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I was heading home from a walk with Suka, and on one of his 'free time' areas, I saw him snap up something. I tried to grab ahold of it, but he swallowed it before I could take it out of his mouth.

It vaguely felt like fish (like a fish filet) - couldn't see what it was because it was dark. 

Should I induce vomiting? What if somebody put poison down to kill Suka!?

IF I should induce vomiting, how much hydrogen peroxide should I give him? He's 78 pounds.

(This happened 10 minutes ago)

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Good luck! As a note for future reference, my rat terrier ate a pouch of rat poison. I called my vet, and she said to take a syringe or turkey baster and force 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide at a time. Once they start throwing up, that's a good sign. Just keep giving it until whatever they ate comes up or it runs clear.

(The rat poison was green, so I kept pumping her full of peroxide until there was no green left. This happened 3 years ago, and she is still going strong. Peroxide saved her life.)

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wow I must be a really evil husky mummy cos if it was mine, and I wasn't quick enough to retrieve it, I would leave them to it. Then if they started to get ill I would deal with it then.  hope suka is no worse for wear after being poisoned with peroxide lol

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Oh hun x

How is he? I wouldn't have considered inducing vomiting my lot scoff things sometimes if I can't get it out of their mouths first but once its gone I just keep an eye on them

Do you have a lot of issues with poison being around there?

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

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I've had to induce vomiting twice, once when she ate teabags and once when she managed to scarf down half a sponge mop before I could get it out of her mouth. The first time my dad forced two capfulls down her throat. The second time I put two capfulls in a bowl with a tiny bit of beer. It worked almost immediately.She was about 25-30 pounds.

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Any word?  Hope he's ok!  I wouldn't have thought anything of it either as mine always find stuff like dead frogs and snakes to eat.  I just deal with the consequences later.  That's awful if people posion things trying to kill pets.  :(

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I wouldnt have quite gone to that extreme I think.

Mine eat loads of crap lol.

Storm has even eaten baby birds

I would go to that extreme, though I don't consider it to be extreme.

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I don't consider it extreme either. Then again, I have a $2500 surgery bill and a dog with an 8 inch belly scar to show for me not taking it to that extreme before. We don't wait to see what happens in this house.

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I wouldnt have quite gone to that extreme I think.

Mine eat loads of crap lol.

Storm has even eaten baby birds

suppose it depends , if theres a risk where Elyse lives that the food could be poisoned then its not really an extreme , if there was a risk of people poisoning food where we lived we would do the same wouldnt we?




any news on Suka? how is he?

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That's how Yukon is.  I can't count the nasty things that has been in his mouth! 



i hope Suka is okay. keep us updated!


I'm fortunate Luka is pretty good about not eating random stuff. Knox on the other hand would eat rocks if i'd let him. :blink:

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dont even think you can buy that in the uk.

of coursr i worry about poisoning. theres loads of sick twisted people out there.

I just meant, if i took mine to the vets everytime they ate something they shouldnt id be skint.

obviously if there was a danger then i would.

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The thing is, mine doesn't eat random stuff. He only eats things that actually are food.

I personally don't think it was extreme either. We didn't have any hydrogen peroxide in the house, and because this happened late at night (12:00am), I didn't want to 'wait to see what happens', because I could have ended up waking up to a dead dog. It was well worth the money.

Long story short, we took him in. After filling out some paperwork, the vet took him in and injected him with some stuff to induce vomiting. It's a lot stronger than hydrogen peroxide. 


About 20 minutes later (of him yelping...we couldn't go in the room), the vet came out and asked us (me + Mom) if we wanted to see the vomit. I did.

So, I went in. There were signs of his kibble he ate that night, some shrimp my parents gave him (grrr), and...well...something else. It was white and flakey - and kinda looked like that fishy-thing I tried to grab out of his mouth. Definitely did not look like a dead animal - having only ate 'it' 30 minutes prior.
The smell wasn't that bad, surprisingly.

So, they said it looks like there isn't any rat poison (rat poison is green), and didn't see any other obvious signs of poison. But, they said there are many poisonous things that are colourless and odourless, and told me to keep an eye on him for any tremors/any unusual behaviour. So I did - stayed up until 6am, watching him sleep. Call me extreme or crazy, I don't care, but I love my dog...and I didn't want to wake up in the morning to find out he died during the night.

Now, that its 1:00pm, he seems perfectly fine. 

So yeah....it was better to be safe than sorry.

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