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My Husky Being Destructive When Left Alone For A Short Time??


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I try to take my Husky with me on walks and car rides when I can, but their are times when I can't. The last two days I could not take her, she took pillows from my bedroom to my office and tore them up. I was only gone for a couple of hours, what's up with that? Is she showing me how upset she was that she couldn't go? She knows it's wrong to do that............My corrective action was to take her to the pillows and show her how upset I was that she did that and then I punished her by putting her in time out for several hours (Crate).

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Ok first off after she's done the act she won't know why she's being told off so punishing her and telling her off won't help , use the crate as a positive thing - her safe place - and crate her when you go out instead if your not going to be gone for long , bored huskies get destructive unfortunately

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We have been leaving her out because she now has a doggy door to go in and out as she pleases. She has been doing fine when we are gone to work. We leave plenty of toys out and also leave a radio on, playing music to keep her busy.......We have had the doggy door for at least two months and she loves the freedom, but for some reason these last two days she did what she did and I was only gone for about two hours??????

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I don't take her for walks as much as I should, only because here in Texas its very hot around the summer time and I don't want here getting over heated on me. I would say maybe twice a week and same with the car rides.

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I would say that's why she's getting destructive then tbh if she's not getting as much exercise , can u walk her earlier or later so it's cooler or play with her in the house to tire her out , or even in the garden with a plastic kids pool for her to cool off in whilst playing?

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:-) ,, mental stimulation helps a great deal to , get some ov her favorite treats a train her some tricks and stuff , her putting her mind to the job n working things out will help tire her too , but always make sure training ends on a good note by doing a command she knows well with lots of praise after :-)

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Olá Armando - from the other side of the state. What folks out there don't realize is that when you say hot, you're talking about 35c (90ish for us folks) with 50% humidity! and when it "cools off" it gets down to, maybe, 30c of an evening ...

Now, over where I am, I'm looking at 40+ but I do have the advantage that when the sun goes down it will drop to the mid to low 30's with (normally!) 10-15% humidity.

You have my sympathy because there's hardly any time to get them a good walk over there when it's not hot and humid - and the humidity is the worse of the two (I remember all too well leaving work at 10 in the evening and feeling like someone just slapped me with a wet sponge).

Avalanche (Alaskan Husky) will stay on leash with the door open most of the day and he'll go out to play and laze around; it's Sasha (a Sibe with medium coat) who does nothing during the day except make like a rug. But I do get her out for a short walk every evening. I have the advantage that when it's as hot as it's been this early in the year, she wants to come in!!

If you've got a crate, use it! That's what they're for. A bored, restless Husky will eat you out of house and home - and I'm not talking about food! They'll eat through the wall if they get the chance!

Depending on how she sees the crate - since you've used it for punishment - you may need to take the time when you're going out for short trips to crate her ... let her get used to the idea that it's her safe place. Leaving them loose while you're gone is only asking for a problem; if she gets out of the year while you're away - where do you start looking; if she decides to chew on a power cord, you could come home to a dead dog - be safe, put her up while you're not around.

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My pup does the same thing, but I feel like punishing him once I get home is pointless. I don't know when exactly he did the destructive things, and chances are he's forgotten about it by the time I get home. Try playing indoors with her if it's too hot out, wrestle a little and play with toys. Maybe wearing her out will help decrease the destructive behavior? Also, maybe it would help if you puppy-proof as best you can, and be sure to only leave out a few of her toys, that way if she gets bored, she might be more likely to play with her toys than find something she shouldn't be playing with.


Just some things we've done with Kato, and, knock on wood, it's been mostly working so far.

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Crate her when you leave. If she's being destructive she also may be ingesting the things she rips up which can be dangerous for her. Save your property, make her safer. It's a win win.

Can't give better advice than that :)

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Sometimes when trying to understand why a husky did this or that, you have to stop thinking like a human.

and think like a dog or a very small child.

You say you went out for 2 hours.

Now as an adult human you knew you would be gone for 2 hours.

Did the dog. ?? . . no.

The dog has no concept of real time, it simply knows that you have gone out.

It doesn't know when you'll be back and starts to stress. It loves and misses it's people.

A stressed or bored husky is a destructive Husky.

We here at Husky-Owners always try to advise that you use the crate as a safe comforting place that the Husky is happy to go in.

and not as a place of punishment. 

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