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Why A Siberian Husky Is The Right Breed For Me.....


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Well- I'm going to sound like a TOTAl dog mom right now but I just can't help it. While highlighting one of my clients hair today she asked me WHY in the world would I get a Siberian Husky out of all the dogs out there?


I got a BIG SMILE on my face and said do you really want to know? She said absolutely- her Uncle had them and all she knew was that they are stubborn, they run away, they destroyed his house, and they were always grabbing each others necks.....



Well, I said I have two- Meeka and Dexter. And they are completely opposite and both irresistible to love ;)


My Meeka was born to be around people.Children especially- My husband and I don't have any right now, but I have 3 nieces and nephews and when they come over it is Meekas PURPOSE IN LIFE to be with them at all times. She thinks every single person she meets they MUST give her a belly rub and tell her shes so pretty and she will lick lick lick your face to death if you let her. She is not picky she has no favorites- she will immediately love you no questions asked. She would go home with the mail man if I let her ;p She the type of Siberian Husky that people meet and walk away saying " I had no idea those dogs could be so friendly"






Now, my Dexter is different. He was brought here for me. He is the type of Siberian Husky that bonds stronger with 1 person in the family and that was me. He's my little snuggle bug but he will NOT let anyone else pet and love him all over. He also follows a routine and has 100% trust in me. He never goes far when off leash and is always looking for me stopping play sometimes to find me. He gives me 1 lick every morning, and 1 lick every night- nothing in the day time- nothing personal. He won't let anyone new pet him more than a stroke before he walks away. Hes always laying at my feet.









Kind of a long rant but I'd love to hear why you love this breed and what makes your dogs special <3



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Rob has always wanted one and last year constantly hinted and asked, we then got opportunity to adopt one. There were 3 at the kennels, number 1 didn't like male dogs, number 2 humans and no one had seen number3 as he hadvonly arrived day before abd was waiting for assessment. We went yo met him follow ing week, in a room full if people he came straight to us. He has unbelievably been here 6 months and is the most loving affectionate goofball known and we adore him.

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Rob has always wanted one and last year constantly hinted and asked, we then got opportunity to adopt one. There were 3 at the kennels, number 1 didn't like male dogs, number 2 humans and no one had seen number3 as he hadvonly arrived day before abd was waiting for assessment. We went yo met him follow ing week, in a room full if people he came straight to us. He has unbelievably been here 6 months and is the most loving affectionate goofball known and we adore him.


They quickly steal your heart <3

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I've never really thought about it this way before , blaze isn't really my dog but I'm his 2nd choice , if mums not here he'll usually come to me for cuddles , he's very independent n whilst I'm his number 2 choice I know he'd protect me no matter what he'll always give me kisses n cuddles too

Skyla well she's my baby girl but she's very aloof she'll only occasionally give me a kiss but u can see the love in her eyes when she looks at u, she never fails to make me laugh either she's such a comedian , doesn't matter what mood your in she WILL cheer you up

They are both very special in their own ways and I wouldn't change them abit

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Kodiak was a big challenge for me when we first got him as I've been used to being around dogs who listen, do as they are told, sleep through the night! But 11 months later and I wouldn't swap him for the world :wub: He is the goofiest dog I've ever known and has so much personality he could have his own reality show! (Well it'd make better viewing than some of the rubbish they put on now) 

The OH would like to say that Kodiak favors him over me but I know the truth :) He follows me around everywhere, always woo's at me like we are having a chat, and loves to be close to me all of the time. He's my big baby and as i type he is laying across my feet snoring his head off!!!

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To be honest, we didnt specifically choose a husky, it was just a freakish act of someone literally chucking Bear out onto the road in front of my hubby, that introduced the world of huskies into our home. Bear sounds very much like your Meeka, although initially she would follow my other half everywhere. She relied on him for a sense of security, she's since relaxed and turned into a family dog. Ice however, sounds like Dexter to a t! He's my dog and although he will eventually accept others, it takes a long time for him to open up to them and not be turning to me for reassurance. He also follows routine to the letter, he's not impressed if you change it at all!

I'd be lying if I said we were the perfect fit for a husky, but we seem to work. Naturally I can be lazy at times, but having an energetic dog who will trash my house if I slack off gives me the motivation I need to get off my butt and get some exercise, so we kind of complement each other I suppose. You have to respect this spitz breed, they are truly unlike any other kind of dog I've known.

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I didn't specifically chose a husky either. I just like how these dogs look, and I tell everyone if one day I have the opportunity to own a dog, that dog would be a Siberian Husky. A friend heard this, and when her mom's friend fostered two abandoned puppy mill victims, I was the first one she called. Diamond's brother--who was said to be even skinnier and more sickly than he was--found a home a day earlier when I arrived to see the two. So basically I didn't have a choice, but I know even if there were two dogs I'd still pick Diamond. He was fearful and shy, but quiet and very well-behaved. The night I brought him home he slept through the whole night peacefully. I thought "hey that was easy" but obviously not LOL in the morning Dime threw up everything he chewed out of stress in his foster mom's home. Some wooden sticks and oh my goodness a small rug. He literally swallowed it whole and threw it back up still intact. He also had an explosive diarrhea in my entire back yard. A professional janitor in my mom's office had to be called to clean it :lol: on the very next day I start to realize the amount of fur he shed. I thought "oh gee my house would drown in his fur!" and soon vacuuming entered my list of chores. Usually it only contains dish washing  :rolleyes: Then came his very first walk. Dime is my first dog and I know nothing about walking dogs. I walk him at 12 pm, holding only the loop at the end of the leash, wearing no footwear at all. He decided that he wants to take off, and the hapless me at the end of the leash that didn't know how to stop a running dog can only follow. I ran on top of hot asphalt for about 3 minutes straight full speed!! When I finally managed to control the lead and take him back home I realized that almost half of my left foot's skin peeled off. No blood was shed but it's pretty painful, and I couldn't walk for three whole days  :lol:


So, why would I want a husky? They keep having diarrheas, shed a ton and pull like a train. In fact, by the end of Diamond's first week at home I thought to myself: goodness! I have just brought home a demon dog. But this demon dog never failed to make my day. Despite of his fearful attitude towards strangers, he was playful and loving around me. He's sweet and trainable, and his endearing stupidity always makes me laugh  :P It took him about 2-3 months to open up to me, but that's what made it so special. The first day I saw him jumping up and smiling to me (he used to run away if I approached him too fast) when I open the front door to walk him, my heart melted  :wub: never thought a simple smile can make one morning especially beautiful. Then when he started to become more and more tolerant to loud noises and a ton of other things he used to be afraid of (including cats and umbrellas!) I was so happy. It's weird saying this, but he made me feel so.... useful. Like, this ordinary me has the ability to give a better life to other living being! Wow! So yeah Dime is a difficult dog. He barely listens, attention-demanding and super needy. But it worth it  :) so very worth it 

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Why a Siberian Husky? There is no simple answer for me. Once I visited a certain friend, who had huskies that amazed me to no end. They howled and sang and made me laugh, I wanted one so very bad. At first it started out as a whim, but then I simply couldn't stop thinking of them. So I went and researched online, tried to read up on everything I could find. Eventually if I felt ready enough, I would go out and find my ball of fluff. And that's exactly what I found, I saw my Yuki and I knew I was bound. Even after looking at the six others, I knew she was mine to smother. So I parted with her for a few more weeks, until she was able to finally leave. How stressful they were, those days waiting for her. Counting down the seconds left, until I could finally go back. And the day came that she could come home, I shouted with joy and off I drove. The first few weeks were a blast, yet they were also so sad. Her growth never ceased to amaze me, she shot up like a weed. Those puppy moments I savor, now that its ten months later. I don't regret a thing, a husky was addicting. Now that I was hooked to one, more would be soon to come. And then Link came along, a foster who needed a home. As soon as his eyes met mine, I knew I couldn't decline. And somewhere in my heart, I knew I would not be able to part. So now two huskies have touched my soul, my heart was something they both stole. And I am lucky that my heart can break, so I can share it for more to partake. With each piece that gathers near me, I can remain and keep my sanity. So why a husky you may ask, because without one my life would be drab. 

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I wanted a dog and my husband had always wanted a husky. I wanted a Chocolate Labrador!! 

So we compromised, we got Storm whos husky x German Shepherd.

I fell in love with huskies and their personalities and got hooked on here and made many friends.

So one day I saw angels photo on the huskies in need website and that was it, I HAD to have her. She came to visit one day and she and Storm got on so well.  Theres probably that original thread in here somewhere :D

After a lot of heartache trying to foster and it not getting on with angel we were heartbroken, till that is on boxing day when I looked on my fb and saw the most gorgeous newborn red husky puppy!

And that was it, Aurora was promised to us and thats the end of that, No more lol the house is fit to burst!

I love huskies, I dont ever think we wont have huskies in our lives.

And to be honest I think my 6 year old daughter is so hooked she will have huskies too!

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I, was actually never a dog person.  I would never pet other people's dogs or paid any attention to them.  I was always a cat person.  BUT the one dog that I have always wanted was a husky or malamute.  I have wanted one for as long as I can remember, and the reason that I was drawn to them first was their looks.  The more research that I did the more I realized I also love their personalities.  I want a dog that is not as needy as some dogs, more independant, like cats.  Another big reson I prefer huskies is that I do not like the "doggy smell" you get from some breeds. 


I was never in a place before to have a dog, as I always rented apartments, and I went out alot, so I did not have the time and devotion that a dog requires.  I bought a house a couple of years ago, and my work hours are fixed so it was the right time to get a husky!  And I am so glad I did, and now I have 3 within a year and a half !

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Our last dog was a black lab x staff, and when we lost him at 15 I said I would only get a totally different dog, we looked at lots of breeds, their looks, personality, behaviour,  and we chose to get a husky ( the books LIED, huskys are nuts !)  We actually went to see our boys littermate, a beautiful grey female, we arrived and I sat on the floor and she just sat there, no enthusiasm, no..... umph !  I put her down and this ball of black and white fur barrelled over, climbed all over me, jumped all over me then sat his big butt down and laid claim to my heart.  All the pups were pretty and cute, but he had so much life and energy we had to have him,  I think I drove the breeder nuts with questions until we could bring him home.  I can't believe we're now considering a second,  okay, that's a lie, I totally believe it, all we have to do is make one of the kids move out  ;)

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Truthfully, I did not want a dog, ever. I never imagined having one and actually hated the idea. They're loud, they smell, they poop all over your yard, they cost money and destroy property. That's pretty much how I felt about dogs 6 months ago.  Anyway, OH had been asking for years to get a dog and I had always found an excuse as to why it was not a good time, because honestly I was not ready for the commitment of a hairy barking beast waking me up to pee at 6 am. We had tried for years to have children, and were unsuccessful. The longer we went without kids, the more he pushed for a dog.


Then his dad died unexpectedly and he couldn't get home in time for the funeral. It was a very, very hard time for him, and I relented on getting a dog so that he might distract himself from his sadness. My OH gave me three types of dogs he wanted: a Rottweiler, a Doberman, or a Husky. Well, I am scared of dogs, to be honest - and the least scary to me seemed like huskies. Plus they are beautiful dogs. 


Coincidentally (or maybe not!), a couple days after his father died, I came across an ad in the newspaper for three husky pups from an accidental litter. I got in contact, and a few days later we had our little Chula. There were moments when I thought we made a huge, huge mistake (and sometimes I still feel like sending her to puppy boot camp!) but I love her and can't imagine my life without her. The first few months were really hard, and OH and I fought about her all the time. I thought she was going to ruin our relationship. But over time, she has strengthened our bond and our relationship. We play with her together, walk her together, and laugh at her antics together. Since she came into our lives, our house is full of fur, but our life is full of happiness. :) And as goofy as that sounds, it is true! 


How could I not love this little face!?


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Because we had one in the family and i loved him :) I then got my Shadow and he literally was just that a shadow! I am his favourite person but he likes to try and pretend i am not... but if i go away anywhere i am the first person he will go to if a group of us walked into the room for example. A good example of this is when we went to Turkey... whilst i was away Robs god parents and their daughteres went to stay over there and one of them had long dark hair like me Shadow got extremely excited ran up to her than realised it was not me and walked away straight away! I had to spend alot of time making shadow realise i was not leaving him all the time though and he would cry and cry and cry when i first had him back with me full time anytime i went away (even if he was with other people) took a few months but he is happy i am coming back now but gets a bit anxious still at times.


Now what i mean by he pretends i am not his favourite is he will get excited when rob comes home more than when i come home and at home he will give rob more kisses than he does me but if i go out of the room he will choose to be near me and not rob. Its a tough one to explain really!


Skye is an everyones sort of dog she loves anyone and everyone and will give you hundreds of kisses and lay on her back for a bellyrub! The only thing i have noticed is if someone else is walking her other than me and i am there she does check i am still there through out the walk and will scream if i go to far ahead which she wont do if i am holding onto her.

Also she does not like people who are not meant to be here for example the kids climbing over my fence she was not happy one bit but this is more her GSD side.

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