha, Dozer and Missy (a maltease) ) Sasha is a lot calmer. Dozer is the biggest sook and will be friends with anyone if someone comes upto Dozer and pats him Sasha will watch for a bit then go up for a pat but when she Is on her own its a completely different story she's a different dog.

Thanks. He is a real goof ball! I sometimes think he plays to the crowd :D


It's hard if one of your fur-kids has anxiety when out though because you want them to be socialised and enjoy going out. It all comes down to people being educated, which sadly they aren't :( It's good that Sasha is better when the other members of her pack are around and maybe in time she will feel more confident on her own. 

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It's hard when people are so stupid! Anyone in there right mind wouldn't approach a dog that's doing that. Not with there hand out anyway. People like that make me want to slap them silly lol dumbasses isn't the right term for some people.

We need that over here if it was mandatory in schools maybe there wouldn't be so many people treating dogs or any animal for that matter wrongly. I don't think we have things like that here if we do its not advitised anywhere that people will know about it.

You do babe, I just did a search of dog education for kids and found www.deltasocietyaustralia.com.au. they run a similar programme,  found one in D.C  as well,  problem is people don't know and schools don't ask or look,

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Thanks. He is a real goof ball! I sometimes think he plays to the crowd :D


It's hard if one of your fur-kids has anxiety when out though because you want them to be socialised and enjoy going out. It all comes down to people being educated, which sadly they aren't :( It's good that Sasha is better when the other members of her pack are around and maybe in time she will feel more confident on her own.

Haha I think most of them do :P

Sasha enjoys going out sniffs everything and is happy until someone approaches her the wrong way then it goes pear shaped and her fun happy self goes into hiding most of the time I can get her out of it pretty quick by taking her away from the people and letting her settle herself and give her some one on one attention but this time it took about 15-20mins to get her out of it and for the first time she was shaking like she was scared :( which made me feel really bad and all I wanted to do was pick her up and hold her but I couldn't lol :(

You do babe, I just did a search of dog education for kids and found www.deltasocietyaustralia.com.au. they run a similar programme,  found one in D.C  as well,  problem is people don't know and schools don't ask or look,

I've never heard of them and thanks for that. It should be in schools the majority of people have dogs or cats its only fair on the animals that people know how to look after them properly and know how to approach a dog in the streets

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